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Everything posted by yordan

  1. yordan


    Read the forum rules ! You must write down standard English sentences, with a subject and a verb, most of your words being reachable in a normal dictionnary.
  2. Of course, you must not trust a single hard drive.You must at least have two of them, in RAID1 mode. Or have a way of fast and reliable tape backup system. Unless you use Sarah81's method, using a lot of DVD's for backing up your data.
  3. yordan


    Welcome, Samuel, have a good time on this forum.
  4. Not kilowatts, of course. But this should be enough for a mp3 player with a small speaker, you would obtain good music for free.
  5. my screen is 1024*768, that's enough for almost anything and everything is perfect for usage.
  6. i first learned Algol (who remembers that language ?) I really started with Fortran, a looong time ago.
  7. I'm afraid you are mixing two different think.The database is in charge of keeping the data. Most of the database systems behave the same way. the requirements you are talking about are not database requirement : they are application level requirement. You first need to write down the dental application program (probably in C++ or in Java), and ask your program to put the data inside the database. Most of the work will be done at the application program designing, coding, and testing. then, there are almost no differences when addressing to mysql or postgre or Informix or Oracle.
  8. I still think that a "delete file" option is missing in the "upload" menu.If you change your mind or if you sent the wrong picture, you sould be able to remove before uploading a new one. this is not important if you have small files, it's important if your account has limited disk storage.
  9. not sure. If the two hamsters are two males, they will probably fight instead of spinning. two females, who knows. One male and one female... it's another story.
  10. I'm afraid you are confusing two things.The info is not stored inside admin.php the info is stored in a table. admin.php is the program that puts or retrieves the data from the table. And the table is in the database. So, lonebyrd, you have to first understands that you have a database, inside the database you have tables, the date are inside the tables, and the php files are programs allowing to add, remove, display or delete the data which are inside the tables.
  11. I learned something today ! I will give ReactOs a try. Maybe it could help my friends who are afraid from Linux and don't want to pay Crosoft Windows.
  12. @Quatrux : You don't understand because you could not figure how really he is beginning.@lonebyrd : you don't select from a database. A database contains several tables. And the "select" instruction is the way of seing what is inside a table. So, you must first know what tables are in your database, and then "select" to see what is inside a given table. To see the names of the tables already created in your database, you type "show tables", exactly as Houdini told you. when you know the names of the tables inside your database, you type "select * from " in order to list the whole content of a table inside your database. You cannot directly see the whole content of your database, you must first see the names of all the tables inside your database, and then you can look the full content of each table using the "select" syntax. Hope this helped. Don't hesitate to come back is it's still not clear. Regards Yordan
  13. Does somebody remember altavista ? They were almost the only efficient and free one some years ago. And they are still present.
  14. yordan


    Welcome to our new guest, welcome spell!
  15. Have you really spent 25 years programming flash scripts and vb ? Then, you are the older programmer among us !
  16. I think people don't really know yet. And I guess that in most of cases the choice will probably be a political choice.I think Mysql is rather mature, and is widely used now, so all guys using it will tell you that it's the best one.However, I have been told that Mysql is a "false" open-source SGDB, it's free but not open. So if it happens to close you will have to pay the licence.
  17. what kind of protection does the tool called "tool called A-Ray Scanner" detect ?
  18. There is another post on this forum, with this virus making a shutdown with a countdown.I think I remember that the trick was typing "shutdown -a" in a console window in order to abort the shutdown and make the antivirus complete the cleanup.
  19. Any interest saving conversations ?I hardly find time for talking with my contacts, would find no time for reading back old comversations! Regards Yordan
  20. Hi, Farhan, hope you will enjoy your stay here.By the way, what does "preman pasar bogor" mean ?
  21. which game is this ?You should also look at your local legislation things. For instance, in France, it's forbidden to crack a game even for your own usage. And the guy who helps you doing this will go to court with you.
  22. Where is the disk space consumed ? If you are simply talking with your contacts, nothing goes on the disk ? Am I wrong ?
  23. It seems that now MSN Messenger is on the point of being replaced by Windows Live⢠Messenger Beta. see here : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/18614/windows-essentials Yordan
  24. By the way, you should not change that. You could imagine associating the .html extensions with notepad. but, then, you would not any more be ablo to surf over the net, the first remote index.html would probably be opened with notepad.
  25. Hi, Tavox, keep going on.Hope you will neverneed our help, but if you happen to have a problem, don't hesitate to ask us, some ones here are higly skeeled people.See you
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