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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I got into the habit of posting tutorials on Xisto first and then spread my wealth every where else and by that Xisto gets first dips, I get the credits and I can do as I please when I post it on other websites. However, that ha always been my problem with quoting materials and that is, how much is it really affecting SEO? If you quote the post I don't think search engines are going to index it except for the topic title. Of course, I never had a hosting account here because most of the time I am limited to where I can post because most topics on here are beating a dead horse.
  2. Well there are a few problematic accounts in concerns with myCents kicking in and so my question is did you change your emails before or after you signed up on the myCents? IF you change your email accounts after you signed up then you run into a problem of getting your myCents account frozen and so you have to let the admin know so they can find your account in the database to fix it. However, if that isn't the case then it is something else at which I can't think of if you followed the directions given for setting up the billing account. So I would do this check the email account your using on Xisto, copy it, log into the billing support page, edit your profile details and paste the email in there and then save it. Now if you have a Xisto account go there edit your email account and paste the same email as your Xisto account and billing support. Once you do that do some posting and wait for it to kick in and if it hasn't kicked in yet bring it to the admin's attention and see what else could be the problem. No you need to still have to submit the hosting package you just have to make sure you have everything you need before you transfer over. So you have to go through your account and see how many MySQL databses your using, if any, Then you have to see if you parked any domains or added on any domains etc etc. Because if you just rush into getting the logic plan and not making sure you have everything you oculd run into website problems. This is what I did with my plan since it is a very small site and ideal if your not using a lot of stuff: So if you don't have at least this in your hosting package then you won't get far if your using forums and blogs that require databases and what not. That is how it is supposed to be done, but if your messing around with the account while still waiting for the myCent's to kick in you oculd cause some problems with your account.
  3. I thought that is why you were here alex, trying to make a few extra bucks . It's funny though I think we will see a lot more Xisto members going to trap then Xisto members going to Xisto, except for the few that signed up at the way beginning when Xisto came online and what not. I haven't even broken 500 here yet, but I think I be able to do that now though .Oh and welcome to Xisto alex
  4. Just like Running with Scissors I finish the Indian Jones DVD and last night I just finish watching the Incredible Hulk movie and just like the movies I give it a good 10/10. I haven't gone through all the content but it should be some interesting stuff to watch, especially the alternate beginning should be cool as well.
  5. Well it would seem that Sarah Palin is not the dummy we all thought she was, this week an interesting one article came out about her love for money. The first one mention the fact that not only was spending money for her family to come along on her trips but she was making the Alaskan government pay her back and we are not taking about couple hundred dollars we are talking thousands of dollars she made the government pay back to her. Now I can understand if it was you and few aides coming along but most of these trips she took had her kids with here when they didn't need to be and here is another kicker, before she filed her tax information to campaign commitee or whoever it was, she switch the information to say something like official state business. Of course, if you read into that article more it is obvious that most of those trips were not state business, especially the expensive weekend in a hotel room in New York and really how is it official state business to lug your children friends around too? So the stories that are coming out how Palin is screwing McCain over is obvious working because he is losing pretty badly and I know McCain is regretting every moment of making her his Vice President nominee. Source
  6. Just like Xisto once you sign up on the billing page and making sure you use the correct email on both account, it will kick in after awhile since we are not at the instant point of time. When I went to asta to change my email I say it took about an hour for me to get my balance from asta, granted I already been posting in there and what not. So I would say at the most it will kick in at 4-5 hours and at the least with in a hour or so and so you can keep on posting if you want, but not sure if the mycent kick back that everyone go will happen to new accounts that are made.
  7. With version 2/hosting credits it was set up so that after you hit a certain amount of posts your character to hosting credit ratio would go down and so your still fortune enough to make a few credits off your posts since oyu have such a low post count. However, if you look at the list of top 20 posters and the mods and admin that character to hosting ratio credit is even lower. Now as for v3 of the credit system I do not know if that carried over or not and I can say this that trying to find that character to mycent ratio is a lot harder to figure out, I tried a few times with some of posts, but when mycents was updated I never bother checking about that. So just like I did with mycents just ignore the hosting credit system because that is pretty much obsolete now for those who have transferred to the new system.If your a numbers person I average about $1-$2 a day on the new system and that is good because it takes a lot of posting on my part. Since my post vary from short to long and so if I knock out about 10-20 posts a dady I be in my average of that $1-$2.
