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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Although the solution seem to be there I let the topic slide but it seems that isn't the case, and so the search was on. Well I found this site that gives two solutions, one them already mentioned and that is taking your laptop hard drive and put it in a external USB enclosure, and they are fairly cheap and you can find one here, make sure your hard drive connection (SATA, PATA, IDE), matches the enclosure you purchase. Also make sure when your taking things apart your static clean or you could screw your hard drive and lose all the data. The other method gets a bit trickery if you haven't messed with the inside of a desktop computer then go with the first method, but if you know your way around then click here and see what needs to be done. So hopefully this solves everything, but of course if neither method works and you got the cash then go to a tech shop that does hard drive retrieval and let them do it.
  2. I know awhile back there was a question brought up about the /TMP folder taking up space, and if anyone remembers that topic do you remember if TMP was an acronym for temporary, and can you safely delete the contents in that folder? Right now I am cleaning out my hosting account and the files in that folder are the only ones taking up space at the moment.
  3. Heck if that was error then trap would be very unpopular, but sadly it isn't and you get 10GB of bandwith with your hosting plan. As for that 3GB of bandwidth yeah you must have hit an old page back in 2004/2005, and which is impossible unless you went to archive.com and search Xisto.
  4. Well you could say their is a misconception about Life in the universe, or rather the answer itself. Is there other life in the universe? Yes and No. When it comes to species like human then the answer is no or rather unknown at this time, and the same could be applied to the rest of the life on Earth that has some sort of intelligence, communication, and survival. Now at the atomic, bactieria, and other microscoptic life levels the answer is yes because those are forms of life and in a way are the building blocks of life as well; however, since our technology is so limited and the universe is so vast that it could take millions or even billions of years to find anything remotely close to what Earth has. Of course the odds are low that we could receive a signal from some part of the universe, but you run into one problem that signal could be millions of years old, and by the time we get they could be long dead. Who knows though but of course I wouldn't worry to much about life else were and rather rather worry about life here, just because its more of a priority then anything else.
  5. Although I have never experienced Deja Vu, but if I remember correctly awhile back someone mention that Deja Vu is sign of a stroke or heart attack or something, or that your losing your memory in some way. Of course its not unheard of dreams telling someone that something is going to happen and it does, however, that doesn't mean your psychic people thats just a coincidence that something came true. Look at Nosterdomas his predictions are so vauge that any number of events could be put to what he wrote, heck I think 9/11 was predicted throughout the whole book by the Nosterdomas nuts.
  6. Again I think I seen another topic about ghosts but no I don't believe in them, and people who claim to have seen them I find highly suspicious as to either their eyes were playing tricks on them or they were either on drugs, drunk, or some sort of mental problems. Of course that show on the Sci-Fi channel is a complete rip off of because first you don't see anything and all they do is describe these feels and hear these sounds that you can' pick up,. So until I see a ghost they don't exist.
  7. I swear I seen another topic about this, but I feel spunky lets see I started off with the atari system, nintendo, sega, sega game gear, playstation 1-3, and as for gaming systems I have tried pretty much all of them so I won't have to list the 20-30 gaming systems that have been up for the last 30+ years.
  8. Its funny though how big of a secret UFO's are at the government side, but I find it even more interesting that when people who have this video footage that the image quality is bad, especially in the digital era know you don't get clear images either because of hoaxes or the fact they have bad quality zooming . Either way as for UFO's are concerned expect most of them to be about military designing new aircraft, and two if their are aliens out there they are smart enough to stay away from us.
  9. Although it is a bit late and since we have plenty of fun in the shoutbox, and on top of that your already hosted so I don't have to bore you with details on what to do here in the forums. I'll just say welcome to the forums and enjoy your time here however long that maybe.
  10. Hmmm interesting that the results could show up like that without the need to hit the enter button, of course I still prefer a calculator if you have excel you could do your complex calculations that way as well.
