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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I know the site is working since I saw it to make sure it was up when I was helping figuring out the problem yesterday, but to get a second opinion of everything here is the website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Like I mention yesterday I had a similar problem with Xisto in which I had no access whatsoever to the forums and I had to reset my router and redo my MAC address before getting back into trap again.
  2. Waiting it out yes, but canceling your account will not fix the issue due to the fact that it is a connection problem and nothing on xisto's end reread the post I made and see if something in there I mention will work again. Even though we already did it earlier but odds are you have to contact your ISP to see what is going on, and for all you know your firewall settings or your browsers security settings could be messing around with you viewing your website.
  3. Its not a password issue it is a connection and this is what you need to do because I had the same issue, of which I mentioned in the shoutbox. First do a cache cleaning once again, then open up a command prompt window and then type in ipconfig /flushdns this will clean out anymore caches your computer has stored. Then unplug everything including the power cord for your modem wait 10 minutes then power up your modem wait till it is loaded, then plug it back into your computer and then turn your computer verify that you have a connection and then wait 4 hours for xisto xisto's cache to clear for your ip number. Then if that don't work, try pinging your website and see if you get a packet loss of 100% if so contact your ISP to see what is going on.
  4. Odds are it is hte system as the request form has been buggy as of late, and so what I suggest is that you take one of the recent upgrade applications in Free Web Hosting Account Upgrade fill out the information and post it in there. That should help get in your upgrade request a bit quicker.
  5. Put it like this, I don't have to come back to Xisto till 2015, 10 people could get the 280 credit hosting package, 11 hosted members can get a free domain through trap, 95 people could get 30 credit package, 287 people could get the 10 credit package. That sums up how many credits I have, yeah kind of cheap to go through all that but worth it though since I be trying to get another 7.8 years worth of credits .
  6. HTTPService is more like a function really as explained in the adobe reference library to flex it is "When you call the HTTPService object's send() method, it makes an HTTP request to the specified URL, and an HTTP response is returned. Optionally, you can pass parameters to the specified URL." So you your partially right on what HTTPService is supposed to do. Also with this they only use the POST and GET functions for now and I am not aware of any others that can be used. From my understanding of what xmlns is, it specifies the declaration of the XML version. However, while fiddling around with it I believe xmlns has others uses as well. Any way you don't want to change 2006 as that is the current version being used by flex, 2003 is flex 2. As for the request tag itself from the examples I have seen it <mx:request xmlns=""> remains blank. However, check out this link https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html it could give you a broader sense of what is going on and also check out this example of how the request tag is being used and from the looks of it it seems you make the actual request within that tag. With all the scripts that I have seen almost everyone uses the importing function and I haven't look into much on where the imports are coming from. With the id that is used to help identify what is interacting with who and if notice in my tutorials it help identify what was ot be validated and what not. As with the void function it is more or less telling telling the script what to do once the request is made, again refer to how I the void is used for reset function I set up. I think I know what your asking for but it make take some more searching, but there is a way to prevent the form from being sent unless you filled out the required info in the form. However, I think you like this function required="true", with this regardless if you do the validation a person is still required to fill it out before submitting anything so look at this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you could get an idea on what to do with that aspect of the form.
