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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. The point about not letting people touch my code is correct. But I mean it in terms of Data. My staff have selective access to my servers. so, any cases of data theft can also be dealt. In my 7 year career, I have received few calls to sell code/data of my customer.. Thankfully, It was me and me alone to handle such calls and I denied. That is why, I do not like to hire anyone in my company. My little Staff + Me insure everything is ok & perfect. I still do more than 50% of the work alone. The only reason, I m expanding to a bigger office is to give myself more time and start taking life seriously.
  2. I am sort of .. a fan of this guy. I have read the book, know what he is talking and also watched a few of his videos. He makes a lot of sense, atleast to me.
  3. Have you read "The Power of Now?" This book gives a good view about meditation.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Now
  4. i suggest - meditation or "talking to yourself"
  5. Alright, I got a reply from invision and they said, the seo module I installed was absolute stupidity. I am starting all over again... thank God.
  6. Yes, ultimately.. time and effort are the only two things that will determine how close you are to the Hidden Truth you wish to seek. Humans will give you lot of opinions about any subject you wish to know more about (evidents). But these evidents are needed by us to learn the bigger picture ... faster. We have 5 senses and intelligence to analyze evidents for truth. Evidents which can be seen or experienced through your senses can be said to be "close" to The Truth. Regardless the scope of your subject (of truth), you can easily pin point the core of the truth and it is possible, to reach the ONE truth (like your friend thought). However, if your subject is an "experience", then there is no way to learn the HIDDEN truth other than going ahead and experiencing it. However, there is also another question that arises, why do you wish to seek the HIDDEN truth? Is it because you want to know everything about something?Understand, what you are truly seeking... is to eradicate some ignorance about something.Most of the times, your true relation about the Truth can be found within yourself than elsewhere.
  7. Guests have been given permission to "only reply" topics and in select forums, start topics. So please make sure, you login before posting .. otherwise, mycents will not be credited under your account I have no idea about auto-log-out. I just fixed the flood-control by disabling it (until invision fixes the bug).
  8. Guests will have reply permission.. However, they will have to be manually approved. Twitter Connect has been disabled.
  9. HaHAHa .. Behold : http://www.dirpy.com/ (Just Copy-Paste YouTube URL into dirpy and Download anything of it - Customize your download)
  10. I hate MODULES!!!

    1. OpaQue



    2. web_designer


      seems you having a bad time opaque :)...

    3. deadmad7


      dEcOdE theme lol :P

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  11. Sorry (going offtopic). I made this quick ad for forums... howz it?
  12. Krishna Re!! Ooo Ooo... Hoo Ho O.. .. Krishna Hare!

    1. anwiii


      i have a chant i can't get out of my head. it goes....Chim chiminey

      Chim chiminey

      Chim chim cher-ee...Chim chiminey

      Chim chiminey

      Chim chim cher-oo...Chim chim cher-ee

      Chim cher-oo!

    2. web_designer


      now that even worse...is that happen to you after yr car breakdown...

    3. deadmad7


      hakuna matata!


