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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Yeah I would leave her if she is already thinking about it, and she already gave you the sign that she is leaving you so best thing to do is dump her and move on. I wouldn't be surprise if she already has cheated on you with him and this was her way of telling you that.
  2. Well put it like this, the Wii became very hard to get during the holidays, number 1 console Across the world for several months, physical therapists recommend it, as well as doctors, great console to get a workout from, and heck you can get a new wrist disease called Wiitis because the strain your putting on your wrists and junk. So yeah its worth it as the games seem to be getting better and better as the months roll around which means this is the second most people gaming system Nintendo has created since the Nintendo first came out.
  3. well if thoses posts are anything like this one I would move them to spam as well. If your going to give constructive criticism, then drop the bad language in your posts. I think you sould look over the rules again, and before a moderator warns you edit your posts and drop all the bad words out and stuff.
  4. Well a new Trojan is out called Backdoor.Win32.Delf.ctk, but this time it has a nasty surprise. Once the trojan is in your system it will lock you out and display a message about paying a ransom to unlock the system by phone. Of course this is a brand new version to ransomware if someone of you may have remembered that the other version consisting of sending a email or something telling you to electronically send money in order to decrypt your computer. Of course the catch is with that is the extortionist could keep on making you pay money until either your broke, they finally give you the code, or you crash your computer and reinstall everything. So be careful on what you open something odd as there is no known patch for this as of yet. SOURCE
  5. Right now there is a server problem on gamma and so your site is still there its just not connecting properly for some strange reason. So bare with the tech support as they figure out why the server is down or rather why it has been down for so long going on nearly 11 hours now which is unusual down time. Also just let you know your problem also corresponds with this topic here, so check here for updates.
  6. AAAh so the trip to meet the family is coming up eh, well as long as they don't force you to eat a lot of belut then you should be fine , unless they tie you down and force it down . I would worry to much about the annoying family memembers you be to busy learning Tagalog to keep up with the rest of the family . Enjoy your trip and stuff, lots of photos and maybe a filipino bride or two for me .
  7. Although the previous two films were awesome, especially number 2, I feel as though Rush Hour 3 was a bit rushed. Just as the movie was getting interesting last 25-30 minutes it was already over with, action was ok, but I feel though they just ran through the moves and got it over with. Though it had its funny moments, like the giant martial arts student, dude had to be at least 6'8"-6'11", the story became obvious especially the major players. Heck I think they just took Rush Hour 1 change a few characters around ands that it because most of the original cast from the first movie came back in terms of characters at least. Still the bad guy was obvious to an extent once you figure out whats going on, but again the movie is short enough that you could pick it up in the beginning, of course the ending was a bit of a let down as well.I think I am somewhat glad I didn't see this in the movies, thought it would have been cheaper, can't complete a trilogy with out the last movie no matter how bad it was. Although I would want to see a Rush Hour 4 just to make up for the disappointing Rush Hour 3, I highly doubt that will happen because of Jacking getting on in the years, and how fast he moves in those action sequences. So if I were to give it a rating I would say 6/10 at the most just because its good series its just a disappointing finish thats all.
  8. When you call Windows phone activation your provide them the key that gets display like so in the image below, and then they will provide you with a new activation number that you would type in and then press ok and you should be set.
  9. To clear things up as the resident Dell person in the forums, and from my understanding you can install the OEM version of vista as many times as you want but since your changing your motherboard you need to go through the phone activation to get a new product key because it would be considered a major hardware change. The OS isn't married ot the motherboard per say but in the sense that if you change out all the hardware of the computer you initially got then you would need to keep on reactivating it, and so you don't need to buy a new vista version. However, I must disagree with the change though because like the dell tech said once you put in another motherboard that does not match the original one then you lose all support for your computer, and so if it blows up or you need to replace parts you won't get them for free and your warranty gets nulled on that computer.
  10. Well first I would say congor could right thats its a wolf spider or maybe a brown spider. DUDE!! your best bet is to either find and trap that sucker or get a extermination to to find and kill that thing, one bite and someone could be in a world of hurt, also it could be a Black widow as well which means the danger of getting bitten by that thing is just as bad. So yeah watch out when you put shoes on, open dressers doors or places where they can hide all nice and cosey and pounce on you the moment it gets disturbed.
