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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well forget the moral implications of Polygamy, how about the world impact, just imagine 50 wives having 2-3 kids apiece and then increase the number of people who do this at ten times or hundred times that one person. If people were doing this the planet would be over populated and everyone would be a third world country. Besides if you need more that one man or woman to satisfy your sexual needs then you have some serious problems, because in my opinion that is all Polygamy is about, granted their have been rare cases of equal love between spouses but still the emotional abuse alone is what makes Polygamy immoral.
  2. In the case of the creation of the universe the word believe is very broad, but in my case I rather believe in the science then an all power deity, because if you look at all the religions in the world every one of them follow the same pattern but under different names. That is why the religious aspect of the creation of the universe is full of holes and if people think that humans and dinosaurs did live together then I would like to have what they are smoking.
  3. Ok enough of the bad spelling comments please and speaking of AIDS and HIV, I saw an article stating that scientific team believes AIDS or HIV has been around a lot longer then most everyone believes in. If I remember correctly I think they mention that it could be trace back to or after the Civil Warm, and so one has to think why did it become such a big problem to begin with. Obvious answer as sex both underage and unprotected but then again you would think it would be a even bigger problem back then because of transfusions and what not. Of course, that is still a major problem today is that a good portion of hospitals still don't have a good screening program and people who did not have AIDS or HIV suddenly get these deadly viruses because of dirty needle. As for a cure hard to say who to believe if there is an actual cure or not.
  4. Hard to say why people do it, but of course now a days the big time hackers create the tools and sell them to other hackers to make a lot of cash, but it is the thrill of creating a virus and not getting caught is the challenge. Although there have been big name viruses such as Melissa and the Storm worm, you could say the challenge is creating a super virus that could cripple a government, a military or a business. Of course, the easy way to answer that is ask the hackers and virus creators themselves.
  5. From what I heard Windows 7 pretty much is the Vista upgrade in some fashion since the GUI hasn't changed all that much, but odds are they are trying to work out the speed issues and what not. Of course, if Windows out performs Vista by more then 10 percent in all the benchmark test then Vista is just like ME and Windows 7 will be like XP. Either way I doubt I get myself a copy of windows 7 until at least year but of course with all the hard drive space I got on my desktop I could always dual boot Vista with Windows 7.
  6. Well upgrading an operating system is never easy, and usually wiping out the hard drive altogether or getting a nice fresh one might have solve your installation problems. Of course it could be a hardware issue and your copy of Vista just doesn't like what is running on your computer, have you made sure that your computer can run Vista properly?
  7. Lyon2 I have both the hard copy and the ebook version, eukristian it doesn't matter if you learn (X)HTML or CSS being able to find a editor to make designing websites a lot easier and faster is what Dreamweaver is about, By giving you bare bone templates and shortcuts here and there and other stuff, designing a website will be done quicker because you won't have to worry about editing a notepad file, then opening a browser to see the changes and etc etc. With Dreamweaver you have a built in FTP client and so making updates or quick changes will make that transition even smoother. It is all about the software and making your life as a designer easier, it has for me and I know plenty of both to get me around and what not.
  8. That is complicated predicament, but sadly the reality is that you have a child and living with the father and so you need to find a way to make that relationship to work. Although love the high school flame, you can't afford to love him without casing problems with the father of your child. It is possible to love both of them but not at a physical level, if you have a strong friendship with the guy from high school then that is just good enough, you have to find a way to release that sexual tension without the sex.
  9. Well if you have tried to fix the relationship at every possible angle then just move, and to move on I suggest packing up all her stuff load it up in a vehicle and drop it off to where she lives or just straight up sell the stuff and make some money off it if she doesn't care what you do with it. Other then that if yo haven't tried to solve this problem at every angle try supporting and encouraging her to make her life better, by going to school and trying to earn a degree because people much older then her are doing that in order to get a new start in their lives.
  10. I haven't run into this problem since I had this extension installed, but I would suggesting uninstalling the extension and reinstalling it again, unless you already have fixed this problem either from the creators of the extension or some other website.
  11. Can't remember how but if you go to the first link and search around a bit you can find a way to reset the old profile and to answer your other question, not that I am aware of unless you export everything or using the FEBE extension because one you reset your profile you lose everything.
