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Everything posted by evion

  1. Woot! Cheers for HTML_guru!!! He definitely deserves that attention after all that work he put in Xisto. Congratulations!
  2. Doesn't seem to have any problems when i tried your cpanel address. Either you must've solved it or your browser must have a very high security setting. It doesn't exactly take much to view a cpanel login really so I'm not really sure why it doesn't work on your computer. Sorry if i can't help but if the problem persists, try using a different browser or you could access your website using ftp at the mean time.
  3. Well it kinda depends on what you like. Game developers these days tend to find pvping the trend among younger generations. Blizzard is another case. They basically put together everything Runescape has to offer in superb graphics and storyline format. Guild Wars, i can't say because it really is different from any other MMORPG I've ever played. Crafting is way past easy, teaming up in parties is what the game is about, and everything and i mean EVERY SINGLE ACTIVITY in this game always has to do with fighting. What i find really interesting though, is that while running through the map (not travelling) you don't find any others walking along the road or any other people fighting except yourself and party members. That kinda creeps me out because when you get to the areas with scorpions that rise from the ground and you're using a first-person viewing mode, it's shocking when you see its size compared to yours. I hope you don't get me wrong, i love this game, but in a this-is-the-only-interesting-game-left-in-my-closet kinda of way. Of course the Guild Wars developers are really keeping up on their updates. When they get a new "episode" out on the market, it would really sky-rocket sales of Guild Wars then. Can't wait for more life-like MMORPG additions though, like weather (snow, rain, fog, maybe evne some natural disasters =)), or maybe they should try the idea of mounts. I always love it when they have mounts available in MMORPGs for you to ride on, whether to increase your speed or giving you boosts in skills, its fun!
  4. I love this new render. Although its not perfect, its still better than the first. Ok, things you've made adjustments to or added: 1. Reflection on floor - much better than the first where you sorta drew a 2D circle on the floor with a little bevel around it. 2. I believe you've adjusted the lighting a little and how the shadows lay on the tyres. 3. You gave the insides of the tyres a more shiny/reflective feel instead of just plain white. Basically, you've adjusted the reflections and shadow casts on the render. I would still suggest, along with gamerchick39, that you put some tire tracks on the wheels. In my opinion, you should adjust the thickness of the metal frame a little. The metal frame looked thin and unrealistic in the first render but now that you've made the adjustments, its much more thick and shiny. Give it a little thickness and it'll improve its looks.Overall is a great adjustment to your first, i do like your first one too though, its better than my first render of a 3 storey house with a garage. Although i could never do anything as good as this, i really am cheering you on because you're doing great on the mods! Keep it up, I'm sure the next one would be perfect!
  5. I started up Guild Wars, created an account, and created an ele/N1 character. Dumbfounded? Well that formula-like phrase "ele/N1" actually represents your character profession and level - ele:Elementalist(Primary Profession), N:Necromancer(Secondary Profession), 1: Level 1. This is exactly what the beginning of Guild Wars is about, dumping you in a newbie town and letting you roam free on your own with no idea what to do. You get these phrases mentioned above all the time when you click on people. Some hardcore gamers might have realized the meaning in a snap but for people like me? Took an hour or so for me to realize. So they dump you in the middle of nowhere for you to roam, with your first quest to accomplish where all you have to do is run to some guy and talk to him. Good, this gives you time to adjust to the interface and surrounding landscape. Bad, what the *)^$( am i supposed to do? Let's jump to a certain point of questing around blindly, you end at a person who tells you that you could join the army to defend against the Charr invasion. Isn't this what the whole game is about? DUH, so i happily clicked on the button and went in without any doubt that I'll return. But noo, there has to be a a different map when the searing (invasion) began and another map AFTER the searing. How was i supposed to know that? You get many skills while questing around the map before the searing that you have to pay for after the searing. This is outrageous.Of course one of the worst things that needs getting used to is the value of money. Should you sell this off to an npc or should you keep it to sell it to others later on for a higher value? It's all very confusing to me and to add to the dillemma, most of the newbie items you sell to the npc are probably less than or equal to 20 gold. This is one of the first games i've played that states 1k is alot of money. (Some rich Gw players might deny this though) It takes awhile of getting used to. Though now that i've come to think about it, Guild Wars might be designed to be like this for its players to be more interested in playing the game because of surprises you meet at every corner. As a newbie, you keep learning new things as you quest along and discover if a certain weapon or armor is good enough to keep or just plain junk. You'll also get to the point when you start thinking of upgrading your equipment. You ask questions and they're 90% of the time always answered. Great helpful people, isn't that what everyone needs in every game? It's been said that Guild Wars is very focused on its pvp side of the package. I don't see anything special about the pvp in this game at all. Of course there ARE the combinations you can pull with your different skills and believe it or not, there are no passive skills at all. Everything is activated when you touch one of the 8 skill buttons that you're allowed to use every mission which you choose when you're in a town/outpost. I love the idea of Henchmen though, it is very creative and I've never seen anything like it before in any other game. The henchmen are very responsive, especially the healer unlike most human players, but they lack human thought and strategy cannot be played with henchmen alone. The name itself, hinting strategy and skill is not very well played in this game at all by at least 40% of the players i believe. Only 2-3 times have i pvped and been submitted to a strategy move. Everyone is on his/her own in this game unless you've got a really good team that works together.
