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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Is there a battery that needs changing?
  2. Yes, upgrades are easy enough to do. Simply complete an Application for screening by the Mods, then Admins will accept/deny them. Very similar to the original application, just explain that you need more space. Applications for Upgrades can be found here
  3. And you can 'stock up' on your credits, so you have a cushion to fall back on in case circumstances do not allow you to be here daily. Most people carry a 'reserve' of at least ten credits, so they could be gone for 10 days without worrying. Of course, 30 is better.
  4. Damen,I have forwarded the request to Admins to see if this is possible. Due to them being busy with the Server Migration and all, please be patient. They will get back to you...*edit*Try wandering over to the http:http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/ site and start an application. That might work to get the Server Admin's attention. Explain it the same way in the Application and it might get the account transferred without having to touch the files from your side. I'm not certain if it can be done that way for the Qupis accounts, but they can transfer to paid in a similar fashion.
  5. yes, the Cpanel is new. That is the latest and greatest version. Got some nice stuff in there, too.Enjoy it. Play around, but be careful... don't delete anything you might need.
  6. Turbomax, Agreed as to the file Not Found. That was merely an example link. Here is a valid one for testing: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please try it from your end to see what happens. I am getting the Title in the Browser tab and the Throbber keeps going until the loading Times Out and throws an error. Not resolving properly to the sub-folder, I guess is how I would explain it.
  7. Correct. I can get to the account {root} file and all the links from there are working (the ones I checked), but the folders below the {root} seem to be in-accessible. ie : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ works to get me to the Cpanel, but moving from there to jlhaslip.trap17.com/forum/index.php doesn't work.
  8. HA! HA!Mine is the other way around. I can access Cpanel using the numeric IP, but even from inside the Cpanel, I can't view pages from the site...Confusing, isn't it?
  9. You should have received an email, contents as follows: Although since the laptop is receiving the page in question, I am stumped by what might be causing this issue. Perhaps the page is cached at your ISP? But I am not aware of why the Laptop gets through and you do not. Might be a firewall issue? Try dropping your firewall to see if it works. Only thing I can imagine. You are luckier than me, I can't get Cpanel or my site at all.
  10. There are other Topics explaining the going ons re: the Server Migration.Topic Closed.
  11. It may come to pass that this issue will go away upon completion of the Server migration currently being performed.Patience, please. And I have 6 or 8 sites going through the same thing as yours. No Web presence, no Cpanel, etc. Only thing to do is sit it out for now, folks.
  12. There are some server Issues being dealt with as we speak (type). Please see here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/57771-server-issues-web-site-down-cpanel-access-server-migration-issues-to-report/ for the particulars. This link: is a good one to see when the Server is back in shape and on-line: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the free accounts are on Gamma Server. When that goes all Green, try hooking into your Cpanel and it should all be good then.
  13. Kindly refer to http://forums.xisto.com/topic/57771-server-issues-web-site-down-cpanel-access-server-migration-issues-to-report/
  14. News Flash for those taxpayers who are racing to submit their Canadian Tax Returns (today being the traditional deadline date). Due to the overwhelming demand for the filing over the Internet, and the extreme pressure placed on the Server at the Data Centre, the deadline for filing your 2007 Canadian Tax returns has been adjusted to May 6th for those filing using the Efile method. Apparently, if you intend to file by mail, or non-efile methods, the deadline remains at April 3oth (today).
  15. Seems that the Cpanel Server is having an issue from the Server Migration (move) today. Keep trying to access Cpanel at hourly intervals is about all we can suggest for the time being.
  16. I do not have any more information than you have, so patience in this matter is all we can suggest at this time.It seems that some things are starting to come back. Perhaps you group of sites/server will be next. No telling, exactly, from where I am.
  17. it appears that the dog's name is Einstein. According to the link I followed through. Tongue is likely the same size, too
  18. A really effective FTP software if you are using Firefox is the FireFTP Extension.
  19. What is the name of your sub-domain? Mysite? If the sub-domain name is not correct, the error would be expected. When I try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I get the password screen???
  20. Are you getting to the User Name / Password screen. We need more details than what you provide. When and where in the process does it fail?
  21. Besides creating a 'professional' presentation of Data, there should be a focus on Accessability, too. I recommend the following link from the w3c Group that deals with this issue in depth. http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/%23tables Notice that the Table tag should not be used to structure a page, though. it should only be used for presentation of 'tabular' data. if the data comes pout of a database, it is likley a good candidate for using a table, otherwise, consider the use of CSS div's for the page structure.
  22. Check out AEF Forums at their Board Download a copy from their main page Of course, I am prejudice towards it, since I Moderate that Forum and assist with the Development a little, too.
  23. or you could also try here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ No Download, No Install required.
  24. I grabbed a copy of the Ubuntu 8.04 Beta last Friday and it has done several updates this week already, so I think I'm good for now.The auto-updates will take over from here, I think.
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