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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. AAh so this trojan got upgraded then because I have gotten its older brother a few times and so I just go into safe mode find the program in the win32 folder delete it and then run my computer with spybot and McAfee. So it seems that this exe pokes around in more files then the older version. Of course the quickest way to know that you got this trojan installed is opening Task Manager and you should see lph*********.exe running. I agree with rvalkass that this trojan won't affect Linux since it is windows specific or rather XP specific.
  2. In the last topic that was made about this before we were allowed to edit our posts all you had to od was report your application to have your email removed and that's it. Now that we can edit our posts, even they are closed, remove your email address after your hosting account is set up and so that will solve your problem of you email getting caught by the spam bots. Also the Hosting account requests are not index by trap and so you shouldn't worry about that unless you put your email in a post or something.
  3. Design a Flex Form Part 1 Well this is my first tutorial on Adobe Flex 3 which is a great program if you’re interested in designing applications for the web 2.0 era. Adobe flex is the way to go as it combines several different programming languages in order to make the most out of this program. This includes HTML, CSS, XML, PHP/MySQL, XML, ActionScript, Ruby on Rails and ASP and this is all possible by the use of MXML or Magic eXtensible Markup Language because it is a user interface markup language. My three part tutorials for this form include designing the form, adding CSS to stylize the form and the third tutorial will to be adding form validation and resetting of the form. Also a 4th tutorial will most likely come out that uses PHP to actually send an email if I can find the right information and put it to use. I will say this though and mention it again in the CSS tutorial that flex is very limited in what you can use in CSS and HTML. I haven't got too much on what is actually used in terms of HTML and CSS but you can't develop full functioning websites without doing a lot of scripting and using various technologies, but with word of Flex 4 slated for a release n 2009 it could be possible that CSS and HTML will be used more effectively. Ok let’s get things going by telling you what you will need to follow this tutorial. Medium to Strong Skills in the following languages -CSS -HTML -Javascript -PHP -Actionscript -XML -MXML Medium to Strong Skills in the following programs -Flash -Flex -Html Editors Now the reason I say that your skills need to be at this caliber of a level because you will be relearning as you code in flex, because you will be mixing elements of all those languages to make a simple form application. Since I am a practically a beginner at this, I be trying my best in explaining everything and I will be using the Adobe Flex 3 Cook book to help me explain everything as I guide you through in making a Flex form. Before I begin though I am using the full version of Adobe Flex Pro and if you’re a student or teacher you can get this for free and you can do that by going to the following link.. Therefore if you’re using the SDK you might be able to follow along with this and might not that is up to your skill level to determine that. The first step in this process is creating a new flex project which you can do two ways, the first being through the File manager File > New > Flex Project. The other is by right clicking on the flex Navigator and selecting New > Flex Project. Now you should be in the project window and you are giving options to name the project, the location of the project folder, options for using it as a web application or desktop application and the application server type. So to keep things moving the project name is Form the application type will be web application and the server type is going to be none. Of course if you running a server off your computer such as IIS or XAMPP, then you would select ASP.net or PHP and then fill out the info for the server location. Click next and you be brought to a Configure Output window in which the location folder wold hold your compiled SWF (flash) file. Leave the default folder to bin-debug and click next. The next two windows are options so you can click finish and your done, but for a beginners tutorial I go into a little detail about these two screens. The window is set up with a tab system which includes Source Path and Library Path and basically these two windows are used for making any last minute changes or additions before completing the flex project. Go ahead and click finish and you are ready to do some coding. Like I mentioned earlier that flex uses various programming languages along with the same core concepts as well coming from those programming languages. You should now be in the source tab which is where you will be doing your programming in and if you hit the Design type you will see what your application will look like as you do your coding. Of course you can cut out much of the coding process by designing your application first and then tighten up the coding in the source afterwards. Either method is good but we will be coding in the source tab throughout this tutorial and I will mention from time to time to look at your form. Ok so in your source tab you should see the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="590" width="532" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="10" x="420"> <mx:Form width="100%" height="527"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="461"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider><mx:Object label="None" data="None"/><mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/><mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/><mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/><mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/><mx:Object label="California" data="California"/><mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/><mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/><mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/><mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/><mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/><mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/><mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/><mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/><mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/><mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/><mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/><mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/><mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/><mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/><mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/><mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/><mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/><mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/><mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/><mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/><mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/><mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/><mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/><mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/><mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/><mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/><mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/><mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/><mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/><mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/><mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/><mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/><mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/><mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/><mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/><mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/><mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/><mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/><mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/><mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/><mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/><mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/><mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/><mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/><mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/><mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> The <mx:ComboBox> and <mx:Object> tag is self-explanatory but I will talk about the <mx:dataProvider> tag though. The <mx:dataProvider> basically groups the <mx:Object> tag's and so you can set up arrays or if you select country you be prompted with another combo box to select the state. Ok so let’s add a few more things to our form and we are set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="590" width="532" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="10" x="420"> <mx:Form width="100%" height="527"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="461"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <mx:Object label="California" data="California"/> <mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/> <mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <mx:Object label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <mx:Object label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <mx:Object label="Visa" data="Visa"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> Although it seems like a lot of info I can tell you it isn't as I could go into a lot more detail if I took my time with this, but I am a beginner at flex and I will cover what is needed at the moment. For the most part we have a form but we are missing two things, a submit button and a reset button for our form. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="590" width="532" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="10" x="420"> <mx:Form width="100%" height="527"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="461"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <mx:Object label="California" data="California"/> <mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/> <mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <mx:Object label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <mx:Object label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <mx:Object label="Visa" data="Visa"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:Button label="Submit" /> <mx:Button label="Reset"/> </mx:Form> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> If you click on the design tab you will notice that these two buttons are on top of each other instead of side by side. Of course you would think that the <mx:FormItem> tag would fix this or just adjusting through the Design tab, but alas that won't fix it. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="590" width="532" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="10" x="420"> <mx:Form width="100%" height="527"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="461"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <mx:Object label="California" data="California"/> <mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/> <mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <mx:Object label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <mx:Object label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <mx:Object label="Visa" data="Visa"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:HBox paddingLeft="150" paddingTop="10" width="437" height="38"> <!-- Trigger submit. --> <mx:Button label="Submit" /> <!-- Trigger reset. --> <mx:Button label="Reset" /> </mx:HBox> </mx:Form> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> So that is the end of Part one of my three part tutorial on creating, styling and validating a flex form. In the next part I will be covering the CSS and of course introduce your to a Flex explorer that will make setting up CSS in flex a lot quicker and more efficiently. Now I Show you a live Demo of the form you just created along with the forms from the first two tutorials. Tutorial 1 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60453-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-1/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 2 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60707-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-2/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 3 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60963-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-3/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Actually Comcast isn't the first, Charter and Time Warner have been working on caps as well. You are correct midnightvamp, and that the ISP are fighting the torrent users by capping BW usage as the only way to drop the amount of BW used from torrent users, which is in the 1000s terrbytes daily.
  5. On top of using hte manage page of changing your password you can change your password there for free and thus you can save yourself 15 credits, Unless of course you forgot your password or it no longer works and so yo uhave to spend the 15 credits to get back. As for remembering password the best thing to do is write it down and on top of that use it in several other accounts such as email, IM clients etc etc. It took me a few weeks to memorize my password after changing it for the first time in 12 years and heres the disturbing thing it was a no no password, someone's name. So yeah how I survived the last 12 years on that password without having any problems Iwill never know.Ok to break your post down to toss in a bit of reality, password managers are only as effective if you have a secured system because if your computer gets trapped that password manager just became your worse enemy. The other thing is though if your system was to crash and your password were connected to the web you have to be able to remember them again and if you don't you have to go through the process of changing all of them. So the best thing I would do is two 1-3 password you can memorize 100% accuracy and that way when you do have to type it in again your fingers will fly over the keyboard in putting it in.However, lets not forget all those online password generators, don't use them because your asking for a world of hurt since the algorithms could easily be hacked and most of them are not new either. Another recommendation I would make is learn about leetspeak, that is a good way to help create a stronger password since your changing 1's into i's or 3's to E's.
  6. I will agree that is has been an interesting presidential election so far and I would put it up there as the biggest election since George Washington was first elected. History will be made but whose name will be written first, Sarah Palin the first woman to become republican vice president and with McCain's age possible the first woman President. Or, Barack Obama the first African-American president who will challenge 400 years of oppression and racism that has has cast a shadow on the United States since that time.Either way I still won't be voting because I feel as though either candidate will send us into the Dark Ages regardless of the promises they make and what not.
  7. Its funny its been around since we had that huge downtime when the hosting accounts were accidentally deleted so it has been a few months since this has been going on. Of course what is interesting though is that the gap has been increasing, it was at 20 minutes and now it like 39-40 minutes now.
  8. Like shadowx mention, if your getting the error message that means your topic needs approval but as for the seeing the topic title and nothing else. That means there is something wrong the with the database that stores all the post data and what not and like it was mention in some posts just wait a few minutes and then just refresh the browser and if nothing is changed just drop in a support ticket at Xisto - Support about the databases being down or something to that effect depending on what you see.
  9. Heck it could explain wh ythe DB's have been crashing last few weeks because that 39 minute gap could be the reason why the ipb sessions keeps going down among other things as well.
