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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I think the logo looks fine the way it is as well but at the bottom it looks a little distorted as if you started something and tried to erase it but didn't erase it completly. It could just be the image in firefox. If you don't see what I mean I can point it out to you. Other than that it looks pretty spiffy. Like Buffalo said though I would experiment with text. It really just takes a lot of experimenting like with different colors and what not like a lighter blue or a green and just decide which looks best or you can have them choose.
  2. lol Well that's pretty interesting. I think I skipped a few web pages here and there. Now what about the beginning of the internet? I think it'd be a bit funnier though if it gave you a few seconds to read it and then closed your internet browser. Oh well. Atleast I was able to go back to the middle or wherever in the internet Xisto is.
  3. Looks pretty cool. I was a little worried at first cause it was in a different language For those who only know english go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ By the way Hadi I put your name in as my referall. Looks ok so far. I don't know if I really want to go through playing games everyday though. I'll check it out and see how it works. Thanks for the link.
  4. Well I haven't heard all that much about the new NHL but I have the 06 version because it had the lighting on the cover and I enjoy it the most I have out of almost any hockey game. Althogh I also think 2002 was pretty awesome as well. I haven't really played any inbetween because for hockey it doesn't seem that it can get all that much better between years. After a few years gap the small improvements become big and they might think of a type of season to add but you are still playing hockey which is really all that matters to me. I do like the manager mode though which is why I bought 06 as well as the fact the lightning were on the cover.
  5. If people could use it responcibly and not use it so much that they get high and go out driving for excitement and end up killing themselves or someone else, then things would be fine. But that's the problem... many people won't use it responcibly and it turns into an addiction like drinking and smoking. Of course I really don't know all that much about dope myself considering I'm only 15 but if they make it legal I just have a feeling many problems will be started.
  6. lol I can just imagine what it'd be like with no internet, no photoshop, no aim... email and what not. In fact I did when I was around 4 play my first computer game, of course it didn't have the best graphics back then but look at what $1600 can buy you now. It's amazing how much computer have come during that 25 years. Congratulations to IBM.
  7. I would recommend buying a domain name. Hopefully you can find a way to do so if you don't have a credit card yourself because people are going to want to type it in and you'd want it easy to remember. When people see the sub domains they sometimes are turned away for different reasons. I would definately go for a different skin but you know with a little bit of work and advertising you could get it going. Only problem is I don't know if people go to sites anymore to hang out without being offered something and normally for those who do they might not spend that long there. Just a few things to think about. Try to make your site unique so people will want to come back to it. There are a lot that are to hang out out ther you have to convince people yours is better than the others.
  8. When I first started out learning HTML and what not I found a great website. http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/ It steps you through all the basics for your first site or just teaches you certain things. It helped me out a lot. I also have used W3 Schools but not for HTML but it also has great tutorials. I recommend looking through those sites to see what you find.
  9. I have seen a few other budweiser commercials that are really funny. The cingular commercial with the mother and child yelling nice things to each other I think is really stupid but I guess a lot of people tend to find it funny. I don't know why.
  10. Actually yesterday now which is why you missed it. That's how I found out in the first place the banner itself. After doing a bit of research the actual birthday of Google was September 7th but they celebrate it on a random day of the month depending on when they can celebrate it in the building.
  11. That's a pretty nice site. I like how on the front page everything is nice and organized. It's nice to see little descriptions on each as well. The site itself could look better but it isn't really about the site but what they offer. I added it to my bookmarks in case I need stuff. I might look into downloading IE 7. Sort of convenient to have the stuff in one place.
  12. It looks pretty nice but I think you could use some more contrast to make the colors stronger. It almost looks faded in a way. That's my opinion anyway. I like it overall though. Experiment around with the text positioning like jlhaslip said and see what looks best. How does white text look?
  13. We were just talking about this in history class today. About how lower classes spoke their own dialect in Europe in the 18th century and there was a different language every few miles. That was a time when they also thought about national languages. Of course now if we were to try and start a national language it would be impossible. There would be rebellions because of pride in someone's own language and not wanting to have to change now. Of course people would say theirs is better than the other but really there is no "better language". They all allow communication and whatever there isn't a word for they can add words.The idea itself I think would be a great idea. It would end a lot of controversy and the need for translations and what not. People can communicate with ease and reduce misunderstandings. The only problem would be though that people would still start to make their own languages to secretly communicate each other and what not and then sometimes it might spread and then the problem would start again but who knows. If it were possible I'd be all for it. I might not be all for learning the language though lol :)Maybe even a universal currency? No need to make calculations for translating money just pay with smaller bills in smaller economies.
  14. Well would you believe it? Google is 8 years old today. I don't even remember it being around that long. It has grown a lot too since the very beginning even as I know it. Imagine what it'll be like in another two years. They'll be giving out the money of Microsoft for their 10th year anniversary. lol They'll be well on their way to taking over the world. Congrats to their success. LONG LIVE GOOGLE!!
