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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Of course, you can retrieve your work from a backup if the backup was done after your files creation.
  2. Yes, roughly you loose one point per day of inactivity.However, if you post several interesting posts the same day, being helpful for a lot of people, you earn several credits in the same day. So, it's possible to post several times the same day, look how many credits you have, and go to holidays. For instance, if you have 20 credits, you can go on holidays during 15 days, and when you come back you still have 5 credits. Hope this helped. Yordan
  3. I would also say "depends on what you want to be seen".For my friends, I am proud to show that I am the owner of my site, and that the name displayed is my real name. By the way, a lot of sites also want to warn you about something : "please do not post pornographic things here" or something similar. And you must acknowledge.So, if you sign as "john doe", you clearly say that you don't want to follow the rules.Of course, if you are asked "why do you give fake names", you still can answer "I'm not sure about the honesty of this site". By the way, remember the antispam tricks, and give e-mail addresses on mailers like mailinator.comRegardsYordan
  4. I gave it a try, seems really great. Seems to let you upload any image, and then you can add them to your html pages.Of course you cannot send zip files with several images like imageshack does. However, you can imagine upload an image, add the corresponding code you your webpage, upload the second image, add it's code, so it seems rather reasonable.I'm still curious to see how long they keep the "not visited" images.
  5. I would like to emphazise that you can recover single file from your ghost backup. You used ghost backup in order to do the previous backup, you still have it. So, after the reinstall of your system, simply use the ghost browser tools, they will look inside your old backup and retrieve the single files you need off your backup. It's as simple as that!RegardsYordan
  6. yordan

    Hi ^_^

    More precisely, USUALLY keep 10 credits. EXCEPT the first day ! When you will have reached your 30 credits and ask te be hosted, you should have not so many credits above 30 because they will fall down to almost zero. So, first get hosted, and then try to have more credits than strictly necessary, so if you go on holidays you will have no penalty.Regards Yordan
  7. Wow! One terabyte ! I'm pretty sure a lot of people here are interested sharing this disk space!
  8. nice info, I will give Pictiger a try. I am using Imageshack currently, but each time I download my credits go down, i hate this.
  9. yordan

    Hi ^_^

    Welcome on board, teartrack_sos, and help us Save Our Souls.
  10. There are a lot of posts on Xisto forums explaining that gmal anti-spam is very efficient. Did you activate yours ?
  11. Yes, now there are rather few pay phones available, precisely because almost everyone has a cell phone.
  12. Really nice info, thanks.I just used an e-mail at mailinator.com for gaming, have been asked for confirmation, was able to read the mail and click in the "validate" link, and instantly received five spams ! So, the mailinator.com address is really useful! thanks again. Yordan
  13. Nope ! Ghost's obvious goal is backing up a whole disk because everything is safe. However, you can selectively restore files. Depending on the ghost version, it's named ghost explorer or ghost image browser. With ghost explorer or ghost browser, you open your backup image file (usually on a CD), and you see your files, and you copy them back to your hard disk. So, ghost backup is the correct way, and backing up a whole disk allows then reading some small separated text files and get them back. Regards yordan
  14. Nope ! On the forum you must speak English (only politeness for people who don't speak Dutch nor German). Simply, if you read the Xisto Rules, you will see that you can do absolutely everything you want provided it's honest. You can even do a very profession site for selling things if you are a legal reseller. Welcome aboard, Pina, have a long life with us. By the way, on Xisto you can do a lot more than a blog. For instance, have a look at fantastico in Xisto's cpanel, you can create a very professional forum, without any advertisement, and no constraint and no need to register (you choose if people have to do it or not). Think about it, because a private forum exclusively for your friends on the subject of your choice will probably improve your site. Regards Yordan
  15. You should ask your friend to talk by himself, hi should explain from where he found the camera.
  16. That's what my wife does. Unfortunately, I know very few people able to do that, buyng a cell phone, paying every month for that, and not using it because most of time you don't really need it.
  17. I did exactly that in my home. And I had nothing special to do. I connected each computer to Internet separately, and then all three of them were able to go simultaneously to internet, or to communicate with each other.
  18. nope, I use mwm, which came fare before twm, and some "standard unix" users use it, not only hackers. the difference I mean between standard unix and hackers, is in the deepness of their Unix kernel knowledge. standard unix only need to know how to use it.
  19. I guess that minnieadkins has each computer connected directly to the router, each one through it's own single NIC.Then, you don't need ICS. If each computer can go to Internet, both computers can go simultaneously to internet, without any trick.If your provider allows two simultaneous connections, you don't need ICS. And if your provider does not allow two simultaneous connections, ICS wil not provide it.So, simply configure each computer to go to the net, and then, if your hardware allows it, both will be able to share the internet connection.And if your hardware does not allow it, then, as miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG says, upgrade your hardware adding a cheap Ethernet switch or an Ethernet hub.Regardsyordan
  20. I simply have no cell phone yet. However, when I attend a meeting, or while I am teaching some students, I expect them to purely powerdown they own cell phones during the hour of my class. I don't name that technology things, I simply name that politeness. If what I am teaching is important for you, please no phone calls. Pople who don't need what I am teaching should simply stay home.
  21. I also have no "delete" button, I only have "archive", "spam" and "other action".I use IE6. Maybe a special browser is needed ? Yordan
  22. Free, really ? I think that AVG free is fully free. I have seen a lot of others which are free during a couple of days or a couple of monthes, and then stop working, even preventing you from installing a competitor's antivirus software!
  23. Normally, in that situation it's really simple. If you bought brand new things, after 4 monthes you go back to the shop and ask them to be repaired or changed.If you bought second-hand disks, it's too late for going to the shop. I also think that, If you waited 4 years, it's definitively too late for going to the court.
  24. I like KDE on Linux systems, and CDE on other Unix systems.And, of course, standard X11 in failsafe mode is useful un case of trouble.
  25. I was satisfied with vnc (which also has encryption). I tried ultravnc, and my computer started being rather unstable, so I went back to standard vnc.
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