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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Nah, odds are you burned out the graphics card/vga portion of the motherboard, since it is obvious that the monitor itself works, but you should check the hardware itself and see if anything is loose and if nothing looks loose or anything. Then go get a second opinion on what could be wrong and it comes to no idea, just replace the motherboard unless you have a graphics card then just replace that.
  2. Luckily I check this topic out first, but yeah odds are you were gone with Xisto had a big DB error and everyone had their websites deleted by acciden and so databases were lost and passwords were deleted. So the Solution was to let admin know to restore your database and give you a new password in order to access your account.
  3. So would this be a 3, 4 or 5 Alarm dip since I doubt one or two wouldn't be possible with habanero peppers, heck if you get rid of the ranch stuff you could make a interesting concoction for a chili sauce too.
  4. Although I know a little bit about ADD and ADHD I don't see how you could get any advantages with it, of course I know there are gift people who have this and so they are very smart but they have a hard time putting it altogether and what not. I wouldn't really call it a disability in the sense that it curves the learning process because I haven't heard to much about incapacitating someone because of ADD or ADHD. Of course the only method they have come up with those is cocktail of drugs and what not and just like any medication if you miss one day it reallt wreaks havoc and what not.
  5. I would agree that asking a doctor wold be the best thing but out of curiosity I fond a website that actually talks about it, and basically its noting to really worry about since it is fluid that get into a certain part of the ear. However, left untreated it will cause some problems, but I do see how surgery would be necessary since it could have been flushed out, I think, but I am no doctor so hard to say. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. It almost sounds like a loose connection somewhere and of course it being a G5 odds are you don't have a spare computer somewhere to check to make sure its not your computer or the monitor. Of course, since I lack Mac Knowledge it is hard to say what the problem is and so I would suggest taking it to a computer shop that deals with Mac computers only and if you don't have one of those then a regular computer shop and have them poke around and see what is wrong with the computer. Just make sure to tell them not to touch the hard drive if they have to repair something because they will try and reinstall the operating system for the the heck of it.As for what I can think of, do you smell anything funny like a weird burning smell? Also ask them to check the video hardware because most likely that could be the problem as well.
  7. Yeah I see some valid points as to why would they spend so much money on trying to find a particle that most likely doesn't exist, and what I find interesting that they are able to to produce the speed of light in that machine. Just imagine if they could start converting that to energy and fun stuff like that. Of course, I would agree that it would take one hell of a equation and dumb luck to produce a man made black hole, but being able to sustain one would be even harder to do. Either way why would we want to produce a black hole for especially what it can do and right now there is no way to harness that power except in a sci-fi book.
  8. Well I got a reply from the person who saw my profile and funny I had gotten a repy from this person years ago and she hasn't aged a bit. So yeah just drop this email or ones related to to the spam bucket as I did in three easy steps .
  9. Well I can answer your problem or rather this topic can answer why you lost a bunch of credits http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&pid=407072 Odds are that if you check the rest of your posts moderators have quoted or coded what was needed and of course most likely you had posts that got deleted as well. Thus the reason to check all your posts to make sure they are set up properly.
