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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Ah the ratings post is finally here, and yes awesome move, and rvalkass that was the first error I found to with this mod was the alignment issues with the icon and the user name, but of course it gets more interesting in each browser to. As to Flames question now they will not affect your credits, and someone should make that post disappear just because I am getting the spam icon by members here . Yeah I agree with rvalkass that people would abuse the ratings system just as quickly, but of course setting a post count limit to new members would stop that abuse rather quickly, and besides those who spam anyway will lose those credits when their posts get removed. As for another idea you should add the ratings module to the profile as well just so we don't have to see what we have on our posts, and speaking of posts should look into setting up the ratings system so that it leaves a link in the person's name to the post, and not the profile, that way members can see why and where this got this rating. Of course I don't know if this has been seen or done yet but if someone could verify to see what happens when someone gets 2 or more ratings from two different categories of the rating mode, just because I brough up to OpaQue that the position could be vertical for each new rating instead of horizontal, if that make sense. As for new idea's I think that is it for now. #1 Well hopefully members are smart enough not to do that because that can display a message about how Xisto runs its forums and what not. #2 With that suggestion you may want to bring it up with the designers of the mod, and also OpaQue has plans on making adjustments to this mode so it could be a possible idea to change it to fit Xisto needs. #3 Refer to number #1, but also you could say this mod will show what kind of poster someone is because sometimes a person doesn't need to make out posts to be a good poster, but since everyone here knows how Xisto works I high doubt abusing this system would be such a problem.
  2. Yes the limit is set at 500 and not 200 so you got 202 more posts get in order to change your member title. I think maybe the post count could be reduce or remove that post count altogether, since I never really see the reason why you owuld need a post count for a custom title anyway.
  3. Wow! I haven't voted in so long I don't know what I would do, and congrats Mich in joining the 1000th club. I try my best to break down each sig and then decide my vote from there.Truefusion - I dunno the bright bunny seems out of place with the colors of the background, although you attempted to blend the bunny in with the background it seems the colors stick out to much. I do like the background with a bit of vector and grunge mixed in, and the text effect is good as well.SkyStormKuja - I do the like the choice of colors to match along with the whole Easter theme, and that egg looks cool as well, but the blending of that egg and the background isn't there as the background seems more grungy then smooth like the egg is. not to keen on the text color either.Mich - Although the sharpness and the used of the fuzzy filter that I completely forgot the name too (will edit that later when I get on my other computer), but it seems flat, and I know you have your particular style and don't try to stick with the latest fads and what not. However, you should try to get into using the smudge tool I do have some good smudge brushes that could help you out, might need to look in finding some more though.I give my vote to truefusion for this SOTWtruefusion: 1SkyStormKuja: 0Mich: 0
  4. Well everyone knows that IE7 was a disaster because of messed up the rendering got messed up for any browser your didn't code for. As for the Acid test if I remember correctly the CSS they use is very specific, and isn't really used for standard coding. Also I believe IE7 has been out for two years, and like I previously mention the only reason for the new browser is because of the rendering engine, but hopefully in the next beta versions they clean up the CSS errors, javascript errors, AJAX errors. As for the maps on all the major search engines, it is not a matter of the browser crashing when you load the maps, its because of the CSS alignment problems they have to fix.
  5. Happy 1000th post Mich

  6. Welcome to Xisto, and yes I am with Mich tell us more about what you want your website to be about, that way when you set it up we can give you tips on how to set up ad's and what kind of content you should put on it. Also don't forget to check out the Xisto Read Me as it will give you plenty of information on how to be a great member here and reap the benefits of Xisto hosting.
  7. Well the only think I notice from SP1 was my winsxs folder jump to almost 6GB in size, mind you small updates and other stuff might have help, but I haven't really notice anything new about SP1. Of course I haven't spent much time on it either though.
  8. First off viruses do not produce the porn ad's, for hte last few months security experts are saying that hackers, and believe malware writers are doing this by design ad's in such a way that when a user clicks on them spyware, malware, adware gets installed on your computer or bring you to the site to get that stuff installed on your computer. As with how advertisement works it all depends on keywords that are on your site that trigger the ad's to appear and so out of a fluke one of the words on the website made the ad appear, however, since nothing happen to your computer then all that ad was is a fluke in the system and nothing more.