  6. I tried MU a looong time ago. It kinda reminds me of Runescape. It lacks versatility in camera movement and the graphics are poorly developed. MUonline is still a great game to try because you level up pretty fast but just start out really not knowing what to do. There are no tutorials, no helpful people around, basically its a solo kind of game. You have to rely on your wits to be able to survive in there. Thus, I'd recommend a warrior as a starting character if you've never played before. It's easier to play if all you have to do is slash and poke stuff. When i first entered MUonline, i think - Wah...what a dark and forboding atmosphere. It was raining, the text was hard to make out, i didn't know where i am even with a map, and best of all, no one is there to help/guide me. Of course i had my friends who came in afterwards and helped me out but thats only because i got recommended to this game by my friends. It's a really un-developed game if you ask me. The developers don't have much experience in MMORPG making. It is difficult to even compare it with dozens of other MMORPGs out there especially Runescape.
  7. Achaea is one great MUD. Superb role-play by the players if i should say. Its a good mix of good and bad people, bad as in the "devils" of the game where they destroy whole cities and stuff (YES! Cities CAN be destroyed here). Of course you get the occasional jerks who surf into Achaea and start shouting obscense language which is automatically kicked out by a 24-hour staff (immortal). Ultimategamers, modern MUDs now i guess are pretty similar to ones long ago. I don't know much but I've been playing MUDs for 3 years now and besides changes WITHIN the MUD itself, like new cities and areas discovered, the commands and system is still similar. Basically, SAYing, TELLing, or SHOUTing is still about the same. The combat system is different for different MUDs so I can't tell much about that. Except Achaea's combat system rocks! Every part of Achaea really keeps your eyes on the monitor because it doesn't allow you to do stuff automatically and keeps your attention there.It's realy fun once you get on the MUDs again, I know I did. But sometimes i like to swith to graphic games and hang around with cool spells and skills that have RAM-heavy requirements (heh ). Then i grow bored and I go back to MUDs, which is good because my character in Achaea is saved in there forever and my friends in there (called allies) play it FOREVER. I just don't get why. It get's pretty boring after awhile if you've got nowhere to train and nothing to do except kill rats in the cities.
  8. I absolutely envy your genius in developing such complex graphics. How do you create so complicated renders? Is there a template of renders you always start off with then shoot off in different directions with other random renders? You did this in Adobe Photoshop right? Or was this done in a 3D graphics design program? So many questions yet i won't get a straight answer. I would love to learn how to generate superb graphics like that but my renders just never turn out right and I don't know where to start. Yours is great and i really want to learn from you. Maybe you can post a quick tutorial about this? I'm a real newbie to this. Thanks!
