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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. The last time I look at this program was when it first came out, I tried it out and enjoy the user interface since it was well design and simple to use. However, I don't think it offered the best protection, thought I read stories now and then that it has been proven reliable but when you hear the words Microsoft, security and software in the same sentence. It is just best to stick with what you know works in giving your computer some sort of protecton.
  2. AAAARG!! is what I said when I check all the browsers, but it was a CSS error and now its all fixed. As for the banner, its actually smaller and since I didn't have a original version of the image I couldn't properly resize the image.
  3. After 3 years and new domain later I updated one of my first freelanced websites http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The reason I went with this template, GASP!, is that it uses HTML5 code, second, it opens up the website in terms of whitespace and organization and simplicity itself. Cause of that openness of the layout I was able to increase the size of the thumbnails from 140x140 to 200x200 and with that I did a combination JQuery/slimbox with the images which I definately like. Two things I already know that need to be fixed is the banner and the flash slider, any recommendations on a better flash slider then this shareware would greatly appriciated.
  4. Since I got some time on my hands I thought I bust out another old school review and this time I be talking about a game that has a lot going for it. I had some good memories with this game and the fact you could design your own tracks and then race them and the fact you had one simple goal to this game and that was beat the clock. This game defiantly represented the 8-bit era and interestingly enough this grew into a franchise that taps into the 3rd generation consoles as you can find a version for the Wii system. Excite Bike Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Nintendo R&D1Year: 1985 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 5 per mode Sound: 6 Graphics: 4 Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back then: 8 Now: 8 Replay Value: 10 Game play: This is a side scrolling game that consist of jumps, grass and various other dangers, your goal is to beat the clock with the fastest time possible. Plot: You play as a motocross racer as your race to beat the clock with various obstacles, jumps, danger points and even other bikes. First Impressions: This game was definitely exciting and fun, but had its moment if you hit the wrong spot you get tossed off you bile. Correction the worse part of this game was getting knocked off your bike and trying to get back on it as quickly as possible. I know I never really completed the game and since it has been a really long time since I actually played this awesome game. I would have to put myself in 3rd or 4th tracks in mode A and 2nd or 3rd track in mode B. Of course, I remember creating quite a few tracks and racing them in the most ridiculous of tracks. 25 Years Later: I played this game now and then and of course it is a lot easier with a emulator as you can save and start over if you screw up or dont beat the clock. So it isnt really as exciting as it use to be, however, trying to get the fastest time possible is always a worthy challenge. Overall Ranking:8 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-20010 SM Old School Legend.
  5. If I am reading this correct it sounds like your talking about canvas, if can take a picture of what your getting we might get a better idea on how to fix your situation.
  6. Not even close, post count is not even a factor, granted it is used to start the MyCent update, but the number of posts needed to update it is impractical as it kind of defeats the purpose of MyCent system altogether. MyCent is calculated by characters in the post itself and it does the same calculation when a post gets deleted.
  7. To calm everyone fears about this, the reason for the long update is that the script is going through the databases and because of that it takes up a nice chunk of the server load. Think of this way, if the script was running at real time odds are you see a lot of down time and so I would suspect that OpaQue is checking out how the server is handling this script to see what kind of damage it does.This happen before when it was first introduce so give it time and it will most likely be brought down to 30-60 minute mark for auto-updating MyCents.As for the email, check your spam folder to see if got booted into there.
  8. You know, it seems we will never hit the 500,000 post mark as we keep going backwards instead of forwards.

    1. magnafrost


      I'm kinda tempted to start a topic to discuss the math on how long it'll take to reach that count :D

    2. anwiii


      that's easy....also, i don't see the post counter anymore. is it not showing like it used to?

    3. magnafrost


      In forums list page, its there on bottom right ..

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  9. $600 Dollars WOOHOOO!!

    1. Baniboy


      my inbox says i won 10 billion. I won.

  10. Last I knew IE8 barely supports HTML5 and only covers various parts of CSS3, however, expect IE9 to fully support HTML. So, you will have to use XHTML standards in order to run videos or design a javascript that identifies which browser is being used and display that layout.Right now IE9 is not in public beta testing and so you have to wait sometime later this year for, even then it will be awhile before anyone switches to IE9. So it is best to stick with XHTML standards for video.
  11. sooooo hooooot out

    1. anwiii


      even when you are just wearing your pink speedo?