  15. Well no I don't think your cursed. Sometimes though just because you think about that stuff happening you make it happen subconsiously. It could just be more than the motor that is causing problems. How old is the car anyway? If it is new I'd be worried. How many kilometers are on it or miles? It really depends on what the car has been through and if it's been taken care of through previous owners (if any).
  16. I really don't think so. Otherwise what are you going to learn from. Obviously if you are using your head you already know it. I mean you probably can't learn that well either on the internet or book because you need to really see it. Only online way would be a video instructor. It isn't like learning how to do a math problem it involves physical movement and if you aren't taught properly you can hurt yourself.
  17. What about the Xenon processer? I would look at http://www.newegg.com/ or http://www.tigerdirect.com/ for processors. They also have reviews before you buy them. I am also looking to buy a new processor and motherboard because I have a unpowerful celeron that doesn't do too much for me game wise. Although I don't have enough money to step up that far so I'll stick with a cheap Pentium 4 and whatever motherboard will fit in the case I have now.
  18. lol I have a rather short but rather interesting history. Nothing really exciting though.I started out actually looking for a place to host my chat for a game I knew nothing about graphics, web sites, and web hosting at the time. Here though got me interested in computers and what not though and that's how it all started. My name was Crazy Stunt Man at the time so my first web site was called The CSM (Crazy Stunt Man) Network. lol Stupid name but like I said it was my first site. I didn't really know how to make a web site yet so I took a free template and eventually started a forum. I taught myself HTML and eventually made my own design on Photoshop. It ended up becoming a Graphics site but it never really got far in Google Rankings. I never really was able to get much of a site going.Then as I got better with coding and what not I changed the name to Plenoptic Design. I made better sites and tried making free templates to download and made tutorials for people to read but that site also ended up like The CSM Network and didn't really get far. By this point my other host had gone down and I moved on to Xisto. After months of on and off work with the site I gave up and now have Stexel.net I was hoping to develop Visual Basic programs to offer for people but haven't really had the time yet. I was also gonna give the graphical design another shot but so far I'm still novice in design.
  19. Welcome back j-s. I probably wasn't around before you left Xisto. It has changed a lot though just since I have been on here so I can imagine the changes you have seen. Looking forward to getting to know you more. jlhaslip is the evilest mod around here but the rest are nice j/k jlhaslip is a great guy.
  20. I might go to Halloscream at Busch Gardens Theme Park. I haven't gone before but it sounds fun. You go on the rides and what not but in between there are a bunch of people that hide or dress up funny and try to scare you. It's pretty funny yet scarry. I went on I guess a ghost walk last year. There was a mummy with a chain saw walking around pretending he was gonna chop you up and people hiding in the woods it was at a little park.
  21. Drinking effects your judgement, and you have a much slower reaction time then you would normally. At a young age I think it effects you more. I'm not really sure about long term effects except you might continue drinking when you are older but you can't let it get out of hand. Make sure you aren't driving or with anyone that is driving drunk. I wouldn't really suggest drinking at a young age especially if it's under the legal age.
  22. This really seems like a bad idea. I mean what happens when 200 years after you go frozen your country goes to war and your blown up or something. You'll miss whatever years of your life you had left before going into the freezer. There are so many possibilites of things to go wrong say hurricanes and other natural disasters. Who says anyone will find you let alone want to open you up after 1000 years and treat you for any medical needs. The air will be new and global warming if not changed will be massive then. You might not be able to live very long in the new world. You will look really out of place maybe as well. If you remember that years ago people weren't so tall and didn't have the right technology that we have now well our species will evolve again in that time.Then again everything could go well and you'll adjust easily to the new world and you will be famous for being that 1000 something year old person. As long as a technology to extend lives doesn't pop up. It could be fun to see the new world but I'd rather pass. I'm sure I'll see it one way or another.
  23. Plenoptic

    Sup Guys

    Warez is the illegal distribution of products without a license. If you download say Photoshop or Dreamweaver for free at a web site it's considered a warez site unless they are authorized. Welcome to Xisto Plazma. Hopefully we'll get to know you better and you'll get to know us better. See you around.
  24. lol I love Taco Bell but not my graphic designs. It's a good thing I didn't try it professionaly. I have tried so many times to make a good signature but have failed. Sadly I don't have the time to try and do tutorials and learn to get better and if I do I end up doing something else.
  25. If the advice jlhaslip has given you doesn't work then I would suggest entering the URL for your web site here http://validator.w3.org/ to check the HTML. It will tell you where you have errors and once the site is completely validated it should work in both Firefox and IE. Or if you don't have it uploaded you can upload the file for them to check or copy and paste the code in. You can also do the same for CSS at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
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