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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Wow I think you might be the youngest active member on our forums, but before you can get some hosting, I would go over the Xisto Read Me which is a list of rules about how this forum is run. Also at this time Xisto is working out an upgrading to its hosting and so I would recommend that read the various topics about it in order to get an understanding of whats going on. LINKS #1 #2
  2. Well, it would take a few weeks to get that many credits, but like everyone has mention you can get a free domain through the mycents and so it would be pointless to get the 280 credits needed for the free domain. On top of that hte process for getting a new domain is a bit trickery then it is then the new system and so your better off getting the $10.00 needed for the domain. So to simplify things version 2 of the credit system including all packages such as the free domain are pretty much obsolete and so to get your free domain just go through billing and purchase it from there.
  3. To think people though I was crazy for storing all these credits for nothing, its like are psyhically saw this happening and BAM! my hosting credits got changed to money bwhahaha . You can keep your credits galexcd .
  4. Well its not a hoax since pcworld is well established computer magazine, I would think it more like juicy gossip with a side of rumor. Since I mentioned in several posts that cloud computing is still a new concept and I would say they are abandoning making operating systems, but shelving the source code that runs all the various window operating systems. So if they were to make a new operating the source code will be done by scratch and mentioned early have hints of windows in it, but it won't be a windows operating system.
  5. First I wasn't thinking that , secondly eew, third interesting that someone would say that. Although I am not sure about this and I highly doubt this was ever done, but I wonder if a study was done by a group of people to see what happens to a body that naturally decomposes. Now the reason I say that it could take quite a long time to do this unless you speed the process up, but even then I don't think it is possible.
  6. Like paid hosting, odds are you will be paying for any add on or extra packages, but you won't pay that separately though as it will most likely be added to your current invoice.
  7. McCain thinking he was Michael Jorden...Priceless or maybe McCain is thinking about something else .
  8. Your right on that as a few people over the Xisto history have gotten the default within 5-10 posts because of how the hosting credits worked based on the credit rate for each group. Of course, that is why 3-4 good posts can easily get the 10 credit package and so I would say that your close on the number of posts, but remember though that a very in depth tutorial can max out the 10 credit limit and so if you post tutorials like that. Then you could easily get a hosting package off that one tutorial if of course it isn't copied and pasted from somewhere.
  9. To give a little Xisto veteran aspect of the new credit system and that includes members who been here for a year or longer, I would say that for the next few months it is going to be rough at first just because it something new and getting use to the changes and stuff like that. Granted everyone is figuring out the new system pretty darn quickly thanks to answering the right questions and people are providing some of the best answers in order to make the confusion seem less as this new credit is getting put together.As for the hosting package themselves, nothing has really changed with the exception of the logic plan and the fact we now can get a 1gb of hosting for free now and if I remember correctly it was one or two years since we got the 500MB of storage and 10GB of BW. Of course, this is hte perfect opportunity for those who been free hosting all their lives to understand how to set up paid hosting regardless if it is here, godaddy or host gator and so everyone is learning something new.
  10. Source Well it would seem social networking has taken another nasty turn or rather a rare one and that involving murdering someone over something they do on a social networking site. Granted there was other things involved such as the guy being drunk and wasted on cocaine, but still to know that people will kill over something as stupid as that shows how sad the human race is. It is bad enough kids are bullying and stalking each other through chat rooms, emails, and social networking sites, but you have adults bullying, stalking, soliciting sex etc etc. It is amazing what such a simple concept turns into another way for people to be cruel to everyone else.
  11. Your absolutely right in most web hosts thats all it takes and that was like that for trap at the beginning, however, because of what Xisto requires for posting is a lot more strict no one can easy just post "I want hosting" it has to be a lot more then that. Another idea came to me is a combination of both posting and money, since you need the money to get hosting and order to get money need to post.
  12. How much of a dent in profits will this actually do to Xisto - Web Hosting though? I ask since I know I am one of the few who have a large credit balance, i is one of those if if I could I would and of course if I tell friends about it I be tempted to tell them about the work around. Not saying I would though, because most people don't have that kind of time to do it and it comes to my opinion that this should be an exclusive to Xisto and Xisto members and just like in the old system I would think their needs to be a requirement just like the current hosting system in order to get a hosting package.I could see three possible requirements either bringing back the post count or set a dollar amount or set a mycent equivalent dollar amount and yes people think I am crazy but at a business stand point the new credit system is a big risk in terms of profit and we all take granted that we are getting a sweet deal in the 500MB 10GB of BW package, but once everyone starts switching over to logic plans or something bigger a lot more space is going to be used up for "free" hosting. So not only should the admins and mods think about this but the members too both old and new and maybe we can suggest some other idea's if OpaQue hasn't come up with any yet, but at least have some control on accepting or denying those with hosting.
