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Everything posted by wutske

  1. wutske


    Both are copy/paste see for yourself and again
  2. I'm not sure if it's possible to alter it, but it provides a lot of nice DOS diagnostic tools by default http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/
  3. Why don't people just use the stock images for their website ? Diversity is a good thing, but so is standardisation.
  4. Nowadays we can program on the GPU which is a great advantage because it allows us to do the same kind of multitasking like on a cell cpu, but programming a GPU is incredibly hard and I think we'll first see older emulators being ported to the GPU before they start with the real deal.
  5. I did a quick search for it and it looks like Vista is using a different sound stack which allows per program volume. So I'm afraid this isn't possible for XP (yet ) //edit: me and my big mouth. This looks like a solution: http://www.indievolume.com/
  6. We recently got a new (virtual) operator in Belgium which offers free mobile internet (they have a fair use policy, 1Gb per topup of €15 and a validity period of a month) over GPRS. I must say that it's slow, I can't believe you can use this as a main internet connection .The coolest thing is probably skype. I have an iPaq 614c with windows mobile so now I can skype for free over gprs, everywhere
  7. I don't know if it's changed in IE8, but in IE7 it's simple to do. Just open the internet settings (press ALT-key first then go to: Extrz > Internet Settings). Near the bottom of the first tab you see Tab with a Settings button. Click it and you'll find the option to disable that question
  8. So far I've only used IIS (the Windows Server 2003 version, because the 2008 version is a lot different to manage) and Apache and I do prefer Apache over IIS. Both work well, but Apache works on any platform, has no problems with php (took me a lot longer to configure PHP in IIS than in Apache) and works even better with mysql. IIS is great for Silverlight/ASP.net apps, MS SQL servers and other Microsoft technoloies, but atm I'm not using any of those so I'm quite happy with Apache.I rather not use anything else but Apache or IIS because those are the best and most developed so I can use them without getting too many errors, big changes or crappy looking website because the engine is broken
  9. Jeps, it's a flat desktop with the PCI riser card ...Too bad my dad already returned the pc so I can't test your odd suggestion (which I do believe could work )
  10. For school we're looking for a usable fileformat that we can use to do the following: Building environments (eg. airport, office building, ...) Give ID's or classes to certain spaces (eg. only authorised personel can enter a room, or a bus isn't able to enter a place, ...) It must have a well defined origin (since we'll be working with localisation, we'll have to use that origin) It must be open and usable in C++/Qt in some sort Atm we've had DWG (but that's to complex + we should use colors as a replacement for classes), 3DMWL (it's to immature and to weak) and SVG (don't know why our promotor didn't like it ... it seems okay for me, but he doesn't want it ) and atm I'm looking at Collada. So, anyone has an idea ? Let me know
  11. @Yordan: Nothing on the screen = nothing on the screen, no POST messages, nothing. The screen doesn't even turn on. About the beeper, it's an onboard one and it's still there @hfbvm: since when do pc's refuse to boot when the battery is dead ? Afaik a pc with a dead battery always boots with default settings. @aloKNsh: dude, we JUST bought this pc. My laptop still works, it works well so there's no reason for me to buy a freaking new pc and laptop ...
  12. This is the (relevant) code I used a while ago: Declare as a global variable in your class private JPanel checkspanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();private JCheckBox[][] seat_checks; If you have a function that handles the generation of all the components (windows, buttons, ...) then you have to add these lines to it checkspanel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(8,12));checkspanel.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("The checkboxes"));for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { for (int j=0;j<12;j++) { seat_checks[i][j] = new JCheckBox(""); seat_checks[i][j].addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent order_btn_evt) { checkboxActionPerformed(order_btn_evt); } seat_checks[i][j].setMargin(new java.awt.Insets(3, 3, 3, 3)); checkspanel.add(seat_checks[i][j]); } } This will create a JPanel with the 8x12 checkbox grid. The only thing left to do is add that panel to your layout . I'm not 100% sure about that ActionListener, I've never used that in my application, but it might be a good start. My guess is that the checkboxActionPerformed function gets the handler for the checkbox so it can check wether the checkbox is ticked or not. Then it's just a matter of adding or removing the checkbox's name to a list (btw. if you realy want to give them a human readable name, then you'll have to create an 12x8 string array with those names )
  13. I've been using free antivirus for over 6 years now and I've never, ever had to re-install windows due to a virus. So far it detected all viruses (maybe 2 or 3 in those 6 years I've been using the free av's) and they kept my pc clean.So I don't think it's worth paying $50 per year for AV subscription because so far it would have cost me $100 per detected virus ! ps. you bumped a 1 year old topic
  14. So far I have used Joomla, Drupal, E107 and Geeklog and from those I thing Joomla is the best. It's quite easy to manage, extend and theme.Drupal is less easy to use and is also more designed for big and very popular websites.E107 is a bit confusing to use, there are menus, submenu, options, more options ... There is a lot you can do with it, but if you can use Joomla, then I'd skip E107.Geeklog, well, I used it 7 years ago, it's easy, it's geeky, but I think it hasn't changed a lot lately so it's a bit out of date. So, my conclusion: Joomla is the best for simple websites
