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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. No Wonder the saying, Ignorance is BLISS. I made my decision and choose to discover TRUTH, hence I took SCIENCE stream in high school. Then for Bliss, I dropped out of College while I was doing my Graduation.
  2. Thankfully, In India, Suger cane, Orange, Sweet Lime & Pineapple Juice is available in every corner with hawkers who prepare the juice fresh in front of you. (@ 10 INR i.e. 20 cents.) And I like to eat Hot Toast sandwitch outside which is also pretty healthy especially @ 50 cents with cheese. ( I prefer Junk HOT as I believe its biologically healthy)
  3. This is common sense. All junk have so many chemicals used to keep it FRESH. LOL. Do you really believe TROPICANA is giving you 100% real juice ? Don't you make juice at home? When I compare Tropicana juice with the juice I make at home... Boss, its 200% different. Whats going on here? Can I consider Pepsi & Coke as Junk Food ?? I got emails telling me how This can dissolve bones and can be used to clean TOILETS. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Did you read about Mentos / Pepsi Reaction ? Read More @ Wiki http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/#
  4. This is an interesting thought :)I would like to give you a short story of what I believe about evolution and creation. The universe is based on DUALITY. First, if there was light only and if it called itself HE / FATHER, then the darkness called herself mother. Both had no regrets of whatever properties they had...Talking Spiritually, Every entity of Spirit becomes HE and the rest becomes SHE.SUN - heMOON - sheCLOUD - hesky - sheWIND - HeAir - SheSTAR - HeSpace - SheRain - HeWater - Sheearth - SheSky - He
  5. I do not think anyone is LOSING faith. Faith upon any subject rises with having good company who believe in the same subject. Before you talk about TRUTH and BLISS, Please xplain what exactly is TRUTH according to SELF. And BLISS is an EMOTIONAL state. Truth needs to be understood, thought, realized and then applied which leads to elimination of ignorance. This all sounds MENTAL stuff. And your mind is one of the biggest factors for producing emotions. So how can you ATTAIN bliss and Truth together.... Let me think, you are saying, to attain BLISS through "any" subject, I have to REACH the pinnacle of concrete knowledge in "that" subject till a point where no human has reached to finally give myself the ego of being the complete know-er in that subject and thereby experiencing BLISS ? if this makes no sense to you, please...please explain me in simple words... how can I experience bliss?
  6. I have used javascript, php and ajax technology and I understand the challenges involved in making a perfect TEXT EDITOR which is advanced enough to recognize copy-pasted html data as well as intelligent enough to understand bbcode formatting. Presenting the user the a good WYSIWYG feel securely is difficult.
  7. This is just a side update... We got a new IP for Xisto.com - :-)
  8. Members, I feel no point of having a GALLERY and hence dropping the whole idea of having a gallery here. There are a million times better websites to host gallery and this new Forum supports URL identification. So we encourage you to use IMG bbcodes using your favorite image host/gallery provider and for Videos, I have tested that YOUTUBE links works perfectly. Just drop in the Youtube link and see the magic [media]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ give your opinions.ENJOY!
  9. Thank you guys, you really shown me a whole lot of perceptions for Will Power. Just summarizing... please correct me if I m wrong. discipline & patience. According to SheepDop, its :-Will power is part of what keeps us on the right track and is the solution for Drugs, gambling, alcohol, telling lies, cheating, swearing. Will Power is determination. willpower is your capacity to endure.your will IS THE power to strive forward into the abyss.
  10. HaHAHAaHa... Now you are talking. :-) Go GREEN man. I always insisted. People, technology will grip you day by day and soon Virtual World will become our biggest reality. So Go GREEN... the more GREEN activity you do, the better for mother Earth. Please do some real Green Stuff like planting saplings, growing them and taking care of it... instead of playing Farmville on Facebook :-) and yes, please Use Green Fuel and say no to PAPERS.God Bless the human Race. Go Green.
  11. Ok..So which theme did you like ? the one which spells kknowledgesutra in black and whiteor the oLD Blue theme?I must do all the upgrades to the forum and re-study the structure of the database. Any changes must be delt accordingly. Also, the new mycent system will aim towards using your interaction with the forums to gift you credits rather than using only POSTs to calculate mycents. Once the forum is upgraded to stable version with all modules perfectly working with each other without lags, I can study the parameters in hand to create a good script with many features using minimum code.i can launch a crude version of mycents and keep upgrading and building newer versions on top of it. I have done it before and its not a good approach. This time, I m simply not repeating my old mistakes again, This is the forth time I m CODING the same program for the same invision software. I am taking my own time to do things step by step... temporary losses are welcome. But silly security holes cannot be tolerated at any cost.New members will not suffer any post loss. The mycent script will calculate all your posts from the time of upgrade. I am doing this all alone and I m avoiding as many mistakes possible. Members who have posts and want a hosting account can mail us directly. Existing members who are short of mycents are being given free mycents. I m not lettting anyone suffer in this shift. But I need my time and space to do things step by step.Apart from this forum and international clients, there are my local clients whom I charge a BOMB for hosting (to earn.. lol) and I Have to give them 24/7 Phone Support. So life is tuff dealing with business & development. I enjoying keeping my PACE at a just noticeable velocity for everyone's happiness.
  12. My Friends, The Forum is now updated officially to 3.1 and we are out of BETA. Modules pending for installation :- Blogs Gallery Content MyCENT (last - postponed) Testing and RESEARCH is still going on... Please give your feedbacks.
  13. I m in. Please put some Good Tutorial LINKS here and an intro if possible with screen shots. How we can connect SAFELY and use IRC to socialize?