  7. Yeah the price is ridiculous high, but it is quite worth it once you develop full blown website applications like the online version of photoshop and other stuff like that. I know that eclipse can use it but other then that I wasn't really looking for how to get that installed or that would have been crazy enough and reading that you tried a few sites and so I am taking a shot with this link Well if you read my first tutorial , it is platform that combines ActionScript, HTML, XML, CSS, MXML, Java, PHP, ruby on rails and some other basic languages to use to program applications which compiled would be run in flashed. The best part is when you compile the html page is already generated for you so you don't have to recode anything after that, but of course I haven't really gotten to application flex application within html pages. However, I don't think it is that necessary since you pull off full functioning websites if your coding is top notc both in and out of flex. As for Learning the websites are somewhat basic and most provide the source code which sad to say is mostly from Flex 2, that I have found. As for Book, I have like every flex book you can think of to get a grasp on flex for my limited programming mind , So for recommended reading I suggest the following books. Flex 3 Cookbook Adobe AIR Create Modify Reuse Adobe AIR with Ajax Visual QuickPro Guide The Essential Guide to Flex 3 Foundation Flex for Designers That should start you off to get a basic understanding on how to work with flex and if you need anymore books lets me know. Well word has it Flex 4 is on its ways so it should be interesting what comes out of that, but for now Flex 3 is the way to go. As for your about multiple logins I do believe it is possible I have seen a few login examples and so if your website backend is php or ASP then it should be possible. link Just in case you missed the link.
  8. **Big giant hugs*** I can only imagine how hard it is for you right now and with a system like our it is always the child's side that the state takes and like shadowx mentions best thing to do is stay calm and that will help you to think clearly and try to resolve this situation. Although I maybe off about this but usually the first slap would be looked past, but the second one will most likely get you into trouble and that is how the state will see it. The best suggestion I would see and most likely child services will mention this too is get family counciling and try to figure everything out and see how things can be solved. Hopefully everything gets solved and she stops acting like a brat who needs to get her own way, because it doesn't happen like that and those who live that kind of life will always head for trouble. Though it sounds a bit cruel throw her trouble making in her face because if I remember correctly she likes to keep skipping school and stuff like, but whatever do don't let make you feel guilty for what you did or she will walk all over because of that. Hopefully the state won't be retarded and do the smart thing and that is trying to get you and her in counciling. Heck should send her to one of those scared straight programs that should straighten her out, but hang in there and let us know whats going on.
  9. Thanks for all the wonderful replies and the cans of spam, and to the mysterious donor of 10 credits that I got, strange never got a trap mail saying who gave me those credits. What can I say I am helpful person when it comes to the forums...I mean I am always a helpful person . For the ladies my number is 1-800-SPAMYOU .EDIT, I just found out who gave me the credits, travstatesmen, it wasn't necessary, I would have accepted cash or one of those $20,000 Apple computers with 3TB of hard drive space and 16GB of RAM .
  10. No that is how goombas from a Super Mario Bro's look like, well except for the screwy eyes, I only can imagine what your thinking about.
  11. Well it is official I have been a member of Xisto for four years now and to celebrate I designed my 4 year sig so enjoy its simplicity and awesomeness.
  12. AAAh 4 years, I was in the deserts of Iraq when I was looking for free php hosting. Heck I even remembered the website that I found Xisto on, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It was a month before I would leave Iraq, which I would start making my un-quality like posts here on trap. Back when the old system was in place when you post count mattered. Jump up to January of 2005 when I was ready to get out of active service that I posted a few more time. Of course, it was until April of 2005 that I would begin my campaign of spamming, which included two runs as moderator which includes training jlhaslip, truefusion, mayank, velma and even gave BuffaloHELP a few lessons when he first became mod. I was admin of ipbgaming back in its inception with NilsC, s243a, spawn_syxx9 and a few others. Lets see, what else, oh back when the army system was on trap it took a few months to get to the number two sport, I think I had the number one spot once until I was dethroned and it eventually moved to the ipbgaming.com website. As for my first run for moderator, based on records since I can't remember exactly, was in April or May of 2005 and of course I remember the incident that go me dethroned the first time and that was shutting down SOTW because of the lack of participation. As for my second run it started somewhere in 2006 because some hacker was able to hack his way into the forums that gave him super user status and so I played crowd control and got my Moderator status back. As for being removed the second time, well only those who were there at the time no about it and we will keep it at that. Of course, I would like to mention Johnny who got me all started in sig designing; to bad I didn't have the first sig I designed, cloud from final fantasy 7 with a grunge background. In which I would make over 400 sigs in my 3-year career, but alas, I retire from full sig production and make them from time to time. Which of course lead to the production of Gfxtrap.com and the gfx crew that would help make the graphics forum grow during its early days of 2005-2006. Lets