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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, so,it's normal that I have trouble with my on-board 8 megs video and 256 Megs RAM. I had money enough to buy the game, I will need more money for increasing my hardware.
  2. @XIII : yes, your link is interesting. I particularly loved the blackberry version.
  3. Nope ! I you want to be a Unix network security admin, you need to know that. If you are a unix administrator you may know this. If you are a unix user, you don't have to worry about that.
  4. So, it's simple.If you start-up from zero, you use goggletalk. If you already have some contacts, you start with MSN or Yahoo or whatever your contact is already using.
  5. I don't know why it simply crashes on my Win2k system. it's stated to work on win2k, but it does not.
  6. No, I think that far less than 10% of people don't use Messenger.
  7. In my home : the advantage was making no holes in the walls between the four rooms where our four computers were. This is the first advantage with wifi compared to wired : no need to make holes and have wires accross your house, making holes is sometimes dangerous and the black or blue cables are not very nice.The other advantages is with the laptops : you can watch your DivX movie in your bed, or in the dining room or in the garden, no need to be attached to a data cable. Yordan
  8. Here he has to update the server's IP address, because the server has a fluctuating IP address.
  9. Look here : http://www.typingtest.com/ Simply do the test, it lasts one minute, most of us did the same test, so we have a common measurement of our typing speed, measured on the same test.
  10. It can also be http://forums.xisto.com/And you can have a fixed system name, even if your IP address is dynamically changing. have a look at http://www.noip.com/ they will give you a fixed name you can link to, which name will be automatically converted to your real IP address everytime it changes. Read this : I used this for a while when I wanted to have my own ftp server (of course I don't need this any more because I have Xisto... )
  11. Dual booting is not the problem.I had dual booting and I had problems last year. i solved my problems and I still have dual booting. Please tell us a little bit more. If you login as root on your Linux console and type "iwconfig" what do you see ? We need to know if your hadware is not recognized, or not configured, or if your WEP password is rejected. so, for instance, what about trying to give a fixed IP address and see what happens ? If a fixed address works, then this means that your hardware works fine under Linux and only the configuration to the router has to be perfectized.
  12. Go to the notepad++ forum and ask for a Linux version. If this versions is not written yet, try crying and ask for writing it. The nopedad++ forum is here https://sourceforge.net/p/notepad-plus/discussion/ (found after 13 seconds googling). Regards Yordan
  13. OK, the other computer did not see the files, but do you know why ? In order to know what happens, you need to go to the Windows XP Disk Manager. It's reachable by going throug something likeStart->Settings->Control Pannel->Administration tools, etc.. then, in the disk Management you should see both of your disks, and look it there are partitions on the second disk. If The disk manager sees no partitions, that seems that you lost all of your data. Also see if the disk manager sees the second disk with it's right size, else this means that you will not be able to simply use this disk. Regards yordan
  14. OK, now it's simple, it's the thing I do every day.Leave the current internet "adapter 1" settings as they are now, on each PC. Each NIC 1 has it's own address, consider both of these address ranges as forbidden. You cannot touch by yourself the addresses 192.168.XXX.XX nor the addresses 10.XXX.XXX.XXXI nead a last info, type "IPCONIFIG /all" on each PC, and look what subnet mask you have, I will assume that the subnet mask is starting anything, first type "ping" and "ping" on each PC. Each command on each PC should give "no answer" because there is no PC reacheable with these addresses now. So, theses addresses are free for your home personnal use.Now, on each PC, leave the "number 1" Ethernet adapter as it is now, and configure each "number 2" ethernet adapter as follows :. Fixed IP address. IP address number : on the left PC, on the righ-sided PC.. Net mask, with Samba, the second PC will mount the samba disk from, and the first PC will mount the samba disk from the second one on address I clear ?If not, don't hesitate ask more.Regards Yordan
  15. You are right. Reasonable fast means, as fast as you need.I type just as fast as people are telling me the things which have to be written in my text. So, my speed is fast for my own purposes, as long as I don't have to say "please slow down, I can't type so fast". Some people type far slower than myself, because they simply don't need to go faster. Some other people have to type faster than me, they simply learned how to at a typing school during a whole week. ----------------- By the way, I just verifyed my scores in my keyboard teaching program. My speed is 346 keystokes per minute. This is the real typing speed. The number of words/minutes depends from how many keystokes a word is worth. Is this fast or not ? Depends on where you are compared to an average. "Normal" people are supposed able to type 2 keystokes per second, which means 120 keystokes per minute.
  16. Nope. You should start with Mandriva or Redhat. And when you wil be more experienced you shall go to Ubuntu or Suze.Else you go right to the opposite way, going from difficult to easy, which is not the simpler way for learning.
  17. I think that if you have some secret files on you PC (the phone number of your Girl Friend for instance) on a shared folder, the people sharing your unsecured Wifi network will read your files and know all your secret things.By the way, I think that the only real way to keep your secret secret is to put no real secret file on your PC.
  18. Sorry, I just start understanding the full problem.your PC has two adapters, and your brother's one has a single one, is this right ?If not, maybe you could post a drawing with the NIC's and cables ?
  19. Atspace.com has currently no problem.Awardspace has a lot of ftp problems.
  20. If you type fast enough you don't have time to getting tired...
  21. So, the problem seems simple.You should leave the one connect to Internet like it is currently. the second one seems connected only to your brother's PC. So, the second one can be configured to a fixed IP addreess (let's say and at the other end of the cable your brother's one should be configured to a fixed address, for example. Can you confirm that when connected to your brother's pc you simply have an Ethernet cable, or are other PC's also connected to yours through the same adapter and a switch ? Yordan
  22. +1 for Stinger, I use it each time my system behaves strangely.by the way, disabling the Windows system backup is a normal thing, because if you had a worm or a virus, it's backed up and will appear as you restore your system backup.
  23. I also say Mandriva for a first trial.Also, before installing Mandriva, create a FAT32 partition on your Microsoft Windows system, this will be automatically handled as writable by Mandriva, which will help you with Linux/Windows interoperability.Leave the other distros, like RedHat and Ubunto, for further, when Mandriva will have shown that installing Linux is very easy and using it is obvious.Of course, Madrake is slightly better than Mandriva, but right now you don't need the differences.Regards Yordan
  24. I used the speed-meter with my keyboard training software. However, it should be better if all of us could use the same speedmeter. I just measured my speed with http://www.typingtest.com/ I was disappointed finding only 78 wpm (4 errors, net speed 74WPM) Maybe all of us should start with this test, so we have the same reference ?
  25. I usually create 20 gig partitions : it's faster to defrag a 20 giga empty partition than a 40 gig half-full partition.
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