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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. That's pretty interesting. How much more is it going to cost or is it remaining the same price? If it remains the same that's pretty cool. I'll probably get PS3 anyway though if I do get either of them. Probably just because I have used it a lot more than Xbox and has less buttons Doesn't really matter to me anyway, a console is a console to me and I'd be just fine with PS2 if they continued the games.
  2. Like jlhaslip has told you most forums and CMS have a profanity filter. I know Invision Power Board allows you to choose which words you want to be filtered and you can add on at any time. After doing a little search I found a tutorial on how to make on yourself. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am not sure if this is will fit in with what you are trying to do but hopefully it can help point you in the right direction.
  3. Well Ipods connected to Windows computers probably have songs being placed on them or something. It doesn't really matter I guess what type of computer it is as long as it has Itunes on it. I haven't heard of a virus being on an Ipod before but I guess if you know the software or load someting disguised as a song then maybe that'll work but I'm not sure.
  4. Well you could boot it from your own copy if you have it. I also found a link for a Language pack from Microsoft but i'm not really sure what you have to do to use it. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download Hopefully though you can download it and change the language without having to install it.
  5. I have played it for Playstation 2. It's a pretty cool game. It sort of got boring after a while because you just pick up people and drop them off. You can do the challenges as well but I don't really play it anymore except for once at an arcade over the summer. I assume you are talking about Crazy Taxi anyway. I enjoyed trying to beat the clock and it got addicting but was one of those games that sort of got old sort of quickly.
  6. That is an addicting game. I haven't played it before til today. I played it a few times and got 16.86 seconds. I don't know if that's good or bad but i'm stopping now before I end up trying to play all night. It's really addicting because you want to do better than you did before or your friends if you can see them playing it or whatever.
  7. Well finally people came up with the idea that instead of fighting the idea of video games taking over the minds of teenagers sometimes, they are going to try and use them to teach. I don't know if you've ever heard of VSmile for the younger kids but I guess they are looking to do something like that for teenagers. They want to push video games towards teens to teach them stuff during school. They aren't sure though how teachers would be trained or anything to use them. They know they won't really be able to make any money off of the games sold to the public so they want to just sell them straight to the schools. I sort of wonder if this would work. Let alone if they could get it entertaining enough that the kids would like it and it won't be as bored as regular school. Of course you never know, hopefully they have kids test ideas before they send it out. Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/--
  8. I think I've heard something before about them developing the new technology that finds images of what's underground. It's rather interesting I think, they can use it to find large fossils and what not without digging underground. I'm not so sure if there are bad ways this could be used but it seems there could be. lol They can find buried treasure. As for the 118th element, that sounds cool. I guess since it is with helium, radon, and neon it's a new noble gas. I wonder what they are going to name it. Califorcium I don't know what'd they do with it because it only lasts for a milisecond but who knows.
  9. That's how it is for me. Although not leaving school on the last day you look back and realize you have learned a lot and all the good times with your friends. If school wasn't such a hassel sometimes I would love to go there all the time It's one of those things I like but don't like at the same time. Luckily I have a few more years to go although hopefully I'll continue to see my friends after. You will move on though, start work if you haven't already and make friends there although it won't be the same.
  10. There are actually 22 known amino acids. Although I am not sure about this number but I think only 20 are found in our bodies. I remember learning about them in biology last year. (bad memories) They help build cells as well and antibodies to fight off viruses and bacteria. They do a lot more than that actually separately but they help make up our DNA and RNA as well.
  11. Well I'm guessing that if you enabled it you went into My Controls and then Board Settings and set Disable Allowance of PMs to no. If not then try that. Other than that the only things I can think of is either it's full already, meaning you have 50 messages in the inbox or sent items folder combined. But you would probably notice that when it says Message Inbox Full. Did you accidently put Buff on the ignore list? Did you try to have Buff send again after you enabled it? And one more thing has anyone else tried to PM you to see if it works for them?
  12. That's not a bad idea. We could make it...Welcome Comittee - Person who helps welcome people to Xisto and help them get to know the place.We can add it to the list to be voted upon... SM lol you know it's gonna be a bit tougher this year. And MVP doesn't mean most posts
  13. Alright well I decided I was going to be a bit more organized this year with the Xisto Awards and I'm going to start early and let people be more involved. So to start it out I'm going to put up the categories and you guys will tell me if you think some should be changed and give me ideas on what should be added. The number in () will be how many awards will be given out for that category. The prizes will be credits and a tag but the amount of credits will be determined later. I left out a few from last year like Most Helpful Admin and Mod because they all do their fair share helping around the forum. They all deserve a prize. :)Anyone will be able to be nominated for the forum Hosted/NonHosted Mods and Admins so keep that in mind when suggesting a category.Suggested Categories -Most Helpful Members (3) - Members that help out a lot around the forum and do their best to make sure people understand the rules. This will be the only one the doesn't include Mods/AdminsThe Comedian - sort of self explanatory, who makes you laugh or brightens up your day.MVP (Most Valuable Poster) - This does include Mods/Admins and this will be someone that makes post well that are most valuable. Most informative to you in knowledge or being helpful in helping you learn something in general or about the forums.Best Site (Design) - Sort of self explanatory, the person who has the best web site design.Graphical Elite (3) - Those who are really good with signatures, templates, wallpapers, and graphics in generalBest Programmers (2) - Those who are good at coding web sites or programs and help out those with coding.Lives at Xisto (3) - Most active, and always seems to be around.Most Active Shoutbox user (3) - For this nominate who you see in the shoutbox the most often.Most Improved Members (3) - Nominate a member you think has improved the most since they first became a trap member.Reported Posters of the Year (3) - This category is mods to nominate whoe they seen the most when a post as been reported.Trapper of the Year - Like Best Member but open to all.Person most Likly to be Bill Gates Boss - this person posts are considerably intelligent and contribute a lot to the forumSome Thinking of Adding -Sig of the YearNot really sure about any others quite yet. So make some suggestions and we'll have a vote on all of them in a few weeks.