  14. FANTASTIC QUESTION MY FRIEND!!!! Lets see what we can call that :- God Allah Christ Crist Conciousness Jesus Christ Krishna Bhagwan Ishwar Julelal E=MC2 (where E is God) Nature Prakriti Amen Aum The Light The WORD HE Divine Mother Maya The One Universe The above list can be as long as possible. I have learnt many more words in different languages to ASSOCIATE him with my inner faith. :-) If you feel the ABOVE words DONT necessarily mean the same thing, we can go DEEPER and explore how the ABOVE word is connected to your WORD "GOD". And yes, I am Panentheist. Thanks for introducing and Giving ME a new WORD. thank you again. @Truefusion, @CodeX Please watch this video of George Carlin - its CooL! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -shree
  15. Ok.. thank you GOD. Atleast someone took me seriously.. thank you! thank you! I owe you one. PM me anything that you want GOD to listen.. I will do it for you too. I got some special CONTACTS . LOL. Hmm... I did think of marring an i-ROBOT and contacting Google to OPTIMIZE one for me. But feeding her OIL and Tolerating her Short Circuits is too much. Hey.. I m not asking for WONDERWOMEN who can FLyy. I m still understanding love slowly.. thanks. I ask all eligible chicks i meet, discuss about marriage, kids, family etc. and I am used to being dumped, thats ok :-) Living in India with such crappy Male to Female ratio.. boys become MEN here by getting dumped again and again. Don't you see the number of Romantic movies released by India. Guys here are rotting.. LOL. (kidding.. dont take it seriously) I hope... you are.
  16. Enjoying yourself is the goal. I doubt, how many of you understand this. There are sooo much knowledge available on training the mind, controlling senses, relaxing & releasing stress, breathing exercises to keep your emotions in check etc. etc. etc. Work & duty need to be done. The question is how efficiently and happily you do it. i.e. Do you enjoy it or not? God is EQUALLY listening to all of us. THATS why I asked PRAYERS (external force) to change my KARMA. This is the EQUATION of existence. All pieces of chess board are equally important. However, what truefusion said is true, its finally upto his will. I feel joy whenever, my will merges with his. For. Eg. Writing this Post, Its my duty to reply to this topic which I started and its giving me joy. I feel, God wants me to write what I m writing now. I met with an accident last year and crushed my right hand elbow... The first thing that came to my head was thank God for keeping my HEAD safe. I was not wearing a HELMET. If you need comparison to keep yourself happy about how lucky you are, then please think about WORST cases. All I know is that you did not take birth with CHOICE. In every particle/aspect of nature, I see things going on in perfect calculation. You and me are also result of some calculation and we are expected to do the duty assigned to us. This duty is something which you take up yourself (thats the beauty of God..). For. Eg. Web Hosting is my duty. For you, it must be studying Physics. God watches you and changes his DIVINE plan according to your actions by every passing NANOSECOND. Can you keep up with his DUTY of creation, preservation, destruction? I m just using the word "God" because that is something which you brought up as a reference to that POWER which puts life and consciousness within you and me and the million other life forms we see around us. Prayers = communicating with your inner life. Your guiding life. Some people pray as if they are talking to GOD. Some people Pray as if they are troubling God. We all pray... God teaches every human to pray something/someone/anything/nothing/everything eventually.
  17. Hello Members,I have heard that touching is a therapy. New Born baby if not touched enough by mothers, cry more and fall sick more. We have ayurvedic massage center's in India who give you a complete body message with different oils to relax and heal different parts of your body. This life giving technique is something we all must learn.Please share your thoughts.
  18. Will power is a quality gifted only to humans compared to all other life forms. I believe, Will power is the power to hold back your instincts. so, We all know whats will power... but I m more interested in its significance to you. What does WILL POWER mean to you?
  19. Same here.... I wonder who he is missing.
  20. This Discussion is MILES higher than my PROCESSING POWER. God Bless Girls.
  21. Hi Friends.We all know we are SUPERIOR to computers .. at-least now, we can confidently say it as we do not have robots yet who can teach our kids creative drawing.But ever WONDERED why is this Possible?When computers have excelled with Processing Power and Memory, still why they are inferior compared to Humans?From a CODERs perspective, this is what I feel. We Rule the Domain of 1. Computers need 2 digits to ANALYZE. Computers area of understanding only lies in LOGIC. Therefore, I feel computers are missing some dimension. Anyone making sense what I m trying to say?
  22. HaHaHa.. You get my point now... Its ok to be addicted. Just don't get addicted to the WORD addicted.
  23. Hey! Even India is land of magic :-) Welcome to India too.Who says you do not have a social life? I have come across many friends and girls who say that and I feel its rubbish. Thanks to internet (especially faceBook - personal opinion - dont sue me), socializing is not a problem of this generation. You can do anything CREATIVE online and express it as closely as possible staying miles away. For. Eg. A Mobile Phone.What I feel is, I m changing by every passing second and each day is a new cycle. Com`on, if this is true for me, its true for all. Take time each day to meet or atleast talk to the people on phone. I understand, you guys live too far from each other but who says you have to meet your loved ones daily. It can be twice or in bad case, once a week. But I m sure, the EXCITEMENT of that ONE meeting will be far greater than meeting everyday. Patience helps you enjoy your fruits. The more patient you are, the tastier the fruits taste automatically. We never realize that the magic was Rigght under our tongue.. which made our taste bugs active with time.
  24. I understand these are all conspiracy theories... but look at these references ?? who are these people ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory
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