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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Did somebody already received this USB disk ? Were you successful erasing it ?I have an USB disk and I have a program allowin me to make it read-only. Also, maybe the microsoft USB Thmb drive is also a readonly one. I thing readonly chips are rather cheap if you burn them in huge series, so maybe it's not a fully read-write device.
  2. I would suggest something, from my own experience. It needs some time, but it's absolutely not risky, and you can go back at any time. 1) Create a partition on the SATA disk. 2) Make a ghost backup of your Windows partition, put the backup on the third partition of the SATA disk. 3) Powerdown your system, and remove your IDE disk. So, no danger, you will change nothing on your windows boot settings. 4) Boot on our ghost CD-rom, and ask ghost to restore the backup from the third partition, on the first partition (provided that you made it slightly bigger than the original one). 5) When the restore is finished, verify that Windows now works correctly from the SATA disk. Now, your system is safe, on the SATA disk as you want. 6) Powerdown the system, add the IDE disk, verify that you are still booting off the SATA disk. Else, you should consider formatting the IDE disk off a MS-DOS floppy. This is the only dangerous step, because it's the only moment where you cannot go back. Hope this helped. Yordan
  3. Your signature has a drawing or a text.If you put both, they should seem to have something to do together.And I don't really see how the tree in the drawing is related to order or to chaos ? The tree seems to have experienced a huge wind, which could refer to chaos, but then I don't see how the order is concerned.Of course, this is only a philosophical point of view, but my father always told me "express the things as simply as possible". If a text is needed, put the text. If the drawing is enough, only put the drawing. If the text does not help understandig the drawing, remove the text.Nevertheless, it's a nice drawing, and your text is nicely written.
  4. They seem to be working on something. The site shutmail.com seems to have changed to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and they ask you, for the free plan, to post on a forum described by a broken link. By the way, it's not a 3 gig hosting any more, but a 200 Megs with 2 gig bandwidth.
  5. You wil see the answer to your post asking for hosting. simply look at the other people's posts and answers,andyou will see how long is the average answer time. Usually it's a rather short time, except if there is a problem making the staff really busy.Also try shouting in the shoutbox, this could wake people up.---------------Sorry, jlhaslip, we were typing at the same time, so I did not notice that you already fully answered the question. Your answer is more complete than mine, although I would not take the risk to see miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG getting angry.Personnally, I did not try Xisto because I have no time left, being busy posting on Xisto forum.
  6. huh ? could you be more precise ? What is the problem you have, and how can we hlep you ?what you are saying looks like the need of a shared Excel spreadsheet. Or do you prefer having a database table with a php display program ? is this your question, "how to write down a program displaying and managing the context of a table with four columns and a number of lines" ?
  7. I just finished downloading the gentoo PPC64 install disk.And, guess what ? It boots, but it cannot insall on my ppc64 !Why is it named "install" and "ppc64" if it cannot install gentoo on ppc64 ?I boots correctly, at the boot prompt I type enter, it continues booting and it stops after the "booting local" step, nothing more.sigh!
  8. OK, that's the reason why. I thought that you had the problem immediately after Windows installation. And I thought that everybody did things just like me. When I come to a brand new set of systems, I 1) format 2) Install Windows 3) get internal PC communcations to work (inside my own network). 4) Install printers, shared folders. 5) test printers, shared folders. 6) Install antivirus 7) install firewall 8) verify that printers and shared folders and telnet and ftp and vnc still work, else re-touch firewall settings 9) configure Internet Explorer (namely default gateway and proxy). 10) Download Microsoft latest updates. 11) harden the box like you suggest. 12) re-test everything. So, when I saw your post, I thought that you were at step 4. And you were at step 12. That's why I did not really understand what you did. So, I must correct everything. If I really came to your home in order to correct this printer thing, it would have lasted far more that five minutes because I would have had to backup your system disk to DVD, and redo steps 1 to 4, which would have lasted at least one hour. And, yes, sorry, you said And I have seen 250 because you were explaining that you wanted to make the things interesting, and I know very few places where two people can have a nice dinner for $25. Nevertheless, we are happy to see that everything works fine now on your two computers. And, yes, you can be proud because you found the solution by yourself, (almost) without needing help.
  9. In most of Linux distros, you have to know which hardware you have. i saw that some of the forummers here around have AMD 64k computers.I am currently downloading the ppc64 version because I would like to know how it behaves on a 64-bit power PC. And ibviously you have downloaded the version for the 32-bit PowerPC, which obviously will not boot if you have an Intel-compatible system.And it's very funny to see that there is a version for Alpha, this is a way for re-using old Dec computers...
