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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Even though we somewhat talk about it and oyu had mention that you clean your computer out and reinstalled here are some factors to slow down. Age - Usually after 3-4 years your notice unexplainable slowdown and usually they can be pinpointed to the hard, especially the RAM and processor. These can replace easily on PC, laptops might require a little assistance, especially if its a name brand computer, well at least the Process you might need assistance for. Registry - Usually after years of uninstalling and installing software and what not the registry gets clogged up and can be part of the slow down. As for fixes there are no surefire programs out there that will clean up the registry effectively. However, CCleaner and Glary Utilities are some great, freee programs that do their job. Also, if you happen to be a McAfee Security Suite user, it can clean out your registry as well. Running programs over a period time - This issue is geared more towards browsers as they eat up memory over time and usually the quickest way to free up memory is to shut down the browser and start it back up again. Early versions of Firefox 3 had memory issues and so it is best to upgrade to current versions and turn off or uninstall extensions you no longer use. As for software it all depends on memory eating it does and so the best way to find out is to run Task Manager and note any programs that go over 50,000+ kb. Usually, if you running 4-5 programs that are over 50,000kb you will notice some slow down, but that of course depends on how much RAM your computer has. Remember Intel computers can have up to 3.5GB of RAM running while AMD can use the full 4GB and so remember that when it comes time replacing RAM. Defrag - Usually defragging your computer 6 to 12 months helps out in cleaning you computer out a bit, however, the windows defrag problem is horrible and so I recommend running Defraggler as it does a good job sorting files and making some room. Boot - Now hte boot process is were a major portion of the slow down happens and the best way to fix that is go through programs who run on boot and disable that. Or to do it quick and dirty download and install Soluto and it will let you know what causing the boot to take so long and give you the options to pause it or turn it off completely. So these are some of the common problems to look out for and that is not including viruses, malware, spyware and if all else fails going with a fresh reinstall. Usually your do a reinstall every couple of years, but some recommend doing it once a year.
  2. Who is a finance major? On that question, I will say this, I am going to stay away from business finances to the end of days.

    1. web_designer


      i feel the same towards finance management...

  3. Correct on the method of recieving your money, however, as of this forum upgrade Kontera will not be member supported. Meaning members won't be able to earn anythign from kontera on Xisto/KS, however, another way to earn was supposed to be discussed and figured out but I haven't heard anything about that as of yet.
  4. aah yes, archive.org best playce to see what websites look like at the beginning, or rather in the mid 1990s and yeah Xisto was a different website in a different time. Though I wish they it archived for 2009 so as to get my sig block back in order . As for space, its in the TB's there is no doubt about that and it is definately a great way to see how websites have changed over time, especially your own just so you can see what new web design skills you picked up since the beginning.
  5. It was quic, it was dirty and it is done.
  6. Well, you still could play PS2 games on a PS3, you just have to buy a refurbished 1st generation PS3, might get lucky on a 2nd generation PS3, but if your looking at the slims, don't bother unless you download the PS2 games from the PLaystation store.
  7. Well, it is Monday Night, 3 hours of Raw, various crappy reality TV shows and toss i na few violent, gory ones as well and what do you get kids? Entertainment, and so it leads me into a game I use to play in the arcades and funny enough I just beat for the very first time on my computer, Smash TV. Now if you're an old schooler like me and hit the arcades you might have bumped into this game and drop a few dollars worth of quarters in. One of the big things about this game was its violence, up until Mortal Kombat in 1992, I would put this in the top 5 in violent for its generation in the arcade, since it had blood and exploding body parts as you killed your way to the top. Another thing that made this game unique is it controllers, there were no A+B buttons, instead you just have the movement controllers to move in full 360 degrees and where ever you move you automatically shoot your standard gun or the various weapons you can pick up along the way. As for the last thing that made the game interesting, and no it was not the big breasted chicks, but scoring cash prizes, 2600" TV's, plane trips, food, VCR's, and other interesting prizes. So, that is the gist of the game, but trust me, getting through each stage is challenging enough, however, if you get to end stage bosses, prepare to get frustrated and dropping even more coin. Not that you would get frustrated during all the stages, especially once you get surrounded by the bad guys. There is one thing I notice, doing this game is pretty damn difficult, but manageable, but if you go with two players it is a lot more easier to cover ground and take out as much as you can. Of course, I will note that if you do go two players, expect a competition on who can score more points than the other, especially when picking up gifts and cash. Now then, let go over some basic info and of course my thoughts of the past and present. Smash TV Some Screen Shots I BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!! Game Maker: Williams Year: 1990 Price: 50 cents a came and i believe 25 cents to continue Levels: 3 Stages, with multiple stages with prize areas as well Sound: 10 Graphics: 8.5 Mini-Games: prize areas Difficulty: Back then: 10 Now: 10 Replay Value: 10 Game play: Your basic run and gun game with various weapons to kill, blow up as many bad guys, robots and flying things as you. First Impressions: Definitely a hard game, but great wrist breaking action and I could never get far into this game, I think i made it once to the first stage boss with help, but never could get far on a few dollars. Still, it was violently addictive game well worth my money. I do remember playing it on the Genesis when it was ported but the quality and violence wasn't as good and I think it was bit short and even then I still could only get to the first boss on stage one. 20 years later Still an awesome game and like I just said I beat it for the first time with a score of over 20 million, granted it could have been more if I didn't add a second towards the end of the game since that one had over 10 million. So like I said, if you went through this game on two players it would be a competition who could score the highest and to ball park it a bit. I think I spent about $30-40 by the time I finish the game. Of course, I hear you can get it through Xbox and PS3 and so I would download it if you can. Or if you know any local arcade shops still running, who knows you might see that game there. Overall Ranking: 10 The replay value and competition alone make this game worthy of a ten and so the challenge would be to stretch out those lives as long as possible, but I doubt any skilled player could beat the bosses without dying. Well, quite frankly it is quite impossible since you need the special weapons in order to beat them and with various ways to kill you, plan to spend most of your quarters there. So this is my review of the Arcade classic and Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  8. Wow Gordan, you shouldn't be making promises that you know horrible cooks are going to breaks ROFL!!

