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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I think you don't have to worry about that. A lot of big sites have several mirrors, each mirror having the same content as the other ones, and a master site asking you to choose your mirror, or choose another one if the first one fails. Of course none of us needs that because Xisto is never down, but people on other sites have several mirrors, all with the same content, just in case one server fails. And these sites have no problems being indexed by google.
  2. A lot of people have to use a computer in order to write down their private documents (letters claiming for income tax reductions, letters to their doctor describint their health problems).Most of them use google. Most of them are the only users of their computers. And most of them don't know how to protect themselves from other people. And most of them would not like their love letters to be correctly copied and archived and indexed on a google computer in order to be easily accessed by everybody in the world.And of course, the sentance "carefully verify that you correctly configured this software" is not at all a good explanation, "get away from that !" whould be a better approach.
  3. If you have a slow connection and fast computers, each computer will try to catch the whole bandwidth.Which Internet connetion do you have ? Is it a 20 Megs/sec DSL ?
  4. I am using nvu because it's free. Usually it reads all the images I receive.Yesterday I just received from a friend a .cdr image, probably a Corel Draw image. When I tried to open it, I received a "bad format" message.I would like if nvu is supposed to be able to read a Corel Draw image ? If it's supposed to be able to read it, that would mean that my picture is a corrupted file.If somebody has a working CorelDraw, could you try to open a picture using nvu ?RegardsYordan
  5. Yes, it's easy to learn. Do you know why ? Do you know what SQL means ? It means Simple Query Language ! And it has been designed in order to be very close to the (English) natural language !
  6. I think that they simply do the first test on their partner's hardware, check that everything works fine, and after that, if they have enough time they do correctly the job for the other hardware devices ; if they are in a hurry, they do a "quick and dirty" job, and it works slitly less fine.
  7. There are several other topics on this subject, have a look at the hardware section of the forum. In my own opinion, you should first decide what you want to do (gaming, working, surfing ?). And then look at the best performance/price ratio on the shop nearest to your home.
  8. 1.99 a year is not completely true. If you look at their site, it costs $8.95per year. Simply, if you buy a non-domain service, you can add a domain for 1.99 a year.So, I guess your global expenses will be closer to 1 dollar per month, rather than 2 dollars per year.
  9. yordan

    Contact Form

    this is probably not the best way from privacy point of view, because then robots crawling the web will be able to read your email address and you will receive spam in your mailbox.
  10. This is probably easy to explain. The program designer has a Nvidia adapter, and writes his program nicely for Nvidia. Then the starts doing the job for adding the Voodoo adapter, and stops because lack of time. I think that latter issue is not a honestness issue, it's a lazyness issue.
  11. I almost agree. Personnally, I would choose Oracle 10g. If you startup using a RDBMS, you should use the current version, which is Oracle 10g, and not the previous one, which is Oracle 9i.Because if you put your site un production, you will want to have it running and being supported during at least three or five years, so you should not startup with a version which is already one year old. Regards Yordan
  12. I agree with dvdshrink. And if your DVD media is too small, it allows you to remove useless things (like a language you don't need) in order to save place.
  13. maybe CSS position tags is the solution to my own placing problems. My images move anywhere in my page, while I want them to stick to the top of the page.Now I probably need to learn how to put CSS position tags...
  14. Maybe he wanted to say "purely command line Unix, instead of Microsoft-like desktop windows".
  15. I'm afraid the MTU on your phone line and on your PC must match the MTU on the sending engine (mainly your ISP). If not, I guess your PC will have to re-send data, which gives globally worse results than keeping standard value of MTU.
