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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. If you have seen other forums that have those advertising bots or ad that get posted in between posts and what not, it looks very ugly and on top of that people would have to scroll more just to find posts. Of course that is the wonders of having paid hosting to tie into free hosting and that way you can help cover the costs and what not, besides 2-3 clicks a day by a few hundred people does make a nice little profit.
  2. Thats what I did I just used one of my other accounts when OpaQue asked me to sign up and asked me if that is the email I using on trap, and of course he said no and deleted the account and sign up using the one I have on trap right now. Well unlike other converstion rates the credits to real cash could be a lot higher, since Xisto - Web Hosting is the profit maker and so would need a justifiable reason to give free hosting on a paid hosting server and still make a profit. Of course, even then if it is not insanely high we should expect a nice surge of posting if credits are used to tie in free hosting account. On top of that members will have an affiliate link and actually make cash if they sign up other people to Xisto - Web Hosting account. Of course that referral link rule still applies to . Well I doubt everything is connected so it could be a few days to a few weeks before that gets all connected together and what not and reap the benefits of having almost 2900 credits. To think people were wondering why I had all those credits
  3. I would surely think their be a limit, because I think I would bankrupt xisto with my credit stash , but I agree that this is very interesting because of the fact OpaQue is making the system more integrated and the coding process even more complicated .
  4. If music was free then their be no point in copyrights and then people can claim that they wrote this song or that song and the fact musicians wouldn't be able to make money for the hard work they put in just so you can listen to music. Their is a much larger cycle that includes studio fees, sponsors, contracts etc etc. So no music shouldn't be free unless the artist says so and that is rarely the case.
  5. No haslip is saying that cpanel has nothing to do with the changes to cutenews, of course with the lose of the data way back when, odds are it had restored to an older version before making the changes. As for the actual changes haslip is refering to the fact we would have to look at the admin panel to cutenews in order to fix or see the changes, because if you do view source we are only going to see the html that was generated by cutenews from the templates that auto-generate the code. so basically we need to look at the source code to the template you are using to display your posts and what not. From the looks of it though, you have to remove any reference in your css file that came with the template that has to do with images. #bcontent img{padding:1px;display:inline;background:#cccccc;color:#303030;border:4px solid #f0f0f0;}/*end results page bigger*/ reduce the padding to 0 and also try to find that div I mentioned early one of the cute news templates and reduce the padding to 0.
  6. Sadly he doesn't look like me this time, although he does look like his uncle oscar, sadly though we don't have an uncle oscar
  7. Well that why I said users and not U.S. users and yeah I would agree that using the channels will help a lot more, but alas though I am a victim of stupidity I can't resist some stupidity but sometimes it just repeats itself and the point people are trying to make gets lost.
  8. Well the reason I don't like her is her views on teen pregnancy, she obvious supports it or her daughter wouldn't have gotten knocked up, and I would bet after that got leak the father was force to marry her, regardless if he claims they would have if they didn't have the child. On top of that it was just proven she abused her powers as governor and so you can only imagine what she would do as VP or if McCain croaks as President. Of course, on the other side of things, yeah the people Obama associated himself with are full blow shady to terrorist, but the thing is though only two people using that as an attack and them being McCain and Palin, those two have yet to talk about the issues and are either talking about the economy or trying to compare Obama and Osama together. That is why McCain/Palin are losing the election because Obama is actually talking about what is important and not attacking McCain every 30 seconds on TV and any "comeback" McCain is trying for is a lost cause, and all those attacks and Palin's misdeeds are ruined any chance of them winning. If you think about it McCain could have won it when he said he wasn't going to participate in the first debate and actually try to figure out the credit crises, but instead he fell for the trap Obama put out, though Obama lost points for doing so. Of course, if people been watching Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey as Palin, she actually being truthful on what kind of person Palin is, and that being clueless of whats going on.