  12. Well I blame both the government and Wall Street with all the financial problems last few weeks, look at all the big losses that happen during that time and when the $700 billion package was approved. It is obvious the the Wall Street system is flawed especially with all the bad mortgages and people not paying them either, and lets not forget not everyone can afford four or five houses either and so who knows what kind of crimes are being committed when people are told to look the other way. Either way this is just the beginning because if Wall Street takes a loss of 1000 points or more then the whole world is in trouble and the Great Depression would be nothing compared to today's world.
  13. Well I am glad you had a good trip Mich and had some fun and see the sites and what not, and no pictures of the Grand Canyon or the curtain panels either. Got to watch out for those eggs they do a world of hurt on you sometimes , but glad you were able to get over that one bad egg or two or three .
  14. I would have to agree that setting up a blog like website would be more of a better option and will help make it more professional. Not to keen on the layout because your don't have any separating between content and links and yeah the google image just throws off the whole website especially with the background you picked. If a blog is not the way to go then I suggest looking at some templates at http://www.opendesigns.org/ and http://www.oswd.org/ to find a better and more organized layout
  15. Not much to say about your site since their is nothing on it and to be quite harsh it sucks, IPB free boards are horrible, so your better off getting a hosting account and installing your own forum and then modify it and then start advertising to get people to join your site and start posting.
  16. My searching hasn't found any results just a bunch of programs to set up your computer to have an auto time, I would suggest trying a repair installation or if need be send in a support ticket to Microsoft about your problem if it hasn't been fixed yet.
  17. Wow I didn't watch it either because, well I just don't care about politics because all I here is white noise coming from these debates and I am rather more concerned what they will do after one of them gets elected to the highest office in the USA. Regaurdless if I don't vote or not I still can complain about the way the government is run because of my veteran status.
  18. 10 years ago, let see I was still in high school barely understanding websites and HTML let alone how to master a computer in various fashions. To think a simple search engine has generated billions in dollars, provides thousands of jobs across the world and totally messing up on how to get your website index on a search engine with that page rank nonsense .
  19. Well obviously the price tag is a major factor in both the system and the games, could be a few years for prices to drop or wait till it becomes a great hit or just rent the game. However, still the selection of games are not that impressive to me, too many ports and original titles not coming out as fast enough and so it all depends on what kind of games you play and being able to afford them.
  20. Welcome to Xisto.com and like everyone else has mention or hasn't mention make sure to read the Xisto read me in order to learn what Xisto is all about and how to use the forums. Also tell more about yourself so other members will be able to guide you in the forums when it comes to posting topics and stuff like that.
  21. It has Mich, it is all about keywords and in this case you would need to put in Open Discussion and free web hosting, for trap to appear and so it is going to take awhile unless OpaQue submits a new site map to google. Which is a task that is time consuming in itself because of how many links their are and so getting open discussion to work with trap is going to take time and so using site:Xisto and the + in google is going to help in searching the Xisto forums.
  22. Well setting up a proxy site is against to set up a proxy site as well and from the looks of your post it would seem that is what your referring to and if so no you can't.
  23. Shockingly enough, I totally agree with anwii especially on the ring and the wedding, you don't need to spend a ton of money to get married or get a ring, and not knowing where you live their is thing called common law marriage or something like that. After seven years you two are "married" in the sense that you can taxes and stuff like that but other then that that other guy is your wake up call and odds are he is manipulating her by saying the right things and so your best bet is figure out how to make her happy again, do the unexpected thing and figure out why she is working more hours then you, although 50 hours a week seems a tad to much unless she working two jobs. Cause all that guy has to do is say the right things and she could kick you out of the house and he can sneak his dirty self into a bed that you shared with that woman for 10 years and also their are children involved and that will really screw with them later on if you two can't figure things out. Also a better job doesn't consist of more hours just more money and stuff like that, but of course explain to her the world of economics because getting a good paying job these days isn't like showing up and signing a piece of paper anymore.
  24. I found this to be a interesting illusion as well because the frames were it switches is quick that you really have to pay attention when it happens. Also what I found interesting is that if you unfocus your eyes it would see that she lowering her instead of staying in one spot.
  25. You may want to update AVG to version 8 and that might help with your problem, also I would suggest installing SuperAntiSpyware as well as that program seems to be quite effective in finding stuff on your computer. Also good that the suggestion work and thus this reminder, do a good search or search Microsoft knowledge base before posting, because the problems are so common these days, that a simple search will find you the answer.
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