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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Odds are it needs to be reloaded as I can see the error as well I let the admin know.
  2. Well, I did see one of the bootlegs online still going to see in the theater tonight for better quality video and audio and from what notice its a lot of slow down sequences and quick action sequences. As for the story its a two for one deal as neither are really developed in the sense that there wasn't too much background story to the movie, but its still good though even though whats his name is a better Warhammer then Chidle.
  3. Well they also include companies they bought because you can only spell google in so many ways and besides who would buy a domain that has like 1000 o's in it just to keep their name.
  4. Should visit the graphics section and read up some tutorials especially on background blending. I like the theme, colors work well, tabs give it a good seperation, granted it is the default theme but the clean layout is what you want. As for the automerge well that made mod life easier on merging double posts, well at least the onees made from now on. Odds are its going to get drop as something happen in setting up the chat properly, besides I would prefer the shoutbox then a java chat since it takes less resources then the Java chat. Its just people who been here a really long time
  5. Most likely we wouldn't if the system is completely shut down, however, I would think OpaQue has a run script that goes through all the posts from a particular date and updates it that way. So be prepared on the fact that we might not earn anything during the down time. As for the skin itsef if people have complaints then you need to be ban the layout and design is great and more professional then ever. Of course, the reputation system is going to be a pain, almost 500,000 posts to go through and give either a positive point or a negative point too LOL.
  6. Article Well it would seem that everyone who has been affected by this are in a world of hurt, especially if hundreds or thousands of computers have been infected by this. To top it off there is no automatic way to fix this and so each computer has to be fixed one at a time and so if your dealing with hundreds if not thousands of computers, it is going to take some time. Odds are I see lawsuits in the near future because of this small update and to top it off, every hacker and their mother are setting up bogus pages for fixes on this problem. So definately stay away from them even if they are coming from legit sites and like I mentioned in my other topic there is only one fix for this problem and that is the update to prevent it from happening. Other then that your on your own and hope that you backed up the system before updating the virus definitions. Correction: There are updates and fixes for this problem and lifehacker has provied a great article on it can be done. http://lifehacker.com/5521266/how-to-fix-the-mcafee-restart-debacle-on-your-machines McAfee Update Link: http://www.mcafee.com/us/threat-center/technology/global-threat-intelligence-technology.aspx
  7. ROFL no keep it up, I want to enjoy it everyday I come on Xisto.
  8. My final consisted of designing a computer network and since it was my first time doing it, I had to go through many revisions to get somewhat passing. I keep it professional and so what I want is some comments and suggestions of my network to see how it can be improved based on the following specs. Attach are the PDF files of my computer network so take a look and see what you think. First_floor.pdf second_floor.pdf
  9. you can use any image you want, in reason of course, sig design uses copyrighted images all over the world so it can be video games, anime, TV, people and so on and so forth.
  10. Article Well I think I am glad that I move to Windows 7 since it seems a lot of people on XP run computer got nailed big time by a McAfee Security Suite update litterally shuts done your computer. Well the article is self explanatory and so if you feel your computer has been affected by this, then read the article as it is updated to let those know the current situation. As for the current update the only fix out there is for those who have not updated their computers yet and so those who are still affected by this problem will have to wait it out a bit longer.
