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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. A lot of people have trouble with procrastinating. I do, in fact I am putting off history homework right now. You trick your mind to think that you can put it off for a little bit longer because you have all this time to do it especaily when you are ahead and then you sort of lose track of time or continue to put it off. You sort of have to train yourself to do it as soon as it's assigned and you will feel better later when you have the spare time and don't have to worry about doing it. The problem is the training.
  2. Ok first you need to think about what your site is about and what would be appropriate for the site name. Then you must think of something that is short, catchy, and easy to remember like Google. Even the plainest things are easy to remember especially if people say it in everyday life. Google, Yahoo, Ebay, etc; are all short names easy to remember. It doesn't really have to have a meaning to it.
  3. I heard about this story as well. It is really sad that he could survive all of his ecounters with animals and what not and then somehow this stingray sends his tail through to his heart. That is really probably one of the oddest ways to die you'll hear about. I have watched teh Crocidile Hunter a few times and I always thought that guy was pretty funny. I am sure he will be missed. I feel sorry for his wife who doesn't know about it. It'll be hard to think about when she does. God bless him and his family.
  4. I have also noticed the fact that people aren't on as much anymore becuase things come up of course with school starting up again. This is one of the problems and people forget about the place I think because they'll go away for awhile because they won't have the time and when they do they forget about the place. I think we need something not so time consuming that people can come and use for a little bit. I don't know if that really makes sense or not. I don't really know though other than a few games what could fit in to that category.We could have more contests of some sort or something to reward members that make good posts or even reward someone that went from spamming to being a good poster. Maybe not necessarily credits but something to be proud of. I really don't know about the reward itself I'm not that good with that kind of thing. Of course credits will still keep people from posting because that helps them not have to post anymore.I like the top site and review site idea. I think part of the problem though is people come thinking this site is something else. They do a google search for a runescape clan and find a sub domain to Xisto and it ends up taking them here. I have seen a lot of people come here and think this is some sort of clan. I don't know how we could prevent that because people just don't really read the signs saying Free Web Hosting on the top of each page.
  5. Well I must say that that is pretty sad if you have to cheat people out of their money they earned just so they can make maximum profit. Soon though they will go bankrupt and will lose all their money because someone will be smart enough to sue them. Of course thought they probably have something in their TOS that they can put against you but the word will get out that they aren't good but then they'll just start again under a new name. Hopefully though someone will be able to stop them eventually.
  6. I also just found this game in the Popular Science magazine and I'm trying it out right now. You only need a credit card if you want to pay for money in the game which iss called Linden Dollars but you can make it other ways you just have to find them. I enjoy the game so far I just need to make enough money so I can do stuff with the money I make like buy land and what not.
  7. lol wow I've never heard of that. I think mascots are cool. They mess around and what not and can be pretty funny. I enjoy watching them sometimes more than the baseball game I'm at if that's where one is. I think though sometimes people are intimidated by their size because the suit is bigger than the body but of course they have to be nice and what not it's part of their job.-
  8. Thanks for the topic I need this actually. Ever since school started I have been getting much sleep because of studying and I just really can't sleep well. Then of course this past Saturday I went bowling til 1 and had to get up for church at 6 so I had 4 hours of sleep. I might have to try some of these. I appreciate the topic.
  9. I use the computer a lot of the time in the day because there is no one really my age in my neighborhood to hang out with or anything. I intend on programming for a living anyway on the side of running a business. I think that I probably do spend too much time on the computer but I plan to change that. It isn't effecting my physical condition so I'm not too worried about it for the time being. Between school and homework I don't have time to do any extra curicular activities let alone transportation. I'll probably start to use it less once I find a new job.
  10. Well of course you would want some supplies like pencils, pens, paper, erasers, glue, etc; Have some posters too in case projects come along. Then you could add some school spirit stuff like sweaters or whatever. You would probably want to add something in there non school related to attract people to come in. Maybe sell cookies or drinks of some sort like snow cones if you have a machine. You can also sell stuff for people to get organized. Of course for the stuff other than supplies you wouldn't need much of a stock just sort of a buy on demand thing so you don't overstock things. The supplies though will be needed. I don't really know what else you could do.
  11. Ya well you know the way I see it, is if it will harm me or someone else in anyway I won't do it. I can live without it and although tempting I wouldn't want to risk anything. I would probably do a stunt though if it came down to that, I enjoy taking those kind of risks. I don't know about eating, I don't like many things I eat already so who knows about that. Maybe one of those contests where you have to stay in a car for as long as you can without getting out and if your the last one in you would win. That'd be cool.
  12. Well I would go for one of the .net domains but repetition is sort of wierd so I would go for the rc-talk.net or you could spice it up and use rc-innovations.net or something like that. It really all depends on what's easy to remember and sort of flows easily.