see what else, well I did celebrate my third year on Xisto, got 438 posts and over 650 there so yeah I do have a lot of credits and posts to spread around. Of course I have done some small projects for OpaQue and evne been consulted on a few idea's as well. Remember that credit give away we had, yep I was part of the process. Oh lets not forget the Xisto awards and I have to that everyone was involved with making that happen, and scary enough my name has been at the top of those awards for hte last three years. Not because I knew the right people or any of that, but the fact those 6500+ posts, which includes 1000 topics, have help me in more ways in one, especially those who I talk to outside of trap and have helped med as well. Of course least we forget the Evil Society, my name be compared with spamming, and one of the biggest shoutbox spammers on trap. Of course, for those who were there, the shoutbox box wars were we practically got away with spamming. I know quite a few people participated just so we could be the number one shoutbox year, but as all good things end so did that when the new ajax based shoutbox was installed. I would consider Xisto my second home so most likely I will be with trap till the end, which I hope is like 100 years from now so I can get my EVIL kids hooked on trap as well. It was interesting to note that I am the last of the 5 people still active who joined in 2004, OpaQue and serverph are the oldest members then it comes me in terms of being active here on trap. Therefore, it has been a great four years on trap and I hope to spend another great 4 years here as well and to top off my 4 years here on trap I have designed my four year sig which I like for its simplicity. So Thanks Xisto...Spam
  13. Well I started getting into Flex 3 late last year when I first heard about it in this Adobe user group and soon I got my free copy thanks to my student status, and the rest is history. I practically seen every book and website about this platform, I even finished write 3 tutorials on how to create a flex form as well so it should be interesting what kind of comments I get and I hope to get more into later on as well.
  14. Design A Contact Form In Flex Part 3 Hopefully you have able to get a grasp on my first tutorials on how to design a flex form and then be able to stylize it with CSS. So now on to set up your form to validate and of course being able to reset your form as well., and before we get to the actual coding I break down the tags that will be used in this tutorial and what their roles are. Of course, since my newbieness really starts here I try my best to explain these tags. The first tag I will cover for setting up the validation is the <mx:Model></mx:Model> tag, and since I don't understand this tag as much as what I have covered so far I try to explain based on what is told about this tag. From what I understand about the model tag it is used as a temporary way to store data before it is sent through the server. Or another way to look at is that you can use the model tag to update your data that is stored through a database. To get more of an idea on how this tag works I suggest reading the information provided by adobe to get a better understanding of it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The next tag that is actually coded into flex is the validator tag and I can say that every coding format should have something list and it would make validation so much easier and I tell you why. Because every aspect of the form can be validated from names to zip codes and you don't have to mess around with coding like you would do in JavaScript, PHP and ASP. Interestingly enough you can even force country specific zip codes into form using a ZipCodeValidatorDomainType and right now all that I was able to find is forcing zip codes for US and Canada only so maybe in a future tutorial we can really deep and dirty with a form. To get an idea what validators can be used go to this link https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html and see example code snippets on how these are set up. Of course, you get a good idea what can be done with these validators when you look at the source code in which I break down the different parts to this validator tags. OK So let us get validating, the first part is setting up the model for the validation and you would want to set this up the way your form is to keep it organized and know where everything is and connected. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application styleName="Application" xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"><mx:Style source="../src/global.css"/> <mx:Model id="validate"> <User> <FirstName>{fname.text}</FirstName> <MiddleName>{mname.text}</MiddleName> <LastName>{lname.text}</LastName> <DOB>{dob.text}</DOB> <Email>{email.text}</Email> <Age>{age.text}</Age> <SSN>{ssn.text}</SSN> <City>{city.text}</City> <Zip>{zip.text}</Zip> <Phone>{phone.text}</Phone> <Credit>{credit.text}</Credit> </User> </mx:Model> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="550" width="479" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="20" x="250"> <mx:Form width="430" height="462"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="389"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="state"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <mx:Object label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <mx:Object label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <mx:Object label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <mx:Object label="California" data="California"/> <mx:Object label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <mx:Object label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <mx:Object label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <mx:Object label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <mx:Object label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <mx:Object label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <mx:Object label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <mx:Object label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <mx:Object