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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. for the poster above that is off topic and really who uses geocities free service anymore? Anyways the actual embed of the video will only use bandwidth base on the size of the document, however, to really use up bandwidth you would need to have the video in your hosting account. Which means you will use bandwidth when you upload the videos and you will use bandwidth every time someone watches the video, and so it is recommend to use a video service like youtube. As you are doing two things; first your saving hosting space on your account because videos are pretty big files, and two your saving bandwidth.
  2. Oh they want to block the internet basically or rather specific websites, well slowing down the net is somewhat possible I believe by giving each computer a certain amount of bandwidth. I believe bandwidth monitoring software will allow a network admin to do this, however, if your going to be blocking sites get yourself a router or firewall software and then manually type in the websites or keywords you want to block. I know Linksys carries website blocking through its webites, I know McAfee Security Suite can block websites as well.
  3. Well there is a new Acid test out and from the creators of Acid2, Acid3 focuses on Acid3 will focus on ECMAScript and DOM the dynamic side of the Web. Right now the Acid3 is like 84% complete in since it needs 16 more scripts to be complete and so took a beta test on all the major browser and these are the results which also include Acid 2 and browser Version. Hidden Firefox 2 Acid 2 - Failed Acid 3 - 50/100 Firefox 3b3 Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 - 59/100 IE 6 Acid 2 - Failed Acid 3 - 12/100 IE 7 Acid 2 - Fail Acid 3 - 14/100 IE 8 Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 - 17/100 Safari 3.0.4 Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 39/100 Konqueror 4.0.1 Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 - 49/100 Opera 9.25 Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 - 46/100 Opera 9.5b Acid 2 - Passed Acid 3 - 60/100 Well it would seem that the new browsers are going to be the best ever going into 2008 but now the big question will be can Internet Explorer 8 back up that claim this year when it goes beta this summer I believe. Its good to know that that Firefox 3 passed the Acid 2 test once again after a rocky FF3b2 test that destroyed the face. Although I would try to predict this but to many questions pop up especially for those who start converting and all that stuff but I would say somewhere in 2009 it will be Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer in the browser wars while use of others will be used by the hardest of hardcore browser users and what not. So we got 5 major browsers who have passed the acid 2 test, and one claiming they have, but I predict that something major will happen if IE 8 flops bigger then vista and IE7 combine. So it should be a interesting 2008 in the browser wars. Also if your an uber scripter and what to help the acid test crew then check out this link for all the info.
  4. Well first I start with the forum skin good color combination, now just replace the header with something else so people don't have to be confuse with the creator of skin website and yous. Also I drop the gate way look because its rather annoying people have to click on these links just to register and stuff, and on top of that its bad SEO doing that as well so just do a direct link into the forums. By the way the "what are you waiting for" link is broken so look at that right quick. Also it is kind of redundant to have a download link in your main nav and in your forum, so remove the one in the forum and just use the download link in the main nav. As for the category set up it look fine right now since your starting out but plan to reorganize when it becomes bigger.
  5. I have to say WOW! Which makes me wonder if the servers just bottlenecked themselves because of the huge amounts of BW that get used on a daily basis and then it just pop its cork and needed to rest. I wonder if they caught the DDOS attack soon enough, but with what I saw last night when it happen and what you told me I doubt they did. I know some bad weather has been happening the last few weeks all over the place and I could say that maybe it got too cold for the servers, but that is highly unlikely since the heat that gets generated would make it impossible to get below 0 in temperature.Should be interesting if they find anything in the next week or so because their had to be a reason for the outage that happen. As for that migration you talked about I would almost believe that their will be a surge in paid hosting to help cover the costs and what not, because the way you mention expensive sounds like what I wish I could make in a day.