  10. And I firmly say : don't try to attach c$, you will add standard securities and anti-hacking issues, simply try to run \\\ without the c$. Also another way is the box "look for a computer", type and you should see the printer. Except if file and priter sharing is not enabled in XP. And, of course, the $250 is very attractive. However, I'm pretty sure a lot of experienced young guys will be able to simply directly sit down in front of your computer and solve your problem for five times less money. And if I was closer to your door, I would probably have solved this issue in less time than spent typing here. No need for extra items in order to make things interesting. All of us are interested in knowing how long we will need to guess what really happens, and who will finally get the solution. By the way, please tell us when you finished reading the MS-Word document, and the things around page 18 suggested by WeaponX. If three people cannont get a Crosoft printer to work, it's really too bad.
  11. I use pictiger images hotlinking in most of the forums I use. I use Imageshack hotlinking in other forums. So, my sigs don't disappear simultenously on all my forums.
  12. I had exactly the opposite problem. I love terminals, and gentoo was afraid by mine. The CD first booted, I choosed "install" and the answer was "illegal terminal type term0" "system halted". I expected at least seing the installation starting. I hope this will not be the case with the new version I am currently downloading. So, from that point of view, gentoo starts being just like AIX...
  13. Let's see if this is right. Last time I tried it, the ppc64 install simply crashed on Power4 as well as on Power5 systems, whereas Redhat and Suze had no problems. Let's see if the LiveCD install things make the gentoo install easier for noobs. First step : the download link works fine!
  14. That's another funny study. Let's now study a nice mathematical property of relationships, which name is "transitivity". For instance, if I'm taller than you and you're taller than your brother, then I'm taller than your brother. And now let's study the transititivity of the "stealing" relatioship. Of course, copying from another person is stealing if you don't quote and mention the real author, because it violates the intellectual property of the author. And now comes the mathematical relashionship. Is this a transitive relationship ? If yes, stealing a stealer is stealing. By the way, if you thind that what I'm writing is quite stupid, you are right. And if you think that I copied this from somebody else, you are wrong. I decided, from my own authority, to do this demonstration and to use the "stealer" study case as an example of a well known group theory. These are my own words, and looking if the relationship is transitive is in fact a very important process in knowing if we are really talking about the mathematical identity named "a group" : if the relationship is not transitive, my set of people is not a group linked by the "steal" relationship. Isn't this nice, where mathematics and sociology come together ? But this is another Story, and Isaac Asimov wrote a lot about mathematical predictions of human behaviour.
  15. Of course, on astathost, you need to do nothing in order to have phpbb2, fantastico does the whole job for you.On a server other than Xisto, just do an ftp, this suggestion is right.I would just like to inform that I sometimes had to chmod somes directories : for instance on Xisto you are not the "root" user, so you need to give yourself execution rights on the installation programs. Most of modern ftp clients allows you changing the permissions on your downloaded files, simplly try (read-write-execute to everibody), get everything working, and then selectively change the permissions for security reasons and then check that phpbb still works.
  16. I see a single connection from microsoft-ds. Is this what you meant ? Maybe it's the connection established when I opened msn.com ?
  17. No, no, no, you should not ! If you want to connect to the printer, you should type \\\ and not with the c$. first of all, it's with a \\ and not a //, this could be cause of error. secondly, connecting to c$ is now forbidden. c$ means connecting without any sharing control, so now it's usually not possible except if you shared c:\, which is probably not the case. So, you should really try to use the following sequence : Start -->Run --> \\\ then you should see each shared folder or printer, and choose the printer. If you see nothing appearing, then the Windows printer is not shared. Regards Yordan
  18. For today, it's quite enough, let's be happy together and enjoy your working linux. For tomorrow, if you start installing very often, and if you see the same error arrising frequently, we should consider looking what happens.
  19. This password box seems indicating that the user names/passwords are not the same on both computers. Which user is connected on each computer ? If you are connected as Administrator on computer 2, you must give computer 1 Administrator's password when prompted. If you are connected as "James" on computer 2, a user named James must exist on computer 1, if possible with the same password, else give computer 1 Jame's password when prompted.
  20. @techocian : the "edit html" was only for the center of the page : not the header, not the footer, not the side, just the empy part in the mittle, where you probably had nothing except typed "enter", which gave a <p> in the html code part.
  21. Yeeppeee ! Just tell us when you're ready, most of us will come with you.
  22. You are right, twitch. Putting google at work, as google suggests, is the best way for a personnal site. A personnal site will never have the cpu power and the disk storage necessary for doing an effective search as google or it's competitors do.
  23. Talking about things we don't use, e2u.cc just switched from "totally free hosting" to forum hosting. their decent space was 1 giga ! sigh !...
  24. So, lonebyrd, if you still have this issue then you may ask for a free online viruscan from McAfee website. The free online viruscan will not remove the virus, but will confirm that your are infected and will tell you which files are infected.
  25. er... this is exactly the way hiberbate works. After a given delay of inactivity (usually some tens of minutes) the computer hibernates, seems powered off except that (on my computer) a blinking blue light signals the hibernation. If you simply happen to slithly moove the mouse (or simply step strongly on the floor which makes the mouse sligthly move) the computer wakes up exactly at the same point where it stopped. You see that it was hibernating because it comes up without booting, directly from power-off to the full Crosoft display with all your apps open.
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