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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. So I take it that the individual partition copying work successful then or haven't gone that far yet? Usually notebook hard drives are pretty silent, but you can hear the hard drive reading or writing if you have no ambient sounds cover overing it though. With Western Digital though they are practically silent and fast compared to some of the other big name brands, but with the amount of time you put into that hard drive yeah it would slow down over time due to wear and tear. So the newer ones will always be faster then the one your replacing.
  2. Weekends are usually the big down time for Xisto as most of the members are teens and so they hang outside the computer during that time, but that can be side about all the members as well. You would think that the weekend would see the most activity because everyone is not at school, and usually don't work on the weekends, but that is not the case and most of the activity happens during the week while members are at school. The same goes with the 3 months of summer when Xisto receives its lowest activity because everyone is not sitting in front of a computer all day. So don't be shocked if you see your posts 10-12 hours after you leave.
  3. Yes your account will get reset to 2 hosting credits once accepted. Of course once hosted it is recommend to build up to at least 10 hosting credits and that way it will give oyu plenty of time upload everything and setting up the website and then after that you will be either posting or updating your website while here at trao.
  4. No, any amount of credits you have beyond the 10 or 30 will be lost, and unless you plan to get the 280 package it would wise to get your hosting approved before posting again. That way once you get you hosted you can post as much as you want to build up your credits and will only only lose one hosting credit a day.
  5. Heck I remember when they were just a script/template resource that I use to visit from time to time, sadly I was a bit disappointed when they dropped those sections because they had some good stuff. Yeah I can find it in other places but with what I was looking for at the time this was the place to go.
  6. Interesting rating system but the problem is in today web 2.0 era people don't like complex they want simplistic, especially in a rating system such as the one your provided above. Of course the form the hosting admins would have to fill out will be just as complex at the coding end since you would either have to create an individual database for each host or set up a flat file system. Of course my server side programming is noob at best so create a very specific MySQL database that will somehow make number 7 possible because I am not aware of anything programming that could split the domain apart like that and not run in any problems.Like I said though even though it is a interesting rating system your doing two things; first your cutting out the people who want to rate the hosting themselves, and two if a hosting is bad enough based on your rating system they will never see the light of day of getting listed properly in a web hosting directory.
  7. Well here is the first movie of the year that won't be spoiler free since its a spoof of the other movies. Although this has to be the world shortest movie, 70 minutes (Epic Movie was a bit longer then this), it was still a funny movie since they worked everything into the 300 movie. Sadly they lied in the trailer and the Rambo and the trump scenes are not in the movie although I know where they might been place, and so odds are that they will be deleted scenes in the DVD or in the DVD release itself.As for recommendation I would say if you have nothing else better to do or need a good laugh then go to it.Box office predictions I would put it at least $15-$20 Million tops through its run as most of us know movie spoofs don't make that much money and with the movies its going against I would say it could be lower. Especially since they got another one of those lame dance off movies, and really who smart idea was it to create a whole bunch of those? I want to smack that guy because really the first couple were ok, but still if see a Dance Dance Revolution movie I think I will go postal.Rating:It was a more organized spoof and didn't jump to much around like Epic movie so I give it a 6/10, just because it was still as funny.PreviewsJumper (AGAIN!!)
  8. Like it was mentioned above hacking is legal in the sense that your protecting your own systems and seeing how secure it is, most businesses set up a system that is seperate but still mimics it. Then that way their black/white hats can go all out on that computer just see what could be done in order to create some problems.However, the most common form of computer hacking is illegal because then people are just trying to destroy info, gather secrets, and gather personal info. So the fine line of computer hacking is a tricky one just as long as your not affecting anyone outsid what you plan to do.
  9. If your talking about Xisto then it should be -8GMT since the server is on the west coast US.
  10. Well unless your unaware of what happen to Princess Diana 10 years ago it is basically the same set up. All so they can get that one shot that will be worth $100,000 or more on crazy Britney Spears, and to be honest I think she likes this attention since her singing career is pretty much over. Of course I haven't forgot the fact she has completely lost her mind either; however, I won't be surprise if something comes up this year about attempted suicide on her part because it would seem that she close to it.Either way people have stop caring about Britney related news or on the verge of not listening anymore, because really who cares and oh yeah she thinks she's British now, just sad thats all I have to say.
  11. With firefox usually a refresh will help solve the script problem, so their is no need for IE Tab really. Hotmail live also works with IE6 surprisingly enough so if your prompted to go into classic mode you might as well since it don't make that much difference really.
