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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Its music related I just don't remember the name of the band
  2. Well ok I think I got that quote wrong and I believe its as useful as 25 cents in a 50 cent store or something close to it. Basically its saying why both going when you don't have or can't afford it. As to how this relates to the topic I am referring to actually is the fact some people claim to born again virgins (don't ask me how that process goes), and the fact most people don't event wait till marriage. So basically whats the point of preaching Abstinence when kids don't even listen, accidents, or rape; you could say in a messed up way (in some cases) that Abstinence is an excuse that some people are not going to get any due to whatever isms you can think of that deal with sex and people.
  3. Now that 2007 is almost over with news of Netscape's demise in just two months, and the major players in the browser wars are set in stong; Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Firefox 1.x.x & 2.x.x and Beta 2 version of Firefox 3, Opera 9.x, and Safari 3.x. Lets just see where the % point are for the major players. Growth Chart So as you can tell both browsers IE7 and FF2 started roughly the same, 24% for IE7 and 25% for Firefox 2, but interestingly enough they ended the year roughly the same but with firefox winning by 1% at 37% while IE takes a nice 36% in second place. now lets take a step back in history for a moment by clicking on the links Browser Stats from 2002-2007 Heck its funny you actually see the demise of Netscape right there As of November of 2007 the break down goes like this IE 56.2% and last year it was at 59.4%, and so it has lost 3.2% of the market in just one year. As of November of 2007 Firefox has a 37.5% and last year it was at 32.9 which means that Mozilla as a whole gained 4.6% of th market since last year. As for Opera and Safari they are tied at 1.8% apiece with Opera gaining .3% from 2006 and Safari 1.8% in its first year. So what could this mean for the browser wars? Quite a lot actually Firefox 3 is almost ready to go full version early next year, which means Firefox 2 will take whats left of FireFox 1 usage and add to its own and on top of that take a nice chunk from whats left of IE5 and IE6 users. So which means Microsoft could lose a big chunk by the time IE 8 even hits beta version and possibly a larger chunk when it goes full versions. Now mind you I haven't taken in consideration of Opera and Safari just because they will only take a few points off of Microsoft's stock. As for predictions we all know Safari won't be dying any time soon, although firefox has a nice chunk in the Mac Market, since Mac users can only use IE5, Safari on their computers (I used it sometimes). However, what will be in store for Opera in 2008. Sadly I look at their extensions and I wasn't impressed by them, but either way there are still loyal opera fans out there. So as like 2006 and 2007, 2008 will be 3rd year of firefox domination in the sense that they will be gaining more users while Microsoft slowly loses theirs. However, you can't rely on data from 1 or 2 site, and so I bring to your attention this little website with a somewhat more reasonable idea of the break down, and oddly enough that break down makes sense but either based on the information people have a more general idea how the browsers are doing during this nail biting war of theirs. SOURCES Site #1 Site #2 Site #3 Site #4
  4. It's interesting you brought this topic up, although I was thinking something else because of this article I read and the fact that 2007 was the worse year for AMD ever. It is due to its new Quad Core Opteron processor called Barcelona, and due to all the delays with this processor it has put some serious hurt on AMD financially. So hopefully when Barcelona and Shanghai are release they will get their money back basically, and from the break down Barcelona should be release in the first half of 2008 while Shanghai will be release in the second half of 2008. Of course with whats going ot be packed into these processors I am not surprise they are having they are, and of course the fact most people only need dual core processors for pretty much everything. On top of those processors they are delaying their Desktop platforms (Phantom), and laptop platforms (Puma) as well yeah these new technologies are hitting hard just like the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 for Sony and Microsoft respectively. SOURCE Site #1 Site #2
  5. Same here I I stopped using Netscape at version 6 back in the mid to late 90's and stuck with internet explorer since then. I can't remember the reason I stop I think it was the fact when I start designing it was messing with the designs, but either way certain events set up its doom and so here we are today.
  6. Gotta love Daddy's little girl syndrom, but MiniK does make a point that your boyfriend is having the good life and she is not, so jealousy could be part of it, just think about the actions she done to you two or or individually amd it could shed some light on it. Problems with the boyfriend don't have to be specific usually if compare her life in general you might get a better response.Usually it takes someone to reach the lowest points in their lives before seeing the light, kind of a lame saying but it might stikr true with her sooner or later.