  11. Well now that you got the site up I chime in on the design, first that white is way to bright don't ask me how that is possible it just is. Next I would say to add a bit of color to the site is to separate the header from the nav and then use rollovers for your navigation, and you can add color that way. As for the contrast I would say drop the black and go with a darker white, and then use drop shadows or a border to separate the site from the background, because the black and white contrast looks plain and uninventive and that you just slapped it together, and that green color your using for links you have visible change it do a darker color because you can barely see it.Yeah I agree need some padding on the left side maybe 15-20px from the left will be good enough. As for your headers I would used <h1> or <h2> to separate them from the rest of the site and that way visitors can have a clearer understanding what they are looking at. Also a few more images will help to give it some color as well.Ok I just saw your blog, and that begs the question would don't you use that color scheme as it looks a lot better then the plain black and white.Thats all I have on changes you could make.
  12. Well when the srping and summer comes I move about every two weeks; I have the blades set low, 1/4 inch I believe so its really short. However, if your person who likes a lot grass but want to keep it nice and pretty then make sure your blades are set high and just cut it once a week. But since you live in Florida I wouldn't be surprise if you have to cut it once a day with all that rain you get, but usually once a week or once every two weeks is fine.
  13. Yes they do match, although we don't have oracle (which isn't required, unless your running an oracle server), and so you should be able to install that fine without any problems. Just make sure you read the installation file to make sure you do it correctly and not suffer any problems.
  14. Well the problems could be both software and hardware so yeah you posted in the right spot.Well we know its a memory problem, so go with guangian's idea and clean it out, and see what happens, and its not really neccesary to upgrade to SP2 or Vista, well you should be at SP2 anyways, because that won't fix the problem. Since it is either a memory problem or the fact you deleted files you shouldn't have, and which brings to this option when you boot up your computer go to the boot menu and run the diagnostics mode, and do the full scan. Make sure you have a pen and paper near by and that way you can write down notes on specific errors so that way you can do a search on them and see how they could be fixed.However, if its bads as you say a re-installation of the OS would be needed so it can clean up all the errors you had, and when you do re-install the computer make sure to update it to SP2, ands thats of course if it isn't a hardware problem. Also not to many viruses created today, that I know of, don't go for the BSOD because why destroy a computer when you can steal the info off of it, plus it would rather be practical to crash the computer completely then give errors that could be fix.
  15. Well since you haven't gone into detail as to why the forums should be cleaned up, I will go into detail why that won't or can't happen. First off all these posts are connected to the credit system, and so if you delete all these posts people will lose huge amounts of credits to the point that some could get their hosting terminated after about 20-30 posts get deleted (thats if members have about 10 or less credits). Second reason it won't happen is that Xisto would be losing a huge market on SEO because it takes about an hour or so for a new topic to show up on google. Which means thats trap17s PR is high enough thats it will show up on great keywords, especially FREE WEB HOSTING, and so if you delete all these topics, and posts google PR will go down, and other rankings on other search engines will go down as well. A couple of years ago their was made mention to archive the data for the previous two yeears and that way to free up some room but that didn't happen at the time, however since its going on 4 years now since Xisto has be running it could be another possibility again. Of course from my observations though more forums are needed because their are enough topics to deem the necessity, such as the tutorials section and of course the computer forum as well, of course there is one forum I think that should get cleaned out is the Make Money forum just because its one spam heaven for people trying to post their affiliate links and junk. And so if you see this topic again, and read my post it might help you explain why trap needs to do this.
  16. The problem yours all having has to do with the fact you have not updated the firmware to your routers, and also I wouldn't surprise that you haven't had your routers WEP or WPA enabled so you don't have any leechers and stuff. Also check to see if you router's drivers are vista qualified, and so you might have to update your drivers as well so you won't run into compatibility problems as well. What lse mac Sure the MAc address is clone to computer you are using as well as you can run into some problems as well.Other then that best way to go is get a hold of tech support for you routers and they will be able to help you a lot better.
  17. HOLY SPAM!! (you know what I mean) that rabbit is real I found a youtube video and that sucker, and that particular rabbit is 17lbs. Here is the youtube video on that rabbit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Like I said HOLY SPAM!! Now at first I though that picture was a fake since I looked at the hand to see if it was zoom in which is not, but of course you can tell this pic is fake because that guy's hand is huge
  18. Well I messed with the coding and this is what I came up with, now sine your using cutenews you need to adjust the style sheet to fit this, as thats where the problem is atis with the cutenews style sheets. <!-- Content of the page --><div style="position: absolute; width: 380px; left: 275px; top: 340px;"><iframe name="Iframe" src="FrizzySheep%20_%20FrizzySheep_files/blog.htm" style="width: 375px; height: 525px;" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></body></html> So replace that iframe with this and in your cutenews style sheet so the width of the posts that your make is about 365-370 in width and that should get rid of the horizontal bar that is left. Of course if you want to keep the height the same just adjust the style sheet in cute news to fit that as well.
