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Everything posted by wutske

  1. Indeed, plus you'll need to make a compiler or an interpreter (like PHP) for the language that translates your higher level language to a lower level language like assembler.You'd better write libraries for an already existing programming language. You can shape existing functions into a new, maybe more easy to interpret function ...
  2. I wouldn't kill the registry, it might not be the best solution available, but it's a good, central way to store settings. They just need to improve it a bit to make it more secure.Windows has already seperated the kernel from the gui, just check out the windows server 2008 core edition, no gui (okay, a tiny one, but it only can run notepad ), only a command line.
  3. If you have inifite loop then your code is bad (except if you want it to check, re-check, re-re-check something over and over ... altough better way are available for doing that ).Also worth mentioning is that if you know that a loop will only last for a few cycles (5 or so) that it is more efficiënt to copy-past your code 5 times instead of adding a for/while-loop (if you rewrite the code to a lower-level language you'll understand that checking the arguments for a loop takes some time too ).
  4. I just use init 3 or init 5 without rebooting , or do you mean without terminating the X-session ? (btw, I only switch to runlevel 3 if X is acting up and I need to kill it ,
  5. I must admit that I find it more easy to complain about Microsoft too, rather than highlighting the good things they do. For starters, they do give away a lot of free stuff, especialy at students (atm I have about 3 XP Pro licenses, 2 Vista business licenses, full versions of visual studio, their whole web-development kits, ... ow ... and because our school changed names we got new accounts meaning I have everything double ).One thing that most people do mention but don't consider as such a big plus is the fact that windows is rather user friendly, compared to linux that is a big advantage. Most people also nag about their hardware not working (anymore) in windows, but windows still has more hardware compatibilty compared to linux (altough that is mostly due to the manufactureres creating drivers for windows and not for linux/MacOs).Of course, their security is still crap, I've had a rootkit a couple of days ago and I still can't believe that files can be totaly invisible and registry keys can be un-deleteable , but hey ... linux security is crap too, but nobody bothers finding security holes in it
  6. The new task bar looks innovative, but isn't a 'wow' for me . According some sources it isn't faster as Vista, not lighter either ... can't imagine whyI'd buy it (I would never have bougt Vista either , got some free versions from school and it came with my laptop ... ^^ ).
  7. You'd realy have to pull a lot of power to drop the fan voltage from 12V to below 7V ... basicaly, if this happens your whole system gets undervolted and nothing will work.
  8. If you start to think like that then I guess you're a bit paranoia. People walkin around in the classroom can watch your computer screen too. If you don't want people too see some personal files/data, then don't open them in public environments. Do note that password protected mountable drive aren't safe at all, the data can be read as raw data, and thus skipping the password protection. Some fingerprint protected usb drives implement this way of protection, it can be skipped easily (sometime you can even access the data if you modify the usb drive a bit (setting a logical one on a certain input). The only way to protect you agains all this is encryption with a descent key (not to easy to guess and long enough). Keyfiles in combination with a password is probably the best method.
  9. Yeah, and most admins aren't going to configure their server as a limited user, administrator all the way
  10. The https connection encrypts all the information you send over this public connection, including your username, password and all the mails you have in your inbox. People that are monitoring the lines (or the signals if it's wifi) won't be able to see your password and all your private information, same goes for virusses that look for transmitted passwords (it however won't protect you if the virus just monitors keyboard input ... ). It's like using an anti-conceptive, it doesn't protect you in rougly 5% of the cases ... but for the other 95% you are safe, you just have to hope you're in that 95%
  11. Quite a coincidence, I've just re-started writing some sort of personal webpage wich I'll be hosting here at Xisto. Always looking for something new I'll now probably take a look at this ruby thing and maybe use it instead of php (even tough my personal page isn't going to use a lot of scripting except for some ajax to make it look a bit more appealing ).