  12. Well I knew RTE was bugged since the upgrade because you couldn't edit properly without messing up your post. Especially if you use a lot of BBcode to make it look pretty.As for the disappearing posts yeah I ran into that a few times myself and it took a lot of refreshing for it kick in. with what I had to do I thought I had to marge alot of posts but I didn't. As for that memory issue, that MySQL related and that sometimes deals with server load issues and usually a restart or fresh fixes the issue.As for the off topic Netscape was first, Various people who developed the browser moved on to Mozilla and developed Firefox.
  13. After reading on what has been going on and for those who know me i will say this. Creating a web page is not going to help anwiii and you know that since it will make things worse and from the looks of it things have gotten worse. Due to the fact your involving other people in problems you more or less created.Now we all know most of the frustration is coming from the fact that the forum was upgraded without prior warning and that quite a few got nailed for it. However, a solution was made and instead of promoting to those asking questions, you turned it into a vendetta because of how slow the response has been going with the upgrade. I have to agree that a lot of things went wrong and that has been acknowledge, however, instead of supporting the needed upgrade, some members had to make it worse by complaining instead of reading the topics and posts concerning this situation properly.Now as I see it, this is nothing more then schoolyard nonsense, as much as some of us want to make this political in a sense, it is not helping. Question is who do think will be hurt the most from this? Easy, the "loyal" members of Xisto/KS because now mods and admin will have to work harder just to from people spamming and that is what is going to happen or rather it is happening now.Although my activity has been dwindled to posting a few times every few months, I consider myself a loyal member and for those who do know me and my past here. I moved on it is simple as that, have my feelings changed for the most part because of things happening in the past, somewhat. Regardless your not helping anyone and your not helping the forums, bad publicity comes to mind, and that is what is happening now. You could have easily made this a private matter offline and it could have been dealt with properly.Let be honest anwiii, of the few people I have never expected to be a mod on this forum was you. Reasons are clearly stated in all the posts and topics from this situation. You talk about loyalty but you quickly forgot about that when this all started months ago. Buff is buff and changing his mind on this is not going to happen in situations like this. You do realize that Xisto Network is pretty much run by one person and that is no easy task when you have to deal with 1000 different things at once. However, its thanks to admin, mods, long time members that most of those 1000 can be taken care of before they even reach OpaQue mailbox.As for the other topic, it makes sense, if some of you saw my sig block that was the size of a post itself, though it wasn't really advertising anything. Nontheless, the some of the limitations are temporarily, now could this particular limitation been fixable of course, but, compared to the grand scheme of things that was towards the bottom of the list. As for dealing with various levels of spammers that have come on this forum, it is everyone job to let those who need to know order to fix the problem.Though what surprises me the most is that those who do know me never ask me why I haven't been on here as much as I use too. Granted school has been taking great deal of that time, but the other reason is the problems that have been going on here. Most of which I was apart of or was made aware about, and it was the same amount of problems that could have been delt offline through various means. Instead they became school yard fights because of ego and that is all it is, ego.Anwiii your a smart dude who is opinionated, but seriously let it go and move on. I suggest you get away from the forums until you cool down mentally, its summer out go on vacation or something, because you have what I call forum burnout. Lets face it with the exception of a few members you have been on these forums for about 20 hours a day. Hopefully the time away will clear your head, give you a fresh perspective and hopefully come back and properly support everyone.Odds are you will respond and that is fine, but remember only one person can solve this situation and that is you.
  14. Definately agree with that due to the fact current generation graphic cards require current generation motherboards and processors to handle them properly. You could always refurbish your computer with similar parts but that will take time as i doubt any parts exist for P2 computers. Unless you go to a tech heavy college and go through their junk pile but yeah its best just to get a brand new computer and bring it out back and Old Yeller that computer.
  15. The solution to Firefox is easy, install the PDF Download plugin and you can view PDF that way. I don't know of any IE ways to read a PDF. You may need to update the Adobe PDF and that could fix your problem.
  16. Though it is already mentioned in previous posts, there are three ways to do this, one being the extract filter plugin which can be downloaded here. Or, you can use the refine edge option for the same result by going to select > refine edge. The third option is to use the background eraser tool and there you can focus on removing specific colors from the image your working with. However, that tool still requires a steady hand and patient, especially if it is a gradient background as you be dealing with hundreds of colors. As for the two options I did mention they are both in CS5. All Content Awareness is a smart clone stamp tool and so it reduces the time needed to use the clone stamp tool. Your best bet is to go to the adobe website for videos or lynda.com for videos as well. As for features CS5, there are a lot of them. Just a few minutes ago I found another way to use content awareness and of course they gave a new way to look at color selection when using the eye dropper tool. The upgrade itself is $600 and full versions is $1700. Yeah I agree that most people don't use everything that hte software has to offer and I would not be surprise if people are still using hte older versions because of basic needs. Yeah the upgrade is cheaper as I mentioned above of course there are people like me who don't want upgrades .
  17. I think I just won Office 2010 Professional..will see what happens when I get an email from them.

