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Everything posted by wutske

  1. Thanks for mentioning, hadn't ordered a new hosting plan yet
  2. If you make a topic about something new, could please provide some more information. At least give us a link to the website, or some screenshots.This is not enough imho
  3. You have to be stupid to play it. First you need to buy the game, next you need to pay a monthly fee to play it and last but not least, you have to spend hours and hours before it gets interesting (making you a geek )
  4. $9.99 for a .com domain it is: https://support.xisto.com/domainchecker.php
  5. Don't use hacks for FF and IE compatibitly, it's a nasty habbit. It's a much better practice if you aquire this by using different codes. IE hacks should only be use if there's no other way (ie. the screwed up IE6 engine is causing you headaches).
  6. They don't have to be on all the time. It's very common for laptop to turn off the cpu fan when the cpu temperature is below a certain value (40° - 50°). I can keep my cpu fan off till it hits 50°c and my laptop still runs stable . In fact, your cpu must be at a certain temperature before the cooling system becomes efficient. The heatpipes in your laptop (same goes for desktop coolers) are useless at lower temperatures.
  7. Are you talking about codecs ? If you are missing codecs you can easily install them buy using the package manager that came with your distribution. As said by abdo, mplayer is a good A/V program it can play almost anything (even corrupt/incomplete files are played pretty well with this program). It usualy is available in your distribution's repository so it's easy to install. @abdo: if you have some command line stuff in your topic, it's best to place them in [ code][ /code] tags, makes it a lot easier to read
  8. Hmmm, I was looking for something like this, but it lacks two requirements: OpenOffice.org support and M-Files (matlab) support ...I realy need it because my teacher complained that the screenshots I took from Notepad++ weren't clear enough in my mex-report
  9. haha, lol The fact that the Desktop thingy in your places is with a capital has probably something to do with the localisation (translation). You shouldn't be looking for directories to change this, but for localisation files. Maybe this link helps: https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject/LocalisationGuide
  10. Looks cool, I can't imagine an 8 years old kid could create such nice things . Can you give some more info about sratch ? Maybe some example source code (if any is available) ? I remember my first programming language was Visual Basic ... only thing I could do with it was adding some lame buttons to change the background color of my program .
  11. It's simple. Google has an advertising program, Google Ads. Companies pay a lot for these advertisements because they know how many people use Google products thus see their ads. The more people see these ads, the more money Google gets from companies.Simply put: more google-users = more people seeing the ads = more income for Google = more possible growth = more google-users = ...
  12. So, I can buy a domain name with MyEarnings too ? Because there is some post about the new credit system which says I need 999 MyCents to buy a new domain name. Would be nice, I have no clue how I managed to get $42 MyEarnings
  13. Could be a crashed controller or something. Check the Apple support site whether it's mentioned as a problem or how the reset the power controller.
  14. Same here, installed Solaris on my laptop and my other pc, both where extremely unresponsive and unstable. I've tried several of their distributions (they've send me 2 DVDs with some distro's on it) and none of them worked descently
  15. I prefer Need For Speed Underground2. Undercover looks nice, has some new things, but the menus are sloooow and the cars don't respond as well as in NFSU2
  16. Pointers aren't optional if you need to pass a huge amount of data to another function. Normaly, if you pass a variable to another function, it'll be copied in memory. This is not ideal of you need to pass 100MB of data, your program will quickly let a computer run out of memory and eventualy it will crash. int *my_ptr; //the pointerint my_number=0; //a numbermy_ptr = &my_number; //my_ptr now refers to my_number*my_ptr =5; //my_number now equals 5 That's the basic stuff. There's a lot of interesting tutorials on pointers on the internet and in books, 5 minutes of searching should give you the right tutorial
  17. Doing this in a virtual pc is nearly impossible. You'll have better luck with wine or crossover (https://www.codeweavers.com/products/crossover-mac/). But don't expect miracles, Need For Speed Undercover does works in Crossover Linux, but the speed is still low (despite low resolution and low settings) and there are some serious distortions visible. TrackMania Nations Forever on the other hand works flawless, but Far Cry 2 doesn't even want to start. Notice the missing textures: Some textures get screwed up:
  18. First search result in Yahoo! Search: http://www.thinkgos.com/ I don't think it's new. Some SF computers come with this type of OS. They are made to have a small footprint and to boot within a few seconds. It's actualy an operating system before you boot the operating system. So when you switch to windows or linux, the gOS session is ended and you 'resume' booting, nothing special. Gonna test gOS 3 Gadgets in VirtualBox, see how it works .
  19. You're not using the img tag correctly. It should be: <img src="C:\wamp\www\Game\pic\grass.jpg" /> instead echo "<img src=C:\wamp\www\Game\pic\grass.jpg>" prints <img src=C:\wamp\www\Game\pic\grass.jpg>(without the quotes around the path). Change your echo command into this and it should work: echo '<img src="C:\wamp\www\Game\pic\grass.jpg" />' btw. avoid using absolute paths, makes it incredibly hard to migrate your website.
  20. It doesn't have to be in a corner, heatpipes can carry the heat to several vents, so the gpu could be in the middle of your laptop (which is better as in a corner, because on your lap, the left and right side of your laptop are resting on your legs, isolating the heat, while the middle of the laptop is directly exposed to the air, giving it some space to radiate heat ...)
  21. Working with several layers allows you to alter different components whenever you want. The scanlines for example, if you'd like to run them in another direction, you just have to change that single layer, the other layers remain unchanged and you don't have to do everything again. Layer also allow you to bring things forward or backward (forgound/background), apply effects only to several elements (layers) of the image and experiment with several settings. Btw. nice tutorial, gonna try it when I have some time
  22. The last cpu that could burn was the AMD AthlonXP 3200+, since AMD introduced the AMD64 it also integrated a thermal protection, once it hits a cetrain temp (around 110°c) it shuts down the whole system. However, overheating it still a possible cause of the system freezes (the CPUs aren't designed to run stable at +100°c ), so try monitoring the temp (if you still use linux, install tempsens and add the temperature monitor to your panel, in windows you could install something like speedfan). If the temps are normal, do as darasen told you, try narrowing down the components thus narrowing down the amount of possible causes. Also worth trying is memtest86, run test 5 (if I remember correctly, test 5 is usualy the one that stresses your ram the most) for an hour and see if it generates errors.
  23. The only difference with smartphones is that is has an 800x480 wide screen display, every other smartphone is capable of playing videos too, in any give format, the only thing you need is TCPMP (freeware) or the core player (shareware) in combination with ffmpeg codecs. The 400Mb internal storage is very nice, but it's just not enough for a large music collection and a single video at the same time, but enough space to install a shitload of applications .
  24. You forget the mobile MacOS you find on the iPhones . Even tough I'm a linux user, I do prefer windows mobile on my mobile phone. Android is far from public release (it even doesn't run on mobile phones yet), openMoko is still in development too and most other mobile linux distribution are too buggy and lack support to be daily usable. It's great for development, but I don't want to have a mobile phone that crashes when I want to answer a call or check my mail ... I prefer Windows mobile over Symbian because there are more (free) applications available for it and it offers more freedom when using it. Same goes for the mobile version of MacOS . I do want to mention I have hardly any experience with anything other than windows mobile. Most other experiences are hands on (except maybe linux on my old iPaq h5550, it realy sucks)
  25. Indeed, ME is one of the biggest MS screw ups , I never undestood why they even bothered releasing it
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