  7. Well we have our first official victim of the browser wars AOL-Time Warner have finally giving up and will be not supporting the Netscape browser as of Feb 1 2008. Of course the two big reasons for the loss of Netscape is internet explorer and of course firefox, the cousin of Netscape. Of course people will still be able to use it, just it won't be supported after 13 years in the business. Well we all know for those who been following the browser wars that one day one of the big name browsers were going to call it quits. But the time frame though was a bit longer then i suspect since 2004 (birth of firefox), but again though not to many people switch at first until the spread the firefox campaign started. Of course we all knew that no name browsers would soon be lost and only the big name browsers would stay. So now that Netscape is out the question will be who is next? SOURCE
  8. Sadly I don't wear a white collar and I don't have white hair so I can't be a preacher, sadly what I said is as close to the truth as it possible can be. Also we fall in the same generation, although I am bit older, so I seen things you wouldn't even believe if I told you, either way you don't have to listen to what I have to say I let the cruel world tell you that. Its true the whole saving yourself til marriage is as useful as a $2 bill in a $1 store, you can blame the catholics for that one, but either way it shows self control and the fact your not like some people who try to star really early. It reminds me of all those talk shows were those spoil kids ar one and start yelling "whatever, you don't know me" and wave their hands in the air, because of the environment they live and what they believe is cool just because some guy will give them anything they want or they they are old enough to do whatever they want.Anyways there is nothing wrong it regardless what other people say, and of course the guys who all they do is get some action and try their hardest to get you convince otherwise, and put another notch on their belt for deflowering a virgin. But what do I know.Off topic--I'm a weirdo??? And I thought I was some crazy guy who sits in tree stealing people's internet connection, but now I am a weirdo **runs to room crying**
  9. Well the term abstinence and its meaning maybe dead but its principals are still the same; however, the last 2 generations (generation x and the 21st century) has seen the rapid decline in maturity in the sense that kids not even old enough to drive are getting pregnant either by accident or they believe they are ready. There are two definitions to what it means to have sex and since generation x everyone been enjoying the second definition, which by the way is having lots of it and disregarding the emotional and love behind it.As for strange garden's comment yes men are the reason women become lesbians , its true, and thanks to that I can't get a date any more . Of course there is more to that which I won't get into but either way if think just because everyone else is doing it and you should do means your being immature about it, and if you think just because you have a kid makes you mature guess again. Best example to prove that is Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's sister, and right now that guy should be in jail because of the laws that constitution have sex with a minor when you 18+, and although I somewhat commend her on the fact she plans to take care of this kid, I don't commend the fact she was irresponsible about this. Now she has to give up her life as a kid and hit the cruel world of being an adult, and as for that track record the spears family has gone the other way on that.Either way if your not sure your ready, then hopefully that person you plan to have that relationship understands that because if they don't then you will know why relationships don't last as long and 50% of the marriages end in divorce, all because of sex, go figure on that.
  10. Yeah I have to agree people are still using IE6 because of the fact that if you code in IE7 it comes out messed up in IE6, found out that myself on a website I build recently. Of course lets not forget as it was mention by another member on trap that firefox 3 RC past the Acid test, but now Beta 2 does not, which mean they made changes that messed with the rendering, So don't expect Firefox 3 to be passing that test on the final version, and as regards to IE8 be able to work with IE6 I highly doubt that will happen because if they have to dumb down IE8 it will me the ME of browsers, although IE7 holds that spot. Of course with the way standards are changing so all the major browsers can render the coding the same I doubt it won't take much for people to switch, but of course security will be the big issue for this browser once it goes beta because people will be waiting to tear it apart as with all window products.
  11. Well whoever the person they were stupid enough to get caught especially since virus writing is a federal crime and I hope they give this person 10-20 years for it. Although it won't matter much that some teenager who writes viruses gets arrested since their is someone else to take there place. Whats gets me though that youtube doesn't have a tighter control on the videos that it displays, but of course you can prevent videos from being upload because you don't know whats in them, but either ways thats one less loser screwing with my computer.
