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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I just installed Mandriva on a PIII computer, just for surfing on the net. The install was fast and easy, and configuring the browser to define the proxy was easy, and I went on the net very fast. So, Mandriva on a PIII, in my opinion, is a good solution for a free OS during a short period of time.
  2. I like your job. I would like to be able to do mines as nice as yours.
  3. Nice, I like it. This shift to sepia gives an old-time look-and-feel I greatly appreciate.Yordan
  4. One obvious way is ftp them to a subfoldder in your Xisto accoung, and then ftp from your PC. If you use a binary transfer, ftp will be in charge of avoiding any file corruption. The advantage of this method is that you will be able to have both at the same moment, seing the difference between the Mac look-and-feel and the Windows one.
  5. sorry for asking such an obvious question, but... what is a "Harvest Moon Game" ?
  6. I never could decide myself to destroy a computer.My first computer I had about twenty years ago. When I stopped being able to play games with it, after about ten years, I bought a second one, the first one staying "just in case". Ten years after came the third computer, and then I threw the very old one.Now we have four working computers, a fifth one "just in case", the sixth one holds the database in the library of our village, the sixth one staying for replacing the fifth one in the library.So, no, I will never be able to kill a computer.
  7. Checking periodically with another antivirus online is an excellent choice. I use Mc Afee online scanner, they allow you several times an online scan. Of course, if you use it too frequently, you are said "now you know our product works, please buy it".
  8. C programming is the best solution, because compiled programs go incredibly far faster than interpreted programs.And, of course, you need to practice a lot. By the way, most of the universities now ask their student to write down games, because it's a good way for learning ; and it's rather difficult if you did not learn the subject.
  9. Ah, the old good games, mostly abandonned now. This has the generic name of "abandonware", just do a google search on the word "abandonware", you will find a lot of sites allowing download of these old-fashioned games. For instance, if you speak french, have a look at http://www.abandonware-france.org/
  10. Hi, mzlingling, welcome aboard. Hope you will enjoy Xisto site. Do you want to tell us a little bit more about you ? What are you doing currently ? What do you like in your life ? What are you main projects ? What are your skills ? Where will you probably need help ?RegardsYordan
  11. @Alexandre : your program has a great advantage, you are independent from any provider, so you can use it on a server other than Xisto, or even on a server on a private network. yes, it has to be tested first. For instance, I am curious to see where $dados is defined.
  12. Once more, a good reason for choosing Linux. Unfortunately, if you design a site for home users, some of them are still using Crosoft Windows.
  13. Thanks, Houdini, I will try with cpanel and phpMyAdmin.
  14. Is it possible to remove a record in the Viper GuestBook at Xisto ?I have been told that my gestbook did not work, "sign the guestbook" did not work. I tried it with a dummy message in order to see if it works. It works, but now, is it possible to remove that dummy "just testing" record from the guestbook?RegardsYodan
  15. I guess that you want people to see the result on your website ? Then, it's simple. I'm not very familiar with PhotoShop, so experts will correct me, but I guess that the next step is to save your work as an html page. If it's your first page, you save it as "index.html" and put it on your site.and use the same template for the second page, etc...
  16. The problem is, how do you know that a given source is secure ? Yesterday I connected to a friend's site, hosted at t35.com. I recommend this site to my best enemies. On t35.com, the "page not found" error redirects you to the SpywareStrike page, so then I entered in an endless loop. Finally I gave up and reloaded my system from the last backup.How can you trust a site ? A friend's site is not a good reference, because the hosting provider can change his no-ads politic. I'm sure even not all the sites mentionned at Xisto forum are ad-free and problem-after-unwanted-download-free !
  17. yordan

    Hi :d

    Hi!by the way, what does "" mean ? Doesn't appear like a smiley on my browser.
  18. And, of course, you are never connected as root on your Linux system while you are surfing on the web ? For instances when you wish to download a rpm patch, ou first login as a standard user, and you go on the web in order to get your patch, and then remove your Ethernet cable before connecting as root on your system ? Does somebody really behave like that ?
  19. I also used e2u.cc this site was rather interesting because it offered both space and web hosting.Unfortunately, the are not any more fuly free, they suppressed my free account and suggested me to switch to paid hosting.
  20. You have to divide the sum by 4, and not by 5.As a matter of fact, only 4 people will have access to the 1giga throughput, the 5th one will use a wifi device, so he has to pay 1/5 of a cheap 100 megs/sec device.
  21. Seems really promissing. The idea is nice, and it could be very useful. On my pc, it stops at the questions "Do you use a PC or a Mac?" and, instead of displaying the "continue" button it displays : Maybe this site is not for IE6 users ?
  22. yordan

    Popup Blockers

    On a lot of sites, when you try to download, you cannot, instad you have a message saying "sorry, you must answer yes". And if you want to download your thing you must de-activate your firewall, your pop-up blocker, your antivirus... and you are really exposed to danger.
  23. chown -R oracle dir2 # will make oracle the new owner for "dir2" and recursively all the files and directories and subdirectories and files in subdirectories.just type "man chmod" if you want to have more info.If you want your files belonging both to the oracle user and to the dba group, you type :chown -R oracle.dba dir2 # -R means recursively, oracle.dba means "user oracle and group dba".justy type "ls -lR dir2 " in order to see that everything is like you want.Be careful, if you are not root, this will be a suicide : the files will belong to oracle, and not any more to you, so you will not be able to modify or delete them.Tell us if you need more help.RegardsYordan
  24. Unfortunately, isqlplus services crashing is not an Oracle. It's a Sun-Os problem, I don't have it with my AIX installations. Moreover, it's probably a problem with an application on the sun system, using the same service port as the oracle isqpluplus service.So, even an Oracle certified guy would be of no help here, you need a Sun-os debugger guy.
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