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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. what are your system specs to your computer, because it could be that your don't have enough space on your hard drive or the fact either your CD is bad or if you bought it through the website the installation could be bad as well.
  2. You Just been Spammed by the Spammer

  3. Yeah thats the worse problem though if your designing in a widescreen and get yourself use to it, and when you have to adjust your screen to that small resolutions it just hurts your eyes, and of course you have spend even more time with it. Of course thats the magic of CSS though if your code is clean then once you get it right in 1024x768 then just making edits at your normal resolution and it won't break your design. Thats of course if you go with a fluid design, but hte same can be applied to a fixed layout as well, but go with the fixes and see what shows up after you go through them.
  4. Well to take it in another direction or rather perspective, I would say you created this topic to vent out some of your feelings, and in a way looking for a e-shoulder to cry on to let some of that out. The reason I saw this because randomly you talk about your family in the shoutbox, and here in this topic and in you can't talk to anyone close to you about so your bringing it here so you can talk to someone who will listen. It seems several people are listening to things that trouble you and what not and so it is up to you how much your willing to discuss about your problems and stuff.So if you want to talk outside the forum my im clients are in my profile .
  5. Well I have to same I am bit surprise on this security flaw especially what it can do; in which all a user has to do is open a malicious Excel document and it allows the hackers to execute remote code on to your system. As far as how wide spread this vulnerability is, it hits every excel software from Excel 2000 to Excel 2003 SP2, and it also includes the Mac Version of Excel 2004 as well. OF course with the disappointment of Office 2007 by some people will still be running the 2003 versions on their computers. Right now the attacks are minimal and the question for t patch it or not is still in limbo as Microsoft tries to figure this one out. Right now the only way for this to happen is through attachments and through websites, which is being downplayed because of how minimal this attack is going on, and as a workaround for at least Excel 2003, Microsoft recommends running attachments through the Microsoft Office Isolated Conversion Environment (MOICE). However, the older versions have no workaround for this problem. For now though its a waiting game to see if something comes out of this, and that of course anger's some people because of the waiting game, and I have to agree with them why wait to see this hole create more problems especially for those who still use the older versions of the excel software. So book mark the microsoft security advisor and check it out every few days to see if a patch is available for it. SOURCES Yahoo Microsoft
  6. Although you can't get an exact copy of this point system there are several mods for IPB 1.3 that are like this. I would recommend going to invisionize.com as they have one of the largest indexes of IPB mods on the net.
  7. Might I remind the posters who posted on this topic today that this member is no longer hosted which means you won't be able to see the site. Also on another note make sure to check the dates of the old topics before posting because the issue or in this case a website could no longer be here, and so if you see one of these topics report them so they can be close so it would be spammed by irrelevant posts.
  8. the Problem with creating operating system though is what you just mention it has to full integrated all the major OS's in someway, and financially they won't be able to pull that off until they get some more age into them. Of course they have the programming power and experience to pull it off but still to build an operating system this late in the game would seem impractical and in away could ruin google if it flops on them. Look at the price tag for Vista I would say google would have to spend maybe 4 times that just be to able to integrate into any type of market and of course combine both Open Source and the Microsoft way and other things such as making it as hacker proof as possible so the updates will stay low and other things. So the questions should be can they do it? If so how much will it cost and how long would it take to program? would it be marketable? And what would of set back will it be if it flops?
  9. The answer is no especially with today's computer games you would need at least 2.8+Ghz, dual core processor, with at least 4 gigs of RAM, with dual GFX card, and 300+ GB of hard drive space, and as for a connection you need at least a T1 line for a stable but fast connection, and some good firewall protection on your main computer as well. So you will be spending quite a lot of money to build your own gaming server. As for hosting servers their are some cheap ones I would google gaming servers and see what you can find as I don't know any.
  10. linksys has been doing well for me for the last couple of years, thought it has its rough ends at the beginning due to being my first wireless router set up but it has been going smoothly for me. Wasn't to keen on the tech support but luckily for me I was able to get through it and thinking about getting a new one just to keep myself current.
  11. Yeah the concept of eternity is only going for the religious aspect and cannot be used with science because anything can disprove that theory especially with events such as the milk way galaxy crashing into Andromeda in a fill billion years. When that even happens what gets caught in the cross hairs will be destroyed instantly and then the domino effect will take over.
  12. Shrink= therapist, and in reference to that would be talking to someone who will tell you want you need to do and think and junk like that, Some people don't like therapists or their opinions and stuff; they help when they want to and thats after you pay them thousands of dollars to listen to your problems.
  13. Well I think your problem was the fact your so use to the 30 minute episodes that the 1.5 hour movie seem odd, and granted I doubt your the only person who thought that the Simpsons going that long would start getting dull as the time went on. However, they pulled it off quite successful as for the two instances of the swearing, homer flipping the bird, and actually seeing frontal nudity it was the cap of how the Simpsons would be if not for TV regulations and stuff like that. Either way turning a tv series into a movie is not a easy task but they pulled it off though. Can't wait for the sequel though.
  14. I agree with haslip that you can't rewrite the php.ini, however, why would you need to download php 5.2 when its already installed in your hosting account. However, I do believe your problem is common so I googled a search for you to sift through the results to get an answer about installing joomla on a save session path. Of course I do believe the pre-install joomla 1.3 comes with it but not to sure about that though.
  15. To expand a bit on the RSS feeds a bit you can use several php software programs such as cute news, wordpress, joomla, php nuke as they have built in RSS feed fuctions to help you automate the process. Of course if you feel adventerous you can build some by scratch then check out these tutorials and stuff.