  12. Well it seems that you have no other choice but to reinstall your computer because if this Trojan has affected you that much you have no other choice but to reinstall. For it seems that this Trojan has infected your whole computer and any files you put on it will get this tag and I don't want to remind you the bad effects of transferring files from an infected computer. So your down to your last resort if you couldn't remove the trojan from the computer and that is the reality of things.
  13. Ok I know about origami tried my stint in elementary school and I have to say is that is just sick, and yeah skills and lots of time to create these would be it. Heck, and I say this while laughing but people would pay serious money for this stuff especially the dragon.
  14. Spoiled brat comes to mind, and the best way to deal with them is don't give them the attention they seek, and although its your role, somewhat, to help support her (bear with me on that) only she will realize that the decisions she makes would affect her. It is obvious the father doesn't want to deal with it because he letting her get away with it, and as cruel as it may sound let the reality check she needs happen to her, and that would be doing something stupid and letting the moron get her pregnant. Of course if she is smart enough she won't let it happen but from the brief description of hte boyfriend he will provide that reality check to her, and of course the world is cruel and so if she doesn't straighten up before she's on her own, that will be another reality check for.I would assume you tried the be a friend technique and letting her get to know you? If not try and see what happens, and if you have and it didn't work, then like I said like fate help her figure out things.
  15. A small correction content in the iframes do get index not just as much as content not in iframe; iframes are another one of those engima's on the internet. Of course to point out AJAX does this as well when you do the preload in document set up, meaning that instead of of the whole website reloading it loads the page within the element document. Of course php includes follow this enigma as well and from websites who talk about it seems they have no problems as well.Also I don't remember were I saw this but it seems i nthe world of XHTML doc type is irrelevant, in the sense that people only use doctypes to have their code validated. Regardless if they have a doctype or not have the proper coding in your documents will display correctly, of course thats were quirks mode comes into play and the horror stories behind that, well are true. Of course I think once the the browsers are finally standard compliant across all types of coding I think thats when Doctype would become obsolete.Now on to the topic at hand, if I last recall iframes have limitation on how they can be styled with CSS, but there are other ways to creating an iframe like nav men, like haslip mention php, others include AJAX navs and using a little javascript to expand a menu. Yeah its obvious what the goal is for creating am Iframe base nav menu and that is cut the time needed to change each page when you have to update the nav menu after putting a new link to your site that is the ultimate goal of all web designers to cut down the time needed to design a website.
  16. Phew this whole topic go me confusedm anyways in a previous topic you posted here your basically asking the same question and thats how will my links be displayed if I parked/add-on a domain and my Xisto subdomain. Like haslip mentioned in your first topic if you use ../ in your links, it will show up as that domain, and I used your urls for examples. YOUR FILE ../gallery.html YOUR DOMAINS have-heart.trap17.com/ have-heart.net INFO ON URL SET UP Link Ok from the information provided by the website that ../ is short hand for typing out the www and so regardless of what domain is pointed to that site ../gallery.html will show up as have-heart.trap17.com/gallery.html and have-heart.net/gallery.html. However, there is a somewhat big problem with using relative urls and that has to do with SEO (search engine Optimization), and that is they won't recognize it in some weird way. This article on SEO and urls gives you an idea what you want absolute links if you plan to get your website index on search engines. Of course this problem is debatable though because this website says the opposite on what url set up to use. Put it this way your main navigation will have absolute links so you will want to type out the full url, and no it won't interfere with the TLD redirection that plan on doing. However, in each section of your website you can go into relative urls (../), and if your as confused as I am after writing this post then just stick with the ../ and let the SEO experts chime in.
  17. Did you disable the windows recovery before scanning in safe mode? Also I found the solution since this Trojan goes by another name js.wonka. So do what this website says in order to remove the Trojan from your computer, and if that doesn't work wipe the hard drive and reinstall, because firewall is not going to be able to protect your computer since that Trojan is planted in nice and comfy into your computer. So any firewall or AV will think its a windows file such as it has been since you first posted this and no anti-virus software is picking it up, and so if you have to go with the re-installation make sure you have firewall and anti-virus software installed, and then update the software ASAP and you should be fine.