  12. As for the high horse I am referring to the superiority complex you seem to keep on developing when it comes to arguments like this, and when it comes to grammar thats when it begins to show the most and you start boasting and make snide remarks regardless if you you know it or not. Thats is all I am referring and nothing more, and as for thanking you that was pretty much difficult to do when you start cracking jokes about it the moment you saw my work, and as for this topic it stop being a suggestion once the attacks began. The only point I made was that instead just going after the big offenders that to make things simple the moderators would be going after anyone, and that would be the thought process for those who don't have a good grasp of the English language.I never said anything about not caring and being hard, my complaint with you is the way you did it. Also don't be throwing words into my mouth about forum status because I don't need to boast that because I have no need to or would it get me anywhere. As for jeopardy thing I do watch it and I do fairly well, heck I get lucky sometimes with some of those questions, but the way my mind works I only need to know enough to get me by. Really though who uses words like lexicographical on a daily basis, luckily for me lexicon is it short form of lexicography, but of course thats why it blows my mind when I tune into that spelling bee competition on ESPN and seeing words that normal 12 year olds wouldn't be using on. Anyways I am getting a bit side track, point being we can go back and forth, make long fruitless posts, and so I am end my thoughts on this. The moderators know what they are doing if they didn't then this forum would be like it was 3 years ago and be in chaos with spammers and people cheating the credit system, and like I mentioned before its up to the everyone just not the staff to help make sure the forums are running smoothly.
  13. That' is pretty much what hte disclaimer is about as I have read similar stuff about this disclaimer, because it seems after this little rule went into effect many pizza drivers have gotten into accidents, regardless of weather, and some even fatal and so that disclaim was put into effect. Really if you can't wait 35-40 minutes then just go to pizza place and pick it up, because really I think people would start suing these places for endangering lives and all that junk. Of course I don't think anyone would appreciate having the pizza guys car inside your house in a bad snow storm .Speaking of which,, ***crashes into house with pizza car*** :)I know no one wants to cause harm to the pizza delivery guy's so be patient, and remember nothing is a guarantee except for a yummy pizza on a cold night, or a cold pizza early in the morning. Heck I remember calling one night and they were so busy that it was a 2 hour wait, and so they kindly suggested to go somewhere else
  14. It's funny though but I been hearing a lot of stories about zune being the Ipod killer, and from I read in various websites that Zune flopped more then a fish out of water. So I highly doubt Zune would be doing any better that it has the previous years, plus those zune players are expensive you could get a Ipod that has more for less the price, and so in in a way zune killed itself with the price tag they have.
  15. Are you using the pre-installer script at all or uploading all the files and installing it that way? As the pre-installer seems to work fine as I have installed it several times before with no problems; however, if your doing it by scratch maybe this solution might work if you haven't tried already. Also this website provides some solutions, that I would assume you tried as well. I looked at the sessions_save path in the php.ini file it says no value which means that it is disable or it's blank, but either way if you install joomla through fantastico it works fine, but if you don't want to go that route see if these idea's work if you haven't tried them already.
  16. Actually I read all the posts; I might have to clarify my original post. Don't get me wrong get anal on the obvious misuse of proper English post and all that stuff, what I was getting at was that someone might misinterpret, if unlikely, what you’re getting at with topic and the issue you are pointing. Also I base my post on being a past moderator on this forum and being well aware of what’s going on even when I am not here on the forums, scary as that maybe. Also stop using big words I just now had to Google polemic to figure out where you’re going with this; one heck of a scrabble word to use though , anyhow what I was getting on the misinterpretation of you topic people would unlikely begin trying to find obvious things and create a witch hunt on those people who don't do it on purpose. Of course that wasn't my intention with my first post as I was only stating that with this being a forum of teenagers and the very strict rules that come into becoming a mod someone would believe they are do good by nailing everyone that forgot to put an I before an E. Of course I am glad I have that spell checker in Firefox as I type rather fast, or at least I lead myself to believe I type fast, I keep on typing and when I end that sentence I double check it and see if I missed anything. Trust me I wouldn't win a debate if I had the best debaters on my team . Yes members are supposed to reports posts they see as strange and that were lies the problem, especially with people who just join are busting out these posts most of us well know are copy and paste. Usually most people ignore them and go on their merry way; however, people like me who can spot the bogus post right away without trying won't be zooming on the individual words and how they look. I go after the content overall and see if it looks legit or not, now granted I can somewhat nail a grammatical error here in there if the posts are pretty long, but I can't judge everyone's writing skill based on assuming where they live, unless they mention where they are from then I would somewhat know how they would type. I agree though that helping non-English speakers is useful but I seen a few posts here on the forums where people just degrade the way people post. I am not referring to anyone here on this topic, but I know most people come across those topics and the English is completely broken. Usually I try to read it out and fill in the gaps and then respond if possible; However, and don't