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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Though a good suggestion, your also better off putting your website in your sig block since you will be getting your link more exposed that way. Of course if your into SEO don't always trust forum participation to do it for you, though, since there is much more to it then that.
  2. Well the thing with the thing with the Crusades that it was all politcal, well at least the 3rd one was political since the first two was mostly religious and political. Of course if you were a Da Vinci Code fan then you could say their was a conspiracy theory behind the crusades as well, but either way to make that connection with today's events is somewhat bias. Due to the fact there is more to the whole 9/11 then just religion, and trust me no political leader in the US will ever drop that phrase when going to war because every religious sect will riot since religion and government are supposed to be separate states of leadership/followers.Heck if we knew what god wanted we wouldn't be going to church because that would destroy the foundation men based on what they perceived what "God" wants. As for America wants it well that is difficult to ask since most American's are kept out of the loop, and are being withheld secrets for our best interest and what not. Although in this case America wants out of Iraq, but the American government wants to stay there for 100 more years, give or take another Bush in 2009.If we are attacking for religious purposes then the answer would be no because them we will be branded two face liars, surprised that no government drop that out doors yet. Of course all wars have religious implications with them and thats including political, and money making implications as well.Nah its more like Bush's Crusade since he is the beginning, middle, and although he will be leaving the White House it will never end until we leave the Middle east and finally give up on oil.
  3. Of course that is the problem with wikipedia that since it is completely open source in that anyone can edit it, colleges do not accept any sources with wikipedia on it. However, wikipedia is a good jumping to learn more about a particular subject that is what google search engine is so efficient because how specific you can get with keywords. Of course it would be helpful in knowing something about the subject and that way if you do find questionable material you can disregard it or fix it, but of course that has been a major problem in the last 7 years because of the whole 9/11 thing, but it still is a good place to learn something new and go googling for more info and whatn ot.
  4. It was all OpaQue on the credit script, and hasllip is correct that it was coded in house because it is very software specific (ie. IPB and the hosting software). The closest you will get to a credit system like this is the point system mods that people have created, and you will find them at invisionize as they have a mix of good point script systems and sub par scripts. Of course if OpaQue were to sell this script it would be for a hefty price because of how unique and customizable it is.
  5. Before I go into this topic I have to say, stop making up these crazy names. I know I just getting into the security side of things but still as long as there are computer problems and ways to sucker someone into downloading the stuff, the crazy names will still live on. #1 Lieware I remember this new term since this showed up last year, and was somewhat surprise that the programming underground is going after the antivirus software in this fashion. Basically lieware is completely disguising itself as software or more importantly as anti-virus software, and then once someone downloads and installs that lieware they just open their computer up. That is my understanding of how the concept works, but since it is still relatively new the answer will be more specific. #2 Spham or Spamble Ok who ever thought that one up should get shot just because it is a fancy word for spam #3 Backdoored I dunno it would be frivolous to be changing a word fro ma noun to a verb, but I digress people will do anything to be that guy or girl to coin a new term. Just like the one in #2. #4 Patch Fix Now this makes sense if some of you remember a few of my Microsoft topics about putting out a new patch after the last patch screwed up something before. Of course how the heck that has to cheating search engines has gotten me. $5 Snookies Again another one of those terms people will talk about because some guy thought it up, although getting in through a computer through its cookies is not new, but a lot more challanging since the data is displayed differently then one would think. #6 Anti-Social Networking I was hoping that they were talking about killing all these social website, but no I was wrong. Like trying to steal people's information isn't obvious enough they have to think up stupid terms like this, but I think whats stupid is people are putting their actual info on a public website. #7 Social Graft Everyone should remember that dirty little incident, but still call it what you want but identity theft is still the proper word for it. #8 Whaling I found this to be the more interesting of the 11 just because the details that go around it make more sense the the rest of these wacky terms. Of course it should be interesting to here that in a conversation though, "so what happen to you today?" "Nothing went whaling and scored big." #9 Badvertising Heck I am surprise they don't talk about the websites who are noting but advertisements, but I am somewhat aware of the good heckers and script kiddies do with when setting up advertisement strings with a side of virus or spyware. I would have to agree that 2008 will and should finish up the the advertising wars with all the big names being bought out and stuff. #10 Adsploit Well I might have confused the badvertising with this one, but the idea's still revolve around each other. #11 Indexically Transmissible Viruses Now I will go on a limb and say this will be the biggest malware out of this group since it already has happen once, it should be interesting how much reprogramming google will have to do with in order to plug the security holes. Thus making it more difficult to get indexed. Well that is the list of what to expect this year, I hope most of them terms get killed off and what not, but a few seems legit as to what they are supposed to do. SOURCE
  6. Sorry been rather busy so I haven't spent that much time here, and just let everyone know that if you got a SOTW idea you want to post go ahead and post up the challange. To set up the SOTW use a previous sotw and then just copy and past the format into the new topic and then set it up how you want and make a new topic for it.As it may be awhile before I do a new one said go nuts, just make sure a mod is aware of it and what not.