  16. @organicbmx : I would suggest what I think is the easiest way to do this, and the most confortable if you are not very familiar with Linux and if you use a handy Linux distro like Mandrake.First, do all your Microsoft Partitions. I would suggest create 4 60 Gig partitions, two NTFS ones and two FAT32 ones.The NTFS ones because you want them to be NFTS, the FAT32 ones because they will be automatically shared by Linux.Now your disk has 240 Gig now accessed by Windows, and 60 Gig (or afew less) not used.Then, boot on the Linux CD or DVD, and choose "newbie install on the space remaining free on the hard disk".You will see the install program create all your Linux filesystems (/, /home, /usr, swap etc, don't worry about that it's automatic) and you will see that all your Microsoft partitions will be automatically mounted, accessible from Linux as /mnt/win1, /mnt/win2, /mnt/win3, and /mnt/win4. Yo will see that, from inside Linux, you will be able to read from any Microsoft disk, and you will be able to read and write on any Microsoft FAT32 disks.The install system will also install the multi-boot facility, allowing you choose to boot from Linux or from Windows. I configured this later in order to boot automatically to Microsoft Windows, when I want to boot to Linux I use the "down" key to highlight Linux and boot from Linux.And if you configure your Linux internet browser the same way you configureyour Microsoft Internet browser, you will be able to surf the same way.Come back posting here if you have more questions.Hope this helped.yordan
  17. AIX is the Unix version for Power systems. The 64-cpu systems (64 cpu's on a single mother board!) with the power5 chip are the biggest systems currently in the world.On these systems you can also create sub-partitions (giving 0.1 cpu to an operating system), and this operating system can be AIX or Linux (Red Hat or Suze). Oracle on AIX systems now has the record of the most powerful database system. And also Oracle for Linux on PowerPC is now available. Unfortunately, these huge systems are professional ones. They are still rather expensive, so nobody buys them for playing games. Except if you thind that printing end-of-the month payrolls or selling airplane tickets is a kind of gaming.
  18. Also, remember that in most countries, using kazaa and other peer-to-peer things are forbidden. Be sure that you will not have legal problems when confessing using them.
  19. usually, the mp3 player is automatically installed when you install fedora.Else, you will have to read from the documentation how to re-install it.Which way do you want to share files ? Do you want to share files between several computers on your home network, all of them using Linux ? then, use nfs.If you want to share files with Windows computers on your home network, install Samba (if it's not installed yet) and use it.If you want some other types of file sharing, this works with some servers and some applications, then you must go on the site of the sharing suppliers and download the version for fedora.RegardsYordan
  20. Hi, Divya,Two things :1) There are a lot of posts already asking this question, be careful to read them first, else some moderators here will tell you that you are spamming instad of asking precise questions. 2) There is no "best" database engine. However, probably, there is a very precise engine which is exacly meeting your needs. However, we should know your needs.- If you need a free database engine on a system you didn'b buy yet, using mysql on Xisto is the best choice.- If you already have a hardware Unix or Linux machine and want to learn something about databases and want a very powerful AND free dbms, mysql is still the best choice.- if you have a fully professional need, with several thousands of gygabytes live data, and thousands of simultaneous users on a very powerful Unix computer, Oracle is the best choice for the moment (and unfortunately almost the most expensive).Hope this helpedYordan
  21. Maybe because you can't ear music while you are running down the street, the CD-player mechanics hate shocks, while mp3 players are fully electronic devices so they may be shaked without troubling the music.
  22. That's great ! I had trouble with Oracle to mysql because of some differences in describing the tables when I tried to do manually such a transfer, that direct upload seems really terrific.Yordan
  23. Perfectly exact. If you use a fake name in order to create your site and the police finally catches you, the fake name prooves that since the very beginning you knew that you were going to do something illegal.
  24. mwm and twm are windows environments. The are in charge of opening windows (for instance if you type "xclock &", mwm is in charge of showing the x-windows clock on your display.KDE, CDE and Gnome are windows dektop environment. They draw a desktop and give you icons where to ckick in order to fire actions. I feel windows environments absolutely necessary, because most of modern sofware (like Oracle Installations) work with graphics.I think desk top environments are necessary only for people who don't know Unix commands, an prefer clicking in the users icon instead of type "drakconf" or "smit mksysb" or the equivalent command in order to start administrative tasks.
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