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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well you see you don't really know that unless you try. I know many people that have online ways to make money but you know the problem is some people just don't try. Yes there are really many scams but there are some that do indeed make you money. I'm not saying this one isn't a scam but you can't just accuse it without seeing it. Well you see people say it's good but you see people don't believe that it works which causes them not to try it out. They all think there must be a catch and what not. Once again you can't eliminate this as a possibility but I haven't tried it myself either and the probability you are right is likely. Especially since the site doesn't work unless the link is wrong.
  2. Do you know anyone over the age of 21 that can take you driving. It doesn't have to be a parent it just has to be someone over the age of 21 you drive with and you won't need your parents consent for your license considering you are over the age of 18. That is if it works that way in Illinois like here in Florida. I got my permit the day after my 15th birthday in July, luckily I'll get my license this coming July when I'm 16. I really feel bad for you it must really stink not being able to drive around.
  3. I used to play Sim City and other simulation games all the time but the problem for me is it starts gteting repetetive and you start doing the same thing every time you use it or atleast that's how it works for me. I did enjoy Sim city 20000 it was fun and I enjoyed building up cities to destroy them I have started to use Second Life though because it is like all of the Sims games put together but online so I can atleast intereact with people but even that gets boring after a while.
  4. The last two books I have read have been for school and I had to read them over the summer. One was Poland by James Michener. 600 something pages about the history of Poland with a bit of fantasy mixed in. The other was for English class and it was called Bless Me Ultima. Pretty interesting books. Poland was a bit boring at points but not bad overall. I am currently reading Double Helix, might have to finish it up this weekend though because it is due soon.
  5. Looks pretty nice. I like the forum design. The colors look good as well as the benner although some people might get confused with the navigation ad on the top of the page. Other than that it looks pretty decent, you will probably be growing in no time but it will be competetive. There are many Mac forums out there and I'm sure Mac has one themselves. You will have to prove to people that you offer them something the other sites don't.
  6. I have been using SmartFTP for probably over 2 years now. Version 2 is really nice and works great. I think it really is the best way to go when managing files for your web site. I would strongly recommend it I haven't had any troubles and haven't had the need to try anything else. It's fast and easy to use. Very nice tutorial overall, I do mine slightly differently though but that doesn't really matter.
  7. You know as I looked at it I thought the same thing. Plus who is going to have a camera ready though at the exact time it blew up? I looked again though and it looked like it had been burning because the things are faded and what not but they probably editted it because debris wouldn't be flying all over if it is already put out. Then again I've never seen a laptop explode before. You never know. I think that some of it might have been editted but there are also some pretty probably effects seen as well.
  8. Have you ever wondered why in the middle of the 7th inning of Baseball why everyone stands and sings Take Me Out To the Ballgame? Well no one actually knows why but there are a few myths about it. One has to do with a president at a baseball game and one just being a strategy during a baseball game. I was thinking about it when it was brought up yesterday when I went to the Devil Rays game. Which one do you believe. Here they are below... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventh-inning_stretch I personally don't think the president one would really be true because they wouldn't do it every time he stood up because I'm sure he got up more than once during the game. I would more likely believe the second story before I believe that one but hey you never know.
  9. Ya I noticed that as well but you know I won't complain lol if you changed your mind. Although I sometimes leave a window open if I leave temporarily but I don't open more than one window unless reporting a post because it makes things confusing otherwise.
  10. Sorry but Xisto does not support ASP scripting. They are linux server meaning that they allow PHP but only Windows servers will run ASP scripts. If there is a way you can make your web site while avoiding ASP then it would work fine say using PHP
  11. I look at it the same way. If you can't use it in a conversation with say a teacher, or someone respectful then I wouldn't use it. Doesn't have to be a swear word necessarily but that's my view of innaproprate words. There are also better terms for many of those words anyway that might be accepted but you know you still probably shouldn't go around using them anyway.
  12. I think it's really pretty sad what people do because they are upset about themselves or with their life. But really wouldn't somebody think to try and give help to this person because obviously he had a problem. His own mother should have known something right? Why though would he go around and ruin other people's lives because of something that was I guess upsetting him or he didn't like about his life. He probably held it in a bit long.
  13. I have only tried Spy Sweeper but it scans, finds, and deletes spyware, viruses, keyloggers, etc; I tired about 20 different spyware removers/antivirus and none of them could find what I needed to get rid of and Spy Sweeper did that for me and worked really well. This included a keylogger and something that messed with Internet Explorer changing to certain sites when I opened it up. Hopefully this will help you in your decision.