  9. I saw it, although the ending was really disappointing though, although I think the scene when he is kicking everyone into the pit was awesome. However, talk abotu cutting out a lot out like the spider man/trump scene, but it should be interesting what the dvd will be like.
  10. Well I would think you have to spend a lot more credits then that, but that would cool, but there is a problem though people post enough just to stay active for awhile then comeback and do some more posting. Although it would be an incentive to get people to post more and what not, but of course if Version 3 of the credit script is going to be something like though, I think it would be a good idea to create a topic for idea's and suggestions on what members would to do with these credits.
  11. Well I do have a thought why it is so fast, and that is safari is not a bloated with so much junk, the reason I say that because I got like 20-30 extensions going on firefox and takes a few seconds for firefox to load, and in some causes websites takes a couple of more seconds ot load. Not saying there is nothing wrong with have these enhancements and stuff, but I think a simple browser is all we really need and not something like a cellphone with all the gadgets it doesn't really need. People are worried about standards and such, but instead of trying to fix the coding they are building extension to make browsers look cooler and stuff. Of course with HTML 5 on it's way it should be interesting how many browsers will fail against those standards as everyone has to relearn how to code all over again.
  12. This is a Xisto Awards bump, I decided to end the nominations in two weeks, which means that if you haven't got in your award nominations in yet better do so. It will be interesting to see who comes out top as we have some of the biggest names in trap going into this year's awards. Also don't forget that there are credits to be awarded for the winner's as well.
  13. Well hopefully I get a fan site out of this, but I google for the script in question and found two promising ask & answer scripts for you giselle, and so this hsould make your site look even cooler now. Script #1 Script #2 So check them out, test them out and see which one works best for your needs.
  14. Well I pickup this movie the other day or more like on Monday after splurging on some new shoes and some sandals and what not, and so yesterday I watch this movie and boy I feel sad for missing this on the theaters. Basically Javier Bardem's character Anton Chigurh (sugar) is what made this movie. Put it like this we all believe killer's to be insane but I think Anton was actually sane the whole time during this movie as he killed off most of the main cast, and yes that is a spoiler since this movie has been out for awhile now. Of course Brolin was big in this movie I am surprise he didn't get an award for this movie. Anyway basically it was a drug gone bad and someone was not supposed to know, and so between Texas and Mexico as bodies start piling up right from the beginning with what I believe to be the most ingenious way to kill someone. Anton had a tank of pressurized air attached to a nozzle which had a square piece of metal in that metal, and when you pressed that handle that square piece of metal came out, and well you can kill someone with in and bust locks to doors to it. Of course after that he had a shotgun with a silencer on it I think or a canister that kept the shotgun pellets from spreading and thus they would act more like a bullet then anything else. Then of course we had our assortment of sniper rifles, uzi's, hand guns and so on and so forth. You can see that shotgun here, and the air gun picture Great dialog, great pace for the movies, awesome jobs from the actors, including the ones that got shot up pretty badly. However, I wasn't to fond of the ending even though the car crash was awesome with broken bones sticking out and what not. It was just the way it ended though with Tommy Lee Jones. Either way I give this more a 10/10 just because it has 4 Oscars and the fact they are well deserved Oscars for this movie.