  9. Log into cpanel look for preferences and then look for change style and that is where you change the cpanel skins at.
  10. Although I haven't worked in cute news in years, but I would have to say that you have to mess around with your templates coding, I did a view source code, which I doubt would show the problem, but you might have to remove the padding, the text align to left instead of justify and that might fix it. <div style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(211, 211, 211); padding: 3px; text-align: justify; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  11. I think youtube needs to clamp down on letting stupid people upload videos, because really what is the point of creating the same type of video over and over again. My first mistake was even youtubing the Obama and Bill Ayer's connection thing, the second of course was watching those stupid movies and my third was watching even more stupid videos. All these people do is upload conspiracy theory videos claiming they have proof that Obama is a Muslim terrorist and that help help blow up the White House and junk like that, and of course you have people like McCain believing in all that junk and instead trying to win the campaign all he is doing is attack, attack, attack. Anyway, people on youtube need to get a life no wonder, children are hooked on youtube because their stupid friends tell them to watch stupid videos trying to connect everyone on the human planet as a terrorist, the anti-Christ, and Satan himself. I don't mind the attention seeking videos that much because its obvious and I don't watch them. Heck I am surprise those same stupid people haven't posted videos of what they are going to do if Obama gets elected. Of course its is obvious, more or less, most of those videos are racial bias and other prejudicial reasons why these stupid people post these videos.Well this is just my vent filled with opinions, disagree or agree if you want, but don't try to label my political views as I have none.
  12. Well that is you can really do is just report the spam, because the programmers of the spam bots are figuring out how to bypass the captcha and the email verification that gets sent. So not much admins can do expect to patch the forums, ban the IP and what not of which are both complicaed especially the patching of the forums since there is a lot going on with the credit system. Of course, don't forget to give the person a spam rank before you report the post .
  13. The problem is thought that economy is tied to the world economy and if the United States goes under, you can kiss the world economy good bye, because right now in just one year the US stock market has lost almost 7000 points and counting. We are back to numbers from almost 8-10 years aog and I wouldn't be surprise if big companies start going under, we already know the banking system is gone and s it is just a matter of time that people's bank accounts start disappearing in order to pay for this crises. I wouldn't be surprise if Osama shows up and says this was our plan all along, and I am still waiting for a headline ot say Bush the worse US President since Herbert Hoover since he started the chain reaction for the Great Depression I. I would be surprise if the dark ages happen again and countries start wars to to expand their territory and what not, sure the apoclypse isn't going to happen but this crises is not being fixed and those who need to fix the problem are not because they are trying to save their money and assets before trying to save this country.
  14. Well as predicted to myself the moment Google chrome came out, Mozilla delayed 3.1 to add the private browser function and of course beef up its navigation bar. Of course, how can I forget Opera's speed dial and and various tab features and something everyone should be copying soon the ability to delete select time frames in the Clear Private data function in Firefox. They are slating Beta 1 next week and beta 2 the day of the US election on November 4th so it will be good to get rid of the alpha release that I have on my computer . SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Ok to really make it simple, you get 99 MySQL databases, your hosting account gets 500MB of space and so every time one of your databases is filled with data it takes that from your hosting account. As for the CPU usages it is either 10 or 20% and like I said before you would need to max out your hosting account, and have millions of visitors come to your site, but since you only have 500MB of space and 10GB of bandwidth, you will never break the CPU usage limit.
  16. To answer your first question the current version hosted on here is 2.5, but it is recommend to download and install the current version to the hosting account as it would be the most secured version.You get 99 databases but even though you only need what is required to run wordpress and so your hosting space would decrease as your bandwidth would increase as you put more entries into your blog.3. Not really but usally it is 10-20% but since your blogging you would have to have millions of viewers to make a dent like that in CPU usuage, or you have php scripts that are bogging down the system.
  17. Don't know what galexc just said, must be the long day, anyway just like when you first apply for hosting you credits get reduce and the bug follows the upgrade as well. So if you upgrade your hosting account you lose all but 2 hosting credits thus when people say they are going to the start with the ten credit but by the time they get ready to do that they have more then 30. So usually have to make up your mind what package you want to get then get the hosting credits for it, but if you plan to upgrade just get 30 credits needed then upgrade.
  18. Well that is good you found out what kind of dog it is and now you can move on to greater and better things now. Like telling Chantelle to sing me happy birthday in 9 days and send me a birthday present
  19. Well sadly most homecoming games are were schools blow it the most of the time, and its kinda sucks that the school band and color gaurd didn't get to do anything, because they needed to boost the school spirit a bit. As for the prom and the teacher dad you have to deal with it and wait next year, and yeah we talk more about it offline, but what you got three or four more tries to get asked on to the prom? Also you should be happy you haven't been in one of his classes yet as that would be a real bummer.