  7. Sorry for the long delay but been rather busy lately, but the winner for SOTW #64 is Mich. Congratulations.
  8. Just to clarify just a bit that sadly IBM computers are not cheap, I was looking at hard drives for IBM a few weeks ago and I have to say I was completely shocked. These prices are like prices of 5 years ago for PC, meaning that to get a descent IBM hard drive you would have to sink over $500 for 100GB or more. Considering that and the specs above that is a very cheap price for a IBM built computer, and compare that to building the cheapest PC you can think of thats about 1/3 of a price tag.
  9. I would have to disagree that Xisto would need a wiki page as everything you need to know about trap is in the Xisto read me, it wouldn't make sense to add more work for the admin and moderators to do. Also it would get lost in the millions of articles that wikipedia already has, and I don't know of too many webhosts that actually have a wiki page since most of them are trying to get their hosting site listed in directories and what not.
  10. Step #1: Log into your Cpanel Step #2: Go to the Site Management Tools and click either Parked Domain (which will turn your Xisto sub domain into a full top level domain, or click Add-on domain which means you will still have your sub-domain on top of the TLD that you purchased. Step #3: Then fill out the info in either menu, then press ok and your set. Now make sure your domains are pointing to the Xisto nameservers to ns.computinghost.com and/or ns2.computinghost.com, and you have to wait up to 72 hours for your domain to be fully integrated into your site and the internet.
  11. OK took me a few seconds to figure out what your posts was about but in order to change the display mode of the posts you click on on the options drop down menu in any topic, like the one you made. and select Switch to:Standard. When you do that all topics will kick into that mode everytime, and yeah I agree that it should be a setting in the control panel.
  12. I read that they spent $2.5 Million dollars for 30 second spots during the superbowl, and I think I seen at least 6 commercials from salesgenie.com about 10 from beer companies, and of course the disappointing Go Daddy commercial. Talk about dead the local news was showing difference parts of Massachusetts and I say this, you wouldn't know there was a game there because every town was dead, well more like shocked.
  13. Well if you don't know by now the Giants have done the impossible they have beaten the unbeaten Patriots who are now 18-1, which means the 72 Dolphins are still the only team with the perfect season to win a superbowl. All I have to say OH MY GOD!!I don't think no one thought this would happen, but I guess it had to happen especially after the giants beat the cowboy's, and my boys the packers. Still the Giants have won the Super Bowl and the rest is now history GO GIANTS!!!
  14. Well IE8 should be able to get CSS1 at 100% and maybe most of CSS2 and parts of CSS3, but of course I don't remember anything on the topic I made awhile back if IE8 was going to be doing any HTML 5 though. Although I wouldn't be surprise if they do a partial graft on IE8 in its release or when they do a SP on it. Of course the thing is though I don't want to relearn html again though, of course if I am remember correctly that HTML 5 is correcting the mistakes of XHTML, but if thats the case is XHTML 2 still in development because its been about 2 years since it was first mentioned though.little surprise though that more elements were not dropped off because of CSS use, but of course wasn't shocked that frames was not support. Although I remember a post by truefusion that they had set up a way to bring frames back to be more SEO friend, but some of those news ones should be interesting to use like header and foot, its almost like they are getting into some php there for a second.
  15. 1: All-American is an award given to a player who has excelled in their position in all college football, best example would be a running back who has ran for 1000+ yard, scored 20+ touchdowns, 0 to few fumbles, and of course overall team player.2. In high school football a state title means that they have beaten every team that state has (usually AA teams), and like NFL high school football has a playoff system and so the winner of each game moves on to the championship game. Also high school games have their own pro bowl as well meaning they take the best of the best and put them on a team to take on someone else. We have that with Vermont and New Hampshire.3. Its not so much scripted its more like a guessing game, as you have to figure out what what the other side is doing in order to make a play successful on offensive, and prevent a play on defense. As for the reason why they are scripted is simple enough because if you pick the right play that works again the defense or offense you either score a big time touchdown, or score a big time sack, fumble, interception.4. Well that would be intentional grounding, but anyways anytime a player who has the ball or if a pass goes out of bounds or is drop the clock stops. As for the reason I not to sure and I been watching football for years, but I would say that because of the time it takes to retrieve a ball, or move a team down the field.5. Special Teams main focus is to kick the ball or block the ball from getting kicked, meaning that they only have to worry about a few formations while the offense and the defense have to set up many different plays in a given time. Another way to look at it is that special teams are used for quick points or if they are behind by just a couple of points and all they need to do is score a field to win the game that makes them special.These are just general observations as I don't know the rules and the reason why because then it doesn't make it fun and hate the ref's even more when they call a bad play .