  14. Alright well the cooler weather is arriving up in the northern states (sadly not in warm Florida) and it's time for the leaves to change color and fall off the trees. I never really wondered though, why they change their color. Well hopefully you know that leaves get their green color from the chlorophyll is the dominant pigment that makes food and it gives the leaf a green color. Other pigments and carotenes also are in a leaf with orange or red or purple or yellow colors. The green though is the dominant color and is the only color shown. During fall though the change in length of daylight, and change of temperature the leaves stop the food making process and chlorophyll breaks down allowing the other colors to show. Other chemical processes may start up giving a different color as well. Because the food process is stopped the leaves fall off eventually. Source: http://www.esf.edu/pubprog/brochure/leaves/leaves.htm
  15. That is the log in to Xisto's Cpanel. So no you can not log in through that link. You would have to log in by going to yoursite.com/cpanel or in the case of a sub domain yoursite.trap17.com/cpanel
  16. Ya I started watching a bit of that before. It's rather funny. Some of it probably was true but I never watched the whole thing.
  17. I am not sure exactlly how the injection would be done but they'd ahve to be rather big cookies. If you inject ice cream that means there won't be as much cookie around it and it'd taste more like cookie dough ice cream. You'd have to make them fat. It is like the idea of a chocolate filled cookie or cream filled. Maybe make little wafers with ice cream in them instead. They are like cookies. I don't know if you know what they are though. If you can some how inject the ice cream I'd go for it.
  18. Well NASA is developing a new mission called SIM PlanetQuest. This mission is to find out whether there are other planets like Earth out there that could possible support life of some sort. We have been discovering planets all the time but this will be specifically for planets like Earth. Terrestrial Planet Finder observatories will use remote sensors to find out about planets and their characteristics and tell whether they could support some type of life. This mission is planned to be launched in the next decade. Link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hopefully this wil be a successful mission and we will find out about other life forms. The only problem then would being able to get there. It takes many many years just to leave the solar system. It could take a very long time to reach another planet. I guess that'd be the next step. To come up with some faster shuttle that can blast through space or send some rovers to explore first but if there isn't a life form to understand what it is it could be destroyed. It's really interesting what could be out there.
  19. Ok well in history class the other day this was brought up. I thought it was pretty interesting. It had to do with like the topic says Reality vs Belief. I may refer to the Bible a bit because I'm Catholic but these are just examples. If you remember people once thought that Earth was the center of the universe. The Bible said it so people thought it must be true. Well Copernicus discovered that it can't be true and that we actually orbit the sun. This was also found by Galileo who showed that the Sun wasn't perfect like Aristotle said it should be. Although this was a great discovery people refused to believe it even though there was mathematical evidence to prove it. The same occured when they found things don't move in a straight line and gravity is what pulls us in an ellipse around the sun. They didn't believe it because of what their religion says. I'm sure things like this still occurs today, maybe not with space but with other things. But do you think that becuase belief's say something it is true? In most religions these things were written many years ago without the technology we have today so it is ok if it is wrong because they had no way of knowing. But I think they could just use new found knowledge to improve rather than argue against it. What are your thoughts?
  20. Well as it turns out, I learned that it isn't just a coincidence that it always seems to rain on the weekend. People may think it does just to ruin our weekend plans but it actually has to do with what we do during the week. It does in fact rain more on weekends than weekdays and it's actually partly our fault. As you probably know rain builds up into clouds and finally falls once it condenses enough to fall. Well during the week as we drive we send pollutants and dust into the air. This also condenses into the rain drops making them heavier so by the end of the week it's ready to fall. After it rains a new work week starts and the process occurs all over again.
  21. That's really rather interesting. It might have been a macro someone used to test in Word when creating it. It may be an example for a Macro as well say for Visual Basic. It is rather intersting. I got a kick out of it. I wonder if there is anything else like that. I might have to do a search. I tried doing other numbers after random but nothing happened. It made my computer freeze for about 5 seconds and then all of a sudden it loaded.
  22. That was sort of my idea. Sort of out there but you never know. SM I know there are other storms out there, I didn't realize that the big one has only been there 300 years though. I guess they are like storms on Earth maybe but last a lot longer. Of course that could be different for the big storm I don't know if that'll end. I might have to do a bit of research while on vacation.
  23. The script would also have to be able to note when quote tags are being entered and then it can ignore or go to the script and change the amount being given for the content in that tag until given. The same would have to be done with Code boxes. It'd have to be able to add and subtract credits based on what's being done really with BBCodes. If that can be done as well then you are good to go. I would think though that a box after you make the post will do. Or have it send a PM and have the modification be able to be turned on or off.
  24. That's really rather interesting. Does that mean one day thousands maybe milllions of years from now Jupiter will be one big storm in the sky? Like they keep growing or just a temporary thing that lasts thousands of years. I really do wonder what's going to happen with these things. It sounds like a tornado from hell. I really would hate to have to go through that thing although I think they should create something that can if they haven't already.
  25. I don't think anyone believes this is a terrorist attack. I mean why would the guy want to kill himself anyway? I could make a crack about the Yankees but will refrain. It could have been worse but I feel bad for the guy. I'm sure he has a lot of friends and family that are going to miss him, same with the others that were killed. Ironic though how it was about 5 miles from the world trade center.
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