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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I agree, if I had a lot of money, a 8-cpu i7 would be my better choice, with at least 16 gigs memory.
  2. You need to know if it's due to your hardware or to a Windows XP problem.What happens if you boot off a bootable CD or floppy ?
  3. By the way, if you are comparing current processors, shouldn't you look at the i7 istead of the i5?
  4. Please be kind with other forummers. It's named "URSS" in a lot of countries, don't be angry about that.
  5. I often used RedHat on systems with several ethernet boards, never had problems. I expect Fedora to also have not problem, provided that each adapter has a working driver.
  6. yordan

    Gm Mdi

    Hi, xiaofan, welcome aboard.
  7. Have a look here : http://forums.mate-desktop.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=175
  8. Take care. After three years, an elecro-mechanical device starts being old. So, be careful with your text and photo files, often backup them on a removable media or on another computer.
  9. This reorganizing job is the most urgent job to be done. The worst situation for a disk actuator/head is to have to simultaneously handle big files (which means sequential access) and small files (which means random access).And when the reorganization will be finished, this will ease the backup job : frequently backup smal text and picture files from one partition, and almost never backup the huge files from the other partition.Same thing from the defrag, no defrag needed on the big files because written once on their disk, frequent fast defrag for the short files partition.
  10. The main increase will arrive if you have to re-format your new partitions.The main performance increase will come from your disk usage organization. For instance, let's say you put all your movies on the same partition, the data will not be scattered due to the presence of small files preventing from finding large free space. Moreover, if you frequently remove all the movies you don't need, you will be able to format again a given partition, which will increase the read/write on the freshly formatted partition.Same things from the defrag point of view. While you defrag your small text files partition, the process will not have to handle the large files from the other partition.
  11. That has probably been explained when you purchased your T35 hosting? Should be a rather direct link, you should have nothing more to do. If it still does not work, you should open a ticket to the T35 support.
  12. Clearly and audio device problem. These people http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ claim that they have the solution.
  13. Seems that the problem is solved. Can you confirm?
  14. Strange behaviour.Here http://www.legionhardware.com/articles_pages/amd_radeon_hd_7870_and_radeon_hd_7850,5.html they tested it, it seems to work at a reasonable rate.
  15. yordan

    Wamp Server Error

    You probably did not start the apache server.
  16. The battery is "before" the phone smartness, the phone can act after the battery, but not on the DC inlet. The best thing is to carefully read the documentation provided with the phone, and do as recommended. Unfortunately, this will influence only the end of life of the battery, so you will see the result of your acctions next year only.
  17. I know, and each time you do that, you check with Crosoft how much money they want in order to allow you doing that.
  18. OK, no problem, you are right in the center of the spot.I guess that you don't need to keep each movie on your hard drive, after some time you will run out of space, so probably you remove the movie as soon as you have finished watching the movie.This creates fragmentation : when you remove a movie, it leaves a hole. The next movie cannot go in the empty space because it does not have the same size. If you create a text file, it will take place at a random place. If you edit this file the next day, the wordprocessor will create a temporary copy for automatic saving on a periodical basis; when you exit, all the data are written on the original text file and the temporary copy is removed; if there is not enough contiguous space for storing the new text, the text will be splitted in two parts of the disk : the first part storing the beginning of the text, and ending with a redirection to the disk space where the send part is.The philosophy of all this is, that you should from time to time (e.g. on a monthly basis) have a look at the fragmentation state of your disk : how much fragmentation you have (10% or 70 %?) and the way the data are scattered on the disk : everything packed at the beginning of the disk for faster access, or a lot of holes everywhere? If the fragmentation ratio is high and the data are scattered everywhere, you should perform a defrag. The first defrag will last a lot of time, the next ones will be far shorter if you defrag frequently.And you will see a big difference on the disk-to-disk tasks as well as on the standard usage.
  19. You buy one DVD for installing on one system. If you want a spare copy, you ask Microsoft a spare copy.
  20. We should define what "common" means. What do you do with your computer? What kind of files are flling your big hard disk, and which process created them? Do you watch on your computer the movies you made using your camera? Or do you create pictures using a graphic pad?
  21. You are inderctly asking how to copy a protected DVD.This kind of piracy how-to's are against our forum rules.If you need a Windows7 iso, you purchase it from Microsoft.If you want a new copy of the Windows7 DVD, you purchase it from Microsoft.Any other option is firbidden by international copyright conventions.
  22. You should expect faster speeds in processes read-most/write-once.If you create a big file, rename it, create a second one, remove the first one, it will go faster as long as the disk is 5% fragmented, and will slow down as soon as your disk start being over 40% fragmented.
  23. Recently, I failed creating iso images several times. Creating a bootable image is a good test for yor iso creating software. And also a test for your DVD reader. And also a test of the protections. Unfortunately, some manufacturers don't want you to dmuplate the DVD's you purchased, that's why sometimes they introduce in their DVD some features (like laser holes or precisely located bad tracs) which make the copy very difficult. Only try/reject seems to be the best way. Now we have the starpoint info : seems that your version of Power ISO does not work on your hardware for creating bootable iso's off your Dodows7 DVD.
  24. By the way, there is another option : creating your bootable USB directly from the Microsoft DVD you purchased. Wintoflash seems to do the job correctly, see http://wintoflash.com/home/en/ People here (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) say that it works fine from a real DVD to a USB flashdisk. And also here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is explained a very simple way how to do everything with standard Windows 7 commands : how to format your USB drive, make it bootable with the D:/BOOT/BOOTSECT.EXE utility on the DVD, and copy everything all files from your original DVD to the flashdrive Of course, this uses very standard but also very dangerous commands. You know the "format" commands which is able to remove all your data, "diskpart" is another command you should be careful, "list disk" first and don't give the wrong disk when typing "select disk 1", "clean", "create partition" : if your USB is not "disk1", you lost a lot of useful things.
  25. That's probably the main problem. The "Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool" is given to work with the iso file downloaded from the Microsoft Store. If you didn't obtain the iso file from Microsoft, that's another problem. A third problem is : how to create a working iso file from a DVD. Some softwares on the market work correctly, and some other ones don't work. And of course, a working software can fail if used on a faulty DVD reader. You can do a very simple test. The iso file you obtained from your original CD, try burning it on rewritable DVD, and look if your PC can boot on it. If the iso file you made is not able to create a bootable DVD, it will not be able to create a bootable USB!
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