  19. Just add this to your iframe code scrolling="no" so it will look like this <iframe name="Iframe" src="URL1" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0" style="width:100%; border:0; background-color:000000; height:100%; overflow:auto;"></iframe> or set it to auto and that way if some resizes their browser or have a smaller resolution the scrollbar will show up. Of course hte other way to make the scrollbar disappear is make the iframe large enough to fit the content. As for removing the background color just erase it and so it will look like this <iframe name="Iframe" src="URL1" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0" style="width:100%; border:0; height:100%; overflow:auto;"></iframe>
  20. Here is your first official trap spam of the year. SPAM!!

  21. well when you boot up the computer it should be the first thing you see after you see the windows XP screen so you can't miss it, however, if you don't see then you don't have to reactivate it again. Even though the activation code is inside the OS software once you install that operating system that activation code is hardwired to the hardware, and so any hardware changes you make, gfx card, motherboard; RAM usually gets away with the major hardware change so do CD-Rom drives, and floppy drives as well. Of course there is an exception of this and I tell how, if you delete certain OS related files or very large groups of files that work with the OS and the hardware then you will get prompted with this screen if you restart the computer or when you boot it up again. I tried this file cleaning program and it deleted quite a few files from my computer and so I was prompted with that screen when I booted my computer the next day. So you won't miss that series of screens when and if you installed that motherboard.
  22. There was a major hole in your logic the moment you typed it and that is in this portion: First off how many businesses do you know that file for bankruptcy during the week of Christmas especially on the 25th? Usually none because thats when they are the most profitable especially for the late Christmas shoppers, and since it is a federal holiday as well as a religious holiday no on is working anyways as most businesses, and government offices are close minus a few skeleton crews, police, fire department and the one or two gas stations that are open. Thats the miracle of Capitalism it set up in a way that losses are expected on most major holidays so that loss is very minimal, and on top of that the stock market the heart of capitalism is close down, I think, so even more money is saved until it starts up on the 26th. Now you second hole is the picking your day to celebrate Christmas thats impossible to pull off no matter how you see it, especially with large family's that are spread across the country or around the world. So trying to get those families to time their vacations around that and the fact that businesses are running about 300 days of the year is not good business sense either. Which leads into point two each person has a specific role in a business and if that person is not there to do it and the only person that pick up the slack is not experience then you run into down time, and loss as well. Yes Christmas lost its meaning years ago thanks to greedy businessmen, and the almighty dollar. There could be several reasons to why this is happening, top one being people are not as religious as they once were, and I can vouch for that myself. That is of course the freedoms we are grateful to get and not be force to practice it if we don't want to. Trust people are aware about what Christmas is about, more then others, but most don't forget and thats why you could say some people can renew their religious beliefs if all for a day. You have a somewhat interesting theory going but in the business world it won't be successful even if it was implement, which it won't. As for what MB mention about the star, I heard about the scenarios behind it such as a comet, asteroid, supernova. Of course my science maybe a bit weak but that star would have to be awfully close to pull off the light that was described in the bible, and I mean like less then a couple of lightyears and this being a very big star. A comet passing by would make more sense though. OF course I remember that as well that hte birthday was more earlier and they needed to replace the winter solstice I believe.
  23. The only way you would have lost your info if you reached -30 hosting credits and then your account would be terminated, but since you are in the positive for credits you have nothing to worry about. As for the newbie question is has to do with posting and how many credits you can earn, meaning the higher the post count the rate of credits you get in a post diminishes just a bit.
  24. Aah that would explain it, and I thought OpaQue you had your first day off of not having to do anything, Cpanel is getting might tricky there.
  25. Well the reason I say that if you have to activate it by phone is that your internet could be lock out, which means that windows won't know if its configured or not. THe one time I had to do this windows activation screen wasn't picking up my connection, and so if you do it by phone it will be a lot quicker that way, then trying to establish a connection that could fail.
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