  10. Since I am taking LAN for a college course actually getting my hands dirty into networks and I thought I share some information and my thoughts about these networks that I have found and based on some general questions given to the students I will say this though, that some of them are aware but others I find very interesting, but could see that most of them deal with the same ideas though. 1 LAN - Local Area Network 2 WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network 3 WAN - Wide Area Network 4 MAN - Metropolitan Area Network 5 SAN - Storage Area Network, System Area Network, Server Area Network, or sometimes Small Area Network 6 CAN - Campus Area Network, Controller Area Network, or sometimes Cluster Area 7 PAN - Personal Area Network 8 DAN - Desk Area Network LAN 1. A LAN connects network devices over a relatively short distance. A networked office building, school, or home usually contains a single LAN, though sometimes one building will contain a few small LANs (perhaps one per room), and occasionally a LAN will span a group of nearby buildings. In TCP/IP networking, a LAN is often but not always implemented as a single IP subnet. 2. When it comes to security issues a LAN is very vulnerable due to the fact that all it takes one computer to breach the network and that one computer doesn't need to be connected to that network. This can also include employee's seeking revenge, company espionage, viruses and denial of service (DOS) attacks. 3. Depending on the size of the work and the speeds usually 100Mbps is the max. So it could go anywhere from 5-10 computer to several hundred. however, the more computers that are connected to a single LAN the more it will slow down the connection and so you would have to set up several of these to get the most effective speed possible. 4. LAN's were design to network two or more computers to help communicate with each other thus being able to send data back and forth. 5. To many to count but I would say the biggest advantage is communication with other people and the biggest disadvantage would be security. 6. Has Bright Future WLAN 1. the distance of a WLAN depends on the strength of the wireless signal, usually this is about a 25 foot radius from the signal, but the bigger the antennae the longer it can go. There was one WLAN that stretched out to 125 miles. 2. About the same concern for a LAN, however, if a wireless signal is not secured, usually through a wireless router then a person who has a computer that searches wireless signals can connect and then be able to hack their way through the network that wireless signal is being produced from. 3. 11Mbps or 54Mbps 4. Able to make computer, PDA's, and cell phones more mobile and thus make it possible for a person to travel with a computer and be connected without the need for a hard wire connection. 5. Biggest advantage would be that you can communicate with anyone regardless of were you are and that you don't need a hardware connection. Biggest disadvantage would be security because not all WLAN's are secured. 6. Has Bright Future WAN 1. A WAN spans a large physical distance. The Internet is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth. 2. Pretty much everything you can think of DOS, viruses, Identity theft, crashing systems etc etc. 3. Usually requires high speed connection usually fiber optics and so it could from 1-4Mbps to the size of a T4 connection. 4. Basically to group Large LAN's together and so one person could connect to another person from a much large distance. 5. To many to count but I would say the biggest advantage is communication with other people and the biggest disadvantage would be security. 6. In terns of the Internet rumors are going on for years that the Internet is about to crash I would have to say that WAN's are unknown. MAN 1. The distance is usually the size of a two or a city and so it could be stretched out for miles such as the size of New York City. 2. Again the same problems 3. Usually require T1-T4 connections with fiber optic cables 4. Basically to group large LAN's and WAN's together and be able to communicate within a redundant network without the need for outside connections. 5. To many to count but I would say the biggest advantage is communication with other people and the biggest disadvantage would be security. 6. As third world nations are growing so will the need for the best technology to help connect growing businesses together and government buildings. SAN 1. The distance of a SAN can go from a first floor building to another country in another part of the world since this is where data is being stored on this type of network. 2. Due to how specific this type of Network is, the loss of data would be the biggest issue, however depending on that data at least three levels of security are put into place and so you would have to a wizard level hacker to be able to get into most SAN's. 3. Depending on the size of the SAN and to whatever LAN it is connected to usually p to 2-4Gbps. 4. Used to help store large amounts of data through several hard drivers and thus have a way to restore through a backup if the data was to be lost in some fashion. 