label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <mx:Object label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <mx:Object label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <mx:Object label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <mx:Object label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <mx:Object label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <mx:Object label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <mx:Object label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <mx:Object label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <mx:Object label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <mx:Object label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <mx:Object label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <mx:Object label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <mx:Object label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <mx:Object label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <mx:Object label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <mx:Object label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <mx:Object label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <mx:Object label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <mx:Object label="New York" data="New York"/> <mx:Object label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <mx:Object label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <mx:Object label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <mx:Object label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <mx:Object label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <mx:Object label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <mx:Object label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <mx:Object label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <mx:Object label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <mx:Object label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <mx:Object label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <mx:Object label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <mx:Object label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <mx:Object label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <mx:Object label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/> <mx:Object label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <mx:Object label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <mx:Object label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <mx:Object label="Visa" data="Visa"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:HBox paddingLeft="150" paddingTop="10" width="297" height="38"> <!-- Trigger submit. --> <mx:Button styleName="sButtonStyle" label="Submit" /> <!-- Trigger reset. --> <mx:Button label="Reset"/> </mx:HBox> </mx:Form> <mx:ControlBar> </mx:ControlBar> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> Now for the validator strings: <mx:XMLList id="statesXMLList"> <state label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <state label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <state label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <state label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <state label="California" data="California"/> <state label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <state label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <state label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <state label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <state label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <state label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <state label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <state label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <state label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <state label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <state label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <state label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <state label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <state label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <state label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <state label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <state label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <state label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <state label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <state label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <state label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <state label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <state label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <state label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <state label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <state label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <state label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <state label="New York" data="New York"/> <state label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <state label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <state label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <state label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <state label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <state label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <state label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <state label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <state label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <state label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <state label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <state label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <state label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <state label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <state label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <state label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <state label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <state label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/></mx:XMLList> <mx:XMLList id="cardsXMLList"> <card label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <card label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <card label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <card label="Visa" data="Visa"/></mx:XMLList>You will notice that we remove <mx:Object and set it up like an XML document with the use of <state> and <card> everything else remains the same. As for the combo boxes, this is what they will look like. