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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I have used CuteNews before and it has worked great. I haven't had any problems with it and I like how you can have multiple users on it at once. It worked great and was easy access to put news up on my site and what not instead of going in and editting all the files and uploading them again. I would recommend it. It's simple to install as well.
  2. Well as it turns out this place held true to it's word. It's been one year since I sent myself an email and today I recieved that email in my inbox. I was kind of surprised I had forgotten about it for a while. I remembered a few months ago about it. I think it's actually pretty cool, they were still around and what not and I got to know about what I did one year ago today and what I thought back then.
  3. My Dells have lasted me for over two years so far and are still going strong. The batteries were recalled in the first place it was just people didn't happen to see the recall but like said before they were made by Sony I think. My computers were pretty cheap but they are also high quality and haven't broken down or anything, my whole family owns Dells and we haven't had a problem yet. No they don't just make premade computers. If you go to their web site you can custom make one. They also have a music player called the Dell DJ. They sell TV's, pocket PC's, and I'm sure I'm missing some things.
  4. Ya I'm pretty sure that couldn't be true. They would really be ruinning themselves if they were to do so anyway. People might file a law suit but they could always make up an excuse as well and end up making more money from people having to buy the computer or just lose all their customers by having them switch to Macintosh. It could cause lots of problems.
  5. That's cool. That means more customers, and that also means Xisto is expanding once again. That probably is good news for the whole network. Maybe it'll help out OpaQue with some funds as well. Keep up the good work.
  6. As of right now we currently have 14 votes. We have five more days of voting. Hopefully we can get more votes in there so people have more of a choice. Every vote counts especially when there isn't that many people voting.
  7. I don't think it is worth it at all. One time I went to bring in about seven games and I was offered maybe $7 for it or less. Some games they offered less than a dollar for. I tried before and made maybe $15 on some old Gameboy Color games. I don't know I almost think the older the game the more money you might get because I made a bit of money on Nintendo 64 games as well. Just don't even bother trying to sell old sports games though you won't really make much on those.
  8. You know I sort of feel the same way but you know I think it's more of the fact that they have to pay more for the resources that they have private school. If you are willing to pay more for extra teaching and more expensive technology so be it. Although the idea might not seem more egalitarian. I am not really sure what to say, I could really lean either way.
  9. That's pretty wierd. Well it's probably not that big of a deal though. Pretty soon they are going to have to make new rankings. SM is climbing up there rather quickly and will soo be at that 5000 mark. Eventually there will be a need for 10,000
  10. My friend had trouble with his laptop, it was really slow at starting up and wouldn't connect to the internet either. From what I heard he had them connect to his laptop and they took it from there. Turns out he was missing a file and they found the problem and fixed it for him without having to do anything. So it was really 10 star service from Dell here. Maybe you just had a bad associate.
  11. I never really knew about that. That's a good tutorial. I am going to have to try it out when I have a bit more time. I think the little arrow gets old after a while although after downloading the Vista Transformation Theme pack thing it is a little more spiced up atleast when pages are loading. I might make a baseball or something. It could be a bit of fun but I'd end up changing it too much to change things up a bit from time to time.
  12. I actually ended up getting it and played it until I got to the 4th person on the blacklist but the I sort of forgot about it. It's a really cool game. Lots of fun I played it non stop for a few days and was good at it. I enjoyed the cop chases of course the most. I am going to get Need For Speed Carbon as soon as I can find it somewhere to buy it. It came out just the other day like you said.
  13. How can they expect not for the police to come is what I want to know? Things have to be taken seriously these days because of all the terrorist attacks that have occurred. They don't know who people really are and Halloween makes things worse. You never know who is behind a mask or whatever. If I saw a cardboard box with wires I don't know what's really inside there so I'll treat it as a bomb and stay away. Even if it is a joke they could just be saying that or whatever.
  14. Since it is the United States putting him on trial I would believe in giving him the life sentence. Just because he made people suffer doesn't mean we should torture him in the electric chair or whatever. We should do what we would do to any other person. Personally I would hang him but I would do what's right in the end and just give him the life sentence.
  15. I think purple would be a good idea. I personally want to see invisible lol but that'd just be annoying to try to read. Maybe I'll suggest to D-scripting to make a custom color that you can put in your settings to make your defualt.
  16. Welcome Mark to Xisto. I also live over in the USA like Mich and Albus. You already talked to me a little bit in the shoutbox earlier today. I'm sure you won't find things too different than over at Asta. Get to meet some different people though.
  17. I don't know but I've found that if you open an already saved file and try to do the same thing and save it again then it doesn't work. So it only works when you create a new file in Notepad. Also if you press enter and try to do the same pattern it doesn't work either. So I guess it's just that pattern and nothing else on a brand new text file it does that which seems sort of wierd to me.
  18. Ya I have noticed the same thing and I think it really shouldn't be like that. I think it's just a way for teams to get more money and what not by selling more stuff that may be "cool" to some people. They have enough money though so what's the point? I don't like the idea personally but there really isn't much we can do.
  19. Yes I wrote it myself. I am checking to see who has voted more than once. Only one offender so far. Of course some people could probably avoid my method but I'm hoping that the people at Trap have a heart and are won't try to rig something.
  20. That's probably a good idea. Of course that would bring in ethics and what not like moral rights. If twins though were separated at birth they should go and have them take the same test. See if they still tend to think the same and do the same in not only politics but other things. I think they have actually done that.
  21. Ya I have found that having a lot of friends to talk to and help you out when times get rough helps you make it through school and make it more enjoyable. I don't know really about competing grade wise exept when it comes around to report cards but that's it. I have found that after finding a subject I really like it helps a lot as well and I look forward to it everyday. This subject for me being chemistry. Also pick enjoyable electives like last year I had Computer Programming.
  22. Thanks aggie. I appreciate it. Voting for the categories is going to end Saturday, November 11, 2006. I hope to get more votes before then. We currently have 11 votes and plenty of more active users though so I hope you all want to be a part of this. It won't even take 5 minutes to vote.
  23. I do indeed like my school. It is tidy and what not so I don't have to worry about lice and what not like my Elementary school. There are lots of nice and smart teachers and staff and what not. We have lots of free resources and what not to use for projects and gaining knowledge. They have things students can rent out like video equipment. I have a lot of friends and everyone is friendly and cool. Some of the teachers I have I may not like their personality but I learn a lot.
  24. Ya and you know after thinking about this more there really isn't anyway this study could really be worth something. Identical twins are one split into two making them identical (fertilized eggs). Fraternal twins are two separate fertilized eggs. So if you think about it it isn't genes that makes them the same in politics but the way they think and come about something. That and also how much they are exposed to in politics and what not and how their parents and friends influence them.
  25. Husker it isn't because of the words that it does that it is because of the 4 letter, 3 letter, 3 letter, 5 letter format. If you were to type in Plen bit the tater it would do the same thing. I don't know why it does that still but that's ok.
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