  11. You don't remember me GASP!!! ***faints*** With your two year anniversary here on Xisto I believe the title of Trap Maverick shall be giving. Since the dawn of time only few of the bravest souls dare venture in the lands of the trap and proclaim the truth of trap, the power of trap, and the forums of trap. So as one of the elders of Xisto, literally and not physically, I dub you Xisto Maverick, and as for the rewards of these honors well you can tell a noob what to do or something, I don't as I making this up as I type it :)I don't think would be the same here on Xisto without your countless efforts of welcoming new members to the land of the trappers and trappets.***shuffles through box of stuff***Lets see bestowed honor...read letter of proclamation...oops almost forget, here is your gift basket of various flowers, veggies, fruits, software, spam, malware, and a picture of me <---thats meSo we shall see you in another two years or receive millions upon millions of spam from the various members of Xisto or its EVIL secret society BWHAHAHAHAHA.
  12. Nice catch as it seems that the old rules of when this forum was a post to host forum never got change when the credit system went into effect. Either way those rules are out dated and you the hosting credits do apply which means 1 hosting credit equals one day, so unless you build 1 weeks worth of credits and then post when you get hosted then yeah you can do that. Of course it would be wise to build up your credits after you get hosted because you get accepted your credits get reduce to two hosting credits, and so your account would be suspended during that week you are gone. This is a list of the features Xisto provides in your hosting account: features listed on this page Or you can see a Demo of the Xisto Cpanel which would give you a broader picture of what to expect. As for that feature you would need to give an example on that one either because its under a different name or I don't believe they have it.
  13. Ok I like to say I am a moron, just because I remember why I can't go back to 2007 is that I reinstalled my computer so those would be completely wiped out all restore files anyways. So yeah you should be able to have some of decembers 2007 restore points left, depending on how big your restore point space is, default is set at 6Gb's.
  14. Well back when we were in the 2.1 stage there was a debate going around about that version, and if I remember correctly that if you have a legit license for that version, don't know why people want that version board anymore with all the security holes it has, then you can install that board. Meaning that you have to pay the $60, last known price tag of that version, and have the copyright info intact at the bottom of the board. Of course I wouldn't be getting your advice from a website that has no affiliate to the creators of that board, but like I said this was huge topic because of the legalities once they went into the paid versions of the software, and so I think you would have to show some sort of proof that you bought the software from the IPB website. Of course it is interesting to know that IPB no longer supports that version, and so if you do run it your on your own, but of course I would suggest an alternate forum like phpbb, SMF, AEF for your forum needs.
  15. I believe due to the fact that it is a new year if you do a system restore fro ma previous year that it would mess up the system in some way, because I noticed that as well when I was reinstalling my laptop for the last two days. However, you can create physical restore points yourself through the system restore wizard though, but either way last years restore points are lost.
  16. well if you have multiple entries in your stat up menu check in your add/remove programs folder to see if there are multiple copies or not. If so remove then and see if that helps, if not check to see if they are shortcuts and if so just right click and delete them from there. Of course their is the registry route but I am not experienced enough to tell you where to go to work on that.As for the disappearing icons I would say update the drivers for your computer, by going to the driver support on that computer's website and then install drivers in 2007 range, preferably in the last 6-7 months. Of course make sure the driver updates are for your computer before installing them, and make sure you have a back up somewhere just in case something goes wrong, like the computer not accepting the drivers for some reason.As for the Icons disappearing if its not the virus situation or the one I mention that it could just be a glitch in the GUI on your computer, and so you might want to check to Microsoft support website and see what they mention about that.
  17. My name is SM and I am Semi addicted to the internet (stage 1 denial), I only use it to communicate with people (stage 2 still in denial), I used it for school (stage 3 blaming others) to communicate with teachers and classmates. I also read news and articles of interest, and build my knowledge of computers and programming as well.So yeah I am not addicted to the internet I just use it a lot to get that high for knowledge .
  18. It could be two thins the first one rather simple with a even more simple fix, right click on your desk top select the Arrange Icons menu and see if the Show Icons on Desktop is selected. The other one is rather not so simple if the first one doesn't work and its either a OS glitch or a virus, but my searching hasn't produce to many results on that.
