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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well right now I really don't see what good the wall is going to do. It is really going to be a waste of money for us especially if the government doesn't pay for it and even if they do it'll add on to the debt and the future generations will have to pay it off. The problem is that it isn't the only way to get to the United States. People take boats and people are hired to transport people across the border and make tons of money doing it. They make fake passports and what not, they have all these ways of getting people over. A wall will just be one more obstacle to get around and although maybe a big one people will find other ways to get to the U.S. It may stop some people making mad dashes or who don't really take the time to plan things out but people pay really good money and make it across safely. I just have a feeling it won't do all that well and they'll find other routes.
  2. My advice would be to tell Cassie and be straight up and tell her because if she finds out matters will be worse than they already are. I would also advise to make up a plan so you can avoid being pushed into these situations. Make sure when you hang out with them you are also with other people that are your friends so you aren't kept alone with them. I don't have any experience in this situation but it's really my opinion of what I'd do.
  3. Plenoptic


    Welcome to Xisto. Don't worry about being a nerd. There are a lot of them us (in the words of jlhaslip) around here. I am not really as much of a computer nerd but school nerd although not a big one. I'm sure you will find plenty of places to post around here to keep your site running and you will meet a lot of people along the way. Maybe you can help me once I start learning PHP
  4. Well computers have been advancing so much in the past decade so I'm really not surprised at all at the speed. You know soon they'll be going so much faster than that and regular computers will be running 200 teraflops. lol Maybe that's a bit farther off but you know prices for computers have gone down a lot. I remember when a gigabyte harddrive was big. Some day someone will find a cheap way to create all this and compact it into a small chip or small part to fit regular sized computers.
  5. I really like the new design. The colors are really nice and I like the banner. The gradients look good as well. The navigation looks cool as well. Only problem I have would be to have the navigation placed on the left but that's only because that's what I'm used it but it is still easy to find. I think you could also make the top of the Google ads look like the other content areas with the top bar and move it down to match more of the right side but it still looks ok the way it is. All of the hard work you put into it paid off.
  6. Well I have gone as a garbage man the past two years because I am too lazy to make one My sister has been rather creative though creating her own ideas like being a laundry basket, and I sort of forget what she was before. When I was little I was big bird and one of the tank engines from Thomas The Tank Engine videos. lol I don't know what I'll be this year. I might just go around and scare the little kids
  7. After setting up your account you will lose 1 credit per day as jlhaslip said. If your credits reach into the negatives being -0.01 your account will be suspended until you reach above 4 credits, then it will be activated again. If your credits hit -30 (being 30 days of suspension) your account will be terminated. So it is suggested that you keep your credits above 10 so in case you can't make posts on the forums you can go 10 days without having to post in case something comes up.
  8. I don't think the domains really do any harm. They aren't really offering anything and it's not like OpaQue is getting money out of the domains. It just leads to a site already made. It sort of makes sure people don't buy the domains from the Google forums and turns it into some site so all those wondering if they are real sites end up thinking the site this person made is part of the Xisto Corporation. Of course Google could just go looking for more money and it could be a risk, but it's not like OpaQue is trying to trademark the name. It just leads to a Google Discussion board. Although it could be a good idea just in case... wouldn't want to see anything happen to Xisto.
  9. Very hefty list of games. I only read those that are coming out during the remaining of 2006 and I must say they are games I will look forward to. I haven't played NFS Most Wanted but maybe I will wait and get NFS Carbon instead. I have always wanted a Flight Simulator game I had the 1998 version I believe although it wasn't really that special of course because it was so old but I do plan on purchasing FS X. Test Drive also sounds like a good one, I might buy a few of these if they come out for Play Station 2 instead of PC but it really all depends.
  10. What type of software are you talking about? There are many different ways to create software/programs for a computer. I don't really know about a free one. If you can find a book with the learning edition of Visual Basic you could use that for about $8 but it doesn't have all of the features and you can't make executable files. I used that though until I was able to save up for the professional version. I just transfered the files to my school computer that had the full version so I could finish it up there but for your case I don't know what you'd be able to do.
  11. If you can't use it then how are you going to keep up a web site or make a bunch of posts to keep your site running. Do you have a keyboard for your PSP? Just go to the library one day and you can use one there or use a neighbors. There must be someone somewhere that has a computer you can borrow for 5 minutes.
  12. Well you are gonna have to wait because the form makes it so if you are accepted the admins just have to push a button and your information is entered. Hopefully you can find a way to make it work on your PSP but if not you'll need to find a desktop you can borrow but I would reccommend your own so your information can't be seen by anyone or risked to be seen.
  13. That would be an interesting idea but for the first few months It'll be nothing but spam which will take the attraction off the quality posting. Of course maybe it won't since it doesn't count for post count or hosting credits. Just sort of slip it in there without anyone knowing
  14. Glad to here you like it so far here at Xisto. Welcome. If you are looking for free hosting you've come to the right places especially if you don't mind the posting and it becomes addicting. I started almost a year ago and actually hang out here more than my own site cause it's fun to hang out and just talk in the shoutbox and I've learned some stuff reading posts. Can't wait to know you better.
  15. It's all about money. Some people do pop ups for their company or just a random company that they get paid for sort of like google adsense. Others put keyloggers in your computer so they can steal all of your information either to steal your identity or take your credit card numbers and go on an online shopping spree. There are a lot of reasons really why people do it but I don't think recognition is one of them. People don't like companies that ruin their computers.
  16. Plenoptic

