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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. I like the SUTRA part... The Green underline can be more Thin.Instead of Images of forum category, why not try putting SMILEYS or EMOTICONS
  2. Thank you Mahesh for suggestions. I needed them. I wont implement this in 4.0... may be in 4.1. This feature is still new and I need to observe it for some time. Negative reputation is not required. I thought about it for a week. Yes. A lot of members signup for advertising their blogs or some product. They come and make 2-3 advertise posts. Moderators will have ccontrol only over the myCENTS. once the myCENTS are converted to DOLLAR and deposited, they can no longer reverse it. However, Mods can prevent a Spammer from earning Dollar and therefore save our hosting resources. Using our coupon code, Members buy hosting for $1. And making $1 is no big deal :/ There is no Configuration option to do this. Alright, Increased this to 51. Hey.. Please don't worry about your hosting. Please send a mail if you are going down on USD CREDITS in your billing account. We will take care of your hosting till this update goes live. And don't worry, all your posts will be calculated. Any other ... Good and Bad News.. Invision released 3.1.1 LOL. time to upgrade.
  3. Please follow this URL to order Page. https://support.xisto.com/cart.php Click LOGIC PLAN Enter your Domain and follow to NEXT screen. You will see the page with following information and also Configurable option. The options have the extra fee that you have to pay inorder to upgrade. The following can be configured. DISK SPACE BANDWIDTH (Transfer Limit per Month) E-Mail Solution Web Builder/ CMS/ Gallery Pre-Setup. MySQL Databases - Required for Dynamic Websites SHELL ACCESS (Required only by Advanced Users) (Default:No) Parked Domains Addon Domains (Host Multiple Websites) Subdomains Dedicated IP (Default:No) Setup Custom Nameserver FTP Accounts JSP Support (Default:No) Multiple Database Backup Frontpage Extension (Default:No)
  4. Our understanding about Aliens has been polished by movies and media. We think aliens need to be EVIL looking and because they have greater technology than us, they will try to enslave us. I really disagree to this. Please consider these points :- We are talking about an entire Planet here, not a kingdom to be captured. The distance to be traveled is measured in Light Years. Distance traveled by light in 1 year. We have no Idea about LIFE-SPAN of alien-life (if it exists outside Earth) I think they will send a POD or DRONE to observe us first. So our satellites should detect them. Secondly, Are there aliens that can travel in space without machines? Are there any species on Earth that are actually Aliens? which came from other planet and now choose Earth to live in. Is it possible that, Some humans on Earth are already in touch with aliens and communicating with us or our Government? Why Humans are searching Aliens Outside Earth? What if they are at the deeep trench where humans have not reached or Under the EARTH (like Zion in Matrix?) Are the Pyramids pointing to certain Alien locations? Is the Mystery of Bermuda triangle have anything to do with Aliens? Even if any alien race is even 10,000 years ahead in technology (forget light years)...I m sure, they will have more respect to LiFe than us because it shows that they are simply UNITED as a Specie, unlike us. :-)
  5. Trap17 belonged to the cybercafe where I worked. I think I was in 11th grade then and I earned $30 per Month for working 4 hour shift. (talk about child labour) LOL. -shree
  6. Wisdom PointsWisdom FlagsI feel points is too small compared to a flag. Flag makes it feel big? what say?
  7. WOW! What a Quote man. I think you mean to say.... By sacrificing of our choices, we build a good character. you deserve a Wisdom Flag for this.
  8. Don't be offended.. I don't mean to interrupt you abruptly. This is a topic of history and Astronomy. If you are a master of these two subjects, you can actually use the references of the constellations, stars, moon, planet and derive an estimated time. According to this Source, Indian Astronomy is as old as Babylonian astronomy:- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_astronomy It is just a waste of time debating logic to an illogical guy. a person living in the domain of LOGIC will think of time while discussing knowledge & want wisdom as a fruit. an illogical guy will think only of DEBATING using his known knowledge to evolve his faith. MORAL of STORY: Truefusion and Sukhi are like India & China.
  9. One more Update, Reputation points are now called "Wisdom Flags". No Negative points allowed. These can give mycents to you.. not coded yet.
