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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I don't have a dog so I wouldn't know how to deal with the problem. I don't know if there is a way to calm them down or anything. It's too bad the dog sheds, there really isn't much you can do though because it was just a genes problem. You can try to find another home for the dog you have now if you don't like it and maybe buy another dog from an owner who knows it doesn't shed. Or I'm pretty sure you can get allergy medicine to stop the effects or at least minimize the effects. Only problem is that will cost even more money.
  2. Well you obviously know why you were banned and had the first problem and that's your fault, but as for the Xbox breaking down, if you bought it refurbished, they had to fix something on it anyway. Someone may have broken it in the first place because it must have been restored. That's partly the problem with new systems, despite all tests, things still tend to go wrong with them. As for the name, it may be inappropriate but they accepted it in the first place so it shouldn't have been a problem. But maybe they should have warned you before they went and banned you to give you a chance to change the name before you would be banned and if you didn't comply then I can see why they banned you. Only other reason I can think of is, something in the Terms and Conditions of Xbox Live you accept that if you have a disrespectful name or whatever then the consequences will be a day ban and two days of communications ban. I don't know if this is true but I'd go and reread them to find out.
  3. The first team I really grew to love and to call my favorite team are the Florida Marlins. I moved to Florida when I was 5 years old, and that was the year the Marlins were in the playoffs. I was just starting to watch baseball on TV and they were the team I followed and I went to some of their games. I grew to love them, despite many horrible seasons but they did eventually go on to win the 2003 World Series as well. I have followed the team all my life now really, and still continue to go down and see them play even though a moved 6 hours away. I have started to root for my new home team the Tampa Bay Devil Rays but whenever they play each other, I root mostly for the Marlins but it doesn't hurt too much if they lose. The Marlins have been really who I stick with because I've watched them all my life. Since I live in Tampa I naturally root for the home teams and have grown more to their liking as well. This includes hockey, and football.Really the surroundings really got me going on rooting for my favorite team and the more I watch them, the more I tend to root for them. Although I never really rooted for the Miami Dolphins when I was down in West Palm Beach, probably because I wasn't really interested in football at the time.
  4. Well I don't really know all that much about fixing up PCs or turning them into a server. You will need to purchase Windows Server though or Linux, whichever software you plan to use for it. If you plan on making a web hosting service you will need a web host manager to create your packages and what not. I think that comes with cPanel though. I'd make sure all of your parts are of good uality and high performance in that case as well because people don't like it when their web site goes down for even a few minutes. This is where you can find the WHM and cPanel http://cpanel.com/products/
  5. Ok so seeing as at the moment we aren't allowed to edit our own posts in the Free Web Hosting Request section, we will have to report the post to a moderator and have them change it. Hopefully that's ok. It won't hurt the hosting account because this is just the forum and won't be resubmitted through the form. I think I'm going to be changing my domain name again soon so I'll probably wait before I change it on the directory list.
  6. That sounds really interesting. I think someone told me something about this video before but I never heard the title. They don't have it at my local library so I'll have to have it transfered but I'm going to watch it. I'll post back again after I do or edit this post and tell you more of what I think of it. I'm sure it must be hard to have a learning disability. I take for granted that I don't struggle in school because learning has come easy to me all my life.Edit: It appears they have it at my school library. I'll try to check it out tomorrow.
  7. I have had a lot of different "favorite" games over my lifetime. Super Mario 64 was probably the original, I had a lot of fun playing that. Kirby was also a good one. That was in the early Nintendo years. The Need For Speed series as a whole, can't wait for the new one to come out. On the PC, my favorite game originally was Nitto 1320, I played that for a few years but it got boring, especially when they didn't really update much after they promised a 2.0 version. I then moved on to America's Army which I still play from time to time, it was online and I was in a clan. I really like a lot of types of games: action, adventure, racing, shooter, and simulation. There is probably a few games I can't think of at the moment so I'll add on more when I can think of them.
  8. Welcome to Xisto!! Glad to see you finally made an introduction, although it isn't much of an intro after three years. Especially after you were a moderator and what not. By now a lot of us know more than we want to know about you.
  9. I hope to purchase a Shelby Mustang, either new or old, whenever I have the chance. I've always liked Mustangs and the Shelby is the one I'd like to have most, except maybe Rousch. Considering I can't drive on my own yet though it may be awhile. If I ever purchase one I'll post pictures up on here. I think having a classic one would be cool. I don't think I'd race it though only because of the fear of losing it. Although why have the power if you don't use it. Just have to be extremely careful.
  10. Malaysia is trying to think of a way to help keep the endangered leatherback turtles from becoming extinct. Overpopulation and pollution has caused them to start to die off and their eggs aren't fertile anymore. Scientists have come up with the idea to clone them. They are a reptile though and reptiles have never been cloned before, only mammals. The project will cost about $9 million and may still fail. So should it be done? It could save the species that swam with the dinosaurs. I partly think they should to save the species and allow it to continue out it's life, but then I also think it shouldn't because it'd interfere with it's natural course in life. They have to do something to save them though, and preservation won't help much if their eggs won't hatch. Article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Hurray!!! My name is on there now. Only problem now is that it shows my old domain name that I don't have aymore. Is there any way to fix that? It's not really a big deal to me though at the moment because my website is still inactive.