  12. That's not always true. If the heatsink has a bad or no contact, you'll hardly feel any heat comming from the cpu, it'll power of before it can heat up the environment. @turbopowerdmaxsteel: if it ain't broke, don't fix it
  13. At school I've seen someone using it, It seems to work quite well, altough I can't tell anything about the speed because we're limited to ~23kb/s at school
  14. So from what I read, the overheating was caused by a defective cpu fan ? I think that was quite obvious because even the fastest P4 Prescott doesn't idle at 80°c .
  15. I wouldn't look for the cheapers one available, paying a bit more might save you some trouble. I have a cheapo 500Gb external HDD, it's big, it's heavy and it's power is so weakly connected that accidentaly unplugging the power is very likely to happen
  16. Using iframes is a somewhat outdated method to embed external pagines in your website. XHTML 1.0 strict doesn't even support iframes anymore, so it's suggested not to use them any longer. Using non-valid css isn't advised too, it'll only work in IE and your website will look ulgy or even totaly messed up when viewing in other browsers like firefox, opera, safari ...
  17. You could probably do this yourself with a batch process in Photoshop or something similar, since you've shot it on a blue background it's simply a matter of adding an alpha channel, selecting the blue color color, finding the right (color)margin, apply a feather to the selection (to soften the selection a bit) and then delete this selection. I think it's worth trying this out before spending a few $100 and if it doesn't work you could still try the specialized companies
  18. Check the system log (right click This Computer > Manage and there go to the logs). Look for any recent errors that have something to do with your network card.Something worth considering is trying to regenerate the problem in linux (you could use a live cd for this). This way you can make sure the problem is not related to windows and/or windows drivers).
  19. Those are very good , but try not to use the same effect over and over, because it looses it's charme after a while .
  20. What I meant was MPlayer, it's a powerfull CLI player (there is a GUI available too) that supports almost any format and is capable of playing corrupted movies
  21. The first thing you have to wonder is whether you realy want MacOS, if yes then you have no choise but buying something from Apple because you can't 'build' a desktop for MacOS (basicaly you can, but it's trikcy and support is minimal). If you don't need MacOS then you'll have to option between building it yourself or buying a OEM one. Personaly I'd build it myself, because this way I can configure even the smalles component. If you have absolutely no experience with hardware then you'd better buy a preconfigured one. An important thing to remember is that you first need to know what you're going to use it for, you don't need a 2,4Ghz, 4Gb, SLI setup if you'll only use it for office . Hopes this helps a bit
  22. Because not every program works in Wine, there are still a lot more advanced programs to won't work because they need some things wine can't give them.
  23. Nowaday mobile graphic adapters are doing just fine, I don't think we have to complain about them ^^ . It's true, you can't use the Crytek engine at the highest settings nor can you enable the realistic physics, but if that's what you want then you'll have to buy a desktop pc. You don't buy a jeep to race on a circuit ? So why buy a laptop to play heavy games on it ?
  24. A bit basic, but it has some truth in it, but photography is a lot more than B/W versus color. Most of the times you could shoot in B/W, then it's the composition and the subject that makes it a good picture. A B/W picture can be usefull too if the colors of what you are trying to take a picture of are dull and ugly, you simply ignore the ugly bit and capture all the rest.A colour picture is a lot more difficult to create, because there are a lot more factors to keep in mind.
  25. It's rather easy to do this. I suppose you'll be working with different users, so first you'll need a user database with at least a user ID (a random number, you'll be using this quite often) and a login name. Next you'll need a password database, in this database you re-use the user ID and have another collumn containing the password (preferably save using MD5). So you have something like user database: | ID | NAME | MAIL || 11 | John | john@johnymail.com || 12 | Frans | Frans@fransmail.com| password database | ID | password || 11 | 8896e76cb1c472a1847e75cf23324577 || 12 | e36aea312ecf63d21b5d134b6998d529 | User 11 has password: hallo priteshgupta User 12 has password: dit is een ongeloofelijk lang en belachelijk wachtwoord om te gebruiken There's a lot of info available about creating login systems and the use of md5 in php (altough I do suggest to use javascript to use the md5-hash because this way you don't send any password in the clear). And of course, search the internet , probably the best way to learn something.
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