  9. WOOT WOOT CS5 is coming to me, free that is WOOT WOOT

    1. kobra500


      Pirating Again S_M?

  10. Not so much features, but memory issues since running the script does take up a lot when run. Of course, since it doesn't use a Database to connect but I did pass some interesting ideas to Opaque, such as how much is that post is worth, but that one is being thought out at the moment. Odds are that little feature would be restricted to just the mods so we can catch the cheaters better.
  11. With a big giant search engine middle finger, Google says goodbye to Microsoft OS and given their employees the option of using Apple or Linux as it their main operating system. Big reason for the move, is of course the Chinese hack that happen earlier this year, but others speculate that because of Google's developement of ChromeOS and Andriod , that Google decided to drop Windows OS. Of course, how bad will it affect Microsoft, well, they are 20,000 liscenses less in making a profit and to speculate that is a few million dollars Microsoft will be making.Is it a gutsy move, yeah, will it affect the way Google does business and developing applications, maybe, but since Google is working the cloud with a lot of their applications it wouldn't but for us Window users it is questionable.http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Google-Dumps-Microsoft-Windows-Company-Wide-2463737.php
  12. Well, we had a severe storm last night to the point we lost power and we still don't, but with the awesomeness of a laptop and that battery it will give me a chance to do an old school review. As for the game I will be talking about, it shocking that I haven't written about it sooner, that is game is Legend of Zelda. If your an old school gamer like me then you grew up with this franchise since the first game, sadly I only played the first game up until the world of emulators was introduce to me. I will say this, that Zelda had a very unqiue things about it, that it came in a gold cartridge and not the standard grey color that most games came in and to me I think it worth money but because how popular the game was I don't think the gold cartidge is worth that much on the market but who knows. I do remember that my brother had barrowed this game from a friend and i believe he was close to beating it and I some how deleted the game, lets just say I can't remember what happen afterwards...think I got yelled at for deleting that file. Anyway, lets get to the review. Legend of Zelda Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Nintendo Year: 1986 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 18, after beating the first round you get to start on a more difficult version of the game. Sound: 9 Graphics: 6 Mini-Games: slots Difficulty: Back then 10 Now: 6 Replay Value: 10 Game play: This game is an action-adventure with puzzle solving, upgrading of weapons and a little stealth action. Plot: You play as the hero Link and your goal, put the 8 pieces of the triforce together, destroy Gannon and rescue the princess Zelda, but wait there is more, you get to do it again but much more harder. First Impressions: It was definately a hard especially when you lived on just three hearts and each attack cost you half a heart, at my epicness at this game, at most I got to level 3 or 4, not to sure as it has been a long time since I originally played it. Definately a frustrating game because of the large map and no markers to point you the right way, except for the old woman and old man. Of course, getting money wasn't any easier, especially when you had to buy things that cost quite a lot but at least the music was good. 24 years later: Still a epic game, though it is a lot easier now, since I could blast through the first 4 levels like they are nothing and then of course quick save to max out on rubies to get everything I need to conquer the game. That and the giant map on Gamfaqs BwhaHAHA. Still is a fun game that is worthy of constant replay Overall Ranking: 9.5 Though I have played the game, beating it, played it some more and of course beaten it again, it is a classic game that has that kind of value of how great the NES era was. So this is my review of the NES classic Contra and Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  13. I would say maybe if you set everything low, but I am not aware of any specs and odds are it will set to Vista and up, but they maybe playable on the XP platform. As for your new computer, does it even matter if it can play on your laptop with specs like that.
  14. I am your Forum Posting God