take this the wrong way, but the last few years I hear a lot of people saying if you can't speak English get the hell of America, but if you place that kind of mentality in the forums as diverse as this people are going to be thinking some bad stuff. Again misinterpretation and in some way perspective as well could be use, but like I said yeah warn those who are obviously doing it on purpose or being excessive but still think about the way a person posts before making that judgment call. I might have rambled a bit but I think you can see where I am somewhat going with this post . EDIT well I decided to think about it some more and came up with this. As members of this forum regardless of our status, it's everyone responsibility to help other members out. Topics like these not only make the staff do more work but make us look incompetent towards the rest of the members, and also telling them what everyone should be doing and not just the staff . As a member of this forum it is your role to help others out that you see struggling or having a hard time adjusting to the way the forum works. So what would be more beneficial then helping people out by writing tutorials such as the one tikiprincess wrote on writing essays, or providing resources to help those become stronger writers such as you. As a Moderator it is their job to make sure the forums are run properly and not be teaching people how to write, that responsibility goes to the teachers and parents and the proper education a person is supposed to receive. Although they don't read every topic and post on the forum its your role as the member to bring it to their attention so they can fix and maybe send a friendly message about some typo's they made. People make mistakes and given them warnings every time they want to add a couple of exclamation points or use words they feel most comfortable with don’t make them look uneducated. I believe if you had someone correcting all your mistakes all the time you would get discourage and start second guessing yourself right? And so if we do that to the members they would feel the same discouragement every time the Xisto staff has to give them a warning every time they start tearing the English apart, and when it comes to the English language there is nothing descent about it. When they are referring to descent English the rules are referring to members making sure that their posts are understandable. They don’t need to be rouge scholars with a master’s degree in the English language, just as long as it is legible enough that everyone can understand what that person is talking about. So instead of telling moderators what they need to do why don't you help the moderator's out and provide information on how to become a better at the English Language. As for the repeat offenders of this let the mod's know and they will take care of the situation as they see fit, and if the person deserves a warning they will get it, but when it comes down to how to write that is up to the person and if they want to write badly and not seek any advice on how to correct it then it is their problem and not ours. You don't have the right to criticize how moderators do their job if the forums were perfect then there would be no need for moderators. Heck I had my own style of moderating and most everyone was aware of it, I dropped the hammer when it came time use it and no one said anything especially when I went back to be just a normal member and having a good time. So I put this challenge out to you let’s see some topics how to help the members improve their writing skills, either be tutorials or writing resources and not discourage them and make people look uneducated. Heck you don't even need a writing forum because we got the education forum and the tutorial forum as the best two places to post these things. It is easy to discourage someone because of the way they are, but it sure is amazing how hard it is for people not to help others out when they know that person could use it. Of course if people can get over themselves and ask for help now and then who knows we wouldn't be seeing ridiculous topics like this in a forum that provides useful info and not a place to bash other people. It doesn’t need to be perfect, if every person had to write perfect English, I wouldn’t be taking English for the third time in college. GASP!! All you want about that dirty little secret of mine, I don’t care as quite a few people know that anyways. However, that’s the problem with forums and trying to communicate what a person feel, and so being a little excessive in some things is alright, and screw the Academic English world because unlike them not everyone are English gods or oh so smart. I may not be a genius, but every time I have to read stupid topics like this saying how people should be and all that crap makes me want to smack the person, because quite frankly I don’t care how you think I should be. I will admit that the only reason why my writing skills have improve so I can make people like watermonkey and even you Misa to shut up about how bad my writing is and all that stuff. Trust me you don’t even know how much I held back when I had to deal with that crap last year, and WM knows they did a lot of trash talking, case being the post he just made in reference to that. Hell right now I don’t even know if what I am saying is perfect English but AT LEAST YOU KNOW MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT! So GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES and thinking your all that because quite frankly you’re not, and screwing with kids minds is not being helpful and so it should be you two who should get the warnings and not the people who don’t have the perfect lives like you two do. So before you two get all “anal” and try to destroy my post with your big words and trying twist my words around, I want to see you two posts some topics on how people can improve, and if you can’t do that before replying to what I just said. Then you prove my point on people like you.
  17. Well since this being your first and all I say you did a haflway descent job, but the goal is to still make it realistic as possible and thus the reason you have that Gaussian blur glow going on. Of course you could pass it off as an early CG design as how early you want go I would say when the PS2 came out and the CG movies got even scary realistic. I think the guy appreciated the 10 years you took off him though .