  18. Well ok let me rephrase that anwii that he was mature at handling the situation at the time, letting her know how mad he was at her and that he was forced to quit because of what happen. As for the post yeah that was wrong to post of course, but I would have to disagree a litle bit about she having a case of sexual harassment just because he only mentioned interesting and feelings, and if I remember from the posts the physical contact wasn't there or failed to mention it. Of course I am not saying there is different levels of sexual harrasment but in this case it would be very hard to prove, but of course who am I kidding when all it takes to mention those two words and businesses won't care if it happened or not.
  19. Well the best thing about xisto hosting is that you can have a paid hosting account, and a Xisto account. However, since your question was answered in the shoutboc I toss in a friendly reminder, and all that you need to do is log into your CPANEL go to the add on domain menu, type in your Xisto subdomain and then type in your Top Level Domain (TLD) that will redirect to your Xisto domain. That way users can use both urls to access your site.
  20. Rest assured that if the server does go down or you have a connection problem best course of action is to wait 5-10 minutes, usually when the problem is fixed by the tech guys. Also I though I throw a small reminder to help kill the topics made about this if the server does go down instead of making a topic about it, make a couple of shouts or pm a mod or admin (when they are online). Everyone knows that servers do go down because of some spammer, or too many connections, either way lets try to limit the server down time topics because they do happen, but they get fixed just as fast.
  21. Just follow the steps in rval post and I believe he missed a step when you hadd on your domain you want to create a sub-subdomain (in the add-on menu), and that way it creates a folder for you and then you would upload all the files into that folder. Nope it don't cost you any credits, and as for the domain changes like rval said all she has to do is point the domain to the Xisto servers and and then wait for domain to kick into the servers (24-72 hours) and thats it.
  22. 1. Rval would be correct only the domain would be applied, and the transfer has to do with transfering domains such as .com to .net. 2. I think the domain is an add-on and not park, but if it is parked I would believe the change would be instant or in some funky fashion the domain does a redirect or something. correction for #2 The domain is frre ranged meaning that you can park it or do an add on, and I do believe if you park the domain the MySQL DB will be updated to reflect that change. 3. Well right now just .com .net and .org are available and so when it was first started depending on the success more might be added on. 4-5. Like Rval said your out of luck on that one and the owner gets priority, however if you can find a contact info on the person who owns the domain maybe your can purchase it from directly. Nope you would have to apply for a new domain after your first one expires or you cancel it.
  23. Yeah I agree that 2007 has been for the worse year for celebrities, but of course Britney spears takes the top sport just because of all the junk she has been through or done. Heck I am surprise she hasn't lost custody of kids because of that junk, buts thats how money works these days I guess. Its funny when I read the story on her sister getting pregnant I laughed when they mention their brother (forgot the name) was the last hope for the spears family. Of course whats really messed up is that her boyfriend did not go to jail for statutory rape because he's 19 and she is 16, but thats just me though on that little issue.Of course you can kiss Jamie Lynn TV series bye bye just because of that fact, but they won't cancel it to well into her pregnancy and then can the show because it will be at least a year and half before she thinks about her career, and the TV people won't wait that long. On top of that I don't think that is the appropriate image to send children especially girls in or around her age on Nickelodeon which Jamie Lynn shoe is on. As for 2008 being any better for the Spears family well that depends on how much money the media will keep on making off of them. which is lots and lots of it.As for the internet its all google regardless what everyone else has done, and of course AJAX is making itself big as well. I am not to sure on the flash though but now that Adobe has complete control on it I doubt you will see the prices dropping anytime soon.TV all I can say is these reality tv shows have ruining my viewship lots of great shows get cancel because people actually care what someone does on an island or who can sing the worse, well ok I only watch American Idol just for that .
  24. For the most part the website is well organized, however once I got to the gallery section thats where it seems to fall apart. Just because your not using the current theme of the website and went off in other direction, usually you want your gallery to be designed within the template for uniformity. Also I would look into use the lightbox script for your gallery just to add a bit more to it. As for the forum I would try to use a skin that matches the website in colors and looks, again uniformity at play, and of course content content content.BTW I be careful on the MP3 and your Porn collection there especially since your hosted here and I am assuming that website is hosted on here as well, and making sure that you follow the rules and TOS on the type of content you have on here.I give it a 7 because the organization as it just needs a few tweaks on some of your pages.
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