  6. Well I saw this I have to those are some sweet set ups, although it begs the question if they are worth it or not or if you have the room to set them up. 1. Vision One Computer Workstation If I was an executive to a technology company. BAM! I would have that set up 1 screen for tv, 1 for a computer, and 1 for a tv hooked up to a console. Heck you don't have to worry about spilling anything or having something get in the way as you enjoy each monitor, however, it to bad you couldn't turn that chair into a mini bed and take a power nap after a hard day of working. 2. X-Rocker Pro Gaming Chair I would say it's a halfway decent chair to havem and I have seen some sweet set up's, especially when a Grand Turismo game come out you see people send in pic's to gaming magazines of their gaming chair. 3. Steelcase Walkstation I see the health benefits I really do, but really who could concentrate of walking and trying to do work on a computer? Although I like the second set up and the tower rack that is being used, now would be something to have because you can get a bit more ventilation, and also if your running a water cooling system through your PC the extra would go for the water storage. 4. SmartBeds Computer Beds College Dorms and small apartments would appreciate this set up because now you got more room to play with, like using that gaming chair or something. Although I would say trim down the price to at least half to make it more affordable, because its not like your getting a computer or anything with it. 5. Ejection Seat Office Chair The idea is interesting but it seems less comfortable then it looks. So I think I would take the first two, option 2 of number three, Queen size version of number 4, and leave number 5 alone. SOURCE
  7. Well I will saw this since I work both spectrum's of the 24 hour life cycle, more or less, and I would have to say that here in the in the America's 10pm-7am is the the quietest, meaning that everyone on the other side of the world is usually at school and or working, and or faking sick (pointing to that person over there), and we are sleeping, well most of us anyways. Flip the clock over and thats where we are right now as I write this post, usually the peak of posting and shouting on this forum is from 3PM-8PM, and then its a free for all on who shows up and stuff after 10 pm.Heck I might have to edit this post later because I think I forgot what my point is and were I am going with this , Ok basically with the moderators that are here in the forum its evenly split on both parts of the world, and they do a great job and in my opinion of the 2007-2008 class of members I would see maybe 1 or 2 people tops that could do ok as a mod, after spending a few weeks leaning the ropes. That is out of about 2-3000 people that have signed up here during the time frame, and so its not the matter of finding more moderators its finding the right people to do that job.As for the hosting requests patience is required since the timing between a mod reviewing the application to the admin reviewing the application is never set, and with the tutorials a good thing to do is if you don't see a mod by the time you leave the forums for the day, PM a mod and let them know. Approving tutorials is almost the last thing to do on the list of mod stuff so just send in a reminder and it they will add it to their list of things to do and you should see it the next time you log on. Well from what I know hosting support does not come free and so paying them can be a tedious task especially what they make a year, and its a matter of "can I afford them or not". Of course the next problem is the help desk support and having an idea how many hosting account xisto supports altogether you have to wait your turn till they get to you.Patience is never easy especially when it comes to web hosting, but if you can build a good amount of patience the waiting won't be as bad.
  8. You coorect usually 3 days is the max for anyone to live without water, but I don't remember if the body starts shutting down or you just drop dead though. I found this interesting quote and I believe it is the most accurate of pictures with how long you can survive without water, "3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food." After reading a couple of articles it would see that a slow shutdown of your body is the most likely course as dehydration sets and starts ruining some organz and such, but of course I don't think anyone would test that theory though but growing up I always heard 3 days.
  9. Although gimp is limited to what it can do but if you can become a pro at gimp and busy out some good stuff and master GIMP software so people who can't afford to get photoshop the legal way. I would like to see some tutorials from you and I base my decision on those.
  10. The Bryce stuff is hot, need to work on everything else other though which includes brushing, lighting, color, text. So I would need to see more improvement in that area before I can make a judgment call, and it is a maybe some the bryce work makes up for most of it but you need to improve on your sig making though.I would like to see you submit some original tutorials and with that it gives you practice in designing and also find a style as well.
  11. I start with the validation, your CSS is clean which is always good, as for your html you got small errors that easily fixable. As for the website's look I think you need to design a whole new banner because it doesn't fit the grunge look with the rest of the site. I am with sonesay that the look of your content needs a new look, like using underlines in your titles and maybe use two different alternating colors in your content to set up a little separate for all your new content. Almost like the the colors on the posts are alternating here in the topics on this forum, and try to set up some 1px size borders to help with more of that separation as well.
  12. Most of them I agree with but I would say instead of watching them every few minutes block the sites completely until they are old enough and mature enough to handle them. You can do that with security suit software, most firewall software, and of course you can install tracking software and check on it later to see where your children are. However, it's all about trust and both parents and children have to build that slowly, because trust is easy to break and children get harm the most on the internet, and also your children to need to rely on you when they are being bullied especially on the internet. Also limit the amount of time they spend on the computer as well and that will be even better for most young children.
  13. Welcome to Xisto the biggest little community on this side of the internet, I won't bore you with details but make sure to read the Xisto read me file. Since your a big html and flash guy it better to save up for 30 credits because you will have a lot more room to work with when designing your website.Enjoy your stay.
  14. aww you look beautiful baw :D

  15. Well if you check out the mozilla website about this problem it seems that it is a bug in both firefox and with Vista as well. However, this website claims to have figured it out, and this website has another trick as well in over coming the vista firefox problem.
  16. Delivi is correct you need to be specific in em's, px's, pt's or it won't display properly and the browser will trigger quirks mode on you. Although you clean up most of those errors already usually before changing DTD's you first want to burn as many of those errors as possible, and like you said going to strict is no joke since Transitional is a little looser on the rules then strict is. So you could be error free from Transitional but whined up with about 100 errors in strict.Also if you plan to go tables design your tables in CSS, pain as a but that will be it will cut down on the mixing of CSS between the actual html file and the CSS style sheet.