5. Being able to store massive amounts of data that is spread out over several hard drives and not stuck on one location and again the biggest disadvantage would be security but also loss of data. 6. With the hard drive in the terabytes now SAN's will always keep on growing as the hard drive gets bigger. CAN 1. It is usually the size of a school campus or military base and so it could be very large depending on the size of the school or military base. 2. Again usually the same problems with LAN's, WAN's, MAN's. 3. Usually T1-T2 networks are used to set up the connection rates for this kind of network. 4. Military wise to set up a secured and non secured network and so top secret information and other vital data can be view by those with clearances to do so. 5. To many to count but I would say the biggest advantage is communication with other people and the biggest disadvantage would be security. 6. I doubt much will change because odds are school will be getting the hand me downs in terms of technology, but unless your a MIT or Harvard then oyu got he money and government contracts then school networks be better then some. PAN 1. The distance of a PAN is usually within the distance of a person itself and so anywhere that person goes that network follows. 2. For the security issue for this type of network it the theft of the actual devices such as laptops, PDA's and cell phones and so the loss of the actual device is small compared to the loss of the private data on the computer. 3. from 28K to several hundred Mpbs. 4. Basically to help make electronic devices more mobile such as GPS systems. 5. Being able to transmit data from a computer to an Ipod and other such devices and being able to find someone through GPS such as cell phones, computers and even GPS devices. Usually these are small enough that they can be easily stolen or damage. 6. Will get better and better as technology gets better and better. DAN 1. THe distance is usually the size of a room because each computer is connected to each other and so it could be the size of two computers to several hundred. 2. Again usually the same problems with LAN's, WAN's, MAN's. 3. Because of the type of computers used for this kind of connection, Fiber optics with T1-T3 lines are the best but could be as low some of the Gbps connections that are out there on the market. 4. Usually to help speed up projects with the use of the combine computer power such as 3D movies like Little Nemo from Pixar. 5. If your producing movies then it would take less time to render images with a combination of several hi end computers, but as for a disadvantage I would say that if computers were to go down then it would stall production and people would lose money. 6. Same thing technology will gets better and better. SOURCES http://www.webopedia.com/ http://compnetworking.about.com/od/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.devx.com/wireless/Article/11424
  11. Yeah I would have to say that Most Wanted was the better of the games, a lot more challenging, especially those 67-68 tasks you had to do and what not as those were some of the most difficult to accomplished. Wasn't to fond of Carbon and Street even though street was more of an Online game then single player, especially the fact you have to repeat the tracks over and over just to get any money which was really annoying to when I played that game.
  12. Oh no not another Operating system battle topic, anyway, on my laptop I have a XP/Unbuntu laptop and on the destop I have just have vista. Although that was going to be my ubuntu dual boot, but after some accidents and installations I moved it to my laptop instead.
  13. I got a interesting email today from marcy4u208@gmail.com I sent a reply saying I don't know this site , but it should be interesting if I get a response about some spam related things, but I thought I let members know about this just encase they get a similar email and what not.
  14. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Unleashed https://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Dreamweaver-CSa/dp/0672329441 If you want to master Dreamweaver CS3 then this is the book to get, there is so much stuff in this book that trying to read it and memorizing it would take a long time. I don't even think the Dreamweaver CS3 bible doesn't come close to all the information that this book has. With 30 chapters to fill your mind it covers HTML, CSS, forms, templates, php/MySQL development and of course covering the Spry Framework that comes packaged with Dreamweaver. You can think of as a big book of tutorials as you can download source code to help follow along and of course see how dreamweaver displays the coding with its coloring structure and built in browser. Of course if you have other adobe software including adobe bridge then you can really put your work flow together with photoshop or Fireworks, Flash and even Flex applications if your programming for AIR. So in the end this is a great book to have and if you need something to read, find a quiet spot and start going over this book and make sure to have a computer handy to follow along and to check everything out.