    1. The Simpleton

      The Simpleton

      congrats!! will be waiting for a review of course :)

    2. anwiii


      and the serial....

    3. web_designer


      well i hope you still winning new software so i can borrow it from you...you will give me a copy right miky :)...

  18. no rules, but keep the flow going, blend properly, use proper lighting and colors.
  19. PSD Filesaint-michael.trap17.com/pt2.psd
  20. In this tutorial I want to cover the content awareness tool that is introduced in Adobe Photoshop CS5. If you seen the video in the weeks before CS5 came out, you would have seen the demo video of it working in action. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you were like me, you drool over what content awareness does and that is this tool has the ability to remove objects quicker and cleaner like they never there in the first place. After spending some time with the content awareness tool, some of that time was actually finding it, content awareness does have some drawbacks to it and so that is what I want to bring up while demonstrating how content awareness works. One of the first things I notice about this tool is that is has a unique flaw or rather an interesting side affect to it. It acts like the clone stamp plain and simple and will show it by using the following image. What I am going to do is use the content awareness tool and select the sky above the buildings and after I select it you will see why I reference the clone stamp tool in Photoshop. As you can see, if you were to do the same thing with the clone stamp tool, more or less unblended, you pull off the same result, thus the reason it is unique flaw or interesting side affect. Why is this important, simple you can create interesting textures or background images on the fly and that could benefit graphic designers in some way when creating posters and large scale images. Not to beat a dead horse, well I will, content awareness is a more efficient clone stamp tool because of the fact content aware blend more efficiently then clone stamp, and what could take hours could take seconds or minutes with it. The next thing I like to point out is that brush size matters, you will notice that there is only one brush type with limited features, and this is important because of what I mentioned earlier about the clone stamp. However, in the image below I will show you what happens when you use a large brush size with a smaller object. As you can see I basically clone stamp part of building where that metal piping use to be, however, if you were to match the brush size to the object you want to remove, then it looks like it was never there. As you can see, it looks a lot cleaner, however, if you have a trained eye or zoom in closer, you can tell that that area looks off in some way and if you were to blow this image up, well it could be quite an embarrassment for you if it looks obvious that something was removed. Now, if the item you want to remove is behind a solid color or has no detailed background, then there isn't much of a problem, however, if you were to do this in a picture like the one I am using then it takes careful execution to blend the area to match it with everything else. The final thing I would like to discuss is extending the size of the image using content awareness. This is where the tool is most broken, and I bet your asking why do you even want to extend the image to begin with? Well, actually that is a good question and the best answer I can come up with is cut off images or resizing them to look bigger. Regardless, the role of content awareness is to fill in the gap and so what I did was resize the canvas to proper 00 width and height i.e. 700x500. The reason I say it's broken is that you can't just fill in the white area automatically, you have to go through a painstaking process to try to match the area with the rest of the image and after trying various methods. It gets rather brutal, but odds are if a person spends enough time with the image it is possible to make it work. However, if your working with solid colors with little detail it won't matter, but if you're using an image like I am you just want to go RAWR! In short, if you want to extend the image in anyway, take panorama shots and just combine and blend for best photo layout, hopefully in the coming months and possible updates, content awareness can be improved on. It is an awesome tool that will save a lot of man hours, but with the few things I have pointed out in this brief tutorial, content awareness can't be used all the time. However, with a lot practice, patience, and tools, the untrained eye might not even tell the difference. This is the content awareness tool and I am Saint Michael so long and goodnight.
  21. Not much of a Playstation hardware guru and so I would check out the Hardware forums at sony's website and see what people have to say.about it.
  22. Well, when it comes to people and taking care of animals properly especially on 4th of July, most haven't, but in recent years I see people not bring many pets with them when it comes close to the fireworks show. So, more people are aware of the damage that can be caused by fireworks which means less damage to a dogs hearing and a more safe environment for everyone around you.
  23. I got CS5 the other day and with the exception of content awareness feature, which isn't always accruate, I haven't notice anything new. Granted, if you get one of the packages you do get Flash builder 4 (Flex 4) and Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 have been added, well if you get the Web Premium package of course. CS online applications have been branded CS Live and it would seem they are no longer free anymore which really sucks in terms of online collaberation tools. Of course, the collberation between the software is better then ever which is a good thing and they provided more layouts for the type of user and programmer you are.Your best bet is to score copies of the missing manuals series to give you an idea whats going on with CS5. I will say this though, if you want CS5 for the features save your money just because CS4 still does a great job, but if your looking for ultimate collaberation toolset then you on the right path.I will say this though, I wish they drop fireworks altogether from their software list, because Photoshop does it better and if you take a few features from Fireworks, especially the web related stuff then they be great.
  24. As for my shoulder its as tight as security at Fort Knox and its reach into my arm, that is how bad I messed it up.