  11. I feel good today about writing and so I thought I would bust out another old school review. Before I begin I would like to talk about gamers rage, if you're a gamer you have had this at least once in your life, or many times if you played COD. Now gamer's rage has an interesting history, I think, because this kind of rage could have a much longer history if you think outside video games, however, gamer rage has been more or less exclusive to video games since the 1970s. Why do I bring this up? Well I can say for a fact what game began my gamers rage, Major League Baseball, I was playing a game many years ago and well I wasn't winning and so I got so angry that the NES controller lost to the floor and broke into some good pieces. Of course the controller was completely ruined even though it didn't shatter into a thousand pieces, couldn't play Wizards and Warriors normally as the directional pad no longer worked. I do believe that was when my days of playing the Nintendo were over, never remember what we did with it but it was for the best I guess. Hmm. I do not remember if I ever completed a game, maybe halfway through before a rage quit but that was about it. Of course, now I can win easily with save state and that is what I did, I played a game were I had over one hundred runs, by then it was ridiculous and so I ended their misery and finished the game . So let's get on to the review shall we? Major League Baseball Some Screen Shots Game Maker: LJN Year: 1988 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 9 Innings Sound: 8 Graphics: 6 Mini-Games: Three modes, regular game, All-Star Game, World Series Difficulty: Back then: 9 Now: 3 Replay Value: 10 Game play: Its baseball take a guess what you should do. Plot: Win the baseball game. First Impressions: Even though there were other baseball games, RBI for an example, to me this was the most simplistic set up in terms of the how the batter and picture were displayed. However, this game would irk me in the wrong way, especially when they crack a homer on me and take the lead. I do believe that is how it happen to, I think it was the first pitch I threw and crack HOME RUN and then ARRRRRG **smashes controller to floor* and this usually happen somewhere in the middle as I could never strike them out, it was like they knew where I was pitching and taunted me with a homework. Oh did I hate that game, makes me glad I never tried any of the other baseball games, but there was one interesting thing about this game that made it unique. What made this unique was if you hit the ball just right it go up in the air really fast and would take forever to come down, usually this would happen in a foul ball or a lucky home run and to bad there wasn't a video of it as it was interesting thing to see. 22 Years Later: Its no fun anymore although I do the right thing and play it straight through and see if I get lucky but even then I just quick save and play catch up if I need be. Of course, if I were to play it on a NES I wouldn't have that luxury and so I would definately have to be good at it again, though I play a quick first inning and took in 4 runs before switching sides. I might have to dust off some of other baseball games and see how good I am at them. Overall Ranking: 6 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2010 SM Old School Legend.
  12. It has to be China because if their computer systems are that weak, then that country would have be ruined by now with all the attacks. China is most definately doing it and the whole world knows, but we can't do anything about it because of China's stance on being a political bully to the whole world. Quite frankly everyone should stop doing business with them since China doesn't want our businesses inside their crappy land.
  13. oh its there, upper right corner, one of things about sigs is going overboard with text, so I lighten the text up quite a bit as I didn't want to ruin the overall design.
  14. yes you post your entries here and the only way to win by default if your the only entry.
  15. I think I did mention that Spring is in the air right? Well, if I did mention it in my last review you get to hear it again. Since I have a couple of weeks or rather May 7th before I head into my next semester of school, I thought I would bust out another old school review of one of my favorite fighting games, Double Dragon. Now I will admit I did see the horrible movie with a young Robert Patrick , and Mark Dacascos and to date I think Super Mario Brothers was a better movie than this one but I digress, both those movies did suck. Makes me wish someone would have done the sequel to Mario Brothers or maybe try to reinvent the movie again and give it a second chance since the technology is a lot better this time around. The one thing about this game is that its one giant pattern that can easily be exploited, such as making Abobo come out one at a time on mission three and of course making Chin appearing one at a time. The reason for that is they can tag team quite quickly and Abobo and Chin are quite strong and fast for low-level thugs. Of course, I talk more about the game later on so lets continue on with my thoughts; even though Double Dragon 3 pretty much killed the series, it was the first one that set the pace for other NES and even Arcade fighting games, such as weapons, combos and what not. Still, if you played this game, you realize that is all about memorizing everything, especially since your running against a clock and you got mazes to do with as well, on top of that a hard-*bottom* boss to deal with at the end. Well let's get going or I just end up telling the whole game up here. Double Dragon Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Technos Year: 1987 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 4 Sound: 7 Graphics: 6 Mini-Games: Vs Mode Difficulty: Back then: 10 Now: 10 Replay Value: 10 Game play: Side-scrolling fighting game with weapons, hit combos with a small story. Plot: You know what is interesting, when I first heard about this game I remember one of the plots that Jimmy Lee went evil and so took his Twin brother Billy Lee's girlfriend. That is how I always remembered it but once again I digress about that simple plot. The real plot involves Willy and his Black Warriors Gang, kidnap Billy's girl Marian and thus you have to rescue her, now here is where it gets interesting after you beat Willy you take on Jimmy for the love of Marian, I think that is where I confused the plot. Of course, if you are in two player mode you fight each other and so that is the plot. First Impressions: Though i wished I realized the patterns and how predictable this game was and still is, I might have done a lot better and made it towards the end with my two lives intact. Although, I did figure out the mission 3 glitching and that did help a lot, but I only figured out the Cave entrance quite late as the clock was running down, but even then the falling rocks do hurt you as well. Of course, the level 1 boss, Abobo was easy to figure out once you time him on that escalator and watch him fall to the pit of death. So what was the challenge? Simple making those 2 lives last and that takes skill, or a game genie with the code that prevents them from attacking you . As for the fighting itself, basically you had to come at everyone at an angle, especially Abobo, if you could get them with the angle trick then it is an easy take down, as when taking two at a time, a well-timed jump kick to separate and try to punch and kick your way to victory (really important when facing the two Abobo's in level 3). 23 Years Later: Well, I had beaten the game some years ago, game genie emulation obviously, but still it was a good accomplishment for a game that is quite difficult since you had to stretch two lives in this game. Like I mention in my previous comments this game stands the test of time as a great fighting game for its generation. So I would get yourself a copy of this game and see what it was like to play a really fighting game. Although, Final Fight would definitely blow this game out of the water a couple of years later, but read my review on that arcade classic in the forums here. Overall Ranking: I give it a big ten as I rank it a very difficult game to beat unless you got the skill to beat this game. Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2010 SM Old School Legend.