  16. Ever Since Columbine so many kids have copy catted that event that so it tells you that the parents are failing at their jobs at being parents by not finding ouy whats going on with their child. Of course part of the blam goes to the faculty for not being more aware of trouble students or student getting into trouble a lot, because all a student has to do to take care of a problem is kill as many people as possible before putting a bullet inside themselves. However, 90% of the blame goes to these stupid who think that in order to feel good about themselves is bring other people down, form these clique's and gangs and stuff. To think that these kids who do all these crap will be running the world one day, but in order for them to get a reality check something bad has to happen; hell you think with all the school shootings that have been going on for the last 10 years kids would smarten up and get over themselves, but when you have shows on MTV like Sweet 16 showing spoiled brats on their birthday's and all these Hollywood stuff just doesn't make it easier for them. I am glad I am out of high school but scared because now I have a niece and nephew who will have to deal with this crap one day, but luckily for them I be making sure they stay the straight path like their uncle.
  17. It was ok the moment I changed my resolution to 1024x768, and that begins the design problems I can see. first you need to optimize the website at 1024x768 because thats the standard resolution for practically everyone. As for browsers make sure when coding for IE that you stick with IE6 because what looks good in IE7 doesn't look good in IE6. Make sure to run it through a validation to clean up some simple errors as well (count is at 40). First thing you need to fix is the size of the website because it is breaking the horizontal scrollbar, so you will want to make your left and right boxes just a tad smaller along with your main content box so everything will fit. With your header I like that roll over effect especially for the reflection so I will be stealing that coding right there. Now for the banner itself you got to many images especially on the bottom half; basically everything below the reflection will be one image up to the point of of the giant Z, and the same thing above it. It would look like this roughly: That will cut down on the load time for the website just a bit, also for the glass effect lighting that layer just a little bit more. As for your left and right columns get rid of the Iframes and just use a solid background color, because the frames are making your image dividers look short. You on a good start just plenty of cleaning that needs to be done, but getting there.
  18. Well ok I can't say it will be a major flop since it just came out, but after reading an article on yahoo a few minutes ago about why they believe optical drives will be phased out would make sense. However, I got curious and went to the website and see what kind of customizations that most likely everyone would get, and I all I have to say the price tags rival alienware computers. So here what the computers will look like after customization: $1799 Version Final Price Tag $3,023.95 $3,098.00 Version Final Price Tag $4,022.95 Now granted I expected these computers to be expensive but for what they offer though they shouldn't be this expensive, and the only reason why the other computer starts at $3098 is because of the SSD hard drive which is even smaller then the $1799 computer, but due to how new SSD is you can't argue about it that much. Of course I wouldn't be surprise if they pull an Iphone and drop the price in 2 months , but I know that won't happen again **crosses fingers***. You can install windows on a Mac computer
  19. Well first off what a waste of money it is as it's like giant, expensive router with limited features. Of course looking at the specs this laptop hardware design is like 5-6 years old mixed with 3 year old technology with a little bit of whats needed now. Basically what I am saying is that they have a slow processor with a dual core processor with 2Gbs of RAM that is practically needed to run any current system smoothly. However, I think with the phasing out of certain hardware I think its more along the lines of taking it out of the computer and then just connect it externally like hard drives, floppy drives, and I do believe optical drives as well. Either way I think Apple is going to get hit hard by this flop and if does become a successful machine well then kudo's for them.
  20. I agree with Renaissance its not about its all about the maturity and responsibility of having a phone, because if some of these phone plans didn't exist that had free text messaging. Then families would be broke the way teenagers burn through them on a daily basis. There was a topic I posted awhile about about this girl sending like 1000+ text messages a day to her friends and junk. Of course in today's world its practically a requirement to give your kid a cell phone because of the dangers that are happening these days, but I would say a prepaid phone would be a lot better for a teenager then a phone with full access that would turn it into a very large bill. The reason I would go the pre-paid phone is that if you kid can make that last longer then it normally would, i.e. needed to add more to it ever 10 minutes , then when they get older and self sufficient (working) then a full phone would be the reward. Age is a factor don't get me wrong, but oyu be surprise how immature some older people are and some teenagers are more mature then they look.
  21. Although I was somewhat aware of the mystery behind the worlds most famous painting, I didn't give much thought to it though since A someone was going to figure it out, or B someone wasn't. However, A came true and German academics believe they have finally found the woman or rather her name of the woman who grace the world with a perfect smile, or for you Da Vinci Nuts the somewhat off smile if you measure it, I think it was 1/3" lower on the left side. Her name is Lisa del Giocondo a wife of a merchant is all they know about from many documents and books discussing about the woman and the time line that places her during which Leonardo painted this picture. SOURCE
  22. I have to say not bad at all nice vector designs and stuff only comment I have though is that you have to much white space, and I would think you could pull off the same design in a much smaller scale to remove some of the dead space. Of course you could just keep adding to the design you currently have and what not, I have very great vector brushes I can give you for the photoshop part of the design.I would recommend that you get yourself a deviart art profile and upload your designs and what not.
  23. Here is a sig for our latest member in the Evil Society Mermaid711 aka Evil Actress, enjoy the evil look mermaid711
  24. Yeah I agree you need to increase the processor speed especially since you got two hard drives connected, and on top of that at least a 1Gb of RAM to go along with it. Even the hertz's seems low which leads me to conclude that you you didn't build it but actually own and if so is a very outdated computer but as long as it still runs you can use it for basic stuff that doesn't deal with multimedia of anykind.
  25. Also you can't go double posting your topics as well trying to earn the same amount of credits as such since you can get a hosting both here and at trap. So if you plan to post similar topics make sure to quote the other one before posting it.
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