  8. Well argument aside it isn't going to happen right now since myCent is not 100% yet and again where is this money going to come from though if you want to transfer it and to be quite honest that will be a very dangerous business move for xisto, unless one of two things happen. One, xisto becomes another godaddy and thousands upon thousands of accounts are made or two OpaQue strikes it rich and becomes an instant millionaire overnight. Even if this money transfer did go to head expect the transfer ratio to be like one of those pyramid scams that is like .00001 a click or something like that and so you would have to post even more just to make enough money to transfer it on top of the paypal fee's that comes along with.That was one of my first thoughts when v3 went online and that was will they convert my hosting credits to dollars and of course the ever popular joke came that I oculd bankrupt xisto if I asked for $2900 in cash. and not imagine a few hundred accounts with $100 or more and so you see the issue right there and not only would we take profits from xisto but they will be having hard time paying for all the servers and tech support and so like OpaQue said it is a wait and see.
  9. With what moogie said just need a bank account to get your paypal verified, however, I would recommend you create a new one that is separate from any other bank accounts and that way you own't have to worry about paypal trying to sneak a few more dollars out of your account. This happens especially if your making tons of moneys and stuff and or people claiming you ripped them off and besides if you need your parents credit card number then they are asking for trouble letting you have access to it.
  10. I wouldn't say that PHP/MySQL isn't as secured as it should be, however, it all depends on your experiencing in programming in various languages. Of course, sometimes you night not catch everything as your program your scripts and setting up databases that are needed and so it is always good to get a few trusted programmers to check your code out and see if they can find anything and also bone up on security measures as well.
  11. If your already hosted on Xisto and then submit your hosting package through the billing system all that will happen is that your account will get upgraded and so you don't have to transfer anything. Just make sure when you configure your package that you get everything that you need such as park, add on and sub-domains. MySQL databases and stuff like that so not to disable any services you are currently using.
  12. Well I just transferred yesterday and all that is being done to the account is an upgrade and so in your case haslip as long as you have the number of park, addon's, and subdomains correct in your package when you ordered it. Then your account is set as their are no transfers happening just make sure your hosting package has everything your current account has before sending in your request and everything should go smoothly.
  13. All four games are good, especially COD4 and so you oculd go either way as to what games you could get for your son to enjoy, what I suggest is you read up on some game reviews to help get a better opinion about the games your thinking about.
  14. Ok that title says it all and I nearly had a stroke thinking that was the reason for being arrested, but alas, she got busted for illegal computer use. Of course, this shows you how the internet has made people become stupid, first the guy for wasting police department time saying his digital character was murdered, second the cops actually listening to him and then dragging a women 620 miles because she did this. As for the women, get a life, if you can't handle an online divorce then your not able to have a stable relationship or even a marriage. Either way, it is still funny and yet sad at the same time go figure. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. I knew I should I have copied and pasted what I said in the shoutbox, but this is for those who read travstatemen's post, When it comes to personal information in terms of Xisto and or Xisto it is up to you, however, if are to buy a domain .com, .net, .org through Xisto or through Xisto once you apply for a Top Level domain, your going to have to put update your personal contact info on the billing website. That is not a Xisto - Web Hosting rule that is an ICANN rule and they control how .com's work and that is how they set it up.Now if you got your domain from somewhere else and using it for Xisto you do not need to have your personal contact filled out, because most likely you did that when your purchased the domain. Now the only way for someone to find your info is when a whois is done on a domain, granted their are a few thousand sites that do this but most of the time most people don't waste their time looking that stuff up. Now in terms of Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting security on the billing site I would put it at very tight because of that person info and of course making payments and so after your hosting account that is the most secured portion of the xisto network.As for the money issue that was brought up in travstatemen's post, the money is not real so you will not be charge with really if you don't make a payment, just like the old hosting credit system, your site will get suspended the day the payment is past due, and then if you don't make the payment for your Xisto account like 7-10 days or something like that it will get terminated. Xisto will not ask for money to pay for your free hosting, any emails saying otherwise is inaccurate.