  16. Article Well, DUH! Been thinking, reading, and talking about it for years and the only reasons why they don't worry about this minor problem is that A) Apple makes their own computers, Software is a joke C) too damn expensive. Everyone knows you can get a way better computer for the price tags they put on those computers. Not saying their bad, the price tag just doesn't warrant doing business with them.
  17. In other related Microsoft news, it would seem that Windows 7 has made a big dent into the PC by hitting the 10% installation, give or take. I would say that definitely huge in the OS market but the question is are people using it, or are people trying it out and then dumping it and going back to another OS. Well this nice little graph does offer an interesting breakdown of the OS market and so one does speculate that Windows 7 use will wipe out Vista market before making a dent in the XP market. As to how long that will take, who knows, but with XP support ending in 2014, give or take month or two, odds are you such a huge drift from XP to current generation of operating systems. You notice I didn't say Windows 7 because who knows what Microsoft is thinking when it comes to building an operating system, however, if Microsoft is smart, which they are not, They XP treatment Windows 7 for a very long time until there is just a handful of XP users. XP users let's be honest, this operating system is well beyond its years, the computer hardware on the market today is well beyond XP capabilities and if I am looking at this correctly 32-bit operating systems are being cut off and being replace with the 64-bit. Also, last I heard 128-bit hardware is in the works and so XP should be well useless on that hardware when it goes live in the near future. I have to admit though I was an XP user for a very long time, I have Vista running on another computer and my laptop replacement is running Windows 7. Personally I make the switch now tp Windows 7 and enjoy the benefits of a better operating system. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2010/
  18. I happen to catch this in my daily digging and so I produce some information on Micro$oft's latest browser to be developed, IE9. The first big news is that IE9 will not run on any operating system older then Vista SP2, which means two things. First Microsoft is trying to kill XP users by deploying this method and two they want you to buy a new computer or install Vista or Windows 7 OS on your current computer, ie they want to make some money. Microsoft's reason for the lack of XP support uh, " it uses the Direct2D feature of DirectX uh when accessing the graphics hardware to accelerate image creation and drawing." Hopefully someone will get that quote. Now lets be honest Microsoft if you have not notice your losing browser shares and your losing them fast, instead of telling every what you don't plant to do, how telling us how you will provide better support and security for a browser that doesn't eve nmatter to a few billion users. So far you copied pretty much all the other browsers and yet your fatal flaw is security and support and besides the only people who are force to use your browser are businesses that run Windows server or applications that only work decently in Internet Explorer Browsers. It is funny though, I ranting on this move even though I am now running Windows 7, hell I haven't used IE once once on this computer as I am big Firefox fan. It would be funny if the browser is what causes Microsoft to close up shop forever LOL. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2010/ http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2361485,00.asp Notice from truefusion: Merged topics
  19. Article Article #2 I dunno this seems to be a weak argument, for home users and small businesses, but odds are this is more related to large businesses with hundreds to thousands of employees. However, here is the problem to make the passwords as quick as possible for such a large group, generators are used because no person has the time to randomly type keys to generate a password. what I am thinking is that they are discussing the process after that generation of switching out passwords and making sure people can use that login. Although what makes me very skeptical about this "research" is that it is coming from Microsoft and they should be the last to talk about computer security. that aside, the problem is the users themselves as they are the ones ignorant about generating passwords, it is not that difficult to do, however, people do not want to go through the task of trying to remember "A22DfgHTT!!#%wfwe4535234%%@DSDSE##" as a password. In the end, I would say to prolong the need to change your passwords, make them longer and more complex, it is that simple.