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application styleName="Application" xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute"><mx:Style source="../src/global.css"/><!--This is the Model for the Validating this form--> <mx:Model id="validate"> <User> <FirstName>{fname.text}</FirstName> <MiddleName>{mname.text}</MiddleName> <LastName>{lname.text}</LastName> <DOB>{dob.text}</DOB> <Email>{email.text}</Email> <Age>{age.text}</Age> <SSN>{ssn.text}</SSN> <City>{city.text}</City> <Zip>{zip.text}</Zip> <Phone>{phone.text}</Phone> <Credit>{credit.text}</Credit> </User> </mx:Model><!--This is the actual validation tag group used to validate the form--> <mx:StringValidator source="{fname}" property="text" minLength="4" maxLength="12"/> <mx:StringValidator source="{mname}" property="text" minLength="4" maxLength="12"/> <mx:StringValidator source="{lname}" property="text" minLength="4" maxLength="12"/> <mx:StringValidator source="{credit}" property="text" minLength="16" maxLength="16"/> <mx:PhoneNumberValidator source="{phone}" property="text"/> <mx:DateValidator source="{dob}" property="text"/> <mx:EmailValidator source="{email}" property="text"/> <mx:NumberValidator source="{age}" property="text" minValue="18" maxValue="100"/> <mx:SocialSecurityValidator source="{ssn}" property="text"/> <mx:StringValidator source="{city}" property="text" minLength="4" maxLength="12"/> <mx:ZipCodeValidator source="{zip}" property="text"/> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[private function resetForm(evt:MouseEvent):void { fname.text = ""; mname.text = ""; lname.text = ""; dob.text = ""; email.text = ""; age.text = ""; ssn.text = ""; city.text = ""; State.selectedIndex = -1; zip.text = ""; phone.text = ""; cardType.selectedIndex = -1; credit.text = ""; } ]]> </mx:Script><mx:XMLList id="statesXMLList"> <state label="Alabama" data="Alabama"/> <state label="Alaska" data="Alaska"/> <state label="Arizona" data="Arizona"/> <state label="Arkansas" data="Arkansas"/> <state label="California" data="California"/> <state label="Colorado" data="Colorado"/> <state label="Connecticut" data="Connecticut"/> <state label="Delaware" data="Delaware"/> <state label="District of Columbia" data="District of Columbia"/> <state label="Florida" data="Florida"/> <state label="Georgia" data="Georgia"/> <state label="Hawaii" data="Hawaii"/> <state label="Idaho" data="Idaho"/> <state label="Illinois" data="Illinois"/> <state label="Indiana" data="Indiana"/> <state label="Iowa" data="Iowa"/> <state label="Kansas" data="Kansas"/> <state label="Kentucky" data="Kentucky"/> <state label="Louisiana" data="Louisiana"/> <state label="Maine" data="Maine"/> <state label="Maryland" data="Maryland"/> <state label="Massachusetts" data="Massachusetts"/> <state label="Michigan" data="Michigan"/> <state label="Minnesota" data="Minnesota"/> <state label="Mississippi" data="Mississippi"/> <state label="Missouri" data="Missouri"/> <state label="Montana" data="Montana"/> <state label="Nebraska" data="Nebraska"/> <state label="Nevada" data="Nevada"/> <state label="New Hampshire" data="New Hampshire"/> <state label="New Jersey" data="New Jersey"/> <state label="New Mexico" data="New Mexico"/> <state label="New York" data="New York"/> <state label="North Carolina" data="North Carolina"/> <state label="North Dakota" data="North Dakota"/> <state label="Ohio" data="Ohio"/> <state label="Oklahoma" data="Oklahoma"/> <state label="Oregon" data="Oregon"/> <state label="Pennsylvania" data="Pennsylvania"/> <state label="Rhode Island" data="Rhode Island"/> <state label="South Carolina" data="South Carolina"/> <state label="South Dakota" data="South Dakota"/> <state label="Tennessee" data="Tennessee"/> <state label="Texas" data="Texas"/> <state label="Utah" data="Utah"/> <state label="Vermont" data="Vermont"/> <state label="Virginia" data="Virginia"/> <state label="Washington" data="Washington"/> <state label="West Virginia" data="West Virginia"/> <state label="Wisconsin" data="Wisconsin"/> <state label="Wyoming" data="Wyoming"/></mx:XMLList> <mx:XMLList id="cardsXMLList"> <card label="American Express" data="American Express"/> <card label="Discover" data="Discover"/> <card label="MasterCard" data="MasterCard"/> <card label="Visa" data="Visa"/></mx:XMLList> <mx:Panel title="Sample Form" height="550" width="479" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10" y="20" x="250"> <mx:Form width="430" height="462"> <mx:FormHeading label="Fill out all required information" width="389"/> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="200" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State"> <mx:ComboBox id="State" prompt="Select a State..." selectedIndex="-1" dataProvider="{statesXMLList}" labelField="@label" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Card Type"> <mx:ComboBox id="cardType" prompt="Select a Credit Card..." selectedIndex="-1" dataProvider="{cardsXMLList}" labelField="@label" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:HBox paddingLeft="150" paddingTop="10" width="297" height="38"> <!-- Trigger submit. --> <mx:Button label="Submit" /> <!-- Trigger reset. --> <mx:Button label="Reset" click="resetForm(event)" /> </mx:HBox> </mx:Form> <mx:ControlBar> </mx:ControlBar> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> So that is it, you have now developed, styled and set up validation for your Flex form and with the information I have presented in these tutorials you should have a good idea what Flex is all about, or at least in form making that is. Now I Show you a live Demo of the form you just created along with the forms from the first two tutorials. Tutorial 1 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60453-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-1/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 2 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60707-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-2/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial 3 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60963-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-3/ Live Demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SOURCES https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Adobe Flex 3 Help Guilde Adobe Flex 2 Reference Library Adobe Flex 3 Reference Library Flex 3 Cookbook