  15. Design A Contact Form In Flex Part 2 I hope that you learn a little bit of the Flex format with my first tutorial because that was the easy stuff until you get to the actual programming such as ActionScript and any other languages. Of course, I think this is by far the easiest part of designing forms or applications and that is using CSS. I will like to point out that CSS in Flex is a enigma and I will tell you why, because CSS in flex acts like regular CSS in html however it is very limited in what you can use and yet CSS in Flex is very complex because of how you can incorporate CSS. Basically you won't be able to create a layout using just CSS, of course since Flex has WebKit support there are a few more CSS properties that you can use such as -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing or -webkit-line-break. Like I mentioned earlier that there are several ways to incorporate CSS in flex, two of those ways everyone should be familiar with or at least the ideas. Internal Style Sheet <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application styleName="Application" xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"><mx:Style> .Application { backgroundColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; color: #ffffff;}.sButtonStyle { color: #ffffff; textRollOverColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; fontWeight: bold;}Button { color: #000000; textRollOverColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; fontWeight: bold;}Panel { borderColor: #006699; borderThicknessLeft: 10; borderThicknessTop: 0; borderThicknessBottom: 2; borderThicknessRight: 10; roundedBottomCorners: true; headerColors: #006699, #ffffff; footerColors: #006699, #ffffff; backgroundColor: #006699; shadowDirection: center; titleStyleName: "mypanelTitle";}.mypanelTitle { color: #ffffff; fontFamily: Times New Roman; fontSize: 12; fontWeight: bold;}ComboBox { color: #006699; borderColor: #006699; iconColor: #006699; selectionColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #0b333c; rollOverColor: #0066cc; themeColor: #006699; alternatingItemColors: #cccccc, #ffffff;}TextInput { color:#000000; }</mx:Style> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="550" width="479" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="20" x="250"> <mx:Form width="430" height="462"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="389"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <mx:Object label="California" data="California"/> <mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/> <mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <mx:Object label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <mx:Object label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <mx:Object label="Visa" data="Visa"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:HBox paddingLeft="150" paddingTop="10" width="297" height="38"> <!-- Trigger submit. --> <mx:Button styleName="sButtonStyle" label="Submit" /> <!-- Trigger reset. --> <mx:Button label="Reset"/> </mx:HBox> </mx:Form> <mx:ControlBar> </mx:ControlBar> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> Stand Alone CSS .Application { backgroundColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; color: #ffffff;}.sButtonStyle { color: #ffffff; textRollOverColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; fontWeight: bold;}Button { color: #000000; textRollOverColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #006699; themeColor: #006699; fontWeight: bold;}Panel { borderColor: #006699; borderThicknessLeft: 10; borderThicknessTop: 0; borderThicknessBottom: 2; borderThicknessRight: 10; roundedBottomCorners: true; headerColors: #006699, #ffffff; footerColors: #006699, #ffffff; backgroundColor: #006699; shadowDirection: center; titleStyleName: "mypanelTitle";}.mypanelTitle { color: #ffffff; fontFamily: Times New Roman; fontSize: 12; fontWeight: bold;}ComboBox { color: #006699; borderColor: #006699; iconColor: #006699; selectionColor: #006699; textSelectedColor: #0b333c; rollOverColor: #0066cc; themeColor: #006699; alternatingItemColors: #cccccc, #ffffff;}TextInput { color:#000000; } Therefore, that is it for this tutorial as for any questions you might have on this tutorial ask away and I try my best and below is an example of what the form will look like. Also if you really want to save time with the CSS aspect of Flex then I recommend using the style explorer and there you can design everything that is designable and then just copy and paste into your flex files. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex.html# Now I Show you a live Demo of the form you just created along with the forms from the first two tutorials. Tutorial 1 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60453-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-1/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 2 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60707-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-2/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 3 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60963-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-3/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SOURCES Adobe Flex Help File Flex 3 cook Book
  16. It doesn't take 30 posts to get 10 credits, heck in 30 good posts you will have more then 50 credits heck even more if max out at ten credits. Also you want to stop at 30 credits to get the default package because once you get hosted you lose all your credits. There have been a few members who got hosted in two to three posts because how quality they were.