  20. I read an interesting article on PCworld.com that is worth talking about and I would have to say some of those 10 things I do agree with. 1. Trust in Encyclopedias I have to agree with this one to the extent that is true about what Wikipedia is about and the problems that have been produce since then. Granted Wikipedia is one of the best resources we have on the internet that goes back to the beginning, but again because of how easily it can be edited and so its hard to figure out what is true and what is complete BS. Of course, many of college students using this website have felt quite the fool using the information, however, I will say most of the information has some sort of accuracy it is just the matter of going beyond the Wikipedia website and look at other books, magazines, academic websites etc. Either way, the information that we read regardless of the media, the information is only accurate to the extent of what people remember and then that is open to interpretation. 2. Barroom Arguments If you seen the commercials to KGB here in the states, this is exactly what they are referring to. Or another way to look at it, because of technology all a person has to do is whip out the phone and fine the answer over a bet. Though I have to admit I was never one to participate in such events but you have to admit nothing gets a good party going then a drunken debate about various historical figures or sports stars. 3. Your Old Flame Back in the day you had know how to woo someone, you had to master the art of love and relationships and so on and so forth. Thanks to technology and the late 20th and early 21st century, that kind of commitment is no longer necessary. People no longer have to be in front of each other and say it's over, you have emails, text messages and Facebook status messages to do that now. Of course, that was way off to in extent, however, because of social networking it is a great way to reconnect with old friends and in some cases old relationships from the past. If you read the paragraph you wonder why social networks are the way they are and of course the reason why the divorce rate is on the verge of being the worse ever. Either way, people need some sort of self-control or everyone will be single and just have lots of good ol fashion cheating sex. 4. Civil Discourse Can't really argue here since the internet is one big battle ground for flame wars and because of that anonymity, people can drive others to suicide and sadly that is a fact. I would have to say in the last 5 years suicides have been at the highest levels especially for teens. Since bullying is no longer stops at the schools or on the streets. Even then, you see a lot of people saying stuff they would never say in front of a person, just because they know if they actually said that odds are they would have a good ol beating. Of course, some have taking it a bit to far in the sense they tell you who they are how they are affiliated with whatever organization and yet unable to find them. Well, with the right technology and equipment people can be IP Traced exactly or close to it. Of course, some people shouldn't even be allowed in front of a computer. 5. Listening to Albums Napster started it and now everyone does it, but the music industry is not the only ones who suffer, you got the video game industry, movie industry and sadly the porn industry as well. We could talk piracy all we want as that is the main argument, however number 5 talks mostly about the shift from the stores and CD's to purchasing the music online and on top of that people no longer have to buy a whole album of 10-15 songs when they only want to listen to one or two of them. Obviously the shift is good for most people, those people being the customers, but it's up in the air for the artists, producers and companies that make the music. Still the real issue is piracy and it will never go away and those trying to break it up know it and so they go after the poor people who do not have the money to defend themselves. 6. Expertise Everyone thinks there an expert...sadly thats about it. 7. Nigeria's Reputation Sadly I blame the people who still keep getting scammed that's who I blame. 8. Gud Spelling good writing skills are in the past, if you can send a text message then your hired...ahahaha not really but since the school system fail at teaching proper writing skills that by the time a student goes to college they will severely have a hard time and thus have to spend a semester or two just to play catch up and relearn to write again. Of course, teens will still keep on texting and thus struggle even more each generation. 9. Celebrity Celebrities no longer have a private life, just ask Tiger Woods. 10. Sex The sex industry has been one of the big winners in this, of course it does have its problems, i.e child pornography since it makes it easier and anonymous to distribute such horrible stuff. Although, over the years it would seem the porn industry has been losing money because they to are a victim of piracy as well. Sadly you do not hear too many lawyers trying to sue people for downloading porn. Well that's about it really, it was an interesting article and so it should be interesting what others have to say.
  21. Knowing the school will help a lot, also ask questions to your interviewer when giving the opportunity, of course make sure your resume is error free and completely honest. Do not have anything in your hands or even fidget with your hands as well, try to remain calm the whole time.
  22. Well the problem that I see and I do not know if this was part of the plan, but porn sites cannot be forced to register under that new domain. Odds are though the rules would chance and porn sites would most likely be force to change to the the .xxx domain or force to be shut down.
  23. You know what, personally everyone is quite sick of you two going at it and using this hosting company and forum for your personal attacks on each other. I am going to Recommend that you two no longer be hosted and in fact I am going to suspend the the two of you for two weeks because both of you have been acting like children since this first started. I have no sympathy for either of you and your problems and quite frankly you ruining this hosting company reputation with this udder nonsense.
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