  13. Well I had brought up to OpaQue when he showed me that he put the total dollar on the profiles to keep it private and after seeing this post I would assume the mycent would go private as well once everything is completed. However, I would think this time around that instead of putting the dollar amount and your current myceent on that block were the hosting credits are, I say move up to and put it next to Loggin as: YOUR NAME HERE ( Log Out ) put it right up there. That way you can use that block for something else Say like the ads that guests see or members see who haven't blocked them through firefox or opera or use that that for general information for the v3 credit system. Well I would assume just like paid hosting your going to get an email about it within a couple of weeks before it gets suspended, but as for renewing your hosting that will be done through the client area on Xisto - Support billing website. As for where the money will be taking out of when you renew that will be taking from the credit balance you on the billing site, and not from mycents since every 4-5 hours 100 cents will be added to the credit balance you already have. Also, mentioned in a post made by OpaQue about this, if you have already a Xisto - Web Hosting paid account it will first deduct the money your credit balance before it will take actual cash. So you could pay for a freedom package for like 10 cents of real money if you wanted to.
  14. Well, just from looking at the hosting packages, I don't think anyone would want to use multiple hosting accounts just to get more space and stuff like that. Since 5Gb of hosting for most people is plenty enough I don't think most would opt for more then that unless they really needed to and the same goes with bandwidth. However, if you have an Xisto along with the Xisto account posting in Xisto, I think, will help generate some new topics and kick start a new surge a posting as well once the new credit system is in place over there.
  15. If I remember from another topic about this, the best solution of course was to remove your email once you get hosted or ask a mod or admin to remove upon being accepted o decline for hosting. Of course I believe the other suggestion was use a secondary email account for your hosting application for your email while keeping the one you use on a daily basis private. As for making the hosting application visible it is not being index by the search engines and so none of the hosting applications will show up unless you google your email account, but even then it might not appear and on top of that no one would know if their hosting application and thus won't know if they been accepted or not. So you have nothing really to fear about someone finding your email and so use of the options I have mentioned or mentioned above and you will be good to go.
  16. Source Now I know that the discussion of making things invisiable over the years has produce various debates of it can or cannot be done, with both military and science trying to unlock the mystery of making things invisible and what not. Now I can't promise you if this is a legit story or not, but it would seem that science and technology are slowly developing and might actually be done, but to say you have a time line for when this will happen seems a bit ludicrous, but who knows though. Notice from BuffaloHELP: One topic in discussion per topic. Attentive to Topic Title. Next will result in warning. Moving to another forum section.
  17. Yes you add on to any current package that you may have I will provide mini tutorial on how this is all done when you want to pick your hosting package and this will be done using the logic plan. Ok so you will pick your logic plan like so then you will have the option of getting a new domain, or putting your own domain and to follow things along we will pick a new domain and see if it is available. Now if your domain is available the text will be in green saying so and if the domain isn't available the test will be in red saying it is not available. Now in this screen this is where your going to customize your hosting package and instead of explaining everything just look it over and you get the basic idea of what you can get and don't worry you won't lose any money until you check out and pay for the package and so you can provide some dummy domain to look at everything to get an idea what you might want for your hosting account. Of course, you scroll down as you customize your package you see other other options as well, but of course each hosting package comes with different options and so stopping at Xisto - Web Hosting will give you an idea what Xisto - Web Hosting has to offer and what not. So from this mini tutorial you have an idea what to expect and so just around at the different packages and see what you want all in it and stuff before you purchase. I think I get it now, so regardless if we have like 100 cents or more say like 240, then it will deposit the $2 but keep the 40 in there till you reach the next 100 cents then. Gotta love programming math equations .
