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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well I think it's sort of sad that high schools have to require community service hours. Don't you think we should do it anyway? My school, in order to get a scholarship you have to have 75 hours of community service but none is required to graduate high school. Colleges prefer if you have been active in your community though. I think we all should just help out out of the goodness of our hearts. You might learn something. I think we should have requirements for our high school, I think we used to but not anymore.
  2. I don't see the point of putting up all the decorations and what not before Thanksgiving because that's still a Holiday. I put mine off a few days or even a few weeks after Thanksgiving is over. Stores I don't know, stores are stores there is nothing you can do about that. They want to try and make as much money as they can off their business so go ahead and sell what you can. I don't see what the point is at Wal-Mart though with the 50 some odd days til Christmas. I think it's funny though how when I went to pick some stuff up at the garden part of the store inside there was nothing there but Christmas stuff.
  3. Mich I'm glad to hear that you have had good service with Xisto. I have as well. There have been some downtimes for me here and there but none that lasted more than a few minutes. You shouldn't be thanking me for using the userbar, I'm happy to. We all have enjoyed your company here and you are a great person. Congrats by the way on your 500 posts. Now on to the 1000 mark for you.
  4. I don't agree with you fully. I wouldn't say all youth act this way, it is only those who are caught in the wrong groups. I still see today many teens with decent manners and smart and willing to learn, they like to express themselves sure, sometimes it can get out of hand but we should be allowed to. Really it's when they are in groups with their friends that they (we) act a little rowdy sometimes but I don't think it's bad really. That's why in time we mature into adults and put these things behind you but you gotta try and live it up until then.
  5. You are allowed to nominate yourself. Just when you set up your submission put your name there but don't forget to nominate others for different categories.
  6. I don't quite think that he has to worry about being raped if he can do that many pull ups. I am sure he probably was a small kid like Cebral said because you don't have to pull all that much up and adding on muscle won't hurt you too much if you aren't fat.
  7. It doesn't matter who runs for president, gender doesn't matter. What matters is that they are capable to perform the job and perform it correctly without corruption. I believe that really it doesn't matter what race, or gender, but if they know a lot about politics and what's best for the country and how to handle the situation, then by all means you can be president. If they think they would be a better president, then run don't just say stuff like that.
  8. Wow that's a lot of pull ups. I never really thought of what the record would be. That's pretty amazing. Props to that kid. Do you know how old he was or how much he weighed? I haven't done pull ups in a long time but there is no chance I would have been able to get over 100 let alone 10. That's just crazy, I wonder if he paused in between after a while.
  9. As confusing as that was, I get what you mean. But the point is though that you are calculating things in that you can't really measure all that well and it is more of an estimation really. The digging a whole thing is really something that would be logical to fit in the time for lazyness and breaks but there are some that may not be so easy to think about. If I can find the other example I had I'll post that as well.
  10. No it won't be downgraded if you go below 10. Once you get your hosting, the credits become the number of days you have your hosting. One post per day though doesn't necessarily mean 1 credit. I would suggest building up your credits after you get your hosting so that say you do have to leave for maybe a month you will have enough to have your site continue while you are away.
  11. If you are not hosted, you will not lose credits until after you are accepted for hosting and then they are reset. If you are hosted, you will lose one credit a day, hence the reason why they have them. For every credit you have as a hosted member, that is how many days of hosting you have and they slowly decrease 1 by 1, day by day. So after 6 months your account will most likely be deleted. Your hosting account is suspended when you hit 0 credits and is deleted when you hit -30.
  12. That's a pretty good idea. I never knew that it could work like that but it makes sense. If you update your site a lot then that usually means you are active on it and what not and everything is well up to date. I ought to try that once I get my site up and running. My question though, how does it know when it's updated and what not? Do they get a signal when a file is overwritten or something? I don't really have a need for a blog but I can put stuff on my main page or something like news.
  13. Well voting has ended, we had a total of 16 votes. Some people voted more than once so I took out their second vote and only counted their first. I personally didn't vote though. Out of the 26 categories voted on, only 1 was eliminated from the list. To view the number of yes and no's you can view the tallies at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Do not discuss the voting here. Now on to the nominations, there are 25 categories to nominate people for. The only category eliminated was Online Millionaire. Nominate people who you think best fit the description of the categories. You do not have to nominate a person for every category, only the categories that you can and please take this seriously. You can put the reason you nominated them if you would like. Here are the descriptions again... [hide=plenoptic11] [/hide]Now please use the following format for voting. You must use quotes. [hide=plenoptic12] [/hide] Those who would like to donate to the prize pool for the awards please send the donations to me via the Xisto Process Page I gurantee all credits sent will be put into my bank to be used for the Xisto Awards only. The more credits we have the bigger the prizes. You don't have to if you don't want to or can't afford to it's strictly volunteer. Right now though I have around 230 credits I can use for the awards and should have more come time to give them out. Nominations will end December 9, 2006 This also will be the last date for donations.