  17. If your hosted you only have to pay ( in the literally sense) 250 credits, but if you don't have hosting and want to get a domain then you pay 280. It seems a lot but if you post about 5 credits a day in lieu of getting that package it would take about a month and a half, and if you post about 10 credits a day simple math says you can get that in 28 days. Although you can post for as many credits as you want but those would be the minimum amount of credits you would need in order to get it as fast as possible while maintaining forum protocol on what constitutes as a good post. So try to spread yourself out to as many forums as possible and that way you don't get yourself trapped on one forum, and I would recommend checking out the introduction forum as that is a good place to earn some quick credits and meet new people as well, but if you want to cut through all that and be able to help Xisto out purchase credits here. I would get the 185 credit one since that will cut down on your posting by a few weeks based on the formula I given up above
  18. I like to remind members old and new that thread hijacking (member posting their situation or going off topic) is a no no, though you won't technically get warn but it do it enough times and it becomes a problem. Also a friendly remind that the Xisto Read Me contains all your answers to questions you might have. Also another friendly reminder before posting check the forums because most questions you might have are spread through the forum, usually you just have to check the first three pages of the forums for questions relating to Xisto and its hosting. For hosting credit questions I would recommend reading these two topics (#1) (#2), and in a nutshell 10 and 30 credits is how many you need to get the hosting plan, and afterwards you have to keep on post to build up your credits. 1 hosting credit equals one day, and your not limited to how many you can have and so the longer your posts the more you will receive. Also if you go past 10 or 30 credits when you apply for your hosting those will be lost and you will be reduce from 2-4 credits (I think the admin need the clarify that since numbers keep bouncing around), and so it would be wise to get 10-12 credits for the first package 30-32 credits for the second pack so you won't lose to many. Of course you have to make sure your posts are at least 3-4 sentences long, are contributive, and are not one word posts like hi or yes. Unfortunately I would disregard KansukeKojima's post about saving a lot of credits unless your trying o get a free domain which I will explain next. As for the domain questions you will get a .trap17.com sub-domain meaning it will look like this yoursite.trap17.com, Cpanel software is set up that you can park or add on Top Level Domains (TLD) without the need to purchase paid hosting. As for getting a free domain you need to have 250 credits if your already hosted or 280 if your not hosted as that will set up your hosting account and give your a free domain as well. Though that is a lot of credits it shouldn't matter if your posts are long and plentiful. To read more about getting a free domain and how to set it up read this topic here, and right now Xisto only offers .coms .nets and .orgs though this which means no other domains are accept at this time through the free domain system.
  19. With Photobucket their free account offers 1Gb of space with 25GB of bandwidth and for their paid plan they offer 5GB of space and unmetered Bandwidth. They area good image host, but of course Flickr has become a popular choice over the last couple of years so a lot of people have been jumping to that one a lot. Of course I would have to say that imageshack is one of the few that are unlimited in everything and last I knew they still have that unlimited account, but not to sure since I haven't been using them for a couple of years now.
  20. Well actually I have several remedies for it: -First make sure its properly ventilated get like a lapboard or something if you not working at a table or anything -Second get a laptop cooling system they are very useful, loud, but when you can drop about 5-10 degree's of heat can't complain. You can find them here and they are very inexpensive so just find one that matches the size of your laptop and you are set. Thickness has nothing to do with it really, but if you think about it the heat is being spread out more and so if your laptop is nice and thin the heat will be more localized. Of course make sure to dust it every now and then as dust will trap in heat more.
  21. Stick figure animation, I have seen quite a few good websites, and a ton of youtube videos on stick figures as well. So it should be interesting what you upload to your site once you have become a hosted here on Xisto.com
  22. Welcome to Xisto, and as for SEO we do have several forums on how to get going in the SEO department which you can find here. I would also recommend this website as well as it has a decent SEO section as well, and to reiterate what Mich has mention check out the Xisto read me as that will answer all your questions on how the hosting works here.
  23. Ouch, most likely they figured out your passwords and such, did you happen to do a spyware scan on your computer at all? Most likely they had a keylogger on you in order to get all your account information and what not, and course you should be happy that ebay and paypal were able to help you out and not give you the run around. Of course that question is how much did the hacker get is the question, but since you did the appropriate actions to cover the damage the hacker cause you should be fine. Just in case check every link in your accounts to make sure any information about you and your bank accounts might have been missed.Like you mentioned in the shoutbox that you run yahoo spyware (junk), and got zonealarm they usually don't pick up everything, that's goes along the same lines as most antivirus software is weak in the spyware department. Spybot S&D usually picks up the left overs if you run the program a couple of times.
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