  10. I guess you haven't been searching the forums long or looked at hosting review sites and you yet you make the statement and yet don't give your reasons and on top of that your web experience must be very limited as asking to rename a web hosting site to something else that is connected to hundreds of websites as well. So I start you off with the Xisto story and then I suggest looking at Xisto reviews and you will see why this hosting service has been around for four years.
  11. Well everyone was expecting this to happen and not just for Comcast but all of US ISP companies and what not, but with Comcast striking the first blow the question is what will 250GB bring to it's customers? Well, 50 million emails, over 60,000 songs downloaded and 125 movies and if you hit one of those marks well expect Comcast to send you a nasty letter or a give you a nasty phone call to stop doing illegal stuff on your computer . Of course the only people that would break the 250GB mark would be major torrent users, e-mail spammers and most likley bot programs as well but I wouldn't be surprise if they lowered that to like 150GB of BW by next year. Personally I do my fair share of 2 of those three but not enough to blow that much bandwidth in a month but I only can imagine what it will do to the youtube users though. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. Ever since I started attending these adobe meetings I have been doing a lot of a lot of resource hunting for Adobe Flex and AIR and I thought I would give everyone a bunch of links to help get them going in learning how to program for those two technologies that are making headway in web 2.0.
  13. Although burning the folders onto a CD is a smart thing just to save space on the desktop not really needed, heck get a flash drive and save them on there along with a back up with your website. Other then that your game plan sounds good, but just make sure you know which is which or you will overwrite the wrong file and might have to start over again. Yes you can export your DB's from your trap hosting account and be able to edit them within XAMMP however because MySQL databases with have the Xisto domain name running through them you would have to edit each instance and put the local host domain 127.0.0 in them to make them work. Although I am not to sure if that would really make a difference but I guess you can find out if you can get the database to work on your computer. Yes you export them but being able to get them to work I am not aware of the process to make that work or not.
  14. Well to be quite honest with the purpose of XAMMP is of course to test, however because your using a CMS you can already install that on to your hosting account . So you don't really have to mess around with that as so much individual files that are running php and or MySQL and of course following on what rvalkass said about the configuration file will be important because it connects everything together. Configuration files can be a liitle finicky if all the information is not right and so if you plan to do major edits to the CMS like extensions or modifications, you want to make sure you have a notepad listing what you did and to what. That way when your ready to move to the actual hosting site you can recreate what you did or just to see what would happen upload the individual files and see what happens, thus the reason to have a back up of the original file just in case something goes wrong and you need to put it back in its original state. You are right, however, I would try to keep the connect to a minimum on your testing server or rather don't upload those databases to your trap account because I am not to sure what upload local databases to your hosting account will do. So basically all your doing with the testing server is to make sure everything you want to works together and then do a surgical graft on to the files into your hosting account. Yes you can use the localhost folder as your source for ftp, but like I mention in my earlier statements I would be cautious of what you upload from your testing server to your actual hosting account and so basically the process you want to take is if ir is successful on the testing server go right ahead and test it on your actual account because the results could be different and so if you do a mass upload of everything and stop producing errors all over the place you will have a hard time figuring out where it is coming from. As for Truppentool, basically you want to have a fresh copy installed on your hosting account because of how fragile they can be in terms of the url of your website and so you might produce errors as well. So basically your doing twice the workload but the benefits are great because you will be able to do it a lot faster because you know what you want and you can do it faster. Usually it is good practice to have a copy of the original files because if you start producing some bad errors you can just replace the file just like that and then try again. Now when it comes to moving files from your testing folder to your hosting, you want to make sure you have a copy of the file your replacing just in case it errors out or the layout gets scrambled. To be quite honest I haven't used XAMPP in years but usually when it comes to MySQL they are behind in the current version and so you want to make sure that MySQL from the hosting company is backwards capable. Then that way you won't produce any MySQL related problems, thus the reason you want to start fresh on the MySQL so not to run into any problems of inporting from your local server to your hosting account. I do believe trap has support for both MySQL 4 and MySQL and the same goes for php as well. So yeah with my post is say is that you be doing twice the workload, but usually when your ready to set everything up on your hosting account it will go by a bit quicker.
  15. first off your CSS is missing a major component that being the selector for the CSS your trying to using. You would want to use either a class selector or id selector so you either want to use the following: class selector set up .gameinfo{ position:absolute;top:200px;left:0px;width:300px;background:black;color:red;border:1px solid firebrick;text-align: center;} ID selector set up #gameinfo{ position:absolute;top:200px;left:0px;width:300px;background:black;color:red;border:1px solid firebrick;text-align: center;} Class selectors are used for more then one style using the same set up while ID selector is used for one specific part of your html. I also agree how were you able to use <gameinfo> and get something going in firefox since that is not a working html or CSS tag.