  10. LOVE is not an emotion.. its your entire being. and if it is an emotion, it must be the MOTHER of all emotions. I feel the basis of all emotions is love. Love for women, Love for Money, Love for good house, Love for Fame etc. etc. I am happy that this topic has now reached "Love". i feel, its easier to explain moral values using examples of Love. According to TrueFusion, Love and its wide spectrum of colors is to be discovered/explored by us following the rules of the society we live in. I feel, it is because of this, Worldwide - Sex is legally allowed above a certain age. Even though when humans did not learn and continued indulging in all wrong ways till we gave birth to AIDS. However, we had a solution even to that and still, none of us learnt. A Disease which can take your LIFE is there among humans and still even after education... there are thousands who get caught by this lethal disease. The people who make Contraceptives and Protection (for safety) themselves claim... Things can go wrong!!. This sounds even worse than having drugs like Cigs, alcohol, tobacco etc. The TRUTH is LOVE is far dangerous than we think and it NEEDS continuous effort w/ learning attitude to keep up with the mental and physical commitment given during any relationship. About HomoSexuality If you have Strength/Courage/Guts to declare yourself GAY to public. Please go ahead, Because you truly deserve to be *person*-sexual... Kindly, find other mates who are as BOLD as you and ENJOY your stuff with doors closed! However, if Gays start asking Public Display of AFFECTION (rights).... now thats a problem - what say truefusion. ? Intuition Telepathy Hypnotism OBE Super/Sub/consciousness Will Power Dreams / Visions
  11. This just made my Day man Simply feels that I m on the right track and doing something good in my life. Ofcourse... there is no words for me to thank WD for starting this thread. Xisto finished it 6th year last week and here we are... in a new Avatar called Xisto and I hope 2007 brings more luck & members to this forum. God Bless.
  12. every RELIGION has a DARK PAST and Evolves with time. Truth is revealed only to the devotee who is ready by heart.Controlling a HUMAN mind is not a joke who can give you a list of 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 questions of life expecting you to answer out of a single BOOK! If you feel, Religion is the cause of MESS in this world, as per your view.... we should MAKE countries out of the religion we follow and throw all immigrants out. If you cannot expect this... then its better to shut up enjoying your own God.
  13. Do you have an Original up-to-date good Antivirus who gives SUPPORT? If this ans is NO, Format your C Drive, Reinstall Drivers First and then Antivirus. Boot your PC. Install all NEEDED applications and Create a System restore point there. I recommend NOD or Kaspersky. If this does not work, Go to PROGRAMS in control panel and un-install all programs which you no longer need. Things you can Try :- Defrag your PC Remove un-necessary programs from Windows start Up. Upgrade RAM Get a Faster and Larger Hard-disk. Go To System Control Panel and hunt for option -> Optimize Computer for Performance Run a Windows Registry Cleaner (if you have changed a lot of programs in your computer - did lot of install/un-install) I suggest having Partitions and 2 Windows Installations on your computer. One for your SERIOUS work. ( can be linux too ) One for PLAY - installing games/applications/patches etc.
  14. I feel you are talking about us taking effort to filter/analyse/wait/understand/research/think/feel the truth we see or hear and then Re-Acting! I suggest, "asking Questions" / researching to everything you don't understand... till you actually understand. If you still don't understand, Its better you write down your questions and seek a person who you feel can answer your questions. I feel, Truth is the essence of Perfection. Truth is the REALITY or "absolute knowledge" which comes from experience. For. Eg. Suppose you are walking on a street and you see a man slapping his wife. How many WOMEN will actually dare to go to the MAN and STOP him from hitting his wife again? It would be a shame.. if a guy goes first in the crowd to save the women. I personally feel, a women will understand a womens feeling more.. But, now-a-days... people don't want to BOTHER (i.e. take effort) of simply asking "Why". I wonder how many people actually take effort of stopping him and asking "why". https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Leaves_of_Grass
  15. Every good action that comes out of you is GOOD for you.. even a thought against EVIL is Good. People, believe it or not, Xisto(Xisto) has caused a good online companies to piss their pants. Some companies have been forced to change their names, request me to remove articles..etc. etc. due to their online reputation (screwed by our members). Internet is the NEW AGE Weapon. this is the information Age. Please, Please.. don't think your knowledge is waste and will never be heard. Every human has a heart and we all can feel emotions! So, please write your feelings against EVIL and make people aware about it. Search engines like Google are evolving day-by-day to understand the value of your words and some day.. some one, will search you to simply understand your feelings of a time which you might have forgotten... My point is... your emotions will continue in another heart and may keep your mission ON. Every Nation's GOVERNMENT is a COMPLEX system of distributed control among the people. If Darwins theory holds true, People who are GREEDY of POWER try to control the nation quickly by playing the sick game of Politics. The word Politics itself has become sooo negative these days, especially for the youth. Mass campaigns are being held by the MEDIA (the puppets of politics) to educate the youth to VOTE.. I mean, Aren't the PARENTS supposed to do this job of COAXING their kids to do a Good Job of giving a Sincere secret vote to choose your Leader? It just shows.. how dis-respectful politics has become. I personally feel, understanding POLITICS requires a lot and lot of news-reading and patience. These 2 things are something that our new age youth aint doing... (including me). A nation filled with people having no faith in their own Government is the weakest nation. And Indian Government is seriously losing its respect for this new generation which is wayy SMARTER than the old farts who loved bull-****. Thanks to websites like Wikipedia, we are no longer dependent on libraries or Old Versions. We are exposed to concrete up-to-date knowledge and each new age kid has the choice of following his dreams by exploring his interests online. People without Patience who take more and more interest in Politics tend to get confused by the opaque nature of politics and FIND it MURKY. 2 Important things which prevent the Indian Government from cracking are "the people" doing permanent Govt. jobs and the fear of Culture.