  15. It's not a problem really and this done by a mod that makes absolute links, meaning that instead of a long url with a bunch of numbers you get a topic title. This is used for SEO and getting a forum index with the help of topic titles within the url itself. As for the pop up link you get when you click the post number that is how the actual link looks like. As for the Latest topics and posts basically that a way to show current topics that have been posted or posted on. again its another mod that is doing this and so to get to the last post you have to go through the maze of forums and then click on the last post by link to get there with that little box icon next to the topic title. Of course, this is a good to help generated your reply by check out the other posts and even reply to the people within that topic. Their is no problem with the forums that's how it was designed and or modified by the admin.
  16. Before you even change your password send the support ticket first and see if you have been blocked at all, once your cleared on that see if you can access your cpanel and remember if it errors out the first time don't do anything or your will get your IP blocked again. Then PM BuffaloHELP to change your password because your site was part of the crash and once you can log in check any databases that your using and see if they are down and if they are send in a support ticket to get them restored, unless you have a back up somewhere then use that.
  17. No, you want to reset your firefox profile and then disable all the extensions and add-ons that you have, but of course you can create a new profile as well to help solve your problem. Go here to create a new firefox profile after disabling everything that you can. Of course, your not the only one having this problem, but alas no solution showed up for it that I have found so far.
  18. Aaah the good ole transition of ISP, did they give oyu a big hoopla and tell you not to go and they treat you better?? Anyway I was thinking on top of assuming since I don't know how your living arrangements and prices for various things. I would suggest that you purchase a cordless phone thus getting rid of one set of long wires and as for your cable wouldn't it be feasible to get a shorter cable cord for your modem?
  19. Well I know linksys WRT54G V5 works with ubuntu in terms of using a wireless router and I am using Intel PROset for my drivers, I believe, however I was wondering if you cam across this website on how to to get ubuntu working with your set upt. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Well I am not much of a PC gamer, but as one who uses various software for web design, graphics, and web application design I would find it hard to use a trim down operating system that works like safe mode. Due ot the fact that their are very limited processes and if a person who is so brand new to computers, unlikely starts off with something like this and then wants to get a full version they will be in for a bit of a surprise. Sure I can understand for platform applications designing, and of course customized software such as a cash register for supermarkets and what not, thus my statement that I would have to see this at a non business level and for individual users like me.
  21. You have the right word and that being radical, theory as it is there has to be some strong evidence to make it seem possible that a tachyon actually exists. Even if you throw a bunch of math at it and tell us what it is supposed to do, you have to find the existence of that particle and right now they are trying to find the God Particle, which I highly doubt it exists and thus the reason why LHC exist to find out if their is a particle that spark the creation of the universe. Other then that it is just a bunch of Star Trek lingo used to make warp speed possible . I would have to agree that you need to basically understand all of this, or at least understand the information is factual and legit and what not. I somewhat remember the white hole theory as well, I believe the history channel talked about when they were doing the Universe series. Although black holes are one of the biggest mysteries in this know universe or rather what one looks like in the inside but as for the laws of physics and gravity is concerned I highly doubt that there is anything in their except for the particles that are used to keep a black hole stable. Also here is a scary thing, it has been proven that in each galaxy's center lies a super massive black hole and right now or at last time I knew Milky Way's black hole is dormant at the moment, but when it kicks into high gear expect our galaxy to see some radical changes. Like I mentioned earlier basically you have to be a master scientist to understand all the different sciences related to the universe to get some idea on what is going on. Heck even the great minds are still having problems and they haven't made a scratch since our existence. I highly doubt we will never know what started this universe and unless time travel is possible, which it isn't, no science will be able to prove that nor will religion unless a supreme being pops out of no where and tells us what happen over 13 billion years ago. Only seeing is believing. won't respond to God versus Science just because no one will agree on anything about it. See my last statement on that.
