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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Hello,I get it, I need to fix the page I am on it.
  2. Thank You. I can personally help with all topics related to PHP and MySQL Let me know if you want to create any topics in this category.
  3. Naah, We have a team here to make sites now. There was a little internal communication mistake that caused that motto to come up. I had given lot of my personal taglines in discussion and it was noted down and pasted on the website. I have gotten it changed.Currently, The NO CATCH22 part will be changed to "simply, free web hosting".I just got free with the coding project and looking at the little bit of mistakes I have done here. I am still thinking of the main page. I am now planning to put up a search engine on the main site. And Help members directly search and seek the topics they wish to see, as soon as possible and start participating.I need reviews for http://forums.xisto.com/
  4. Xisto/Xisto is not falling anywhere. This site runs mainly due to our guests and a BIG part of GUEST module was lost. I have now re-created that module and I expect traffic to come back to normal in the next 2 months. This way I can attract free web hosting members. Only with new members coming into the forums, this place will become automatically lively. Considering BuffaloHelp, I understand he has been a bit busy, but I am sure he will soon find time and be back at the forums.
  5. Happy B'day Xisto/Xisto Finally, by the end of this month I finished my coding for KS.The New Version is available here: http://forums.xisto.com/ I am sorry members for not being much online. But trust me, this version of the forum was being coded since October 2010. A Lot of planning from the database front was required and even now I see that I have made some strategic mistakes in planning the database. But this was a big project as my main focus in coding this version of forum was reports. I have created a neat search engine which powers this lofi version. These pages are mainly targeted for Guest Members who barely think about sign-ing up and are very impatient.. so impatient that some hardly stay for 10 seconds. Anyway, Now that the main module is done, I have some time at hand to relax and give time to this forum by heart and not for the sake of duty.
  6. I had added some more elements to the main page. Please check and reply.

    1. anwiii


      it shuts the toilet seat down after he's done taking a crap. and people thought it had to do with ks.....

    2. velma


      XD If what anwii said is true, I would like to order a few copies please.

    3. OpaQue
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  8. Ouch.. Thank God, while developing the MOD script, I saw your post. I am a bit confused :-1. Is this about Members not getting proper service.2. Is this about "Innocence is Bliss" (a new line added to our main page) - "a Quest for Wisdom through Knowledge"3. Is this about some members who are frustrated due to some actions from our end?#1.This will be solved by my admins or me (when the ticket gets escalated to me and I finally have time to see it)#2.This is not yet Final... I take this website as my BaBy and experiment. You raised a fantastic point. Hmm... I will change the main page. But if this is still not your entire point, pls let me know. I need to discuss.#3.Pls. give me ticket IDs.
  9. Peace



      HE LIVES!!!!!!!

    2. k_nitin_r


      Long time, no see. How are you doing?

    3. OpaQue


      Fanatastic! :) finally back on forums..

  10. Happy Birthday to Trap17 ^_^ Hopefully my projects get done soon.

  11. LIFE UPDATE: Planning to Sleep at 7 am - Simply, a Mind Altering Experience... Just back from Lonvala - the spot is simply BREATHTAKING, at 2 AM, we were ROCKING into strong winndy CLOUDS playing people's wishlist - FULL POWER!

    1. anwiii


      rock on! don't let the song die!

  12. So Samadhan in Sanskrit means "Solution".

    1. web_designer


      hey the wanted guy is on...welcome back opq...:)

    2. anwiii


      no he's not. that was a face book status message haha

    3. web_designer



      oh god ..i thought not

  13. Thanks Buff for closing the old topic. I will track this topic now for updates. The script is stable now except for the part which handles accounts whose myCENT-link is broken due to e-mail change. If I automate this part, it may end up sending spam. So presently, any broken accounts will get a mail from me personally asking them to update their email I have set the script on cron to execute once a day. @anwii - you can assume, the script is out of beta and now stable.
  14. I agree, there were issues with myCENT and I have fixed it. The flaw did cause some posts to get very high mycents. But we have kept all the extra mycents for the posts as it is. Consider it as a BONUS .. hehe :)So far, I have only with-held mycent update emails (not actual Dollar update) from being sent and I am keeping it that way.@Maggot : I see mycents on your profile. # myCENT:83.02
  15. Hi all, Sorry, I was away for some time and I think I will be less active till my new office setup is done.. and its going to take about 2 months more. I have tested the mycent script enough now and everything seem to work correctly. The "accounted posts" is a number belonging only to 1 session/cycle of execution of the program and it only gives you a rough idea. There may be POSTS accounted in other cycles.. therefore, do not make MATHS calculations based on this figure. I repeat, this value, only gives you an IDEA. This Value is more important to :- members who got UN-banned and a lot of their posts were considered for myCENTS. members who got WARNING reduced and now eligible for myCENTS. Members whose posts are waiting for MODERATOR APPROVAL. After a Month, I will set the script to run more frequently thereby speeding up the process.
  16. Happy Friendship Day to all :)

    1. chini13


      is it a friendship week going on >>> where's the party then..owner?

    2. web_designer


      yeah BOSS we want a party...:)

    3. anwiii


      uh oh. back to being called "boss" haha

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  17. Happy Friendship Day to all :)

    1. anwiii


      ooops! my bad! there is a ten hour difference. it's 6:30pm on saturday here while it should be around 5am over there on sunday. my bad! happy friendship day!

    2. mahesh2k


      Happy friendship day

    3. anwiii


      yes. free mycents for everyone! haha

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  18. Eating n Drinking to please people n keep everyone around happy has its own Dangerous Consequences.

    1. rob86


      I bet that's what babies are thinking when you try to feed them.

    2. anwiii


      maybe he got pressured in to eating meat haha

    3. web_designer


      haha i thought that too...but opq btw if it was for a girl you like then it is ok i guess :)...but remember just once...

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  19. a Game server hosted on Linux OS can cost around $20. And a Windows VPS will cost $30..-shree
  20. I think members have confused because of the name Change - Xisto is now Xisto
  21. I soo feel that this is not the right time for me to be on facebook.

    1. anwiii


      that's funny. i never played farmville before but i had a dream about it. i was thinking of playing it to see if it was anything like my dream! haha

    2. web_designer



      well anwii that make sense..because there is no difference between farmville and the place you live in...:)

    3. anwiii


      haha you are so funny sometimes wd! now where is your book so i can throw it at you? hahah

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