    Call Centres

    Ya I know what you mean. I tried calling the IRS once lol. I wanted to ask them a question and it took me 20 minutes to get through to someone and once I did they had to transfer me to another specialist and I was put on hold and then they transfered me back to the same person putting my on hold again. I think they should just give you a busy signal or something so you can hang up and try again. I mean I know it isn't possible to have a bunch of operators to answer all the calls but they could do something. That's why I'll usually only wait if it's a 1-800 number that's free.
  17. If Xisto posts a huge list of links then people will think they are just trying to get Xisto itself higher on Google. This is why the forum has the Showoff section. That will do the same thing as well as give the forum members a better idea of what your site is about and when people view that page with the forum post they will then be linked to your web site.
  18. Well you could copy everything from the site directory into the public_html folder. You shouldn't have to change anything to get the site to work after that but a redirect will still take you to the /site. You can set it up though so that your index page redirects to that directory even though it will still trail /site on the end. <?PHPheader("Location: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
  19. Anything people view or download on your site takes up bandwidth. So if I go to your main page, for every image that is loaded it uses a little bit of bandwidth and every time I go to a new page or download a file I use a little bit more of your bandwidth. This is why you should follow jlhaslips instruction to reduce the amount of bandwidth used each visit. bandwidth
  20. I don't think I really have that many pet peeves, atleast that I can think of. Maybe as I start listing I'll remember more.1. When People call me Joey instead of Joe or even Joseph (prefer Joe)2. When I go to eat something and the box is there but the food isn't. I get my hopes up for a good snack but no I just get fooled.I might have to add on to the list as I remember more.
  21. Well I had to vote for the reindeer because I personally think they will rule the world some day I am guessing jlhaslip put that in there. I mean Santa would be an ok mod but he will only put people on the naughty list and he'll give away credits. Of course I don't wanna vote for me cause that's selfish lol plus I would like to see how this really turns out
  22. In order to have your web site set to http://yoursitename.co.nr/ you would have to purchase that domain somewhere for example from https://xisto.com/ After you purchase a domain you can then change from a sub domain (yoursite.trap17.com) to your actual web site name. It only costs a few dollars a year to have your own site name.
  23. Xisto is always growing. Congrats on the aquisition. I'm glad to see Xisto continues to grow. Soon it'll be like Google and Xisto will own the internet
  24. I remember when Gfx Trap was just starting. Congrats SM and the rest of GFX Trap for building such a successful site. Can't wait until you hit 500k and even a million downloads. You don't get 100k downloads for nothing. It's all good stuff. Good job guys.
  25. I haven't really heard of forum gold but as long as it isn't illegal or discuss anything that is illegal on how to do it and what not then yes you can add a forum. The web site also offers preinstalled forums or forums that can be installed by the click of a button.
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