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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Darned good point, folks. I'll see what can be done about starting up another sub-forum.Thanks.
  2. Sounds like you will like it here. Hosting is awesome. Forums are great. Nice, helpful bunch of folks, always willing to help and share their experiences and expertise.Please take the time to read the Xisto Readme file, or simply use some good netiquette and you should do fine around here.Looking forward to reading your postings.
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&pid=388419 check that thread. Credits are earned for original postings. Copied posts do not earn credits.
  4. yes.place it inside codebox tags.
  5. Don't need a link yet, we need the code first to see what it is supposed to be doing.And what is in the config file? just Db connection info?
  6. I don't see anything wrong with the code you provide, but there is a bunch of code missing, too... Can you post more code?
  7. phpmyadmin is now working fine for me. Probably works across the board.
  8. Just to let you know that Alex is being delusional. There was no Spam Posting there... you were imagining that... get a grip, man...
  9. Sheep dog,Start a Support Ticket at http;//Xisto - Support.com explaining the situation. They are now familiar with what to do in order to handle these accounts.All the best, sorry about the computer problems.
  10. Indeed, this issue is on the list of outstanding items for repair.
  11. I am going to suggest that you start a support ticket at https://support.xisto.com/. Personally, I prefer the legacy file manager...
  12. Here is one method to loosely "integrate" a web-site and a Forum software. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/51956-adding-an-aef-forum-to-snews-cms-almost-integrated/ Also, try MK Portal which includes a fully integrated AEF Forum into the Portal system. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Have fun.
  13. Volume = Length times Width times Depth Length is given at 22.5 feet. Width is given at 6 feet. Depth is calculated at 4 inches below grade plus 2 inches above grade equals 6 inches ( .5 feet). Volume = L x W x D where L = 22.5, W = 6, D = .5. Substituting: Volume = 22.5 * 6 * .5 Volume = 67.5 Cubic Feet of Gravel Convert from CuFt to CuYards : divide by 27 ( 3 * 3 * 3) Gravel = 67.5 / 27 = 2.5 cubic yards Quick tip, when you dig out the dirt, try to make certain that the level of the soil is higher next to the house and that there is some slope away from the foundation for loose water to drain away from the basement/foundation. You may need/want to add a perimeter of wood, like a pressure treated 2 x 6, to contain the gravel.
  14. Start a Support Ticket, please. https://support.xisto.com/ Provide all the same information in your Ticket, along with your Cpanel username and sub-domain name, etc.
  15. First reaction:You are trying to force an Inline element (the spans) to do the work of a Block level element (div). Inline-block is not cross-browser compatible, so it will likely present problems.The "list" of links should be a list of some sort. ie: a UL/LI arrangement.The UL is a block level element that can be given height, width and a background image. The Anchor will need to be on the LI for the hover effect in an IE6 and earlier Browser. Declare the Anchor as a Block level element, then use the inline spans for the text only. Actually, you might not need the spans. not sure.Also, for testing purposes, lose the CSS file. bring all of your CSS into the head of the page while you are testing it, and lose the inline styling. Structure the css file so it is readable (stringing it all into one line makes it more difficult to cipher). Drop the absolute references to the background images and links.Use relative references instead.One BIG suggestion, if this is simply too much trouble to convert, keep the table based structure you have in the original page for the Menu system. Yes, I know that isn't exactly the right thing to do, but this is a relatively complex menu structure which is not for the faint of heart or the beginning CSS coder, so that may be the best thing until you develop a working system.
  16. Nice. Easy on the eyes.Does need a Skin for the phpbb that ties into the main page, though. Start with adding the puzzle logo to the Forum, I think.And softening some of the 'shapes' of the Forum layout boxes. Good luck with it.
  17. I've used this one before. Works well. http://www.contexteditor.org/index.php
  18. The sources I used tell me that it might be best to do a full fresh install of XP.That has the advantage of cleariing all the 'junk' off the machine so it begins as a clean slate.
  19. First, confirm that your DNS are correct. Access your domain control and change name servers to ns.computinghost.com - ns2.computinghost.com - Domain control is through the registrar that you initially purchased your domain name. Second, if the DNS were not correct in step one, you need to wait until the change is spread across the Internet. Allow 24 to 48 hours. Third, Add-on and Parked Domains need to be removed from the Trap accounts and then replaced back onto the same account using the same info. If you are still unable to connect to your domain, contact Support at https://support.xisto.com/
  20. Well, I don't think this 'cross-breeding' thing is a good idea at all. And for those who might be thinking that it is a good thing, here is an image to consider before continuing with the Donater Program: Was this picture taken Before? or After?
  21. As long as the DNS are within the guidelines for the Offer. Guideline #4 is "Website will be hosted by Xisto", so presume that the DNS needs to stay within the Xisto umbrella. That leaves the Xisto, Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting, and qupis.com, as far as I know. This might need Opaque 's clarification.
  22. The sub-domain link worked for me.
  23. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  24. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  25. I can't add much to what sonesay has already spoken about, but I can tell you that inter-personal Office Politics can be nasty.There doesn't need to be a single grain of truth in the information circulating around an office for the damage to be inflicted upon someone.Usually, someone is jealous of your abilities, or concerned about your talents making them look bad. Petty stuff, really.Best advice would be to suggest that you consider the Office a place to work, and if you garner a friend out of the job, consider that a Bonus.
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