  15. Well Apple has uploaded a new safari browser, and I am somewhat glad because the beta version kept on crashing on me, but anyways safari claims the following, Of course I can't verify those speeds how I went on the acid test I have some shocking results, first acid test 2 website is down, but on the acid test 3 it scored a whopping 75/100 which is pretty impressive against the rest of the major browsers, and if it is that high on the acid 3 test then the acid 2 should be passed at 100%, and interestingly enough I find this website that has broken down every browser now to mankind, awesome detail and info. As for it claims well I seem some speed in this browser, however, javascript has some bugs or at least bugs on how it renders IPB forums. That glitch we had with the options menu in the profiles is still there, but still you mac lovers or you hardcore safari might like this browser. Download Here
  16. Sorry to hear about your mother, as for finding a website that lists food for high concentration estrogen was a bit of a challange for my googling. I have find several websites that say soy has a high level of estrogen, and so I would assume anything containing soy could be a problem. Although the question is a bit vauge in trying to search for this, are you asking for what food have high estrogen so you can stay away from them, or you looking for foods that do have so they could be consume? THe reason I asked is that I came across this website that mentions that magnesium and vitamin B6 can help neutralize estrogen levels, and so I am assuming your trying yo find foods that can help reduce estrogen and be able to help the anemia as well. They mention a High Fiber diet helps reduce estrogen as well, and this other mentions food that can inhibit estrogen levels as well. Other then that I haven't found a website that really goes into detail about it, so you might have ot make another trip to the doctors office to get more info. Sorry I can't be any more help and thoughts and prayers for your mother and family. GOOGLE KEYWORDS THAT I USED search:foods with high estrogen search:foods with estrogen search:food to reduce estrogen levels search:high levels of estrogen in food
  17. Well the thing is though Samus has more experience then Master Chief by like 20 years and with hte armor enhancement she has Master Chief would have a hard time taking her out. Besides the aliens she took are are a lot more EVIL and badazz then Master Chief, plus female bounty hunters are cooler.
  18. With Firefox 3 beta 4 out, and firefox 3 beta 5 on it's way I thought I go through my topics and update the lists of extensions that are currently up to this version of the browser. As it seems every time I run firefox more and more of the extensions that I get that don't work seems to be getting updated, which is a good thing because there are some good ones. So what I did was update the topics themselves but to help everyone else out I will produce a list of current ones on this topic for a centralized update. I will list the package name and then the extensions for that category. Firefox Extension Dream Package #1 : Web Design Tools Web Developer Extention IE Tab Opera View Firefox Extension Dream Package #3: Quirky One's Advance Dork Router Satus Auto Fill Forms Google Icon Site Delta Firefox Extension Dream Package #4: New Google Batch Google Preview Google Define Firefox Extension Dream Package #5: Last of 2007 Google Preview Define Though there are some extensions that are available for ff3b2 and ff3b3 it wouldn't make sense to list them as we know b2 went horrible wrong with the acid test, and b4 is more updated then b3 as well. Hopefully with b5 coming and hopefully the final release I can update all these extensions properly. Also as I was looking at my package topics it came to me that package 4 and 5 are pretty mixed up and so I moved all the google stuff from 5 to 4 and the non google stuff from 4 to 5. Also I am adding a few new extensions which I discuss here and then just update the listings there. RSS Ticker Now this is a useful extension to have, especially for our trappers here, this extension basically load a new ticker at the bottom of the firefox browser of the lates "live bookmarks" you have on RSS feed's you have save, very customizable, and easy to figure to set up as well. So if there is a post you like you just click on one of the topics and you are there, but a warning it will be in lo-fi so you will have to scroll down to the bottom and then click to see the full version. Yeah it sounds like it is a bit more work then it needs to be, but it still is useful if don't have time to post and see a for topics you might want to post in quickly. Firefox Version 2.x-3b4 Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rss-ticker/ Customize Google Put it like this I would rate it as the second best extension right under the web developer toolbar, you have complete contorl of how your google search will look like to the point that this extension removes those next links and streams in your next 10 results when you scroll to the bottom. Which means your search timing is reduce by even more seconds and saving you precious time on that project. Heck you can ever remove those google ad's on the search results as well which I really like they also have options for videos, gmail, images and more. So if you have all these google extensions install your google experience will be better then ever, more optimize, more efficient and saving more time in your google searching needs. Firefox Version 1.5-3b4 Download Link here Well that is it for extension updates, themes are being update but I leave that to those who use them and what not.
  19. Go to https://support.xisto.com/, log in and then click on the Change your Domain/Subdomain link and fill out the information. Remeber it wil lcost you 15 hosting credits to change your domain name, and also expect up to 72 houts before your new subdomain will show up on the internet.
