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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I have used this effect before. It is pretty useful sometimes. You can also do the same thing but instead make it a spot light that sort of roams around the signature. That's what I did once for a sig on another forum and won the SOTW there but that was over a year ago. Nice tutorial overall.
  2. Pretty nice. I like the banner and the content boxes excpet for the stars. It all is cool in the banner but it sort of takes the focus out of the content boxes and doesn't really seem to fit all that well in the labeling up there. It might be ok in the navigation but I wouldn't put them in the label of the content boxes. They look nice but seem to get in the way.
  3. First sig I have done in a while. I know it sort of stinks but oh well here it is anyway. I love eating at Taco Bell, tacos, nacho with cheese or sometimes I just go to get a Mountain Dew it all depends on how much money I have and whatever.
  4. This is really interesting and will change the universe as we know it. They say they have found hundreds of dwarf planets and are now discussing on selling the names of the planets to whoever wants to buy it. I think that'd be really cool. The money would go to education/science industry. I would buy one but they'd be expensive. Think about it though, they'll be selling dwarf planets on Ebay or atleast the name of them.
  5. Well people come here thinking it is a clan of some sort as well and when they realize it isn't they leave. There are a lot of users that have things come up in life and what not and they end up leaving because they have personal things to attend to, some people move on to Xisto - Web Hosting and some people go to different companies altogether. You can't expect all 20,000 members or even 5,000 to stay on the forum and be active all the time. This place would be crazy and by the time you make one post it will disappear from all the new ones.
  6. I use them in the shoutbox a lot when I'm joking around or something. I don't really use them that much in posts because it isn't really necessary but if it's something that makes me happy or whatever I'll use them. They are a good tool to have there in case you do wanna show feelings or whatever.
  7. Ya well you also gain more knowledge and I'm sure you have a different grade level system so you'll actually go to college in less time. People in Japan go to school all year long with like a 2 week break every quarter. They are smarter though and they learn everything rather young and it comes easier
  8. Well I think hot water makes your bowns relax. It helps when you pull a muscle it makes things less tense. Cold water makes you sort of tensen up because it's cold and body is in a rush to warm you up I guess. I take hot showers all the time and it's helpful when I'm sore but sadly I can't take hour long showers lol waste of water, time and money. Especially since we have a family of seven using the water.
  9. Well what they could do is have the gutter run down the back or sides of the bus like on houses where it takes the water to the ground. It won't mess up the driver that bad because the extention won't be over the bus but too the side and it isn't like water is gonna build up in there it'd have to have a slant so it slants out the back. In fact you could have it drain out the front as well or something so it doesn't all build up or anything.
  10. Well of course I have been riding buses all my life to and from school until next year Anyway, everytime it rains you have to put the windows up and then it gets really hot on the bus unless you have one of those nice air conditioned buses. It's really hot I know down here in the Florida area. Once it stops raining you can't put them down either because it drips off the roof. It has rained a lot here in the past few weeks and today as well and it gets annoying. I think someone should have extended gutters that collects the rain and sends it off the back of the bus or something. It wouldn't be expensive unless you make them retractable or something. They just have to stick out as far as the mirrors. It would most likely help shield the rain as well from coming in the windows.
  11. Ya I also believe in what Buffalo said. I think someone just was messing around and ended up making that. Plus these weren't the flight numbers anyway so there would be no way that they did it on purpose and if they did Microsoft probably didn't know about it. Why would they? Someone would put the word out to everyone else. I really don't think that it's a possibility just a little coincidence.
  12. Looks pretty good. It'll look nicer without the Yahoo ads. I would change the title though that shows up in the title bar because right now it says website2.gif The design is sort of plain but nice with the flash so I wouldn't change it. Pretty nice over all I like it.
  13. This looks like a good site. I migh have to use it sometime incorporated with http://www.w3schools.com/ I really ought to teach myself CSS in order to run my site smoothly but I just have never had the time. This looks good especially the source codes but I wish it would show examples on all of them.
  14. This is a really funny video about a lady who pulled over a guy from drunken driving. It seems usual at first but watch the whole thing. There is no bad language or content in here so don't worry about that. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. That is a really cool tool. I might have to use that next time I do a research project. I think that'd be really helpful because I'm always gathering mixed information from different sites. I don't know though if I can remember my Gmail account we'll see. I think that be very helpful especially when you are searching for something or comparing prices because you can put it all in one place and leave notes about each one with Cons and Pros. It's amazing what Google comes up with.Side Note: Please make sure to quote any information taken from another source.
  16. I am voting for Dawiss. Kryptonite's looks rather plain and Dawiss' is very detailed. I like the blending of the render and the background. Nice job.
  17. I am going to vote for Agentb as well. Very nice signature. Well designed and very detailed. I like the background and as Buffalo said you have to look at it a while to see it all and gather it in. Very nice job.
  18. Typo you can't make that much money off of it unless you are recieving thousands of clicks a day which is unlikely. You can make a hundred dollars or so sometimes more depending on how many people visit your site. Of course you can't click on your own ads or have people click 1000 times for you because you will have your account deleted for using bots.
  19. It looks ok but you know I think I would probably use Google ads instead. People trust Google and not other links but I would try this one as well. I would probably try both for a period of a month and see what it does for me. Or maybe just a week I don't know. If I do sign up I'll PM you for the referal link so you make money too.
  20. You actually can search throug the titles instead of the post. All you have to do is click more options, and then instead of clicking "Search entire post" you can choose, "Search topics only" If you do that and perform your search it narrows it down and I found your topic right away. Hopefully this solves the problem. If you were to do both post and topic though I think that'd just make it too complicated which is why they have them separate but it might be nice to have them on first page to make things easier.
  21. I'm sorry for you OpaQue and all his friends and family. He must have been a great guy. I'm sure it must be hard to have to go through all this. I do wonder though if he would have made it had he gotten to another hospital faster. Rest in peace derek.
  22. Spy Sweeper so far has worked the best for me for everything. It seems that whenever I get a virus I'll try 10 different virus scanners and the only one that will get to the source is Spy Sweeper and it will get rid of them for good. This included a keylogger and some Internet Explorer bug thing. I really think it's the best way to go Anti-Virus wise. It seems to work the best for me.
  23. Ya I use MyBB as well. I really like it because it is really similar to IPB which is what I originally wanted but couldn't afford. I like the style and everything is very easy to change like the style and what not. It's really handy in the long run because it's got all the qualities of all boards even paid ones put into one for free. I think it's probably your best bet.
  24. I just checked mine at that site. Luckily mine is ok although it seems to overheat alot. For those who wish to use the link go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you can check out your serial and what not there. I have to check the other laptops my family has, we have 4 Dells in the house that are laptops so I gotta check the other three.
  25. We have alternatives of energy but it would cost just as much to make the change over to them. We have ethanol and hydrogen. Ethanol is put in many places who sell gas and it helps the gas mileage a ton. The only problem is with straight ethanol engines would have to be modified. That would make the government spend money as well as car manufacturers to make the changes necessary to make a car run smoothly on the alternative sources. I heard about DNA scientists that created bugs that will create hydrogen which would make it an infinite sort but the problem is running off it without it being costy. The new cars will cost thousands more which would be the gost of what you would spend on gas in that time. Hybrids do no good as well because after 5 years you have to replace the battery costing you $3000.
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