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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I switched from MS-Dos to Windows 98 when the home PC's startend beeing sold with Win98. I switched to WinXP because my new computer has been sold with WinXP installed. My next computer (hopefully in a couple of years) will probably be sold with Linux Installed, then I will have switched to Linux.I guess a lot of home users have the operating system sold with the computer bought, so they will naturally switch to Linux when the market (and the customer service people) will be ready for that, I think it's beginning right now and will be more and more precise within the next five years.
  2. so, the real info is the fact that you like Suze. I didn't really see if you prefer Suze or if you prefer Redhat, or if you prefer Suze because it's free.The free version of Redhat looks really closely to the commercial distribution, so for the beginner you will not see immediately the difference. Personnally, I found Suze less comfortable than RedHat, and RedHat seems less easy to use than Mandrake. However, this is not technical, this is a look-and-feel info.
  3. Congrats, moonwitch ; Congrats, szupie. Total respect, miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG
  4. I guess it's a problem whith enkryption or recognition of your accesspoint from the wifi driver on the laptop. If this is really the case, you will have it whichever OS you install on it : if you did it the wrong way once, you wil do it the wrong way the next times.
  5. I use vnc with dynamic addresses, the address changing rather fast. I simply use vnc on the computer name, and it works in most of the cases. sometimes I have to go on the router in order to know the current IP address, and then I use vnc on the IP address.Of course, on each computer, Zone Alarm says "vnc is trying to access" or "do I have to block access from vnc", and I answer "always allow this program". Regards Yordan
  6. My router is where I found place to put it... So it's exactly on the wall, near all the pipes... I'm lucky everything works most of the time....
  7. Hurray ! congratitulations to jedipi and to each of us.
  8. this is another topic, how to reset a root password, booting from a knoppix CD.
  9. I guess that simply one of the wireless connexions had detection problems, maybe a wall at the wrong place, or even two guys facing the antenna...Just verify the wifi device properties, see if the device is seen as "conected". If you have obtain no IP address, just try again in a DOS window, by typing "ipconfig /renew"
  10. maybe the virtualdub method will also work with audio - direct copy, and video -direct copy, only adding the filters ? it will then last some tens of seconds, insted of a couple of hours ?
  11. I like this look an feel, mainly red text on white background, very classy.
  12. By the way, you should also try vnc. You install vnc server on the target system, you run vncviewer on your own PC, and you give the IP address of the target PC, and you are on the remote PC, your keyboard is his keyboard, your mouse moves on his screen. Of course, don't forget to give a password and to use enkryption.
  13. One update is missing. Just connect to Microsoft Update, loadd all the mandatory updates. I remember the update description looks like "system rebooting when accessing a remote disk", and when I applied it it stopped rebooting. By the way, I am talking about SFU 3.5, the last one.
  14. with NFS it's really friendly. The linux systems nfs-shares it's fileystem, and your PC simply uses it, and you navigate with Windows Explorer like on your own computer.I use the NFS from Microsft Services for Unix, it's professional and easy to use.
  15. I guess that snutz411 is essentially thinking about home users.Because, for company work, there is no questions. At most real production sites, the SI has to choose between a "normal" system, which is a Linux one (of course, the commercial version or Linux in order to be supported) and a "huge" system, which is a propriatary Unix system.So, the choice is between Unix and Unix, Linux in my mind being a version of Unix.Of course, Microsoft is still present, but mainly in the workstations mono-user systems, not so in the multi-user, multi-task systems.
  16. can you ping systems using their IP address ?
  17. Of course, each one of your systems is on Internet, so you really need a firewall, of course, and first of all you need an efficient antivirus, choose a free one or a commercial one but of course you need one. This is far away of the topic subject, which was "how can i share files", but you really need an antivirus, especially if you share folders. Remember that some viruses precisely look for shared folders.
  18. Last week I was in a supermarket, I saw a PC for only $300, ready for use, operating system already installed. I asked if the Windows CD was included in the price, and the answer was "no, Sir, this is a Linux system". So, slightly but surely, Linux is coming in the supermarkets, it's the first step for a general use. And this thing was sold as a DivX Player and Internet system, so really for everybody.
  19. I never had that problem yet. But I would first try with virtualdub, have a look at all the options around the "video" part.RegardsYordan
  20. If each of your computers is able to connect to internet through the wireless adapter, you have nothing more to do in order to have everything interconnected.Simply verify that everything works correctly.On your computer, open a DOS-prompt window and type "ipconfig /all" in other to see your own IP address, given by your router, let's say it's . Then, go to the second computer, "ipconfig /all" to see the second address, let's say it's, from the second one, ping the first one's address : "ping", it should work. This means that physically, the second computer is able to reach the first one through wifi as physical layer.I guess you want to do that in order to share folders on each computer ?Then, create a shared folder the master computer (by the way, each one can be a master, the first one for pictures, the second one for text files etc...).Then, verify that the naming things are correct : in the DOS prompt window, type "net view" in order to see which computer names are correctly defined, or right click on the "my network" icon and choose "look for a computer". If each computer is able to react when called by it's name ("net view \\sistercomputer"). Else, you will have to use the old good command line things ("net use * \\\myphotos), which is slightly less comfortable.So, if you are familiar with neworking with cables, now you have enough info for continuing by yourself.RegardsYordan
  21. I agree with qwijibow. Moreover,If you create a hardware RAID5 group, you can partition your disk, and then use it under Windows as well as under Linux.Else, if you prefer software RAID, you will have a RedHat-only system, and you will loose a part of the openness and collaboration possibility of your PC.RegardsYordan
  22. You are right, there is a small error in the topic. The complete way you have to do that is like this :1) You download the file from bootdisk.com. 2) You unzip the file on your computer. 3) You see a little .exe program, which asks you to insert your floppy disk, and writes the "real" image file you downloaded. this is a bootable image file, so you PC will be able to boot from it. I am stilll working this way for tens of years. Of course, you will have a ms-dos systom booted. So, if you want to read things from, or write things to your hard disk, this disk must have been formatted in FAT32 mode, not NTFS. that's why I always have some FAT32 partitions on my hard disks, so I can boot under DOS in order to write things to my hard disk. for instance, if you have a Norton Ghost backup on your hard disk, you boot on a floppy, and then you restore your crashed system from the backup un the hard disk.
  23. Just one small thing, I had it once on a computer, i was really suprised. In the Win XP hardware menu, have a look at the properties of your of your Ethernet adapter, there is a folder "power settings", and a tag "allow Windows to power off this device when needed", if the box is checked ("yes"), uncheck it, and see if there is a difference.RegardsYordan
  24. by the way, jedipi, how many hard disks do you have ? Because you need at least three disks (opmtimally five disks) in order to create a RAID5 disk. If you have only two disk, you create a raid1 disk or a mirrored pair.
  25. I had this problem on another site, I deleted one half of my files, and I was still exceeding my quotas, even after several monthes. So, sometimes, when you remove files, they don't disappear from your quota.I don't know if Xisto has this problem, because I never exceeded my space quota yet.
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