  17. Well it has been a long time since I did an Old School review and I am bit shocked that I never did a review of this game or rather games under this awesome and very addicting game in which I spent countless hours dying and blowing through quarters so let us go through another review Aero Fighters Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Video System Year:1992 Price: 25-50 cents Levels: 8 and once you beat the game you can repeat the game. Sound: 9 It had some good sounds especially the explosions and when you fire your weapons, bombs and special weapons. Graphics: 9 With NEO-GEO being as it was back then the graphics were good and very colorful and well detailed. Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back Then: 10 Now: 7 Game play: vertical-scrolling shoot 'em up Plot: No real plot just got to various stages and shoot down planes, jets, helicopters, tanks and various gun turrets and other enemies. First Impressions: Let see, my first impressions of this game consisted of oh my god I can't believe I am out of quarters and Oh my god I didn't even last 2 minutes without getting blown up again. Other then that this game was very addicting and challanging due to the fact when the enemies attack you had no room for error and so you had to shoot fast and go through your bombs just to at least get to the boss. Of course the weapon power ups did help somewhat if you didn't get blown up the moment you maxed out on the weapon power ups. It was even better when you had a partner because you could cover more area and survive a bit longer. Of course if I were to guess I say it would take anywhere from those intial quarters to at least $15-$20 dollars to be this game, depending on your skill level and how you lucky you are in dodging all the bullets. 16 years later: Still a fun game and it spawned a great generation of vertical-scrolling shoot 'em up games and still has challenging since you don't have the flow of the joystick if you play this game on the computer and of course think about all the money you would save by playing the ROM . Sure it is a lot easier you can just drop as many bombs as you can as you get blown out of the sky, but I would think the ultimate challenge of this game is to survive on that initial quarter(s) and make it to the end without dying and unless someone did this I don't think it is even possible to complete that challenge. Overall Ranking: Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  18. Ok I did did a run and search halsip and from the looks of it it is a command line compression version of it and so you would have to use 7zip through that in order to compress files.Go to Places > Computer > then do a search for 7zip and you should get a p7zip folders and file also copy and paste this directory link and it should bring you to the read me in which it will give you links to the command line syntax.file:///usr/share/doc/p7zip-full/DOCS/MANUAL/index.htmit should look like that depending on how you set up your linux distro.
  19. To calm everyone;s fears and everyone's questions, first off you don't lose a credit an hour you lose about .04 credits every hour and its roughly one credit a day. Next when you get your account suspended you go to -4 and then you have to bring it back up to 4 positive credits, then after an hour your account is unsuspended. As for you mrdee your website is up again you should be fine. Now depending on your posting abilities you can earn a lot of credits if you do nothing but posts for a couple of hours and so if you post a couple times a week for a couple of hours you won't have to really worry about credits that much. Now if you don't have computer access for a couple of weeks best thing to do while posting is bank some of your credits that will be use for an emergency or if your really in a bind you can purchase credits as well.
  20. The reason I don't vote because these promises politicians make never happen, all these cover ups, taxes, lies, scandals, bribery, various criminal activities and political read tape. Bush has pretty much ruin the US government and the US in general to blunt I have no faith in the US government period. To me only three presidents in the US have run this country properly Washington, Lincoln and FDR everyone else was either half-assed or only did things when the opportunity presented itself. With bush he has done nothing right and the only thing he did right was hook up his friends with money and looked the other way as the crooks in the senate and the house do what they need to do to make the poor people poorer and the rich people richer. The government did nothing while the Oil went on its way to $147 a barrel and only then did the mention that they would look into this problem and our country is in so much debt that the world would have to give the government $1500 to pay off that debt and for every US citizen to pay it off they would need to give about $26,000. Of course that is the rich they never help unless it makes them look good, and in my opinion the rich should be more like Bill Gates who donates most of his wealth to help the people in need, while the government spends our taxes on bulletproof vehicles and their gas. Like I said I will never vote go government leaders because they are the most corrupted group in the social order.
  21. No your corrupted firmware would not cause you to see google, but sounds like an ISP thing and so what I recommend is that you delete your browser caches, cookies and history and then wait a couple of hours for the DNS to see if google comes back up. I know google is up right now and so another suggestion I have is to to ping the google domain and see what happens.
  22. Wow I can't believe I been a member on asta for 3 years now, although I don't come here often or rather I barely come here at all since I spend most of my time on Xisto wihich will be my 4th year there as well. So yah for me.
  23. well besides the obvious bugs, privacy/security issues, memory eating, ugly interface it is fast I will give it that, however, chrome has a long way to before it will be any serious threat, which I doubt. For those interested I had made a few topics about chrome on trap that should interest people http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&pid=406456 http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&pid=406466
  24. This is a server issue and not you as trap has this very same problem and the problem is that because of how the server deals with time it is a very sticky situation and trying to fix it the wrong way and it could cause some serious server issues. The admin are aware of the problem that I know about the timing issue as to when it will get fixed I don't know.
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