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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Its your birthday, well a friend of mine made you a cake enjoy her company and the cake
  2. We have 2 Two Days left for the nominations either IM me, PM Me or Post here your nomination lists, hurry hurry.
  3. Need a lot more work as the colors are clashing with each other and are a eye hurting combination as well and on top of that you have your name in the banner and that doesn't help in the professional department. Try working with gradients and shadow to help improve the banner a bit.
  4. I don't feel sorry for the couple whatsoever, if they knew the photos where on that phone he should have got rid of them or put them somewhere else. Of course, people are going to be curious as to what is on a persons phone in order to find out how to contact them or something like that sad to say that a bunch of immature teens got a hold of it and decided to check out the whole phone before returning it to the owner. Of course, it is to late now for the couple his wife is now famous for her McDonalds ads .
  5. Well the lo-fi version of the forums is for those who have very slow connections or have BW caps on there ISP and so it won't be removed any time soon and so you need stop clicking on that. As for the documentation that will get changed over time as the programming phase is still happening and so the documentation isn't a much of a priority at the moment, however, if you want to help convert documentation then by all means whip out note pad or whatever and replace V2 information with V3, it is that simple.
  6. All versions of IPB and if you think about it, anything in fantastico that can be pre-installed can be installed on your account as well including various forum software such as IPB.
  7. Woot!! more plans and that space it should be a crime to give away all this free stuff, but since it isn't enjoy it everyone . I check out that first plan and if you pay it along with a domain for a year it is around $70 and so it be about $60 a year without purchasing a top level domain.
  8. Well if you haven't moved your hosting account to the new system by the time the MyCents is permanent then you have to re-register your hosting account from scratch, meaning that you will lose everything once hosting credits is turned off. So as long as you have registered on Xisto - Support then you will be able to start earning MyCents and then when you have the right amount of money for what you need then just order your package and then in a few days your account will be updated if your hosted under the new system and expect to wait a bit longer if you are not. It is easy because all that is being done is a small update to your account and so you will not suffer any down time as long as you match what your new account has to what your old account is using right now. When ordering your hosting package you have the options of getting a new domain, transferring your name or updating the name servers and if you have a Xisto domain or a TLD just select the third option and your set. The ordering process is easy its deciding what you want in your hosting package that is difficult and yeah thanks to the new MyCents a lot more options have been giving to us members and so we can make are website much bigger instead of making it limited under the old plans. I do believe when it comes time to renew your hosting you have to do it manually like you would do if your paying for it and you do bring up a good suggestion of maybe adding a auto-payment for mycents and that way you don't have to worry about paying for it as long as you have the funds for it.
  9. If you wanted to check out problems with yahoo messenger 9 you should see my topic on Xisto about it when it first came out it took several versions for yahoo 9 to work properly for me. Although I like the the design of the vista one better though but that is me on that one.
  10. I would highly recommend that you send in a support ticket about this problem as the Xisto - Support team are the ones covering and fixing the problems to myCents. Odds are it could be a glitch in the system or at least in your account and I would think everyone would be very upset if they had their myEarnings reset when the system is complete because everyone would have lost all of the MyCents they have gained since the new system went online.
  11. Well for those who didn't like the light load of the logic plan will be able to get one of these plans, of course only get them if you really need it, best thing to do is do a cost summary and see which would be more expensive for what you need,
  12. Man I wanted to get into my car and like participate in that guys beating and burying in a shallow grave in the middle of no where. I would saying that counseling for everyone is needed especially for your daughters since a lot of evil, horrible things happen to them. Like haslip I would go to a Pennsylvanian and get that dude thrown in jail and take everything he own because people like that don't need to be loose on the street because you and your family need the closure and that is him rotting in jail. I would bring that up to the therapist as well and see what can be done because it is obvious nothing was done in Washington to let a sex offender free to do as he pleases, heck the guy even admitted to it and that is proof enough to get him thrown in jail, but that is the judicial system for you though, I feel sorry for the next family that deals with him. I will say this and it seems your children have been doing it and that is seeing a therapist because the sooner they can talk to someone about all this, the better the healing process because all the trust they have towards men is gone and so relationships are going to be very hard for them to cope with it especially if they start taking drugs and drinking alcohol to dull that pain they are feeling. I know it hard to keep tabs like that but just make sure to tell them to stay away from that stuff as best as they can. For your oldest the only way she will break that fear of basements is to confront it and what I suggest and most likely the therapist as well is at first be together with her in a basement to help reassure her and do this for weeks or months until she begins breaking that. Then over time increase the amount of time she is alone in a basement making sure to be near the door or entrance and it should be able to help her, I know breaking that fear won't happen in a month it could take her many years but it is a start though.I know you still have a very long road ahead of you once you begin the counseling because its going to break all that bad stuff up again and once you begin to heal you can guide your children into the right direction of the healing process as well. Of course, I am glad you have family and friends that help you get away from that scum and I hope that you iwll never have to see that evil twisted human being again and odds are that everyone will pray for his quick demise as well. **BIG GIANT HUGS**Good luck and let us know how the healing process is doing.