  14. I'd be glad to help in anyway I can. I can make PHP scripts based on tutorials or whatever I can do for the site although I'm not very experienced I can update it or whatever. This sounds like it could be a hit. I was thinking about instead of using CuteNews you could use a download system or something that includes a rating and edit it some to show examples or screenshots. By the way the site so far looks really nice and you have done a great job. Hopefully with all bugs fixed it will be running in no time.
  15. lol Ya peer pressure does suck cause when you don't go they'll make fun of you but things will blow over and they will find something else to blab about. My homecoming is September 23rd, actually a week from today. I'm not going though either. Peer pressure is really just a way to spend time for kids that have nothing better to do.
  16. That sounds really interesting. I really don't know why they wouldn't let her on with it though. I think she should have it locked up somewhere secretive though because now that everyone in the world knows she takes it everywhere she goes she's gonna be robbed, jumped, or whatever to get her book and sell it on Ebay for millions of dollars.
  17. I haven't downloaded it yet but I like it already. I like the features and I plan to set it up on my site as soon as I can. I like the idea of the mod center and notes on members. I don't really put mods on my forums so as long as I can edit the skin a bit myself it's fine with me. I'm sure there will be plenty of mods again in no time anyway. Of course my site isn't even really that good yet but hopefully I'll find some free time up the road and I'll be able to put something up.
  18. Well I don't think the names are copyrighted but you could mix them up a little bit to make them more unique. That's what I did at my other host when I had a forum I used some of their topics because they were good but changed them around. Of course some might be unavoidable to change or keep it the same and it isn't even really big deal. No one will say you are copying Xisto. There are probably many other places with the same topics. Either way it's your forum, you can make any title you want really.
  19. lol Noooooo, now there is going to be more competitors for the shoutbox king. Oh well, not like I have a chance anymore. I don't think many people knew about that link, now they can go back and look at previous shouts and edit them if they look around a little more. The shotubox has many unnoticable features. In the Control Panel if you go to Settings you will also be able to change the font color of your shout for every time you shout something.
  20. That sounds like a good idea but not all people will allow it. Some want you to take notes because in the real world you might not be able to use your Ipod in your business to take notes on lectures or whatever. It probably would be good to go back and listen to but I would continue to take notes and pay attention as if you don't have it to keep the practice going. I think that'd probably be the best way to go.
  21. If you can handle the extra work I would highly suggest going for it. There was a 3 year graduate system at the high school I was going to go to where instead of electives you took extra english, math, or science classes or whatever was needed in your senior year. Instead I took on the program in which I take college classes in my high school career so right now in 10th grade I take one college class and all 11th grade classes other than the history college class. Next year I believe I take 3 more college classes or more and then 6 senior year so I can skip up to 2 years of high school if I pass all the tests. I think if you have the organization skills and aspiration to do it then go for it.
  22. Turns out I was able to get a hold of a copy from a local high school. They let me have it because they didn't use it. So now I have a full working Professional Visual Basic 6 for free I ended up using it over the summer and what not. Thanks for the help though I appreciate it although I try to stay away from using illegal software.
  23. lol Ya I wish I could make that much money. I was happy just to make $7 an hour while my older brother made minimum wage at Mc. Donalds minus taxes. lol I hope to find a job doing data entry or something for an office or medical clinic on the weekends. It seems people belive 15 year olds aren't mature enough to have jobs but really the only ones looking for jobs at 15 are mature. lol or are said to be
  24. lol I heard it just fine with the level half way. I guess it probably would sound different on the phone itself depending on what level volume it had. It sort of vibrated my ears a bit and made them feel funny. lol They will make anything just to make a few bucks even if kids will get in trouble at school for it. I have my phone on silent so it vibrates when I get a call or whatever and that seems to work fine for me if I do recieve a text in class. (no it's not that often)
  25. Well I did landscaping starting when I was 13 making $7 an hour working over the summer and sometimes after school but after this past summer (I'm 15 now) I pretty much stopped working because now that school started again I have no transportation because it was my friend's dad and he would drive me but now he is in college while I'm still in high school. I am currently trying to find another job but it seems for everything you have to be atleast 16 years old even for the simplest places like the Dollar General and the places that hire 15 year olds aren't hiring at the moment.
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