  14. Lateral thinking is when you try to find an answer that may not be logical by taking in the considerations of what could go wrong really. So say you want to get something done like dig a hole and you have 5 men to do it and you want to know how long it'll take for them to finish it. Well if it takes 3 hours for 1 man to do it you would logically think that it takes 36 minutes for 5 men to do it. Well, someone using lateral thinking will think of the possibilites that could make it take longer by 1 man being lazy, it starting to rain and stuff like that. For more examples and problems you can try to solve using lateral thinking look here... http://www.funonthenet.in/informative/lateral-thinking.html Edit: fixed the link
  15. I have heard lots of good things and bad things about it. From what I've been told the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are going to be better than it but they all have their Pro's and Con's. I have heard that it's backwards compatable with all the old Nintendo systems but I don't see how that can be so it must have been a rumor. They all have some sort of Wi Fi connection I believe but I would stick with the PS3 if it wasn't so expensive.
  16. That's pretty cool. I've been wondering when they were going to put out the release date for Vista and when it'd be done with the Beta. I bet it'll be out in time for Christmas probably. With Playstation 3 and the new Nintendo Wii it'll be a nice edition to the crazy sales for this holiday season. Now they have to mass produce all the different versions of Vista and get them to the shelves which probably won't be that long.
  17. It should work as long as you don't use ASP because that only works on Windows servers. If you have PHP and MySQL though then it should work fine. It all depends on what type of coding you are using.
  18. I'll be bringing that up come time for the nominations of each category. I'll have people send credits to me and i'll put them in the bank used especially for the Trap Awards and not for my hosting. I currently have over 200 credits and will have more come time to give out he awards so we should have plenty. The more donations though the bigger the prizes. Last day of voting is Tomorrow.
  19. I don't know about 20 years but soon it'll all be 3D and you'll be the character in the game doing everything and it'll be like simulation I personally think. Other than that I don't really know what to think, everything is already all online now, maybe soon they'll integrate web cams into video games that are simulated like I said before and you all will be the characters. I don't really know. There are lots of possibilites out there.
  20. I also seem to have the same problem and no matter what I end up putting everything off. Sometimes I'll get started on something early as well and then say oh I'm ahead and by the night before it's due I realize I'm not ahead anymore. I've noticed though that when you know it's due you do it then and there working your best to get it done on time, maybe you can trick yourself into thinking it's due before hand or just act like it is but that'd be sort of hard. I am trying to stop my bad habit, I never really procrastinated before until high school but now that's really all I do. Just get into a routine forcing yourself to do the work like jlhaslip said and hopefully it'll become a new habit.
  21. Well if it's obvious that they are going to test the water before they bottle it and if it isn't cleaned properly they'll discard it from use. But you know that the same water you drink is also water that has been run off from rain into the ground seeping through dirt into the aquifer and by then it is probably mixed with oils and if there is a sewage leak the same problem occurs. People also go skinny dipping, and all that stuff so really there isn't much of a difference. There is a lot of stuff that has been cleaned out of the water you drink today and just don't know it.
  22. Albus has also made a series of tutorials dealing with Cpanel in the Tutorials section of the forum. This is the first one, http://forums.xisto.com/topic/42618-cpanel-e-mail-management-part-1-of-my-7-part-tutorial/ Browse through those and you should be able to learn quite a bit as well.
  23. I didn't own any Mega systems so I wasn't able to play those games all that much except when I went to friends' houses. I did enjoy playing Sonic the Hedgehog. To me it was a pretty cool game when I was little and still is now. Even now it still is owned by many people and played daily. If I see the collection in stores I might have to buy it and try it out and make up for lost time on playing the games I'd also like to try the others ones to see how good they are as well.
  24. I never really thought about it that way other than childhoods that when you grow up in groups of people that do smoke you might do it just because. Some see it as a way to release stress but really I don't see a point in it. Right now I don't plan on smoking, and I don't want to. Someone close to me smoke and now he is coughing up storms all around and it sounds horrible. You also can't do physical activities for a long period of time without having trouble breathing. Of course there is not just smoking like stated before but there is obesity which a lot of the time just starts from a lazy day around the house becoming a habit of eating or you just start out that way. It's all things I plan to stay away from no matter how hard it gets.
  25. Well husker they can't really say anything then if you didn't hear anything about it. I would just keep practicing and do your best at the next practices and tryouts and hope you get on the better team. The reason you might have been on Team C though last year is because you aren't good. j/k Good luck and hope you can play. I have started playing a bit of basketball lately, and it's fun. Wouldn't want to miss it.
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