  9. Fingerprinting technology has been around for a long time now and even with their 1 in 500 billion chances of having the same print between two persons (just a guess ), they're still not being substituted for credit cards and other security identificational needs. Problem is, most people nowadays own a credit card. Even rural farmers own them sometimes, but they don't quite understand how it works, they just know that they can use it to charge for their buying needs.If we start using fingerprinting technology, everyone around the world will have to apply for a super accurate fingerprint scan that will possibly stay in the computer files of each country forever. It's a little tricky though, determining 2-3 fingerprints within family members to be able to get into a room of a house is pretty simple to do. But a computer would not be able to take billions of fingerprints and find one, it's either impossible or it will take a very long time. Man still needs to work on our capabilities in the developmend of computers and only after we develop such a super computer, shall we begin the new age of fingerprint technology on every doorstep, every grocery store, every airport, and possibly - every library book to be checked out of the library.
  10. One second mate, you're rushing things. Firstly what browser are you using? Different browsers have different capabilities. Secondly, have you done a anti-spyware scan just in case a trojan or worm is blocking or corrupting your Java program? System Restore doesn't solve al problems because firstly: Many worms and viruses just turns back the clock and comes back to its beginning state. OR If it's not caused by unwanted junk then it must be a browser/computer problem. When was the last time it worked perfectly? Did you do anything between those times? Although I'm not a reall expert about these problems, i do know usually what you have to do because i had a similar situation before where i can't open iexplore or FireFox at all and only MSN explorer worked ( ) Fortunately for me, FireFox and iexplore just suddenly start working again after i did a gazillion system restores and anti-virus checks and all kinds of stuff like that.
  11. I played it for awhile before but now there are so much more games better than that. I would give Runescape a perfect 6 out of 10 because it has a pretty good "storyline". If you're playing the free version of it though, you'll get bored fast later when you're higher level. It's why most higher level players are members, its because their bored and want more. If you're just a newbie to Runescape, forget about being a member...don't waste the money trying to learn how to play and ending up (possibly) dumping the game. It's actually a great starter for most MMORPGs because of its creative layout and how Andrew(creator of game) made it so unique and different than the other types of RPG games. Runescape could be considered your basic "Live a totally different life" kind of game because there are no classes and such, just skills and spells that you can learn no matter what you want to be. All the clothes and weapons are wearable by everyone. Overall still an awesome game to play but when you start playing other hardcore or just normal MMORPGs like Guild Wars or Maple Story, you'll start to drift away from Runescape.
  12. Like the article said, Skype doesn't make much profits out of the paid services they offer. Advertisements are very vague and talking over the net is free! In my opinion, Ebay's buying of Skype would produce a tremendous impact on how we would be using Skype in the future. Talks might be limited to certain amounts of time per day for each person and such. Advertisements would be crazily adundant and prices for the paid services will go up. Right now, i don't see any problems with Skype at all. It's a great program developed by a great team of developers and the thought of changing all that is just horrible....Why does the world revolve around money so much?
  13. Ooo. Nice article, describes alot of many clueless users' personalities. I've personally never met a friend who couldn't use a computer before (After i knew how to use the computer that is). Too bad my whole life i was influenced by Microsoft just like what the article said about most people using computers. Mainly because most computers that you buy from stores outside would be pre-loaded with Windows. You may find a couple of Linux or Unix OS in computer spare parts shops but thats about it. I don't see how Microsoft can be so profitable when the feeble public is not told that there are MORE than the so-called viruses or "bad stuff" out there on the internet. In fact, the whole manual coming along with the Microsoft package should have a whole 1/2 inch thick section on how Windows is a virus-magnet and how to avoid being caught unaware. This is one of Microsoft's worst mistakes and might have a strong cash-flow at the moment for Microsoft but a bad future when everyone begins to understand that looks isn't everything.
  14. Ahh...yes the last entry was what i always wanted because lately my user has been loading up pretty slow and i have boot up the computer then wait for it to boot up then login with my password. At least now it automatically logs in with my assigned password. I'm thinking of formatting my entire hard drive soon anyway but can't seem to find the time or energy to do that. (and i just have to insert the CD and click on yes all the way!! How lazy can i get?)