  20. Well sad to say though that Internet Explorer 8 is here to fix all those problems with standards, however, with XHTML 2 and HTML 5 on the horizon it won't matter much as all major browsers will have to go through a update to get those two standards to work. Of course, Opera and Firefox have begin to implement some XHTML 2 and HTML 5, not all but some, in order for programmers and designers to get an idea how it will work and see what changes need to be made.
  21. Dream Package #1 Dream Package #2 Dream Package #3 Dream Package #4 Dream Package #5 Last Year I had created a good series of topics on the best of the best in Firefox extensions that I believe everyone should have, especially since each group is targeted for each specific group of users. Package #1 Deals with web design extensions that help make web designers life on Firefox a lot easier. Package #2 Deals with browser effects meaning that each extension makes Firefox more dynamic such as link previews, doing a full back up of everything that your Firefox has such as bookmarks, password stuff like that. Package #3 Deals with quirky extensions that unique and somewhat useless, but their are a few that make lives easier, especially if you have a bunch of email accounts. Package #4 This package deals with Google specifically, such as adsense, gmail and even the almighty google search engine itself. Besides the web designers package this is one I would really recommend if your a Google power user. Package #5 Is mostly extensions that don't fit no category or rather a mix, but some are pretty good enough to install though. If you check out the links I give a brief summary of each extension and most everyone should be familiar with some of these.
  22. I had posted a topic on trap awhile back for the chrome lovers on how to make firefox look like chrome but with the added security and privacy and what not. So I thought I would share to everyone on Xisto on how that is done and that way for those who enjoy chrome and firefox will have the best of both worlds with the following extensions Stealther Download Statusbar LocationbarĀ² 1.0.3 Speed Dial Prism Resizeable Textarea Peer's ChromiGlass New Tab Button on Tab Right Personal Menu Show Go Dom Inspector Chromifox Also one of the extension you won't get the full value of because you need to run Windows Vista and that being ChromieGlass, you can however move the tabs up tap, you just won't get the glass effect. Either way if you don't want to go from the chrome effect these group of extensions are still very good because how they make your Firefox life a lot easier. SOURCES http://lifehacker.com/5044518/enable-chromes-best-features-in-firefox http://lifehacker.com/5059213/turn-firefox-into-a-google-chrome-clone
  23. I would like to clarify for everyone and odds are this applies to Xisto as well, as long as you have a single page in English about what your website is about, any other web pages can be in whatever language you want. However, if your got strong skills in both english and another language your better off especially if your hosting a content driving website. As long as you provide English as an option I due believe you will be able to host on Xisto.
  24. I pretty much agree with everyone that unless your building a school website or your school is seeking to have a website you have to go through the channels. Of course, if like one member said about useless junk your best bet would be to hack a school website and then upload your useless junk, but of course pray that you don't get caught because you go to jail for that one.
  25. I thought I would throw in a small update to the chrome to firefox look as another article on life hacker updates the look by adding four more extensions and a theme. However, one of the extension requires windows vista because of the aero effect it has. ChromiGlass This is the extension that requires vista and sadly though, the creator don't want to support XP even though the rearranging of the tabs would be needed. UPDATE!! Although you don't get the glass effect you do get to move the tabs up top. New Tab Button on Tab Right With this extension it simplifies adding a new tab and if you look at how Internet Explorer has the add new tab tab, you click that and a new tab is open, most of the major browser support this without the need to add it on, but now you can do this with firefox. Personal Menu With this extension it compacts the whole menu bar and puts all the commands under one menu. Show Go Sad the God Button went in Firefox three? Well this extension brings it back, yeah!! Dom Inspector Most firefox users should be familiar with this extension so there isn't much to say about it really Chromifox This is the the theme change makes Foxfire look like Chrome, more or less. So now the list includes 10 extensions, 9 if your not running vista and so now you have Chrome browser with the security of the Firefox browser SOURCE http://lifehacker.com/5059213/turn-firefox-into-a-google-chrome-clone
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