  16. sorry, I went on a 2 day vaccation and came back today. I will resume the coding ... the coding is still stuck at 80%. I already mentioned before, The forum upgrade comes first now. First all the changes from V2 to V3 will be understood and the changes are made slowly to the board. Once I understand the NEW ADMIN panel of v3, I will resume my Coding to use all new Features of v3. This approach gives me new ideas for new features... Like, I was thinking of :- Awarding mycents through Reputation Points (renamed to Wisdom Flags) Member Rating Percentage influences the amount of mycent the user gets for his posts. Mycent based on SEO index per post (where SEO index is calculated based on Post Content) Wikipedia Links in Post will give BONUS points Mycent for Topic Replies EDITing old Posts gives Lower MyCENTS Giving Mods myCENTs control More myCENTs for Active Users ETC ETC ETC XD New features sometimes cause me to re-write considerable amount of code. So Planning & Research does takes a lot of time. Previous credit system algorithm favored NEW users. And members who were suspended. I m planning to make The new Mycent to favor OLD users. ( still confused about this part ) Anyway, I m not sitting idle and my EVILNESS is growing day by day. MyCENT 4.0 will be released Soon. iPeace.
  17. A good poem for a man It shows evolution of thoughts of a kid to a man and how a man seeks his father. Very Beautiful. Welcome to Xisto. :-)
  18. That post was made by me and mom together .. LOL. We were having chat about this having tea.. And I decided to make a stupid post
  19. Ok. This is my view. There has been NO GOD directly landing on Earth with Super Natural Powers... If this is true, I m sure, its not come out of a humans womb. However, all humans accept Consciousness and also believe in Super Consciousness. Many humans can taste Super Consciousness by meditation AND Pranayam or Breathing Techniques. (the correct ways) & drugs. Spiritual Books are merely Cleansing Tools to clean your mind and convert any faith to wisdom) (Drugs which claim to expand your consciousness simply makes your situation even more difficult) Some Blessed humans can attain & MAINTAIN Super Consciousness even while performing their duties. Some of these humans are declared (by giving a name) and are called AVATARs when they are in Super Conscious MODE. I do not think any enlightened HUMAN will call himself God. NOW Coming to Point :- Just how its difficult to interpret the details of your dream to another person. Similarly, I feel, it must be difficult for these SAINTLY people to express their true connection & feelings through words. Imagine Jesus already knowing that we all are made of atoms and molecules and he had understood the theory of relativity then (e=mc2) How do you expect this man to TELL you the TRUTH ???? Today, We do 15-20 year of Grade by Grade - SCHOOLING to understand these so called BASICS ? If Einstein could realize the relation between MATTER and ENERGY, so could have Krishna, Jesus and Buddha? How do you expect an AVATAR to explain Darwins Evolution to any common man?
  20. Thats not my B'day.. Its our website b'day :) my b'day is on Dec - 1.

  21. This is Bhagawad Geeta SUMMARY. I feel, its beautiful to read. Truth is to be EXPLORED till you reach THE TRUTH. If you have reached THE TRUTH, you should automatically understand the mystery of God and why he does not show up in front of us like SUPER MAN. The Truth which all are seeking is actually an illusion of honest opinions. There is no such thing as PERFECTION. Perfection is defined by ones own CAPABILITY/ABILITY/BENCHMARK. If perfection is attained, whats the point of evolution ? Perfection is the only GOD's business. Correct.
  22. I think Jesus will agree to this "All humans are the AVATARs/Reflections/Images of HiM and therefore, he is the Son of God". If my Kid tells me.... "I am son of God, you are NOT my father". I will sort of agree to him.. because, I will be happy that my child considers SOMEONE greater than me as father. If this becomes the case, I would rather try to be his friend. But I m sure, my kid wont have the balls to say this same thing to the world. LOL!! Between Son-Father, words are spoken less and FEELINGS are understood more. This is just my view... And I hope, I haven't drifted out of the topic.
  23. WOW... You really got messed up there... (very sorry to hear all this, I understand 4 years is not a joke). But Now you know the Truth. So please, be more careful and learn to put more effort in your future relationship being a Girl. :-) I strongly suggest making new friends and starting life all over again. Not with another relationship... but first, enjoy your single life till you get bored with it. :-) If the world seems to move tooooo fast, Just Meditate 4 sum time I can talk about your HIM... but its useless talking about him as he was clearly playing with you. If a guy is cheating on you, its obvious.. he just liked you.. not loved you. Thats why, if he was cheating on you... Dear, he has already forgotten about you. Its time, you throw him out too and re-claim your life.
  24. We now have a DOWNLOAD system :)

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