  16. OH yeah you definitely got ripped off especially for that price as you should have gotten a lot more then 50GB of hard drive space. OF course instead of buying the proper PC I would recommend upgrade it, just remember it will cost a lot more to upgrade, but it will be somewhat cheaper to buy a new computer. of course I give you a good example of that, my Dell XP cost me $3k and it has been worth the price tag, but after awhile and things started building up I had to pick and choose what to delete, and luckily for me I had bought an external hard drive to move hundreds of files over for back up and what not. I plan ot upgrade my laptop to a 200GB hard drive and 2 gigs of ram in a few months and right now I be paying about $200 for those two things, and so hopefully the prices drop just enough that I can turn my 60GB into a 200GB and I won't have to worry about buying another laptop for a long time.
  17. First off I am shocked that no one posted this already because the tech world is screaming all over the place about this. Microsoft has put out a huge bid to purchase Yahoo and of course everyone is looking at possibly the biggest merger since peanut butter and chocolate. Of course the United States and the European Union is looking at all the angels just to say what could happen if Yahoo accepts this offer, and that being the google threat that has taken nearly everything from Microsoft and Yahoo. Of course one of the big things is that Yahoo is losing its steam, and so that could be the factor that makes this deal start the possible 1-2 year process of what to get rid of and what to keep. Well as a loyal yahoo fan of the email service, news, games, movies, and yahoo answers, I would say just ingrate the systems into each other and make slight changes to both websites.Just get rid of the msn website and keep yahoo , but I would say just keep the websites as is, and just work on the search engines. However, the problem is though that they have to change it to that Page Rank system which means they would have to create one by scratch in order to match google's system to get better results and all that. Of course the other problem is business applications as well which is what really hurting both Microsoft and Yahoo especially since most of the applications google has made are free to us users, and are most likely making some huge money off government contracts and stuff.I would say though that would be the only way yahoo could survive would be this merger or yahoo could be gone by at least 2010 give or take.
  18. Well I can help solve some of questions and provide some more detail for each application that I have from the web premium package of the Adobe CS3 suite I got. Bridge The keyword is bridge as it pretty much connects you to everything on your computer. You could say that it is a business CMS in the sense you can can have your creative team be all connected and can go over your projects and what not. Very useful if your team is spread out and you can't physically walk to them to a board meeting. Also another neat thing about bridge is that with images you don't need to save them in jpg order to see them it actually generates the thumbnail from the psd file itself. Adobe Device Central CS3 Pretty much, but also if you have photoshop, illustrator, or flash you can create your images or flash programs at that size as well. So basically this is how it down in creating wallpapers, and interactive backgrounds for cell phones. Adobe Illustrator CS3 You are correct that web 2.0 is loosely base on this software, however illustrator is gear more towards hi-res print (such as advertisements and posters), also vector design is based on a type of math so thats why it is completely different from photoshop because of that one difference. Of course this is the ultimate program for creating art, and if you visit deviantart you see that its about 95% illustrator, and 5% photoshop. Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Pretty much but also you can convert pretty much everything in PDF format, even websites. With website conversion though it gets a bit tricky since it makes an exact copy of everything, including links, you have to go through and trim the stuff you don't want. I did that with tutorials I posted on trap as it sure saved me some times with copying images and redoing links, but another neat thing about this software is that it helps create forms as well. With its form maker you can create your customize layout for a business through adobe instead of spending time creating it through word. Adobe Contribute CS3 It has huge significance, and the web editor is just a small part of that, because it saves you the time of having to open your web page editor, open the document, edit it, save it, open ftp software, and then upload it to make an update. So you see your basically cutting down 2-3 minutes in updating a website page. Of course its the key component for bloggers as it really saves them time in going through the process of getting their daily blog up. So you could say it is a fancy FTP software with a small editing features, and a mini browser. Adobe InDesign CS3 I haven't used it myself however, I believe this software is used towards designing product pages for either the web or magazines thus the use of tables, typography. Of course there are many other great programs such as LiveCycle which is another form maker with the use of xml which means this would use to submit data of various kinds.
