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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Thanks a lot, miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG, these definitions are useful for all of us.
  2. www is the place where you have to put your site files.www/index.html is the main page of your site, and all the folders in your programs are starting from there.So, you put everythingyou want in www. you delete what you want to (maybe taking a backup), everything in www concerns the way your programs work.the other files you have to avoid modifying. they are for Xisto usage, saying your name, where your mails are, etc.the ".something" files are somehow "invisible" files, "." saying "don't show to normal users" in Unix/Linux conventions.All the files in www are your responsability, if you delete something you are able to repair.All the other files are out of your responsabilityl, if you delete them things will stop working, and you will have to request for repair.Hope this helped.Yordan
  3. Nope : CONSOLE -jailshell-3.00$ ls /usr/local/bin/*gic ls: /usr/local/bin/*gic: No such file or directory -jailshell-3.00$ ls /usr/local/bin/*gic* ls: /usr/local/bin/*gic*: No such file or directory -jailshell-3.00$ ls /usr/bin/*gic* ls: /usr/bin/*gic*: No such file or directory so, it's neither in /usr/bin, nor in /usr/local/bin, or it's not named *gic* !
  4. I hope that you cannot go really far away from your house, else other people in their cars will be able to catch the signal and use your internet bandwidth.
  5. Tell us your password, and we will tell you if it's a correct one.Sorry, this was a private joke. Never give your password, never and to nobody.
  6. Once upon a time, I needed to recompile my wifi adapter driver from the open-source version. Then, I needed the Linux-source rpm, which was only in the (partly) commercial version of Mandrake. I needed the CD 5, while only the first three CD's were on the free version.
  7. Maybe some googleing could help you finding how to install the ethernet adapter in slackware. I found this : http://www.slackware.com/install/setup.php seems rather correct, I cannot test it more because I don't have slackware currently installed on my own computer.
  8. It's a full working version. And it's not limited to Linux. You say the reason why you want a free copy, explaining that you want to learn how to develop on big RDBMS, and the oracle sales reps can give you free access to Crosoft Windows version, as well as to Solaris or AIX version.
  9. oracorp trusts individual developpers, they can try oracle for free. The licence is very expensive, but they trust you, they know you will not take the risk of using it on a production site without having paid the product.
  10. I had that problem with my forums, because "panda" was hard-coded in my progs. After the site migration, the forums and the photo galleries stopped working. Everything were corrected when I coded "localhost" as server, instead of "panda".
  11. Simply enter your Ethernet Adapter configuration menu (it's distro dependant, simply browse in the menus, you will see something like configuration ; else restrat the Linux install, it's one of the first installations steps). In the Ethernet configuration menu, choose "use DHCP" for the IP address, that's all. Also provide the DNS (you should be able to get it from your Internet Provider). And that's all !
  12. Oracle is the king of databases on huge Unix systems. If you need a proprietary database for thousands of simultaneous users and hundreds of giga data, you need oracle.
  13. Depends how you are connected to ADSL.I am connected through a router, from my PC to my router I have an ethernet adapter and an Ethernet cable : then I only have to define my Ethernet adapter as using DHCP, and give the DNS names provided by my Internet provider.
  14. yordan


    yes, enjoy your first posts! After a couple of months you will remember the time when you had two posts instead of two hundred.
  15. yordan


    Welcome to Xisto, defs_bombin.
  16. I have this problem with one of my computers.I found a way of overriding it, just try it.On computer 2, open a DOS prompt window, and type "route add computer_1 the-router" (replace the_router with the IP of the router, something like probably).If not successful, go on computer 1 and "route ad computer_2 the_router".Tell us if this works or if your problem is differerent form mine.
  17. Nice example ! simple quote leftwars, double quote rightwards, roome for improvement !
  18. I like it. Maybe the right side is a little bit too empty, but it's a good beginning. And the general way of thinking your site meets my feelings.yordan
  19. Quite false. On my system, like on a lot of preffessional ones, the command prompt is crtl+alt+F4, F2 is for the graphic version. So, who is the noob ?
  20. Will not even think about trying.
  21. If your Windows Partition uses the whole disk, there's no room left for a Linux installation. Then, you use the option "shrink windows partition" ; I would not say "without disturbing the partition you made" ; however, "shrink the windows partition" makes the windows partition smaller, so that there is free space for creating the Linux partitions. Usually, before starting anything, i decide which space I will give to whom. for instance, now I am formatting my new disk : 14 giga for Windows, then two 30 gig FAT 32 partitions (in order to be read/write from Linux AND from windows), then 30 gig NFTFS partions, the last 20 Gig will be left unused, in order to install Linux.
  22. Yes, sure, but it seems that, at Xisto, we can see "Posts: 103" for saint-michael, which seems to mean that your are the king at the other site but not yet on Xisto.
  23. This page means that your "index.html" page has disappeared. Have a look with ftp or with cpanel or with what you want, to verify that your main page is still there and is still named "index.htm" or "index.html", and that everybody has reading permission on it.Regards Yordan
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