  13. Well it would seem that the Pentagon got itself a juicy computer virus and banning all flash drives from entering the building and of course confiscating flash drives that do come in. Well that is what you get for letting people bring in their own computers or bring those flash drives outside a building. Of course, if it was an outside source and what they say that it goes after storage specifically then ok, but still you think they would be replacing the hard drives as well because of such a virus. Even then I know we are not getting all the story about what is going on and what so who knows what else they are doing about this. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  14. Heck I was an EVIL spammer back then collecting baseball cards and watching cartoons and so that is really old for me and if I remember correctly I only begun ot hear about computers with the Apple II so yeah now we are talking ancient days . If I remember correctlu that like 1-2% of the world's population still have working 3.1 machines and so your not alone. Well you could say that about Windows 95, 98 and ME since all three still used MS-DOS as its core and believe 2000 as well since XP finally got rid of MS-DOS as its core and use it for basic commands. About time?, Windows 3.1 should have been dead since 2000 or at least XP and the funny thing is Microsoft wants to kill XP a lot quicker then they did Windows 3.1 Well you can still find copies around the net I know amazon has copies of all the operating systems that you can purchase from there, just think Vista could be worth $20 in 10-15 years . The problem is though 3.1 cannot even run any of the web technologies out there, and I don't even think it can run a browser correctly without crashing the system or something like that. Heck people still chose to go old school and do most of their work at the command prompt because of the fact its quicker and they do not have to any of this excessive clicking just to get some where on the computer.
  15. 100% agree with you on that anwii, but I would say that small part of him being bi-polar and with a little encouragement of some murderers was why he did it. As for what happens now, no one is going to, the website will get away with a minor slap on the wrist and that's about it. This just shows you how evil people are in this horrible world and I hope the guilt of killing someone and watching him die haunts them for the rest of their lives and they do the same cowardly act as well because the punishment fits the crime for what they did to him.
  16. Well its not the numbers themselves but how they are interpreted as and that is in the form of letters and words or a combination of things like October 10th, 1010 at 10:10 AM or 10:10 PM and if you ever saw that Jim Carey Movie the Number 23 you have an idea how some people get about numbers. Of course, as to how this insanity with the fear of numbers begins in a person development is a mystery to me but it is obvious that it is very unhealthy when someone becomes like this.
  17. Well I know no one will become a chemist in that class , but I would think though that this be more appropriate in a math class and not a chemistry class, but xpress math is correct on this solution.
  18. First off **BIG HUGS**, well have you thought about using a umbrella, I would think that could block a lot of wind and look stylish at the same time. As for school all that they ask is to try your hardest no matter what and I would say instead of you sitting in front of the TV when you get home from school go straight to your room or the most quietest place in the house and do your school work for a couple of hours. Maybe you should ask the school counselors or the teachers themselves that they need to prep your or something instead of just giving you a ton of work to do and stuff like that. As for classes choose what your good or comfortable with, of course how would you know that you good at any other classes without challenging yourself to find out your potential. Just have to believe in yourself and of course stay away from that TV and Xisto , as for the ebay and shopping all it is a hit and miss on getting the cheapest prices, my suggestion would be to start some other website then ebay. Heck you should try out craigslist I believe they have a European version of it and so you might find good deals there.
  19. **RED FLAG**His brushing off about making the relationship more is the signal that he wants to keep it casual and nothing more and that is what I reckon and so I would keep it casual which means no knocking boots every time he calls because that isn't a casual relationship and sure there are people who are sex buddies, although there is a different term for it, but I doubt you need one of those relationships at your age. Of course, you need to find out if he wants to keep it casual or not and so you have to talk to him about it because the signal is there you just have to hear him say it.
