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Everything posted by yordan

  1. If you are running C++, you should have no problem writing down a loopSum=1while blah...++sumNo ?
  2. How do you do the filesystem and printing sharing ? On hostname or on IP addresses ? Did you try with the addresses ?for instance, if you want to use the printer which is on the computer, on the other computer click onRun --> Execute -------> \\\then let the program run, and then you should see a window opening, with all the shared folders and printers, click on the printer, accept thre printer installation, and things should work ok.Regards Yordan
  3. I just tried again, and I could log in. However, remember this : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They only accept the latest version of IE6 or FireFox. Remember it's still a beta-test, so everything is not fully functionnal yet. Something else I hate : they give you 100 Mest space, you are free for filling your space. However, you cannot remove anything from your donwloaded files space. So, you want to try something with a picture, you freely uplaod your picture and link it to your page. You have a look at your page, you don't like it, you remove the link to the picture. But you cannot remove the picture any more. I hope they will fix that soon.
  4. Did you try to use the port 8080 for the other IP ?
  5. I like the principle. Google gives you freely a virgin page, and a design tool for helping you creating your first page, and a lot of templates for helping you change the look and feel. Did you see how the sample templates are ? Did you notice the "Loren Ipsum" appearing on each page ? Exactly like on PowerPoint templates! Should be no problem ! If you open the "edit html" tag, you see the html code. So, if you paste your own code, it should display your own code pages. After working ten minutes, a very kind sorry message : Wow! there is now an "Edit" Button in Xisto forum ! Really nice when you forget to tell something ! I just noticed that the problem in the "change layout" menu, no problem in the "change look" menu. Unfortunately, the "edit html" tag seems to disappear as soon as you choose a look.
  6. didn't SP2 happen to install the Microsoft Firewall, which is now completely closed, preventing Internet Explorer from going to Internet ? Then, simply look what happens when disabling the firewall. And then enable it professively. -----------------Ha - ha ! Let me test the new "edit" button in Xisto Forum. Now I know that ElFoReal solved his problem. So I know my answer was only partly useful, so I can change my text. I could even see the errors I made and do as if I had the solution since a long time.Unfortunately, this cheating will not work because a statement "post modified" will appear at the ond of the modification. Neverhteless, I like the ability of correcting an error. I already posted questions with misleading errors, which prevented people form helping me. This should not be the case from now.
  7. No, no real problem due to the fact that you have multiple drives. The problems mainly arise because of human beings, if you mistype the disk names ; most problems arise because if you boot on one disk the disk names are not the same than if you boot from another one, so the full path to the boot program may be completely false if you enter it manually. If it boots correctly, this means that you were smart enough and did no mistake.
  8. Maybe I didn't understand everything. But if somebody has to work on your scripts, do things with real actors and put it in production, who will pay that ? Do you have to supply these salaries before start playing ?
  9. That's a nice point. And precisely this point shows that the present topic should not exist. You are simply explaining that you prefer white text on black background because your own eyes like it. And other people explain that this choice is really bad from their point of view. So, there is no real way of knowing which colours have to be set. The only thing you can do is ask a pannel of peple "do you like this ?" And you will be surprised how different the answers will be. It's exactly the same thing as when choosing sun glasses. Some people like green sun glasses. They will tell you "green is very nice because your eyes like it". And I hat green sunglasses, they harm my eyes. I love brown sun glasses, I feel them comfortable. Some years ago, people had green background on their terminals, they found them comfortable. Some other people hated this, they loved amber background terminals, they found them quietful. And now you can freely choose your background. when I choose the ones I love, other people say "Oh, it's ugly !" And when they show me what they like, I feel it very harmful for my eyes. The only real way to do this would be to ask yourself the question : how many people like this kind of background, how many users will hate my website if I put that background ? This is really a nice question, because it's partly physics (wavelenght interacting with your eyes), partly biology (some eyes have defects in some ranges), partly philosophy (green means love) and partly marketing (what message do I want to express ? If I want people to be angry because of my enemies I will choose a red background).
  10. My own experience is with Mandrake, I really had no problem. I had one system disk, a data disk, and the third disk had a Windows data partition and some free space. I let the total automated install run, choosing "use the remaining free space", it created the partitions on the third disk and automatically configured Lilo for dual-boot, and everything worked fine immediately. Of course, I let the install program manage everything automatically, did not configure the boot things manually.