  15. That's not possible, when Windows crashes and a BSoD is returned, the pc automaticaly reboot.
  16. My father bought a 2nd hand Dell pc that work without a problem, we installed windows, some software, copied data to it and the last thing I did was putting it in standby.The next day, my mother turns on the pc and the only thing that works is the cpu fan because it slowly speeds up to maximum (it's a blower, so it's incredibly loud).I've already tried several things, clearing the CMOS (by removing the battery because there's no jumper for this), removing all the memory, different memory configuration (there are 3 memory modules in total), unplugging disk ... But nothing happens, no screen, no POST, no beeps (even without the memory it doesn't beep).It got to the POST screen twice, with one and two memory modules installed, but I can't replicate this behaviour So, anyone has an idea what could cause this problem ?
  17. Most of the time you install an operating system like windows or linux on a hard disk drive. But it's also possible to have an operating system installed on a CD or DVD. So when you insert this CD/DVD you boot the operating system installed on the disc. These operating systems are called live os'es, they are realy great for fixing your computer or testing a new linux distro because they don't change anything on your hard disk (unless you change something yourself ).
  18. okay, using a live os might be a better idea than moving the drives to another computer
  19. Also worth mentioning when you want to program in openGL: http://www.videotutorialsrock.com/ http://nehe.gamedev.net/ I have a school assignment where I have to program in openGL using only the GLUT library and I'm not realy sure whether I have to be happy about it. It's quite easy to use, but so limited and some stuff like collision detection are 100x more easy in to implement DirectX. But hey ... it's not like I have a choise
  20. And this application is completely free ? I like ! Especialy the browser screenshots, gonna safe me a lot of time, thanks dude
  21. I hade a LiteOn DVD reader that had the same thing. In the beginning it were only a few discs it wouldn't read anymore, then it stop reading any self writted discs (so only dvd-roms were recognised) and at that point I returned it to the shop and they gave me a new one. It also had absolutely no problems with CDs (but that's no surprise because CDs use a completely different part in a DVD reader).I however find it a bit strange that both drives are acting up. Maybe you could try cleaning the lens with a DVD-cleaning set and if that doesn't work you could try installing the drives in another pc.But imho, your drives are dying ...
  22. Re-install the extra ram and test your memory using memtest86 ( http://www.memtest86.com/ ). If I remember correctly, test number 5 is the best one to find faulty ram modules. If you get errors, then rerun the test with every memory module apart. If using both memory modules causes errors, but not when using a single module, then there's either something wrong with the motherboard or with the memory configuration (on memory module is causing the other to run faster than it's supposed to do).
  23. The only application is the Microsoft XNA Studio, it comes with some sample games/templates you can use, but be aware that it's all hard-coding in DirectX you're doing. If you want to draw models you'll have to use another application.You could also use openGL, same as XNA Studio, but all you need is a good text editor and a C compiler with the right libraries.
  24. What version do you use ? Are you sure the DP is set correctly in Mercury, because it sometimes behave a bit buggy.
  25. I can't imagine that slot drives (like your studio has) scratches discs, they are being used for years (they even where popular for a while because they were slimmer, but also more expensive). All macbooks have such slot drives and I've never heard any complaints. If your drive realy scratches discs it might be a good idea to contact support (or buy better cd's and dvd's )
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