  12. I first joined this place 2 days before the end of May. I had my doubts at first but had seen lots of proof of payment. By the end of the month I barely made the minimum payout but 3 weeks later I had my check for $12. In June I made $74.69, that check will be sent out Monday and I'll receive it by the end of the week It's really a nice bonus, especially since I don't have a job really cause of school and not being able to drive until August. If anyone needs help with this place or wants to see the pic of my check let me know.
  13. Eww!!! Nasty images in my head. So I guess you know what it feels like to be there. I think the hint of ice in the water probably means it's gonna be a bit chilly. If you aren't diving in and swimming right away you will freeze quickly, atleast I do. I'll stick to the swimming pool here in my community in Florida where it doesn't get cold that much.
  14. Well this software is really like a calculator, but it can do 1000 times more than what a regular graphing calculator can do. It has it's own programming language as well but I figured it'd best fit in this topic. I just recently started learning how to use this program in my computer class and it has so many possiblities. If there isn't a built in function to perform the operation you need, you can program one yourself. Maple can do 3D graphs, tell you whether a number is prime, but that's only the begining. It's really hard to explain all of the possibilities, you sort of have to see for yourself. It is used a lot in Scientific Research, Engineering, and Architecture. I plan to use it for Calculus next year. One of the demos shows how they made a model of a car and tested it in animation. This link will show you some of the basics. http://www.maplesoft.com/errors/404.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/products/maple/Demo/Pro/index.aspx It is really a complex tool and I'm only learning the basics. It runs around $1900 but I was able to purchase one through my school for $50. If you are a student you can purchase it for $99. To learn more about the software, their website is http://maplesoft.com/ If anyone has ever used it, I'd like to hear what you use it for to help explain what the program can do.
  15. Lynne Cox, went out to Antarctica and swam a mile in 32 degree water. She must have been wearing something to keep her warm right? No, just a regular swimsuit. She grew up in California and likes to swim and she decided to test herself and swim in freezing cold water...literally. The coldest water she had ever swam in before was around 45 degrees. She did a warm up run before the mile swim in 45 degree temperatures. Amazingly, she didn't get sick, and she was followed by a doctor and her friends. She has a bit of body fat which may help a little bit, but not much in that kind of water. If you don't want to believe it until you see it, then watch the videos. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is pretty amazing. I can barely stay in spring water which is around 60 degrees. I don't think I'd be able to stand it in even 50 degree water. She was the first and probably only to swim a mile in Antarctica water in a regular swimsuit. I'm surprised she survived through it. She trained herself to ignore the pain but in that kind of water it has to be hard to move.
  16. Well the balloons are bigger than your average birthday balloons and they would have to be pretty strong to be able to take the pressure up at 13,000 feet. The man brought the parachute in case of an emergency in which yes he'd have to jump and save himself. I guess if you brought the BB gun still you could shoot any birds that came at you anyway. It'd be a cool thing to do, but I think it'd take a bit of time and planning to make sure you will be prepared for all situations and what not. I remember watching a Myth Busters episode where it took hundreds, maybe a thousand balloons just to lift this 5 year old girl off the ground. I think she was like 40 pounds or something along those lines. I'm not sure if those were just birthday balloons or not but this guy sure had a lot less than that.
  17. I'm sure Xisto has had it's fair share of hosted members over the course of it's life. But people upgrade as their site grows so as people come in, others go out. Also some people that join the forums come here thinkiing the site is something else or they have trouble getting hosting because their posts don't come up to standards and they aren't willing to change. Others just have to move on in life or will upgrade to Xisto - Web Hosting which brings Xisto more money. Xisto is really sort of like a demo of Xisto - Web Hosting in a way. That's why people upgrade to Xisto - Web Hosting from Xisto and Xisto. They know that the services come at a good value and there is plenty of support.
  18. I guess in theory it would work out but in real time, it wouldn't really happen. If new problems arise that start to kill the population off a little bit at a time, it will occur even faster because of the concentrated areas. I guess that also means that the problems will limit the populations just as much as the problems we have do today. So either way something will happen that will limit the population because of "limiting factors" that make the "carrying capacity" what it is. I guess the thought of us having more power than other animals made me feel it was possible, but really we are like everything else.
  19. I never really got to know you that well, but it is always sad to see a fellow member leave Xisto. Hopefully any problems in your life will end well and quickly. Good luck, and I hopefully I'll see you when you come back or check in.
  20. lol My name is not in there either. There are a lot of names that aren't in there. I only see 65 people in there out of however many there are. Pretty neat though besides the point. I thought it was just a list, not of people's websites because the forum itself already has a way to list them but this is better. Nice work, just fix the few bugs or whatever and it'll be perfect.