  13. Trap17 does not support ASP they have linux servers. ASP can be found on Windows servers. If you want a log in script you can use PHP which is like ASP. For tutorials on that go to http://www.pixel2life.com/ and search for a PHP tutorial. They show u what to do and how to edit it to your likings. Hopefully this has helped.
  14. Ya we've talked about Absolute Zero in all my science classes since 7th grade and I'm in 10th now. It really is something worth trying to reach. They have come within like a tenth of a degree or something like that and the molecules were moving really really slow but they didn't actually hit it. I wonder if they ever will. although it may sound impossible it will be with the latest technology always coming out. I wonder if it will effect the object some how though. Ought to be interesting if they ever do reach it.
  15. The acceptance of declination of your application can take from 1 hour to 72. It usually is no more than 24. It really depends on how busy Buffalo is and when he has time to come on the forums. The only time it takes more than 3 days is if something is down. Buffalo usually comes on everyday and will give you a responce on the application hopefully by tonight.
  16. Yes this site offers FTP access to your website. In your FTP Manager you type in the ftp access url which would be ftp.yoursite.com The username and password would be the same as for the cpanel or you could set up other accounts to separate sub domains and what not. To see all of the stuff Xisto offers go to the main page http://forums.xisto.com/ and scroll to bottom.
  17. Thanks for the vote VTEC. I know mine really isn't that attractive I haven't done a sig in a while. I wish I could have spent some more time practicing on that when I had the time. I didn't really know what to do for the background with the food thing. I have made another one for Thanksgiving I think that was better. I like Slay's alot but I can't vote. You have a nice sig though.
  18. I do agree with the log in thing but you know if someone gets on your computer and you are already logged in on the Xisto site they could go in and do stuff with your account but then again that wouldn't be too likely. They could do anything if you have the remember password option on. It is more secure the way they do it now though although maybe a pain but I have it remember my information so I don't have to enter it anyway. The design could use some work but you know it isn't really necessary like you already said. Maybe OpaQue could hold a contest or something and whoever makes the best design for the process page will win some credits or something like that. Good ideas though.
  19. VTEC there are over 250,000 posts here and thousands of topics so it isn't that hard to get that many posts. It's really rather simple, there are infinite possibilities to bring up new topics which is why many new ones are started each day. As shadow said you will find an approval, or declination in your application and reasons why it was declined if so or things you could improve on. You can apply as many times as you wish remember if you are denied so don't get your hopes down if you are.
  20. I don't think people come for the skins. They come for the posting and the hosting. The skins would maybe be a good idea though but I don't think it'll make a difference on the number of users. There are already over 20,000 already. As for the games, they don't do anything towards contributing to the forums to get web hosting so they started a separate forum for gaming and what not. You can find that at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They have an army system and plenty of games you can play there.
  21. Hurricanes are evil around here too. I haven't really had to evacuate luckily because they seem to move slightly off course. Here in Florida they can get pretty bad but so far I have been lucky. The damage is getting to be too bad in many places though. Hopefully the hurricanes will come less in the years to come. We are only supposed to be like this for a few more years.Edit:Well I found out today that it has changed course and is supposed to nail me in Tampa. It's gonna got through Cuba, hit the Gulf of Mexico and cross right through me. Just bought some batteries today to prepare for it.
  22. The second one looks nicer now. Although I think you should have kept the stars in the navigation but that might have messed up the other tabs because it isn't set by itself. Although a little cramped on the left side a little bit it seems to fit. Nice job Dawiss.
  23. I've already done 2 labs and start another one Monday. I think we are gonna do a lot of labs. They are fun. Biology was horrible for me. The teacher was grouchy and depressed everyone, she would yell at anything as if we were all idiots if we didn't know something. Only times she was nice was after school or if she was sick. I didn't really enjoy that class because every time I thought of it I thought of the teacher. We had a lot of work and it was pretty hard but Chemistry is the opposite.
  24. Well they already have a mission to Pluto which will reach at 2015. The mission is actually bigger than before because of the new classification "Dwarf Planet" They will base the characteristics of Pluto for new Dwarf Planets they want to classify. It's a bigger deal than you might think. We now have in a way expanded our solar system. Sure they were always there but now they sort of have meaning and exploration will begin on the new dwarf planets.
  25. I started August 8th so I have had 3 weeks of school already. It isn't that bad this year so far, much better than last year. I have cool teachers, only one class I think I'll have trouble in and that's AP Euro History. The teacher is cool and is funny but he only lectures all period which I still have to learn to deal with. I think Chemistry is going to be my favorite class this year. I love science except Biology or atleast the teacher I had last year.
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