  20. #1 I think NASA knew about that, and if I remember my Apollo missions right the aluminum was at least 4 inches thick, steel, and some other metals, they also uses a special coating called phenolic. So I think that is what really help them was that coating right there. #2 Can't say much n number two since I am not a photo expert #3 refer to number two. #4 Of course they couldn't the light within the craft themselves, and the light bouncing off the Earth and coming from the sun would make it especially difficult. Also if they had a flash camera that flash would surely blind out the stars. #5-#8 Can't really explain it but they did go to the moon #9 Well another reason was the lack of gravity on the moon and since the object was lighter on the moon so it could have been possible that the flag slightly moved when it was being put into place. As for the 9/11 theories thats all they will ever will be because if there was information that Bush was involved well that information got destroyed the day it happen. UFO thing will never be proven, everyone that is connected to is dead or killed off by the government. However, I do believe FDR was involved with Pearl Harbor and many people do believe FDR new everything, but regardless Hitler needed to be stop, and I most likely would have done the same thing, but planned it out more to lower the body count. Of course if we do love theories then Bush took a page out of FDR book in order to get into Iraq.
  21. Yes you do get hosting credits, and a post counted in the hosted member section, and as for maximizing a post in order to do that you would have to write very detailed tutorials, or present if you like to debate then you could work your magic in that. There might be some other forums you could do that but getting 10 credits within a single is a challenge.
  22. Well your the first to ask this question but basically in order to break that rule from my understanding of it, your user name would have to be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Something like that would be obvious, but since I have been here some members including myself have used our names as part of the domain, but I think the example I mentioned above constitutes what that rule is referring to. Of course those who have user names like that are usually money spammers and what not so you should be fine.
  23. Yeah this is a bit confusing, are you saying when you connect your hard drive to the power supply nothing happens? If so I doubt it is a short circut more like your power supply is not enough and your hard drive goes over the cap, and if that is the case you might need another power supply, but ot make sure we need the following info.Basically a complete spec sheet of the computer in order to see what is up, and more important names so we can search out the parts and see what is zapping your power supply. In the mean time if you have another computer test that hard drive on that, and if you have an extra hard drive lying around and it is smaller then the one you have problems with try that one out.
  24. Oh the website is center it is that giant banner that makes it look off center there, and to start off I say you need to work in smaller banner sizes because when you have image taking up a lot of space people won't stay long. Even though it is a fansite/myspace website. Also get out of frames as it is not really necessary for php when you can do a simple php include to have the same results. As it was very tricky to see what can of validation problems you have, you have about 90 problems to fix, but I think that is all coming from cutenews so it should reduce about all of them if you did remove the cutenews stuff. I do agree with haslip that there is something wrong with your text, and that it is way to small, and I have good eyes and that text hurts, I say bump it up to at least two font sizes, and italiicze your nav menu, a bold might look better. Other those things it looks good for a fansite.
  25. Well it has been awhile since I did a movie review due to school and all that stuff, and with hte wonderful stress I build up because of it I am glad I went to the movies. Before I get into the movie I have to mention something that was very freaky, this artist had build a life size old man, paper mache or maybe something else but, at first look you think it was real because how life like it was. Also what made it even more convincing was the fact that the lighting to this sculpture hit it just right you would think Oh My god. Heck while waiting for the movie to start I couldn't help but keep looking at the thing and see if the guy was real or not, sadly I have no picture of it but either way it was freaky and quite disturbing. Ok on to the movie review: First I have to say I am not much of a Jack Black fan, he has talent don't get me wrong, but not a fan of how he does comedy. However, as for this movie he did awesome due to what I call a "serious comedy" which is a comedy movie but at the right time it has some serious moments which this movie had. Mos Def and Danny Glover did a good job as well, and to think Danny Glover is an old man now so I don't think he had to dye his hair grey , and surprisingly Sigourney Weaver made a cameo which surprise me because the last time I saw her was in Holes. Although you can tell from the trailer what the movie is about, I'll won't go into much detail about except the movie making they did got better and better as more people joined in on the fun which made it even better. To me the dialog was good especially in the serious moments. The pace of the movie was good especially for it's 1 hour and 47 minutes, which is kind of short but still the timing to it was still good. I recommend this movie to anyone especially those who need a stress reliever like I did, also if you want to score good points with your partner then take him or her to it because it is a good couples movie as well. Rating I give this movie a nice 9.3/10 I wouldn't mind it being a tad longer just because of the fact they could have spent more time movie spoofing, if you want to call it that. Movie Previews There was one I think the title was called "The Great Debaters" it has Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker
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