  20. Wow is all I have to say just because of the fact I thought they gave up giving licenses for this old, outdated, slow, useless operating system. I guess not as November 1st, 2008 Windows 3.1 is officially dead and the funny thing is didn't support for this operating system end at windows 98 or something like that? Either way I wonder when they will stop issuing liscenses for 95, 98, ME, 2000 because those operating systems are just as outdated and can not even run most of the web technologies that ae out there today and so if your going to cut off support you might as well cut off everything. Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7707016.stm
  21. Another interesting article I came across today thanks to digg and it would seem that the points are right and I would think most people would agree with them even though this is in the eyes of an Apple user. 1. Easier product versions I would agree I would say 4 versions is all that is needed, Basic, Premium, Business and Ultimate sure I bet you could fit it down to two if you combine them but of course not everyone can afford to buy the computers needed to run these operating systems smoothly with the exception of Basic. Of course, if they come out with more then 6 versions of Windows 7 then Microsoft is dummer then they look then because I would think those 4 versions cover the 4 types of users, 5 if you want to include a server edition but even then those are your common computer users. 2. New visual hooks Well we know that Aero was somewhat of a let down on top of a resource hog that required a higg end graphics card or two low end graphic cards to make Aero work and of course making sure the motherboard and even the monitor was vista compatible. To be quite honest I wouldn't mind seeing them set up windows 7 so a user could make their computer look like Windows 95. Yeah I am laughing at the idea itself but at least your not limited in what you could do with your GUI of the operating system. 3. Less alerts All part of Microsoft's awesome security 4. Invisible security and backup I totally agree with the back up system and to be quite honest they should find a way to really crushed down the back up so it doesn't look like an exact copy that takes up the same amount of space. That is my only problem with Windows is that you need to have a hard drive big enough to fit both the original files and your back up and so I keep myself away from backing up knowing well that if something happens I am screwed. Well the problem with Windows operating system is that every single computer can use it and Apple restricts it to one type of computer that is built in house and we all know if Microsoft did that I don't think they be as popular as they are now. 5. Clear naming That is why they write books and people write tutorials to cover these new names, but even then if you explore your computer long enough and trying everything out you might get the hint what those names are about and what not. Of course, not everyone can grab the basics and thus the billions of topics, articles, posts and websites about the subject are made but even them spend a few hours a day to know your system and you will become a better computer user. 6. Pain-free registration Well again Apple uses only one set of hardware on it systems and those are built in house and so they solved that problem and so again, Microsoft would have to do the same. Of course, I rather they lower their prices to the operating system because either way they are going to making profit once they get into the hundreds of millions of copies sold and so if they lower the price tag just a bit people wouldn't be backing the crap out of the operating system. Of course that hardware lock really annoys me, although it happen once to me I would think that replacing busted hardware shouldn't lock you out of your system. 7. Proper search I think the operating system search was something I mentioned in a topic awhile back, but yeah I would agree with that statement as well, Microsoft Needs Google to design a computer search that works just like their website google search and that way you can find anything. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Well the title says it all and the thing is I don't feel sorry for her because she had ample warnings from her friends, family and of course if your living under a rock the news, internet, websites, magazines etc etc. So really how are these people still falling for this and you would think red flags would get waved when your getting emails from the United Nations and President Bush to help them out and that my friends is really baffling. The sad thing though is that as long as you have people like this the scammers are going to be pulling the same stuff over and over again and $400,000 is no joke that is a lot of money and she could lose everything including the house, car and other possessions because demon known as greed got to her. As for here statement at the end, well next time listen when you get an email saying you will get millions of dollars from someone you don't know in a country you don't live. SOURCES http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,453125h/cybersecurity.html
  23. Actually you hit the big factor about MyCent's and profit loss and that being the domains, in a discussion with OpaQue about it was brought up capping how many domains a person can buy (I suggested 2-3) with MyCents and of coursing increasing the price tag of the domains as well. As to where the increase will happen I would say that it would happen for both, but I think the increase for domains might be a bit larger to cover some of the costs and of course that price increase is going to be the wild card as well once it kicks in. As for hosting you are correct again anwii and that the hosting will take awhile to see what kind of impact it has on the profit loss but I can tell you already that it would put most small hosting companies out of business. As for the number of people right now under the new system I put it around 100-200 on both sites and so it is not many but everyone has order a different hosting package and so that is the other wild card as well. Of course, some people have mentioned that they would want to get a reseller account and to be quite honest I think it is in bad taste to get it through MyCent, sure you get nothing but profits but your taking a nice large chunk of space for it. Ao if you plan to do a reseller account at the beginning I would say use some of your MyCent's to help cover the costs but once your start making a profit that covers the costs then it would be good idea to switch to cash payments and that is my opinion on that.
  24. **waits for everyone to stop laughing so hard** That is my reaction as well know when it comes to security and Microsoft they know as much as I do and that is sad and as for the headlines about their anti-virus program, code name Morro to be a threat to everyone else, unlikely. If it is anything like Windows Defender then I am glad there are better alternatives out there such as AVG to at least provide some protection and the simple fact that it most likely will be running some sort of windows files I doubt it will take long for someone to crack it open and start providing false alerts or hide their viruses, trojans and worms from this program. Of course, the next thing about their software is that it won't a resource hog compared to the paid security suites out there, well, I believe that when I see it. Until Morro provides any creditability and some hacker proof then I wouldn't worry to much about it and I do not think to many people will switch over to it in the near future. Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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