  19. This article will tell you everything you need to know on how to dual boot with vista and a linux flavor. It also the uses ubuntu software so it should be a quick process to get it all set up. Or if you feel very adventurous go for the ultimate triple boot with XP, Vista, and Linux installed.
  20. It seems you can do it both wirelessly or wired just depends how you configure HyperWRT from the looks of it, and from the post it seems he did a wireless connection but I wouldn't be surprise if its wired and they just ran a long cable from the two routers.. Heck I would say contact the guy if you haven't already and see if he can help you out or point you to the way. DUDE I THINK I FOUND HOW TO SET THIS UP CLICK HERE I looked at it briefly but it seems to be legit on how to work this.
  21. I wouldn't worry to much about php until you have a solid design which you don't so I concentrate on that first before anything else. Also once you have solidify your web design concentrate on e-commerce because that process is very long and will provide many headaches especially when you start signing the paperwork, I would suggest you find someone who has a solid background. As for using e-cart software I recommend zencart as it is very customizable with skins and mods that will make your e-cart very user friendly. I had to set up zencart so I am very familiar with most of it, never got to the money portion yet.Like any other business website you need ot make sure your website is user friendly, provides all the information a user might want, including FAQ's, customer reviews, different ways to contact you, products of course, detail information about those products etc etc. So hopefully that gives you an idea how to plan this out.
  22. Subplay is correct in away as you need to configure that second hard drive in the computer management folder. So if you go to the Computer Management folder; Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. You should be able to see your second hard drive, and so just partition it making sure to change the letter, usually E:, and it should appear. It should look something like this if you have two or more Hard Drives connection, starting at Disk 1 I recommend checking this website out since it gives a good but brief tutorial/info on partitioning and setting up a multiple hard drive partition. Make sure you read everything and that you you can become a master partitioner and what not.
  23. Yes you can actually basically all your doing is extending your network capabilities, basically your first router will be a switch meaning that you would have to add another cable to your second router. Also you need to make sure your second router has wds(wireless distribution system), and that will help extend the coverage. In my research it seams that your secondary router will need to have DHCP disabled with a static IP and that way you won't run into OP conflicts as your trying to connect to the internet. It seems thats the Linksys routers are your best route to go in forming the bridge needed to connect wireless, and yeah I have to agree not alot of info is given I had to search about 10 websites to patch this answer, but odds are if you go the Linksys router which are fairly inexpensive I get a hold of their r tech support and see if they can helo you set that up since they build the things. Also if they do know how to do it post it up the directions and that way it gives me something to do with another router.
  24. Well me personally I think religion is complete bull and used to harness power it was obvious i nthe history books during the crusades, ottoman empire. What I find interesting is that Muhammand was the complete opposite before Islam was form and even when he did start it he was still fighting to gain power during its early years. Not one religion throughout human history has been of peace its that obvious, and its very sad that people preach it and yet don't follow it. I will tell you this try to convert me and see what happens, thats all I have to say on that, because why should I convert so you won't blow me up or kill me. On top of that Islam is so distorted that every Islamic leader made sure no one has equal rights and rights in general.Me personally the universe was created through the form of silence, and if there is a so call god prove it. You got characters in a books who might have not even existed, and there is no factual proof except word of mouth that they actually live. On top of that all these religious secrets are just plain stupid, but again its all about maintaining power through fear of you going to hell, and I say living here is in relaity hell itself because really peace will never happen even if you knock off all the evil leaders in the world. I joke about this but the first person that comes to my door trying to convert I will slap the hell out of them, because I don't need some preacher tell me what I can and cannot do. I am the judge of that and I know whats right or wrong because of what I believe and know. Now I will agree not all muslims are bad but when you wave money in people's faces they will do anything you say, just because they believe that money will help their poor family. Everyone knows money is the root of all evil and everyone knows it, but add a bit of religion to it and that thought fades away.Its all about power but no one wants to believe in it because its leader made sure its not possible, yeah I go to all of 2-3 times thats about it so people can't say I am a complete hipocrit on religion and all that. To finish up though don't convince me that your religion is of peace but convince though who warp it and use it for evil intensions.
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