      It means no worries for the rest of your days


      It's our problem-free philosophy


      Hakuna Matata!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  13. Once you enter deep into meditation, there is a part where you start seeing a lot of colors ? is there a stage where you can hear a sound... an inner sound like a frequency. Can you tell us more about the experience of remote viewing? Are you sure, you are not seeing some visions?
  14. Sorry guys.. I got no better words to express my situation. I should had made a blog and update you about my current business. I am the only CODER in my company. None of my staff have any coding / scripting experience. And I m not outsourcing this task to anyone else... its me. I am managing about some thousand paying clients(Xisto - Web Hosting) and a few more thousand free clients (Xisto, Xisto, qupis). Also, a new office and a new home is being constructed and it needs my attention. (I can get easily robbed of thousands, if I dont pay attention to the workers) + because its a wedding season here, there are many trips happening to my native place. Trust me, none of this was ever planned... they just fell down. Here, I m talking about serious things... things like hacking my iphone (because of my sisters fault), fixing my friends CMS, fighting phishing cases raised on my members, hacking issues, bills & taxes etc... are not even considered. And I m proudly admitting, this is all because of my low staff. Low staff = Less headache, more profits, cheaper cost for members. I don't like to hire any random x..y..z.. Many members even noticed that I shut down Live Chat & expanded my paid services to free members. Bringing Live Chat back to xisto Network is the next challenge.My team take time, but we never fail. Till now, we were working in a shell... let me break it out peacefully @Mahesh: I am considering all the suggestions by my dear members I really think over it for the long run (considering cases where I will not be available). Coming to the Point about the Mod having privilege to control mycents - I m giving it to admin only. So technically, only BuffaloHelp a.k.a. Chris will have the authority to punish an abuse case by mycents.Current Progress: 2 Modules have failed to work . 1 Module belongs to invision & I have contacted invision about it. (I will not mention the modules for security reasons). This same module will be used for mycent in future, so I must wait. The second module is by a third party company.. but I must solve my problems related to forum by invision first. Then I contact this third party company. So I m waiting :)Sorry again.. This whole thing is really messy. Thanks for your support.
  15. You are still stuck deep in my brains and I m just worried... about my heart!

    1. web_designer


      well opq i really think if she still only in your mind then it is ok...just try to keep her there...and you will control things again...

    2. anwiii


      women are evil. do you want me to do a little brain surgery, opa? :)

    3. web_designer


      hay..stay away from him...not everyone think that women are evil...anwiii...

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  16. CHRIST!!! Whats wrong, if the balls which were in middle are now pushed to the left. I think I have reached the max. limit and cannot push it further. As per your instruction, I shall now leave The sweet balls where they are.
  17. Welcome to the Heightened State of Social Networking, Welcome to knowledgeSutra - Better than Kamasutra
  18. Regardless of the era, humans were humans. Desires have been the cause of frustration & misery since ages In Today World, If you are born in an independent Country and you have a legal citizenship document, you are ALL set for living any life anywhere. The basic needs are :- a shelter. a balanced diet and PC w/ internet connection OR good friends mobile / 2 wheeler / 4 wheeler I really don't care about career and certificates. If you are fortunate to get first-class education (great!!). I believe Learning & being up to date in your field or atleast some hobbies is a must. I recommend reading new papers.. Thats the best, its a 100 times better than watching TV. This prevents you from being mentally stagnant. This was all about keeping your mind & brains happy Now, the bigger aspect of our existence - our heart Here is where... comfort, the love, the security, the peace come in. This is why you make a home(shelter) for yourself in the first place. However, Your home is in-complete without good friends. Good friends can be your close relatives or your school friend..or work partner... anyone. Therefore, good friends are also needed to live a good ... perhaps a more happy life. Because, ultimately.. your friends make your life worthwhile and its only with them, you can share the feeling of being "contented" with life itself. :-)
  19. --- I do not take care of invoices by doing 10 hours of manual work, I just add a few funds into your account and I buy you time like BuffaloHelp said. --- You are not making sense here. Please Write in Points.. everything that is noT RIGHT according to you. ---- Who are these MANY people? please list them. Lets do a TRUTHFUL case study. I have ticket ID of all emails sent to Xisto. Lets take permission from members to open their case in PUBLIC for discussion. For Anwii's information:- All members with 2-3 Logic-accounts accounts using moderate resources have been given enough credits to last for 2-3 months. No Domains (till now) were Expired due to lack of mycents. Only 1 Logic-Pro account is held on HOLD (that too considering the large number of orders under a single user) MyCENT system/script has taken care of members valuable effort since 2004. This is nothing NEW. relax.
  20. I see no point in kids doing the barbaric act. I can understand about adults.
  21. How can i add any files to my mysql database? To manage your database, go to CPanel -> MySQL Database -> PhpMyAdmin How to create a database? To create a database, Go to CPanel -> MySQL Database
  22. I hope this is not true. The sea is stained in red and it's not because of the climate effects of nature. Please open the following URL only if you have a Strong Heart. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. src: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Cheers to Will
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