    1. anwiii


      if you have a heating pad, USE IT! also take double dose of either tylanol or advil. personally, i don't like illevieting certain pains though because it's sometimes it's good to know if you are injuring it worse. i've been there before. sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a week or more. all depends. it's still probably you shoulder or neck. your arm is just trying to compensate for the pain

  25. #1 Interesting idea, how I wish this was implemented years ago, all that yummy Credits/MyCents I could be earning. #2 I would think the multipler should be either .05, .25, or .5 to make that, only drawback I see is that it can't be retro active or people would be in the hundreds of dollars in MyCents. My case, thousands . #3 I think that would require knowing how google indexes and they won't give that secret up or you miight have to give more details on what your thinking about this one. #4 Only problem is that some users will post a few thousand wikipedia links with no useful content in the post. Might be useful to see if you can cap the number of wikipedia links in a post and that might fix this possible issue. #5 Thought that was always implemented, I knew the Credit system had that before the switch and so I would assumed you had implemented that in MyCents. I would think multiples of 5 or 10 would make the process simpler then doing it on post by post basis. #6 1/3 of the value seems justifable especially if a person is only adding a line or two to his or her original post. #7 Your welcome #8 argueable since you can't really set a standard for active users, but maybe increasing the MyCents for a user by .01 or .1 for every 500 posts could be something to look at. #9 That is why you pay me the big bucks Don't worry, when the script is completed and running in the forums you be credited from all the posting you did. exactly. Depending how many times you post and how long the post is as well, you could be earning anywhere from $5-$30 that is a lot of posting but that is the range I would think most users will fall in when the script goes live. Of course, it could be more but that depends on how you post and so if you got some tutorials worth publishing best time to do them now. Well it doesn't take much to start adding a bunch of negatives to a persons account, especially if those members happen to have problems with each other so that definately makes sense. Though I never really seen how IPS runs a blog through its software, I would think that would take up considerable resources and actually take away from posting on the forums. Granted the person only be able to post it once but I guess it is one of those things that is a wait and see on how it is used. Yeah, blog spammers is what will make this the most fun. As for the Mods control over MyCents, this was my idea that I had brought up to OpaQue a couple of weeks ago or rather, it started out with an idea the ability to see how much a post is worth. Now regular users wouldn't be able to see this or they figure out the system, however, for mods this will be a sure fire way to find out who is cheating the system. Only tricky part is the ability to find out what posts have been edited because they don't show up in View New Content. Odds are we would need to see if logs exist for editing posts and see if we can bring that to Mod Cental in some way and then display two values, a before and after to see what kind of difference in terms of values has been made to the post.
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