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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Doing like this usually worked for me, it should also work for you. Just try it Enabling telnet :cd /etc/xinetd.d cat telnet# default: on# description: The telnet server serves telnet sessions; it uses \# unencrypted username/password pairs for authentication.service telnet{ flags = REUSE socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd log_on_failure += USERID disable = yes}replace disable=yes by disable=noand restart xinetd or simply reboot your linux system.how to restart xinetd withour rebooting :cd /etc/rc.d/init.d./xinetd restartHope this helped Yordan
  2. Because you did not try tu replace your computer by another one. I put the other one on my Ethernet cable and it worked. And I put mine back, and it did not work again. However, if finaldesign had the same problem at the same time, maybe my system is not faulty, maybe I shall simply be patient.
  3. I tried it. I tried blah.astahost.com/cpanel with IE6, with Netscape and with Firefox, same result, 503 or 504 errors.I plugged another system on my owh Ethernet cable, it worked. So, the problem seems to be related to my pc, and not to external events such as external firewalls. And I simply would like to know what happens on my PC and how to solve it without re-installing.
  4. nobody has an idea ? I guess it has something to do with network services, the problem will probably disappear if I re-install Windows. However I would like to know what could prevent 2082 service to work. It works if I plug another computer with the same version of XP, so the problem does not come from my router, it really comes from my computer settings.
  5. Depends from what you want to do.If you have several groups of people, you can place the first set of people in the same group. then give group privilege to their tables. So, all the people in the same group will be able to share the same info. People from other groups will have no privilege to these tables, for instance they will be able to read info but not to add.Of course, if you are talking about the files permissions, it's different. the owner of the database (you, probably) must have access to all the files, and probably no one other, except the database admin.
  6. Just applied to http://www.photogiga.com/ , waited for their confirmation mail : nothing arrives.
  7. I noticed that effectiverly, on the Orkut.com, if your mail is at gmail, Orkut.com simply asks you your gmal username and password.
  8. Just a stupid question : did you try booting from the Windows install CD ? Just try booting from the CD and see if the computer starts until the point where it asks you if you want to install Windows.If you can boot from the CD, then, somewhere this means that roughtly the motherboard is still alive.Also, in order to do this test, you should remove "almost" all removable devices : all your PCI adapters other than the graphic display, remove the Ethernet boards, everything plugged in the USB ports.RegardsYodan
  9. Don't know if I'm in the right subforum for asking that question.But I really have a strange problem.Since a few days I started not to be able to access my cpanel with Internet Explorer. I keep getting 504 or 503 errors (remote page not available or not found).It's not due to Xisto because I can reach my cpanel from my office's computer.Only home I cannot ! Unfortunately, it's the place where I should use it. It behaves as if the 2082 service port was unavailable.Is there something in IE6 settings (under XP) preventing my PC to open something like blahblah.astahost.com:2082 ? Is this a setting I could have put by mistake ? And how to fix that now without re-installing everything ?Please help!Yordan
  10. I love the idea of MicroPLAN @ $3.33 / YEAR!Moreover the one-month free part.I would like to make a suggestion.First of all, would you guarantee that my cousin's MicroPLAN will work as nicely as my Xisto site works ?Secondly, May I suggest to slightly raise the 10 Megs level up to 20 Megs ? The people I would recommend this should have space enough, in order to put two megs html files and a phpbb forum. And I'm afraid this will hardly fit in 10 megs.If a small site and a small forum can fit inside that MicroPLAN, then this would be really nice. So, people start with micro-plan, and if they are poor designers they will have no visitors and their site will not grow, and they will not need more thant that.And if the site works well, a lot of visitors and a lot of people posting to the private forum they can change switch to a basic plan, and then to a premium plan.RegardsYordan
  11. This could also be a full politeness language problem.
  12. first look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I started there, and finally I was successful with Mandrake. So, you should also be successful with Suze. Regards Yordan
  13. Mc Afee already has a version for Linux as well for AIX, since a long time.
  14. I'm pretty sure Windows rewrites the master boot record. The game's goal is precisely how to re-create a mbr record. Mandrake's boot disk recreates it quite alone with lilo, the game gare is helping Fedora managing grub.
  15. Have a look at the "readme" part, taken from where you took the software. On Linux exactly like on Windows, some softwares have to be put at their correct place, and some other ones have to be simply double-clicked from where they are. Have a look at the installation guide with your Firefox distro and carefully read it. If the doc says "put the things in /usr/local et untar them", then you will have to place them in /usr/local. If the doc says "put them in your home directory and type rpm -Uva *", then you can do it from where you prefer. that's the funny part in the Open World : people do exactly like they prefer. There are some rules, like "use makefiles", or "create rpm packages", but it's simply a common way of doing, nobody is forced to do that way. The only way you are forced to, is you must istall your package exactly the way how the guy who created the downloaded package wants you to install it. else, debugging will not be very easy.
  16. Isn't this a X1 1-way language sharing problem ?
  17. you are right, it's great. And you are right, it works fine.I experienced twice one-day off-service, but globally it's fully usable.Of course, you still need your Xisto account, uni.cc only provides a domain.
  18. usually, you do the following :1) Install MS-Windows.2) Install Linux3) Do not touch anything more.Now, you have mbr problem. When I have this kind of problem on my multiboot Windows/mandrake, I do the following.1) boot on a dos floppy disk, and do- fdisk /mbr - reboot on the floppy disk- fdisk, set the first partition active.2) boot on the Linux install CD, and choose "multi-boot setup", this re-configures lilo (because I prefer Lilo), it should work the same way with Grub.If this works fine with Mandrake, it should also work with Fedora.Hope this helped.Yordan
  19. A fact very important is that now viruses come infecting Linux systems. A while ago we knew that viruses were infecting only Microsoft systems. Now they start infecting Linus systems.
  20. I also used 2b-gal, really simple to install, programs almost as clear as you want. Look here : http://www.ben3w.com/multimedia/devphp_2bgal.php Yordan
  21. What about a multiplayer free game site ?Most of the network playing sites are single-player sites and after one hour you need to pay.what about designing an interesting arcade game, or word-playing game, and allowing several human people to play one against the other one ?MSN does that whit Messenger, I think there is room for another site.
  22. I would expect the sources to be in your Linux distro. I usually work with mandrake or Redhat, and the sources are in the linux distro. Be careful, the kernel source is not only the kernel by itself, but also a lot of libraries linked each one to the other one, in order to be able to add a new component to the existing ones. So, look in your Linux distro, or go back to the site where you obtained your Linux.
  23. Maybe, there could be another approach.what you want to do looks like je job a libraty software does.So, maybe you could look for a freeware library software, knowing a stock of books (here a stock of software CD and docs) and checking who has the thing and checking the return back to the shelf.
  24. You know what ? I already know some things about Chaos and Order, two opposite entities. However,the question was about the banner, so I simply commented the banner, and the way a text could match a drawing.
  25. I just tried Gentoo for ppc64. The install CD just booted, and did simply not install... So, gentoo, maybe yes, but not on ppc64 !
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