  15. Nice move Apple! Optimizing the iPod is what many people expected them to do. It being $200 also makes Apple a genius when you realise it is WAY cheaper than the iPod U2. Just think: $200 for a little less than iPod U2 - thats telling alot about Apple's capability. It obviously totally knocks the socks off HP, Compaq, IBM (indefinitely), and last but not least Microsoft. Well at least now i can afford it because i was saving up some extra cash for the U2 but now the Nano just pops out of nowhere! For the Motorola ROKR, i can tell by its looks and featuers (and cost!) that Cingular isn't going to make much out of it. Firstly, its style is totally off compard to styles designed by Nokia or Sony Ericsson (Gotta love this one!) Secondly, Apple should have a phone program designed for certain capable phones to support itunes. Because having itunes in your phone with only a 100 songs to put in like Motorola ROKR is pretty ok by my standards a year back. But is not what i really wanted - which is one huge album stored in one phone/iPod. Doesn't this pose as a great idea for Apple to innovate?
  16. Alright sorry for wasting another post but now that I've really started to compare and identify the various functions and tags, I've come to realise many foreign symbols that gives no meaning to my brain. I'm going to use the codes you use as examples. Firstly, $link = "<a href=\"http:\/\/" . $url . "\" style=\"font-size: 8pt;\"> ♦ " . $name . "</a><br>\n"; // Assign a variable to hold your output until returned to the main script.the code $link = "<a href=\"http:\/\/". What is the multiple \/\/ used for? Is it to indicate a variable being input later during the call? I'm pretty sure it is. Secondly, style=\"font-size: 8pt;\". Notice that it is different from HTML coding by the way you start with a "\" before the " and end the "\" before the " again. What does it do? Again another clip from your tutorial: $link = "<a href=\"http://" . $url . "\"Alright maybe i did it too short but i just want to get straight to the point. What is the periods beside $url for? and how you ended with "\" again puzzles me. Lastly the most simplest of all but i have no idea to function make_menu($name, $url) { // Name and declare the function and assign variables to the arguments passed by the call.if ($url == "header") {$link = "<span style=\"font-color: lime;\">" . $name . "</span><br>"; // Assign a variable to hold your menu header until returned to the main script.}Look at if ($url == "header") { What is it with the "==" sign? What is the double equal sign used to indicate? Also, if you don't mind explaining, the part about: $link = "<span style=\"font-color: lime;\">" because i can't seem to find this variable ($link) in the call. Is it another representation of the $url? Again, i would like to thank you for your efforts in helping me out. This must be the last straw for you already, looking at such a complete newbie. (Look at your title and compare it to me!) Because i cannot edit my posts I had to make a new one about these questions i had, and only a human can answer them (not google!).
  17. I think you should go more into theme construction. I know in your mind you would be - "Hey! We haven't even covered the full basics and you want design already??" Well actually i was thinking more of structure. Where this and that goes and whether iframes are suitable for the content. Advanced Menu building? What does that refer to? As in more different "Modules & Blocks" as refered to in php-nuke or menu complexity as in doing something like spacewaste's website's menus? (Which is very user-friendly and much like MSN's user home utility) You'd definitely not be going into THAT yet...after discussing bone we go after organs and muscles not skin. I think i would be able to manage banner rotation with use of Javascript or am i restricted of the use of Javascript in php files? All this astounds me to what I've already learnt because I've never seen so much to do in coding before since i took the class on Visual Basic awhile back. I'm scouting around the net for some user-friendly reference guides i can use for tag definitions. Might take awhile to learn but I'll go through it! My exams are not around yet anyway.
  18. Frankly, most people would just like to stick with good old Microsoft Word because looking around you, do you see any Journalists or Writers around here? Well maybe just a few teensy bit who just come here - type a few posts - get bored then go. Most Windows XP computers come with Microsoft Works as well which functions as a general purpose tool much like Powerpoint, Word, and Exel put together. Right till now I've never seen anyone who designs websites in word processors. Maybe the occasional Publisher but nothing worse than that. (PLEASE notepad ISN'T a word processor!!) So right now, my projects-Works, my essays-Word, my coding-notepad. No biggie, although AbiWord does look very multi-functionable and broad features.