  11. If only DHCP module is missing, you should be able to test your network using a fixed IP address, isn't it ? I guess that you should simply connect to your router and see the router's address, it's probably something like, pick up temporarily a fixed address like, and test that your PC is able to ping the router.
  12. No, you don't really need to have three partitions before starting the installation. You simply need some free space on your disk (I guess from 1 giga to 3 giga free). So, if you have no free space, delete the last partition of your disk, or shrink your last partition in order to leave some free (unpartitionned) space. then you will install Linux, and the install program will create the necessary partitions. Of course, Linux nees several partions (at least the / partition and the swap partition), but the partition creation will simply be a part of Linux installation. By the way, if you want to communicate data between Linux and Microsoft Windows, may I also syggest that one of your Windows partition should be a FAT32 partition, so both the Windows and the Linux operating systems will be able to read and write on that partition. By the way, what I am saying here is general system information, it's not typically limited to Gentoo. Regards Yordan
  13. and except on AIX servers. Oracle on AIX is nowadays the fastest RDBMS in the world with the TPC benchmark.
  14. You can learn Oracle on your home computer : Oracle lets you donwload Oracle in order to learn how to use it. Of course, when you finish learning, you must remove it from your computer ; don't put something into production without paying your licence. Learning db2 is less easy, you cannot download a free licence, you have to ask to IBM.
  15. From my own experience :If you have a lot of diploma's, they are worth nothing because the most imporant thing is your experience with computers, installing, developping, writing, help-desk.However, if you have no diplomas, you are nothing, almost no manager will even give you a phone call.So, first finish your school, get graduated, and then say "of course, I have a lot of diplomas, but I also have a lot of computer experience".
  16. Noway, I'm familiar with the fact that the system admin simply resets passwords. And the database admin don't need user's passwords, he can directly read the data from your tables so he does not need to know your password. I was just curious about the way to do that, I never did it by myself. I usually work with oracle, and i simply give a user a password, ask the user to change his password, and then reset the password because the user lost it.
  17. Not quite shure. There are several definitions of a good programmer. From my point of view, a good programmer understands quickly what he has to do, understands customer's needs , expresses clearly the developping times, and gives a working program wich a clear doc.
  18. I would say that you must work for your exams first, because if you are not lucky with your exams you are out.However, as soon as you will be successful with your exams, then, the school exams time will be forgotten, and the most import thing for your future boss will be the fact that you love computers.So, keep going loving computers and spending time on programming, but remember that if you want to have a good job you must first of all be successful with your exams.Exams is a neglective point if you are successful.Exams will be the most important thing in your life if you fail your exams.So, first, be very active at school.RegardsYordan
  19. Very nice.Very useful, because doing that way you store in the database only enkripted passwords. So, people reading your database will not be able to retrieve the password.I only wonder about something. md5 is a stand way of enkrypting. Is there a reverse method, able to retrieve "abc" from md5(abc) ?RegardsYordan
  20. Really nice site, I love it. A stopped at the "tables" level because of a big headache. However, this site is really interesting, I will often go back there. Thanks for that info. Yordan
  21. Be careful, some providers are automatically flagged as spammers. So, simply being hosted by this provider and mentionning it's address at the end of your mail makes this mail automatically go to the "spam" folder and makes your site being unreachable from people using professionnal firewall having a list of "known spammers".
  22. That's the problem with such "universal" languages, they are "standard" and are supposed to work everywhere.In sql you have to write (select from blah where blah...), unfortunately they are some local details inside the "blah" which will make it work correctly with oracle and not with mysql... Of course, a guy knowing both will have no problems porting from one system to another one.Personally, just for fun, I tried converting the Oracle demo sql scripts on a postgresql, it never worked...
  23. thanks a lot, finaldesign, let's do it that way.Yordan
  24. Oops ! Where is the "erase" button ? Sorry, I read my post again and I see that it's quite confusing.I open my images files with XnView, in order to crop them and move them to .gif or .jpgThen I use nvu in oder to create the html page with a link to the .jpg image.And now I have a .cdr image, and XnView refuses opening it. I would like to know if it's normal, or if my image file is corrupted. That's why I would like to know if, on a natural way, XnView is able to open standard CorelDraw images.RegardsYordan
  25. @ebbinger_413 : your link to net2ftp seems broken !@peterwilli : I also use the ftp:myaccoung@myserver.com.However, nakulgupta's tricks is very interesting because it remains in your Crosoft Explorer window, you don't have to retype your address everyday.
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