  18. I actually had a full backup of my site lying around in my account and poked around a bit and a full back up does have a couple of your MySQL, but my suggestion and of course its requirement is to have two separate backups of your hosting. As for the for the time frame to make these back ups you want your hosting on a weekly and your MySQL on a daily, especially if your a blogger. Now you can cut out the manual work by setting up cron jobs to do this for you, but I since I lack the experience of setting up crons you have to do some searching. I am not sure but I think Xisto has a few topics on it but again not to sure though since those topics would most likely be buried somewhere in the forums.Also when backing up MySQL you can do it in phpMyAdmin through the export import options within phpMyAdmin, even though both back up options are good, I would recommend it doing the backs up through phpMyAdmin if you haven't set up a cron job since you have quite a few more options on how you want you backup to be.
  19. I would agree that freezing your account if you gone for a month is kind of foolish, because then it would defeat the whole purpose of the credit system, but of course with the new version of the credit system coming out you won't have to worry about posting in order to keep your site unsuspended since you won't have to worry about losing a credit/cent a day, well maybe not yet at least.
  20. You do make an interesting point about the redundancy about the duplicate forums, I would suspect that once the new credit system is up and the forum is updated the admin might look into cleaning up the forum sub categories and combine like categories such as the ones you posted.
  21. Actually there is a way to turn it off all those prompts because they all come from Vista' UAC or User Access Control. Go to this website and choose of the many options to disable UAC on your computer. OF course, the downside of things is that UAC is used to detect intrusions on your computer and so with that off you will not know if anything got install on your computer or not and so plan on being cautious with what website you go to or software you install as that won't give you the warning that UAC usually gives.
  22. This is just a though, since I am only ball parking 23 hours and 59 minutes a day OpaQue is working on this, but I would think if v3 is finish in the sense that OpaQue has connect existing hosting members with the credits and the hosting packages. I would think that at the beginning of next year set up a time frame for everyone to renew their hosting under their new system add or delete what they want in their new package and then send in a transfer support ticket to move their Xisto website to the new one. Of course, thats if everyone is on all at once does this during that time even though I know that once new members sign up the time frame for renewal will always be different but at least the bulk of the existing members will be set and at least have an idea of either monthly payments or yearly payment. On the other hand, if the Xisto package is going to be free, I would think renewing it once a month would be perfect, since it almost falls in line with the old -30 and your site get terminated and everything gets deleted, but as for the paid package that is up to them if they went to either do month or yearly payments. It's funny, by the time v3 is fully operational I will have just started in my 8th year of hosting credits , and it will be all wiped out for cash .
  23. Yes you can host a 10MB website, as one of the packages consists of 20mb of stoage and 500mb of bandwidth a month and to get this package you need to acquire 10 hosting credits before submitting your hosting application. However if you feel your website is expanding and your running out of room or you keep breaking your bandwidth usage, then I would recommend an upgrade to the 500MB package which comes with 10GB of bandwidth. OF course, if you can't keep up with the posting, then oyu can try out the qupis.com as that account has 150MB of space and 5GB of bandwidth, but your limited to how big your uploads are and you will also have a text ad place on your website as well. Either of those options are good but if you have the cash then if you have like $5 a month you can spend then you can get a logical plan on Xisto - Web Hosting.com that comes with a 1GB of storage and 10Gb of bandwidth.So those are your options either are good for setting up what you need to run a website.
  24. That is a guarded secret because of scripting done in order to connect everything together and exposing it would be a bad security measure to make mention of what is all involved, but if you have idea how everything works with the forum then you have a bases of what languages are being used to set this all up. I maybe off on the title a bit but it is Web Hosting Management and Client support System and basically it is like one giant content management system that controls, operates and manage webhosting, websites and domains. you can check it out at this link http://www.whmcs.com/ and cpanel works along side with the WHMCS with the WHMCS being at admin level with cpanel support while client use cpanel to run their websites.
  25. Although it is recommend to back up your websites on a weekly or a daily basis, I would believe that all the servers will be safe from getting deleted or terminated. Of course, I would believe that part of the script will be the most complex, like haslip said everything on the xisto network will be interconnected thus the reason v3 credit system is slowly being implemented to make sure most of the bugs are found and fix before moving to the next step. Consider current v3 to be an alpha release in the sense that some things are working but is still being develop and then somewhere down the line a beta release will be implemented with the full stable version release. As for the full release I am being told that it will be happening on the IPB 3.0 board which is suppose to come out sometime this year, do not know if it is out yet, but odds are OpaQue has got a beta version of that forum to work on v3.
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