  19. If you want to be REALLY safe though, you should use the Mac because ever since Microsoft "stole" their idea of a graphic interfaced computer back before. (Heh its true!!) Microsoft has been advancing and everyone started using Windows and everything. Right now Macs aren't such a real jig yet but it may be the fiture of computers. But who cares about the future, we care about now! So I'm telling you that 99.9999% of viruses don't even activate or work on the Mac. If you get the file for the worm you just delete it. (Which is why so many of those hackers who program the viruses use Macs, they don't want to hurt themselves!) So you can possibly say that Macs are 100% free of virusus, worms, and any of the sort. Macs - the future of the world!
  20. I've got my own desktop and another that i just mess around with and a box full of junk parts and stuff that i use to put up the messed up Windows 98 computer. I plugged in like 3 hard drives once to that computer and it didn't do me much (Duh! I NEVER use it?). But yes the computer runs an old Athlon processor and requires lots of cooling. Guess what i did? I removed the bottom lid and replaced it with one that has the ventilation holes in it then i placed my case over the Air conditioning vent. The temperature of my room definitely went up but in any case i have a very cold computer to work with. Is something wrong with the picture? Is my computer going to have frostbite?
  21. Thanks alot Vujsa! Sorry i haven't replied earlier but I've been comparing your tutorial with random scripts from the original php-nuke module and block codes. There is the similarity but of course like you said, it is very basic. Now that you have told me about the few basic tags, i've come to notice the few HTML scripts embedded in many of the php scripts i've seen. It reminds me of Visual Basic at some points.Your word is true when you said php.net is non-user-friendly at all. I can't find a single "tutorial" made for newbies. It looks more like a referring to guide that php users use when they forget something. Thanks again for the help.
  22. I do not wish to copy the whole article so I'll post the link and summarize it here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1854766,00.asp PC magazine has reported that Creative's Zen Neeon released from a company factory in late July contained a Windows Worm. The name is W32.Wullik.B Although this worm itself is not exactly harmful, it is proven that worms and viruses can now be transfered and hacked through company mainframes. This a serious problem because it could pose a threat to future developments. More hackers would try to modify the worm or create their own to try to get into company computers. Let's just hope Creative and all the other electronic producing companies are now aware of this situation and has prepared a higher level of security for their computers.
  23. When i first heard it on the news during the morning before i went to school, i was actually numb with shock because I've just been studying about the worst natural disaster of U.S. History during the 19s i think, and now they're talking about how Hurricane Katrina might be the worst one since that day. It's just so tragic. In science terms, i would say that we're actually causing this because of Global warming, but alot of religious people say that god is punishing us. Either 2, i can believe myself that there has been MORE quakes, tsunamis and hurricanes these past few years than ever before. I don't think its coincidence at all. I really pity those New Orlean people, I'm not being sadistic but if death comes fast for the trapped people under houses or buildings then it might have been easier than surviving through the horror hanging on to a tree or something and then being rescued and find out your whole house and family is gone. Isn't this devastating? My school is taking in students affected by the Hurricane because these students still deserve an education. I think this is very kind-hearted of the county, i hope the students enjoy every bit of their stay here studying...
  24. Is Blizzard gonna get sued for this or something? Or are their prices just gonna go up because someone was so addicted to it he died and everybody's like "Wow!!! WoW is such a good game someone died because of it!!!". I am NOT a usual game enthusiast, (Because my mom restricts me like hell....) but when I'm playing yeah i do want to keep going and going. The addiction part never gets into me though. Usually i'll just wait a few minutes after the usual time before actually having my dinner. Or if i need to go to the bathroom (Right beside my room ^^), I'll just go. Doesn't it ever hurt your eyes? I play for like 3 hours in a row and my eyes get really saggy and tired and i have to take a nice long 2 hour nap to make up for it. It's really hard for me to believe someone can die of WoWmonia. It's just...too ironic...
  25. The website of Flickr looks like it is still in Beta. I'm not saying it will be full of bugs or anything but since it's in Beta, does it mean it is going to be a paid service soon?For Picasa, the only part i like about it is the hosting. Before Xisto, i used blogger and Xanga for a short period of time. During that time i was scouring the web for image-hosts. I found imageshack quite OK but it just hosted the image without any organization of all my images. So if i forgot the URL of the image, its just gone and i have to upload it to their website again. So Picasa was my next choice and it worked favorably well. Well...better than most that is.
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