  18. I have to agree that giving a warning for improper use of the English isn't the right move because then everyone including the non-english speakers would be getting warnings, and that would take the fun out of posting. Granted everyone knows my reputation when it comes to writing the English language and I believe I have improved greatly over the last couple of years. Granted I still suck at it , but still to give warnings to something like for not capitalizing the I when referring to yourself or have to many comma's in a sentence, or it being a run on sentence would be a tad anal. Yeah I agree a warning about excessive use of letters and exclamation points would be warranted, but somethihng like the misuse of words such as anyways which is an adverb, but Nonstandard in the academic world. Of course we cold debate all these internet words being entered into the dictionary world are rather annoying, and you be surprise how people get angry about this words such as anyways. However, Misa you have to remember though that most of the members are kids, and txt msg has ruined most of their minds a bit, and when they do go to college they will face that hard fact, and sadly back when I was in high school they didn't work much on the english language and thus my problem.Of course you could say you can blame the American's for ruining the English language, but me personally I think their are too many rules to the English language. Granted that some of those rules make sense but some are just annoying, but as to which I have to get back to you on that .
  19. At my professional opinion your interface needs more work, the nav menu text is too small and cut off at the end, the IFrame is unnecessary and ruins your SEO just a bit, need a few more images and color to help it out as well. It loads fast which is a good thing. Have some validation errors, no DOC TYPE, a bit to much in the meta tags (thats just me though). I would try to break out of using frames for your site as ajax or php can do the same kind of set up and be SEO friendly.It needs work, and I think showing the clocks on the page instead of going through all these links to get there would be better, and you need to tone down the adsense ad's as well because it was somewhat difficult to find the content between all those ads.
  20. Well you need to have at last 1GB of RAM, and 5-10GB of space to give it a buffer zone for anything else, of course your computer could be incompatible completely but I think its a space issue. Yeah I had trail version issues as well with photopshop CS3 as well, but I fixed that rather quickly when I bought one of the packages a couple of weeks ago.
  21. Again just go to invisionize and you will find several point mods for the IPB, and coldasice IPB mods are modifications that people have program to add more to it like an arcade system, reputation system, download system etc etc.
  22. Then yeah its your motherboard then, most likely you did something during the installation of the hardware or when you were switching out something, did you check to make sure your cables were connected? I would double check that and see if you can smell any burning smells around your motherboard and if you do you fried it.
  23. Before I get into my movie review I have to say I was a bit upset that hey took out the pinball machines at the movie theater and no NACHOS AGAIN!!! I had to eat stale junior mints which I wasn't to please with and twizzler's with a 32 oz. dew as my usual movie snack. Ok now for the first movie review of 2008, and say this most of the rumors are false and this is a new monster, and sadly this movie was over-hyped especially in 3rd person view that most of this movie was in, well ok the whole movie was in. When it did come to the action sequences they were awesome especially when the military was launching everything at this beast, and lets just say New York sure wasn't the same. Now of course the question is will their be a sequel to this movie because its ones of those movies that have so many unanswered questions like, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" "WHERE DID THAT THING COME FROM?" etc etc. Me personally I would rather have seen more action then they showed especially with the fire fights, I would say a combination of Godzilla 2000, War of the Worlds, and the Future of the Terminator movies combine, and a little bit of Black Hawk Down as well. When I was checking out website to see what this movie about I saw a common question, and it did come with an answer, Will it be over-hyped? The answer is yes and of course my response is up top. However, its still worth seeing since it was still an awesome movie, just not like everyone was hoping it would be, and so I would give this movie a 9.3/10 just because it was new creative, and we could see a nice little franchise if they do continue with this movie. Now for the bank roll, and even though I have been wrong on opening weekend at the box office the way this movie set up I have to put in the $90.000,000-$100,000,000 range with it run not breaking the $150,000,000 ange. Movie Previews Hell Boy 2 - should be a interesting sequel since their seems to be more then the first movie. The Ruins - OOOOOH!!! scary Aztec sacrifice temple with who knows what Star Trek 11 - SWEEEEEEEEEET!!! December 2008, and nice teaser trailer with the voice of Spock speaking the famous words of "Space the final frontier", hopefully this will be the movie that brings Star Trek back after the flops of TNG crew. Should be some interesting trailers in the coming months. Well thats my review and enjoy the weekend.
  24. Yeah so far there is not much to be bragging on these computers, it seems that the 3 specs are improving ever 3 years, and yeah I can brag my specs since right now since they are better. Of course instead of just listing them I just point you to the topic I made about it last year. Of course lets try to make this topic more livelier then just listing specs since this topic could become spammish later on.
  25. Well as for the POST sounds indicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any information. In other words their is something with your video card or your on board video card, which means that you might have to try you video card on another motherboard, or replace your motherboard altogether. Just finish reading the rest of the problem and if your connecting everything properly that means your motherboard is the problem so RMA to get it replace.
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