  16. I thought I toss out this security alert especially if you have been staying at one of their hotels in the last 12 months and that you find out which credit card or debit card you use and get that one cancel ASAP. Of course now reports are say that this Indian noob hacker got a small portion of information and as for the Russian mafia not to sure if that is true or not. Either way I suggest that if you stayed at a Best Western in the last year and see if your name comes up at all. So the question is who is tell the truth that 8 million records where stolen and sold off to the Russian mob or was this a noob hacker? To be quite honest after the TJ Max Hack Job I wouldn't be surprise if those 8 million records got stolen. So I play it safe and call the Best Western HQ to find out what is going on and see if you were one of those victims. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. WE all know when it comes to browser security, Internet Explorer is king, king of being the most hacked browser in the world that is. However, this article also shows how far behind Internet Explorer really is when you find of what Microsoft has in store for its latest Beta IE8B2. firefox and opera already do that but better, especially on the fact you don't need to book mark the websites in order to stay logged in. so hopefully they fix that by the time the final version comes out or when Internet Explorer 9 comes, then they be caught up to Firefox 2 and any older version of Opera. However, I do like that InPrivate Browsing concept though: I say that next generation browsers should look into "Off the record" browsing, especially for schools, libraries, business, banks or anything else that requires high security. Of course the only downside to this feature would be that it owuld become a nice little target for spoofing, phishing and malware/trojan attacks if the code is disected properly. Nonetheless I am more curious as ot how they fix the javascript, ajax issues and how well they are become standards complient as well. Although thye should great promise in standards compliency they tank at javasript and Ajax and so I might check out Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 just to see what has improved since beta one. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Like I mention in the shoutbox it could be the qay the qupis account is set up and its giving you problems trying to install joomla onto your account and so what I suggest is move your stuff here on trap by getting hosted and should be able to get joomla working here instead of trying to figure it out on quipis.
  19. No your credit count won't affect usage until you hit 0 credits and then your account will be suspend until you get four or more credits and then after an hour your account will be unsuspended.
  20. Well the most common interpretation of mermaids dream is loss and her friend being taken away in the most horrific of times makes that loss even more. Of course, that's the thing with dreams and I can relate to this, but sometimes you have to relieve that dream in order to find out a solution to stop the dream altogether. Of course I talk to mermaid offline about the dream and nothing in the real world would trigger such a dream, like here friend moving or their relationship ending and what not. Just like in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, you have to take control of your dreams and be able to change the outcome of that dream.
  21. Well, when I did the installation I didn't touch the configuration file and so I ran it through and I got the installation correctly, and so I would do a fresh installation but don't touch the configuration file and when it comes to step in the installation process copy and paste that selected text into the configuration file. I wasn't really paying attention to where you needed to put the text in since I wanted to make sure there was a way to install it successfully.
  22. Yeah I did watch that game and I was completely shocked that Spain was giving USA that level of competition, I wouldn't be surprise if Spain comes back in 4 years and beat USA for a gold medal or just beat USA. Heck I couldn't believe the pushing, shoving, elbowing going on between these two teams, it was like watching street ball or something. Either way Spain was always a big favorite to earn a medal in the Olympics, but to be quite honest I think USA was slacking and they did miss quite a few shots themselves and stuff. Either way, Team Redemption brought back the gold to USA.
  23. Well I check the forums out and from the looks of it this problem is because of the zip file itself maybe and so people recommended downloading 7zip and downloading this version of the joomla software. Ok I did a manual installation of joomla and this is what you do, the actual tar file into your account and then extract it there and then go through the installation process making sure your configuration file is writable and you set up the database needed to get joomla going and you shouldn't have any problems.
  24. csp4.0 your post is illogical because when it comes to free hosting people don't want to wait and since I been hear not to many build up months and months of credits. Some post enough for like a 2 weeks and then come back and do it again. Using your example of 500, someone would have to post 167 posts that are worth 3 credits apiece. Of course some posts get less some get more, but I know most people who have come here to get free hosting want it now. Besides that has always been something everyone wanted changed. Forbez, yes most of them have been mention , but I take an idea from you and t hat has to do with the rating system we have on this forum right now. Each rating is worth a certain amount of credits and of course if you got a spam rating your lose a certain amount of credits. I know people won't like that idea because it takes away from your credits, but it is better then them getting removed and losing 1.5x the credit amount. Speaking of Loss of credits, we all know about the 1.5x credit loss if a post gets deleted, I say change it to the amount of credits lost in that post instead of losing a lot more. Sure most of the veteran posters here wouldn't be spamming in the first place, but it always good to make the credit system equal for everyone. Lets another idea would be to do birthday credits when it is someone's birthday.
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