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Everything posted by wutske

  1. Nope, we are not blame at all .When it comes to power consumption we have to keep in mind that the elektronics we use nowadays is way more efficient compared to 10 years ago. Not only do we use more efficient power converters, 80+ efficient power supplies but hardware and software optimalisations also let use do tasks faster (a Pentium II converting a DVD will probably use more energy compared to a Core2Duo because it has to stay on much longer).CRT monitors are quickly being replaced by the much more efficient TFT/LCD/LED monitors which also seriously decreases the consumed energy.When it comes to limited resources and waste I'd like to note that a lot of the hardware is being sold when it's not used anymore, imagine everybody has to sell all of it's hardware brand new. Manufacturers did improve their production processes (eg. Intel minimized the use of lead in their microprocessors and cell phones are massively being recycles (especialy the rare and expensive stuff like gold)).We are not to blame because we as individuals have no serious impact when we switch to a greener living, it's the big companies and manufacturers that have to be greener.And the worst thing imho are all the carbon power plants that are still running ... we live in 2009, carbon is oldskool and I can't believe that it's still being use. Nuclear powerplants are seriously more efficient and even tough it produces a lot of nuclear waste it at least won't create CO2 or other poisonous gasses (like sulfur).
  2. You're talking about writing a BASH script, right ? Because "UNIX commands" is a very vague description which I interpret as commands to start an application (eg "ping").
  3. Nope, sounds like a pretty useless thing to me.1) It's too expensive to create all the eletronics for the swings2) it's too expensive to run all the wires from the swings to a power outlet3) if you want it to create a lot of energy, you'll make it impossible for people to use the swings (it'll become too hard to move the swings)4) the duty cycle for a swing is way too low for this to be usefull.Imho the only way to create a lot of reliable energy is by using large scale solution (like create a swing farm where people are swing and other people have whips so the swinggers don't stop swinging ... or something like that )
  4. Clientside scripts are most interesting for doing more fancy stuff (like moving things on your page) or requesting some locale information and using it for formating stuff like dates, etc ...All the rest I prefer to be done server side.However, both ways have another, important advantage/disadvantage.Serverside scripts require you to have some processing power and if you have lots of visitors, lots of scripts and lots of complexity you'll need a lot of processing power. Using clientside scripts to do a lot of pre-processing can seriously reduce the load on your server, reducing the costs.The other thing is also true, using a lot of complex clientside scripts require visitors to have powerfull computers.So you'll need a good mix of client- and serverside scripts .
  5. WOL for WLAN doesn't exist imho, especialy on laptops because it'd require the WLAN card to be activated all the time, draining the battery even when the laptop is turned off.Most laptops also don't have wake-on-x features because of the battery (it wouldn't be nice if your laptop wakes up and sits there for a few hours doing nothing and when you return to your laptop the battery is empty).Afaik the best option is to schedule a task that allows windows to return from standby and to prohibit users to shutdown their computers.
  6. HannahI, it's great that you're writing these tutorials, but imho it's best to teach people to follow standards as soon as they start programming. For example, in your previous tutorial you've forgotten to mention that people should declare the document type (DTD), coding, etc... eg: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;and a meta tag to place inside the head tags that tells the browser that it's a UTF-8 encoded html page. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> In this example you've failed to close the img tag and you've forgotten the alt attribute. So it should be: <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Cat_drawing.svg/322px-Cat_drawing.svg.png" alt="a usefull line of text that explains what this image shows" />
  7. So far I've only heard good things about MSE, tough that doesn't mean that I'll take it, I still prefer using a program from a company that has experience in the security field ... something Microsoft isn't realy good at (so far they've only bought some small security solutions, renamed them and then tried selling them to the public).@starscream: you mention Microsoft wouldn't benefit from this application if it kept distributing it for free but I do believe Microsoft can indeed benefit from it if the general public accepts this program as the easy solution to make Windows more safe and reliable .
  8. The major problem with BeOS was that even at the end there were only a few programs available making it a rather useless operating system imho.
  9. I don't do it either, mainly because fullscreen browsing is pretty annoying when multitasking. You miss instant messages, you can't quickly switch applications by clicking on them on the taskbar, you can't see the time, ...So no fullscreen for me . But I don't care, Opera doesn't waste too much pixels on useless stuff so I have plenty of room left for browsing.
  10. These are all great solutions ... if you're not using a 64-bit edition of Windows Vista or 7 because these programs don't work (probably due to required driver signing).Having a separate FAT32 partition for sharing data between two operating systems is a good idea, unless you're stuck with a 120Gb hdd and you can't waste any space. Having one partition for Windows and another one for Linux is the most efficient way because all free disk space is available for both applications and documents.
  11. It's as safe (or unsafe) as a regular network connection because it's exactly the same as a regular ethernet connection, but instead of using a CAT5 cable you use a USB cable. It however works in a different ip address subset than your normal internet connection thus the (ip over usb) connection is completely seperated from your normal internet connection.
  12. Have you tried completely resetting it to it's factory defaults ? Maybe there's a problem with the settings. You could also try updating the firmware or even installing a complete new one (like http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato ). Can you do a test for me ? If the internet stops working, could ping the following adresses ? (opendns) (opendns) (google.com) (yahoo.com) If you get a ping reply to any of these adresses, then there is a problem with the dns (domain name service) and not with your router.
  13. For the mplayer -vo problem: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20039 For playing mp3's you should make sure you have the fluendo mp3 package installed (most distro's don't come with mp3 support by default because of the licensing). Also, try removing some of the gstreamer codec packages, maybe there is a conflict.
  14. Are you sure the file isn't corrupted ? Mplayer comes with a lot of codecs and so far the only files that didn't work in Mplayer were those that were completely screwed up (except maybe flv files from youtube with which it seems to have some problems).
  15. It's very cool, but I don't realy like sigs with this many animations, they are too distracting (which a sig should never be)
  16. Have you tried it out already ? Even compared to Vista SP2 it feels a lot faster because the complete architecture of Windows 7 is just better than that of Vista.
  17. Do you have a firewall running on your computer ? Make sure that it accepts incomming connections on port 80.
  18. Apparently, Mandriva is using urpmi as it's command line installation utility. I have no clue how it works because I'm only using openSuse (zypper) and Debian (aptitude/apt-get).
  19. The strange thing is that it also happens to Chrome, so their might be problem with a plugin they share.Try updating all the plugins listed in about:plugins (type this url in the address bar of firefox), but especialy update flash, because this plugin is most used and most likely to cause the problem.Also make sure you're using the latest firefox and update all the extentions you use .
  20. Imho that's not a good way, either link to the correct files or don't link to them at all.
  21. Have you set the 'user' parameter for the drive ? It should look like: /dev/sda5 /mountpoint ntfs-3g user,gid=users 0 0 The user parameter allows normal users to mount the disk.
  22. Normaly the automount deamon (AMD) should do this for you, especialy when it's an external drive.Internal drives can be automounted by changing the fstab file (/etc/fstab). Google a bit
  23. joomla and some extentions should do the trick.SEO isn't enabled by default, but it's capable of having this enabled .
  24. That's not always true. USB sticks are usualy slower when it comes to raw transfer rates, but they are a lot faster when it comes to acces times (compared to mechanical drives, this is absolutely not true when you have an SSD in your computer) and you might get a better performance when a lot of small files need to be read from the disk.
  25. I don't know if it's possible for flash (like on Youtube, but their caching strategy seems to work pretty well), but the most basic media playing applications like WMP or Quicktime have settings to increase the buffer size.Increasing the buffer size will also increase the time you have to wait before your movie starts playing.
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