  21. I am not saying this is really the right way to go or anything, but is it possible that we can really and if so how? Life would be harsh I think having 50 story apartment buildings. I understand that food outside of our country is healthier but if we start to mass produce apartments and what not across the world. For being on top of the food chain, we are with our weapons and what not but without our weapons, other then maybe sticks or our fists, then really we are defensless. But yes we are on top of the food chain with our resources. I can also understand the problems with medicine, but at the moment it isn't what kills the population like back a few hundred years when it was a miracle if children were to survive their first 5 years, or for someone to make it past the age of 50. We are still advancing in medicine and in technology which is why I think it'd be possible. As for [1:3], what I meant was, if we were to start changing the world completely and build up instead of out, and have areas for mass agricultural production, when the pollution and disease problem builds up more, our bodies start to adjust to it to fight it away. It'll become part of our daily lives so our bodies will learn to fight it off and start the immune making process.
  22. Well I was looking through the news again today and found this site that was opened up to the public this morning. It is called Galaxy Zoo. This is a site that is asking for volunteers to help sort out galaxies, whether they are spiral, elliptical, merging, or not galaxies at all. They want volunteers because they can have multiple people clarify the same galaxies to make sure it is correct and if necessary a scientist will clarify it. There are millions of pictures so it'd take a lot of time to go through them all and a computer program may not be as accurate. The cool thing is that we can see these great images of space that many haven't been seen before. You can save them and print them out if you'd like. There will eventually be a discussion forum and eventually be able to see how good of an astronomer you are. The more volunteers they have, the faster it will be to clarify all the pictures. This is the first project of it's type that I've heard of but I guess it's similar to projects by NASA that clarifies Star Dust. Even though I sort of feel like they are using us to save them time, I still think it's cool to look through the images. If you get bored you can stop or you can go at it for days. I went through the tutorial to make sure I knew what I was doing and now I've started analyzing the galaxies. I've seen some pretty interesting pictures.
  23. OK, so every animal on this planet has it's own carrying capacity on Earth. There is only enough resources on the Earth to support enough animals/people. There is also the competition and the food chains that control the population of animals. Like we eat deer and cow and pigs and what not, but if we weren't around, there would be more right? To learn more about the carrying capacity of a species on Earth then: search:carrying capacity define:carrying capacity We started talking about this in environmental science today at school. Can we, as humans, change our carrying capacity on Earth? Now I'm going to say yes, but only to a certain point really. I mean I'm not going to fight for it til death, I can see why we may not be able to but I'll put some reasons why we can, and some of why we can't. Why I say we can change our carrying capacity on Earth 1. We have the capability to clone more food if necessary and with more advances in technology we will be able to do more and more to synthetically produce food. (whether it's moral or not) 2. If we run out of space for houses, we can start to build up and we'll have apartments in 30 story buildings instead of houses. We can then destroy some of the houses to use for land for natural resources. 3. We can really rid ourselves of any predator of our own so we will be the dominant species on Earth. Why we may not be able to change our carrying capacity on Earth 1. Major pollution problems can build up and cause disease, but with advances in medicine we can heal the problem but we may also lose all sources of the medicine which goes back to being able to maybe synthetically make things in the future. Plus our bodies adjust to harmful things so in future generations it will not affect them. 2. Can it really be said that we are changing our carrying capacity or would it be considered destiny or something of that sort. I'll add to this list as I can think more about it. I can't really remember all the points we brought up.
  24. Well the other day in my study hall after math, our teacher or watever his real title is, started talking about his course in "The History of Math." He brought up the point that at one point, math wasn't really used. If they were trading a goat for two cows but they wanted 4 cows, they would make two different trades. They wouldn't just trade 2 goats for 4 cows because math didn't occur. I don't really know if I got that story right but I think you see the point. So after hearing that, I started thinking, would life really be all that simple without math? I mean we don't really know what we are missing until it's missing. But there wouldn't be equations or anything to figure out problems. Proper dimensions when building something wouldn't really be available. Systematic systems in factories based on precision wouldn't really be available. It's sort of hard to imagine or even for me to explain. There wouldn't really be a currency, just trading one thing for another maybe. That'd be one less course to learn in school, in fact a lot less. You wouldn't have physics, not really much of chemistry, or other equations in science. Anything in which math is involved in the creation of will not be existant. But would we miss it? Of course, even back thousands of years there was a math of some sort, just counting is math. Someone would come up with something eventually because it makes our lives easier and that's what people strive for.
  25. If there is something you can do that you are good at online or whatever like coding a site or making a sig, maybe someone will pay you to make them something. Although this could take time and I don't know how much you have to do before you leave. This is probably something you could do if you had more time. The best way to go though for quick credits would probably be to purchase them unless you have a topic you know a lot about that could be a lengthy post that contributes.
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