  15. It still counts, though I never really seen the admin section of the MyCent's panel, I assume it has a from/to date function and as some astutely pointed out if he were to start from the beginning it would most likely take while to update it up to the current date. That is why you get as much posting as you can done and you should have enough money to pay a few months off or have enough when it comes ot yearly updates. Script was slow because of memory issues, thus the reason it took time for MyCents to update as it could littlerly bring down the forums because of server overload. Well the script itself would be considered V4 if follow the time lime of how members earn the hosting, V1 was the post count, v2 was Credit Syste for 2.x, V3 was for MyCents and v4 is for IPB 3. As for the edited of posts that is one of the big concerns in trying to make this script work, but it does give me some interesting ideas I pass on to OpaQue about it. that is 8,886, well 8,887 after this one. Heck if that happen just think of all the MyCents people would be losing from all those deleted posts from all the topics I created , odds are it would be pocket change for most people but I could see $5-10 losses for some.
  16. Was the View New Content option to go back 2 weeks, 1 month etc etc remove or disable because I was able to view that a couple of weeks ago but I have seen it since. Think that is need since View New Content always seems empty when I come on at least and I would like to see what has been posted recently instead of blank content. On top of that I seem to show up as invisable even though I never selected the option and also what about kontera support, will that come back for the members or no? Update #1 I was able to fix that no new content showing, to fix it go to your settings, select General settings tab, go down to search content drop down and then select show me all new content since last visit.
  17. Last I heard from OpaQue the Script had to be recoded and that started last week and if I remember correctly when the script was rewritten for V3 took about a month. So it could be awhile but since the dude never sleeps it could be shorter then that, but I would keep on posting and when the script is ready you just get a good amount of MyCents when the script is run through the forum. Of course, expect some slow down or forum down time because it is a lot of posts to go through from when the script went offline to when it comes back online again.
  18. Just to close this topic out, Softaculous and Fantastico are up and running again.
  19. If you think you hate noobtubes, head over to the gamefaqs MW2 there has to be a few thousand topics on the subject. As for me I only use it to unlock parts and gain XP, of course if it is a specific map such as wasteland, well, I get my best gun and perks and start liighting the campers up with some big booms , besides launches such as the AT4 and hte RPG are on a whole different level of noobtubing. However, to counteract that just set up a MLC and you will be fine, just watch out for shotguns.
  20. Now that I got photoshop up here is one of my banners
  21. Dunno, got rid of my twitter account since I stopped using it for a very long time. Of course, I have been deleting account from various social network websites last few weeks due to the fact that I am no longer using them.
  22. Yeah, I got my first $100 check earlier this year, granted it was thanks to a lot of posting I have done over the years. Even though I got kontera link to several account most of the money I have made has come from trap.
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