  19. Thats why I stay from politics to mu ch talk and not enough action. As for the liberties I somewhat defended them for four years, and you must not be paying attention to the news last 7 years as most of those personal liberties are gone. Can't talk about something that don't exist anymore, but I am getting off topic a bit, as for the media I don't need them to tell me what has been factual for the last 231, just wait until its down to two people then 18th, 19th, and early 20thy century America shows up for the election, 2004 was a very questionable election just because of the junk that happen there in Florida.Of course I don't follow politics because when it comes down to it, nothing ever gets done that benefits anyone except the politicians and making themselves look good, and get richer.
  20. If I were to vote, and I don't I have to go with Obama just because he seems the most clean out of the rest of the Candidates. Heck I am still waiting for the horns and the tail appear on Clinton she is so two faced and crooked I think I would move to Canada or Mexico. If I were to go Republican I pick Romney just because he's much younger then McCain .
  21. I must be hard up on topics or something because I rarely talk politics because straight up I hate the whole thing about it, thus the reason I do not vote nor will I ever. So as most of you know two names dropped out of the running, Guiliani and Edwards which means one of the four big names will now be going for blood; Romney, McCain, Clinton and Obama. Though I dread politics I have a somewhat descent historical background to it, and it which will pretty much be the rest of my topic on this, and my point of view will be what will make these four names lose the presidency once it is down to just two. I will start with the Democrats just because of the uniqueness of their situation: I’ll start with Obama, just because everyone has played the race card to death since he announced his run last year. As history has shown us, regardless what you say or do when it comes to race the South will rise again and will go after Obama until the final vote is casted. His odds are at 1 in a trillion of winning this election if the hardliners who do not want a black president start their war to bring him down. Even though he is popular person right now, just because that thought hasn’t kicked in yet and that people are waiting to see what happens on that side.As for Clinton, forget that she is a woman, you might as well call her the Female Bush because her mind is as crooked as Bush’s and if the 1 in a billion long shot she does win it, I see some dark days ahead us. Now as for a woman, we all know there have been some big surprises when it comes to women in leadership outside of royal means, but when it comes to America everyone knows that a woman will never be president.Do not get me wrong, I think a woman president or an African American president will be awesome because that will show the history books how much America has changed since 1776. Right now, the Democrats are in control of the both houses thanks to Bush and his 8 years of hell. Sadly, to say the President will not be a Democrat and the Republican's will be at it for at least four more years. Of course, I will be shocked if the Democrats do win this year.As to what will hurt McCain I would have to say age, heck even in the last two elections he didn't get far, Vietnam is not going help you win an election McCain so stick with the now. As with Romney I think the only thing that really hurts him is his ties with Mormonism, he fairly did well as governor of Massachusetts, I think.I have to say between these two and after yesterday, that McCain will win this with a small odds Romney will pull something out of his hat and come out of nowhere. As for my overall thoughts about 2008 election, some people are aware that I mention whoever becomes president will have the worse if not the hardest presidency since Lincoln just because of the mess they have to clean up. A Republican will win, but if somehow one of the democrats wins, just maybe America is heading in the right direction. Of course, I got odds that hell will freeze over, me winning the power ball 10 times in a row, and the giants beating the Patriots 56-0.Now to update it a little on this topic, Romney is out which means McCain will head into Presidential election with no competition, while the democrats try to figure out who they will go for. From the looks of it though, it would seem that Obama is going to win the democratic election, which I would be happy because Hillary is playing dirty now, and it is obvious to every but I only can imagine what Bill is thinking about her dirty tactics. However, though the problem will be on everyone’s mind, well for me personally, how long will that president last as they try to correct all the problems Bush and his cronies have created these last eight years?
  22. I help re-clarify KansukeKojima clarification, he is correct that it usually takes a day, however if you don't see it visible in a couple days pm a mod and let them know. As for denying a tutorial that is usually rare unless the person made a complete copy and paste of another tutorial, but of course I would recommend going over the first few pages and see if a tutorial hasn't been made about it already. Although, that wouldn't warrant the tutorial getting denied either as long as the tutorial has a different approach on how it is done.
  23. I am agreement I think online cash is the most useless thing ever, and I have seen a whole bunch of websites who sell online currency. I have to say this though if your spending hundreds of dollars to get fake cash give me your money and I can spend it on more useless stuff that I can actually enjoy.
  24. Well in your case it would be instant since your not hosted nor do you have a domain that is pointed to the new name servers. Of course if you do purchase a domain outside the xisto network it takes up to 72 hours for your domain to be fully integrated with your hosting account.
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