  16. Mycents has been updating shadow, now if you did do an email that could be the problem and you resetting the clock on when to update the mycents but not to sure. Of course, I think it is 4-5 hours for mycent to be updated and not the transer itself, but I wouldn't worry about it to much unless you have $300 and still nothing has happen. I know for me it took like two or three days for myCent to actually kick in for me so if nothing has happen by this weekend send in a support ticket so it can be documented.
  17. I have to agree with willie, just because this isn't real money, let me say that again, this isn't real money. It make look it because of how the credit system is set up, but where do you think the money is gonna come from if you did make this transfer? I know it isn't going to be xisto or they go broke because everyone would want to transfer their money out and so sad to say the money that your making is for xisto and xisto only.
  18. To answer your questions, don't take this in the wrong way but paying customers get the slight edge on support because they are paying with real money for not just the hosting but for problems that may come of it. Of course, with this new system in place odds are the staff are also aware to look out for tickets that deal with this as well and so you get the same support, but depending on the priority of support tickets and the in order them come in, don't expect it to fix in 5 minutes. Now saying support is slow but xisto is working on a small support crew that have to cover quite a lot of hosting accounts. Yes you will be able to replace your subdomain with a top level domain, but if you plan to do that make sure you give people ample time to know about the new domain and what not though. If your referring to the current hosted members I am still not to sure about it since I haven't done my transfer, I have to do that tonight then I guess. As for new members who get hosted they will go directly to the new hosting system instead of version 2. Well I haven't heard to much about how they plan to transfer current hosted members to the new system and so I think once the major programming is completely for mycents that will be the next thing OpaQue will tackle. Of course, if it was already mentioned I must have missed that post somewhere.
  19. Actually Trap does, but I think at the beginning they had problems, but Xisto proudly displays adsense ads and what not. CSP as for covering all the costs and what not I believe OpaQue has several reseller accounts one for each server xisto is running and so its not like he's spending $10,000 a month on costs, but you do have a point about people sending donations and what not, but think about it like this people want free hosting, and so if they can't afford to get paid hosting I highly doubt they will donated $5-$10, of course I wouldn't be surprise if people have donated to the xisto foundation to help support it.Of course, the answers to this topic have been made in terms of requirements since I saw a post from OpaQue about a 5 post requirement and I say that is reasonable since that is s what it should take to make to get a logic plan.
  20. Well I recently saw Max Payne, it was ok, especially the last 10 minutes of it but it took a real long time to build up to it and unlike the game it didn't have to much action. I plan on seeing Saw V though, I know that movie should be as good as the other four but still a movie that this long into sequels tend to get stale, Scary Movie and the movies that follow the same idea. Of course I wonder if it is going to be a prequal type move or straight up continuation of it, well I find out in two days .
  21. I highly doubt ICANN would get involved with something like the wrong info, the website would have cause serious problems such as the piratebay, but even then ICANN only approve top level names and its up to the hosting providers to deal with problems like that.
  22. As for the forums, not much you can do since it is a forum for people to communicate, as for the website I would suggest looking into free templates from sites like http://www.oswd.org/ or http://www.opendesigns.org/, and that will help you to get a better how you want to set up your website. My suggestion would be to use colors that match your forum to make it look clean and like they fit together, but check out the templates there and that might give you a better idea on how to set up your website.
  23. Ooops your right I crossed my wires on that one , so what IXeta said, either way, the Freedom package or the Unlimited logic package would work for you, but of course your a lot safer with the Freedom package then the Unlimited one since the rules of that package are a lot more stricter. Out of curiosity though why would you want so many add-on domains for, granted you want to .com, .net, .org and .info the same sure I can understand that. However, if they are all different domains it do make much sense, but that is just me though.
  24. Not really and if you think about it, that is a discount for 5 domans since you be spending $50 if you got them individually. However, after browsing through the packages, you might be better off getting one of the Freedom packages that way you cut your price in half and also get more add-on domains and what not since buying extra's is not on the customize package menu. Think about it like this, the logic plan is pretty much the new free hosting package and so anything you add to it is going to cost you more and if you get a hosting package like the Freedom package.
  25. I had came across this new theme on lifehacker last week, and besides the cool blue layout it comes with some new audio clips when you log on and off XP. If anything, I would download it four the sound clips because they are pretty cool to listen to when you log on and off the computer. Here is a download of the theme http://www.mediafire.com/error.php?errno=320&origin=download Desktop Image of this new theme
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