  22. One of the great debates started because of Mortal Kombat or at least this is the game that really got it going, as for the question though yes and now and I tell you why.Yes they do affect children especially if they play them at an early age without adults telling them what is real and what is fantasy, just google search:video games blame for violent attacks and you will see quite a few links. I have seen stories of children accidentally killing friends and relatives because of what they saw on a video, TV or movie. So in some cases video games are to blame in some of the violence related stories that involve games like GTA.No they don't affect children because if a responsible adult tells their children about the difference between reality and fantasy and chopping someone's head off will not get you $500. Of course it is also a parents responsibility to properly exposes children to stuff like this, and the fact that they shouldn't be watching all this violent stuff. However, I also blame the gaming industry, media for forcing all this violence and what not, but of course when your making hundreds of millions of dollars it doesn't cross their mind. Sure the rating system and not allowing kids under 18 to buy violent games was the best thing responsible adults have done, it all falls on morally telling your children about this and making them understand that setting someone on fire for new weapons is not ok.Heck I have played some of the most violent games that have come out, unfortunately for me I never got toss that lesson, but luckily for me I knew that ripping out someone's heart was wrong and on top of that games are the best thing to let out that aggressive without the need to physically beat the crap out of someone.
  23. Before I continue and after seeing the video AHAHAHAHAHAHA pricesless .Anyway everyone was at fault and although I could hear the first minute of what they were talking about, something about why she was on this bus and what not. To me the bus driver was just stupid she shouldn't have said anything and do her job, the girl was just talking, about what I don't know but still bus driver should have done the smart thing and let her off and that be the end of it. As for the bus driver she had no right in touching her and it was obvious she was and it was really obvious that the bus driver was pulling her hair to. Her friend should have just stayed out of it and made the situation worse and as for the daughter she made it a whole lot worse in which assault charges should have been giving to her as well.Of course what is really stupid that the Victim is the only one being charge with what happen, the bus driver got to keep her job and supposedly the daughter is or is not getting in trouble for what happen. Of course that is the great country of America does it justice system by only getting one person in trouble even though all parties involved should have receive the same punishments.
  24. Well that is a tough questions to answer, regardless that there are many ways to answer it, but a common answer is usually found through religious text and stuff like that. Of course you can't just think if it is right or wrong but rather what it does to a person emotionally I guess. Aesop fables (620?560 BC) are a prime example as to how long have been defining what is right or what is wrong, but of course it goes further that if you go by the Bible in its historical aspect which few claim that the old testament goes back to 10th century BC.However, that is were morals brings in another level as to why answering this question is difficult, because soldiers always are in a moral dilemma when it comes to killing another human being that they never knew and stuff like that. Another level of difficulty is religion itself because that is so grey in what is right or wrong because everything is sin regardless how you look at it. Either way that is why it is up to the individual what is good and what is bad, but remember though there are things that are obviously right or wrong such as murder, stealing, cheating, rape, lying, truth, being polite etc etc.
  25. I dunno sounds kind of lame to me though because why would you want a very trimmed down version of windows as a testing ground? It would make no sense to test hardware such as graphics cards, motherboards and RAM just to see if you can max them out or overclock them. I would have to know someone that actually works with this and tell me what it can all do instead of reading all that documentation.
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